Police on Wednesday arrested an adult movie producer, two cast members and crew for filming a porn movie at a McDonald's shop in Higashi-Matsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture, in January.
Producer Kunikazu Ishii, 51, an actress, 21, an actor, 29, and staff were arrested for allegedly shooting a porn film at the McDonald's outlet around 3 p.m. on Jan 24. A customer noticed them and called police. McDonald's staff were apparently unaware of what was going on.
One of the suspects was quoted by police as saying, “We didn't think it would be a problem as long as nobody noticed what we were doing.”
© Japan Today
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oh man, if I was the customer I would have joined in. Nothing like a Mcdonalds set-to with extra cheese!
I wonder what they were doing. Imaginative use of french fries and ketchup, no doubt.
“We didn’t think it would be a problem as long as nobody noticed what we were doing.” that's funny...did they think nobody would ever notice? hahaha!!! in a McDonalds? well, they serve junk food, but to the point of providing also with a porn show, that would be nice.
Is McPorking in public illegal?
Morals Japan Style: Rule#1: Do anything you want. Rule#2: Don't get caught! I guess they broke Rule#2. Making porn movies must be popular at Rotten Ronnie's. Before I saw "Super Size Me" I used to eat their "food". Last time I was there I saw a group of High School girls in uniform, all taking turns going to the bathroom, each with a pregnancy test stick. They told me they'd made a group-sex movie "in the store" a week or two before with men "whose names they didn't know" and as their cycles were a bit weird they decided to "run the check". Two of the six sticks came up blue. Aahhh! Mc. Donald's, "I'm lovin' it!" (Somebody is! Or was anyhow!)
Yeah, sure. And then you woke up...
Saitama McDonalds is a one stop shop for all your meat-between-buns needs.
Ok I just want to say to the customer who called the police. What a hater! First class front row seat to see a real action porn, and you called the police. What a hater.
I've seen weirder things than that in the Diaei and on train-platforms at 5am.
greenteaonsens: I assure you I speak the truth. And I've seen similar happenings twice since, in Mosburger, all while fully caffeinated and awake. "Fool me once....heh, heh, well you can't get fooled again!" to quote a certain Texan.
grouchy...its fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...I forget how it goes but you get what I mean.
and for the record I also think you must have dreamed it drunk and woke up thinking it happened or they were the worst skanks in all of Japan and you should have made your own movie with your mobile phone while you had the chance.
<strong>Moderator: Back on topic please.</strong>
Some of you are rather gross, excuse my language. Pornography is disgusting and preys on impressionable young women. Sadly, I am willing to bet some (many) of you here support this wicked industry. These producers are sick people, period.
rjd, what people do in there own homes is their business, not yours to worry about. However getting on at McDs is a no no in my book. However I would have watched it all the same.
That is awesome, I want to see the McD Japan gomen nasai press conference for this one!!!
never trust fast food special sauce.
What's the bet they still pixelated the movie...
Well - thats put me of McDonalds anyway. Another ecample of the the "morals" of Japan. The J Government cracks down on foreign made porn and foreign made movies showing pubic hair - yet the pron industry here is huge. Sick.
Remember though, Saitama is not representative of Japan as a whole.
I can believe it... you porn has a few clips of J women 'doing things' in supermarkets I hear. Go figure.
romulus3: I wasn't in McD's during the shooting of the film. This was a couple of weeks later when the girls were dealing with the results. They just happened to be in a gaggle at the table next to mine. It was impossible not to see what they were up to. They had the pregnancy test packs on the table, and were reading the instructions aloud, much as you would on how to assemble a model airplane or something. Very 'matter-of-factly'. They were fully dressed and not "acting." Same for the groups at the other restaurant on the later occasions. I saw nothing lurid, just the look of horror on the poor kids faces when their sticks turned blue. And kids they were, 16, 17 or so.
How come I never get to see things like this - maybe I should move to Saitama?
Mind you, most J-pr0n is rather unpleasant, so I suppose should be glad I don't see this sort of thing.
Grouchy -
No, you didn't. Now stop exaggerating in a vain attempt to look cool.
Funny place Saitama. I met a bird there who looked like the girl next door. For some reason I googled her name after a few dates, well you just would not believe what came up. I just had to bin her. I guess this happens a lot to these ladies.
Now that's original. I wonder what the title of the movie was going to be: "They call me Big Mac, if you know what I mean."
rjd_jr: steady on! Just because porn exists, doesn't mean we're all into it! I agree with you that it does prey on young and vulnerable women, but a lot of those women are also perfectly capable of making up their own minds as well as knowing that they can be paid a LOT of money for doing something they like doing - having sex!!
I'm not against pornography at all, but I do believe it should be heavily monitored by industry watchdogs. Sex is a natural thing for those of us that enjoy it. And it sure helps relieve the stress when you are married to a partner who has given up their sex life for whatever reasons!
Question is, would you rather have people watch porn or cheat on their spouse?
Maccy D's tables are easy to wipe down.
indeed, it would have made my day had I been there, dont mind me...carry on!
Maybe First Kitchen would have been more appropriate, given the amusing abbreviation of their name here.
wish i could see what this customer looks like. I could probably guess she's not very attractive or have an enjoyable life.
Disiderata1967 ... Is your comment about porn relieving the stress "when you are married to a partner who has given up their sex life for whatever reasons!" based on personal experience? I hope not. But, from someone who has been there and done that -- and got divorced as a result -- I say "Amen to that." Besides, how hard core can this have been if they were filming in Mcdonald's? No mention of animals or anything in the police report, and just two "cast members". Probably see the same on Sopranos.
3pm. Does that mean the breakfast McMUFFin's were not available ?
"I'm Lovin' It.. literally!"
Has anyone made a "Secret Sauce" joke yet?
Why not release the names of the actor and the actress? Maybe Mommy and Daddy will finally find out what their precious daughter is doing to make money in the big city? Maybe they are also concerned that the 29 y/o actor`s wifey might find out how he supplies the money for them to pay the bills? They are not minors.
They probably had a simple title in mind: "Im lovin it!"
Hold on a second. They were caught on 24th January and handed over to the cops. The police arrested them on 9th April. What the f ?
KFC would be bad for the diet, trans fats etc!
I'm with you there, northlondon. I reckon the police were very busy scrutinising the evidence. Probably trying to get some free action from the actress and when none was forthcoming... you're nicked.
There's too much of this hank-panky going on in eating establishments for my liking! I like my food served with a minimum of fuss and certainly not with a couple horizontal folk dancing on the next table... No siree. Just a quick look at the couple in the convience store on You Porn was enough thank you.
"Producer Kunikazu Ishii, 51, an actress, 21, an actor, 29, and staff were arrested.."
Staff were arrested too? Sounds like it was an 'inside' job in two ways :-)
I hope they went full out with the McDonalds theme - actor dressed as Ronald McDonald, special toys in the Happy Meal etc...
Nasakenai :(
actually grouchy, I believe you. some of them have no scruples.
A yeah its funny to say the least. I guess the jokers here dont have kids. UM 3:00 pm thats about when the school kids start coming in. Look I have seen them all from 7/11 to the puri club but come on they could have done it when children weren't around.
actually I thought it was 3am but its 3PM? nah thats just wrong.
This reminds me of the Matsuda Seiko look-alike who got arrested a couple of years ago for walking across the intersection in front of Shibuya Station with an open overcoat (and nothing underneath). Anybody else remember this?
There are so many places you can go with this one:
Can I super-size that? (that's what she said)
Hold the special sauce.
They should have went to Burger King where you can get it your way.
If they wanted to do a gang bang scene, would they have gone to White Castle?
I think the only reason Nessie hasn't posted is that he read the story and went into shock.
I'll by that for a dollar.
Well after reading about some japanese eating shushi on naked womens. These looks like the Fast F version of that :P
The article doesn't say exactly what the actress and the actor were doing during the shooting. They might have just been talking. There's a lot of scenes like that in porn movies, from what I've been told ha ha ha
I'm lovin it!
gogogo - Ha ha ha!
I have an idea, lets make a pool about these, if you find these situation, what you do? a) call the police. b) sit and watch, c) get out, d) take pics with your ketai, e) ask if you can join.
I guess that I go for d.
D, B and then A on my way out.
Maybe this was a promotional thing to help them sell more of their McPork items. I think they should have went with it and made a whole line of McPorno labeled goods. It would give McPorkin a whole new breath of fresh air. Just another day in Bukkake land, sorry they got caught, would have liked to see what a McD porno looked like. Had to be better than the lame video of the French Disney workers fooling around.
Smile: 0 yen Faked orgasm: 100,000 yen
(Saitama, of all places!)
Nah, Taka. Was consulting with the bail bondsman.
I'm rubbin' itto!
The actress was disappointed to learn that supersize was unavailable.
Do you know what they call public sex in a Macdonald's in France? a Mac Coital with cheese
The ultimate humiliation vid: Your date takes you to MacDonalds.
This could be the start of a whole new line of Happy Meals.
I hear the actress was pretty upset that they choose McDonalds to shoot the scene. She wanted to do it at Burger king instead, after all it is the home of the whopper and would be more in the spirit of things.
I see certain possibilities for shooting at Wolfgang Puck Burger as well...
romulus3/ Jules,
Nah, man, they got the metric system. They call it a 'Royale with cheese'. A Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it 'Le Big Mac'.
She said "The mosaic is big, but... Where's the beef?."
Working title: "Suckee-suckee at Kentucky"
I wonder what kind "special sauce" that Mcdonalds put on its Big Macs.
you caught my wave northlodon
MacDonalds - going the extra mile for customer satisfaction.
Perhaps they misunderstood the directive from HQ that each branch was advertise that they make health fashionable, and instead they started advertising as a fashion health?
northlondon - The Royale with Cheese is a quarterpounder. And you know what they put on french fries in Holland? Mayonnaise! I seen 'em do it - they freakin' drown 'em in it!
Title of porn movie shot in McDonald's:
I'm lovin' it
credit: gogogo ( 05:34 )
This just in...
In honor of all the notoriety McD's is getting from this story, corporate execs have decided to add something new to the breakfast menu...
The Sausage McStuffin !
Get em while they're hot !
Someone's gotta ask, "Is that for here, or to go?" (Come, go?...)
So McDonald's Japan is now serving weiners (or maybe the tinier vienna sausage), meat balls, abalone, oysters and clams. Good job.
This sounds like one of those "NATURAL HIGH" public sex productions (not like the usually fake or carefully staged stuff from some other producers).. What's funny is they almost always get away with it as everyone just kind of does the feign ignorance routine. If you are lucky, you can sometimes see these bozos doing their public exposure stuff right out front Akihabara Station.
I guess she was expecting "two all beef patties with special sauce", and all she got was a "McShrimp". Ha.
So, does McDonald's need a period of reflection so they understand they can't be serving up a "hot dish" like this anymore?
Wasn't it a Fillit of Fish?
Do you know what they call sex in Macdonalds in France? Nope, dont know Well they have the latin thing over there, Its called a "MacCoital avec supplémentaire fromage"
Northlondon, thats is sooo funny. well done
The smiles are free.
"McDonald’s staff were apparently unaware of what was going on."
The modern state of Japan as a whole.
Happy, ignorant and bonking porn stars?
Modern Japan sounds like it is in a state of bliss.
hahahhhahahah man that is sooo hilarious!! lol
“We didn’t think it would be a problem as long as nobody noticed what we were doing.”
well I should like to think that having sex in a public place SHOULD be a problem!! lol
Of course the staff knew. They got payed to not talk. The waiters were waiting on the sidelines for their turn?. Chicken nuggets anyone?
I wish that was on the menu, amirite?
Instead of Food, Folks and Fun, we got Food, Folks and C**...
romufus, this little bit of "MacCoital avec supplémentaire fromage" was an eye catcher. Now the Province of Quebec demands all advertising or signs must be in French while small letter can follow. Yet McDonalds must have a lot more say in Quebec they we Cdn realized.
Actuall all the comments that followed have been quite funny to read. To bad the Porno people did not realize someone would recognize them or could that be telling us that Porno is extremely well viewed???
Mega Mac, heh-heh.
-and is that for here, or to go?
-um, I'd like to "eat out"
Actually, this is kind of disappointing. When I read porn filmed at McDonalds in Saitama-tama, I was expecting it to be about a threesome between Ronald, Grimace, and the Hamburglar, with Mayor "I like to watch" McCheese lurking in the background. Maybe one day...
Why is there so much bizzare sex in Japan?
This is a grand occasion to let lose on silly Japan and big bad MacDs.
Oh dear, you've spilt McShake all over yourself!
Why's this listed under 'Crime'? Surely it should be under entertainment...
I love this country. But why is it I always miss these events?
medievaltimes - don't question. Just be appreciative.
Why did it take 3 months for them to report this?
How do you think you would NOT get caught? I mean, don't the digital handycams and trench coats give it away?
"So solly, we no havu Bigu-Macu with man sauce, so solly."
Did she get the 'Happy set-o'?
romulus3 I do apologize if you assumed I was picking on Japan or the McDonald places in Japan. It was just such a funny situation.
As your realize in North America we have a maze of other "greasy spoon" places & so many count on them for at least one meal or more pr day.
I simply do not eat at said 'greasy spoon" places. I cook my own meals at home & if away from home then I will pick a decent restaurant though the latter is not that often as I rarely have to east some place else.
Can I get some fries with that? ; )
Do you want nuts on that fudge?
Well, i AM against the whole porn thing, but i mean if they were going to shoot there they should have asked for permission and like close the McDonald's for the shooting, cuz that was just stupid and inapropriate because McDonald's is filled with kids, i would know, my lil bro makes us buy there every freaking day, lol.
Good point from DarkWolfMage.
We have all had some fun on here. And the idiots who got busted are just brainless. But if there were kids around, and that was more than possible at 3pm, then this 'producer' and his 'staff' are pretty low. Plenty of junior high kids spend time with friends in Maccy D's without their parents around. Whilst my 11 year old and his pals would probably have paid to watch that show in their local Mac's, I would have gone and busted a jaw or two if my kid had been in there.
It's 01.27am and you're still on there. You're doing well.
Well, I would say something derogatory and meaningless, but I can't come up with anything since all the funny comments have pretty much been posted. It's Japan yes, but doing lewd acts in public places is still against the law.
Yeah I watched p0rn when I was having those long lonely stints w/o female companionship. BUT, I would also be the first to chew the head off anybody getting their freak on (whether for a camera or not) in a fully public place. There is a reason why laws exist, especially if you have children and don't want to have them exposed to the details of baby making yet.
I love that classic perp quote “We didn’t think it would be a problem as long as nobody noticed what we were doing.”
Pretty much applies to everything bad you can do. Bank robberies, pick pocketing, bribery, murder, chopping up corpses, etc.
now i know those movie are real!!!
Really? McDonald's? Why not someplace more romantic Bikkuri Donkey?
I hope this doesn't hurt the guy's wife's presidential campaign.
The best line of the movie: I'd rather have a Whopper.
I don't think this is what his father had in mind when he said, "Go get a 'job' at McDonald's."