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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012.Pressure on Japan for stronger laws on child pornography
By Tomasz Janowski and Teppei Kasai TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Except that its still illegal to buy it, and that is exactly what they did, as stated before this bit. There is a difference between possession and purchase, and if the writers can't figure that out, they need to go back to the drawing board.
This is where I stopped reading. Other countries have these too and they are legal. So why is Japan the bad guy? They don't even have those sick child beauty pageants, something you can see on regular TV outside of Japan. The last several hundred times I heard about a child brothel, it wasn't in Japan either! But its blame Japan time again! And its old.
Japan's laws on child porn are like a hair's breath behind the laws of over countries. Is filling Japan's prisons with people who just possessed it going to help anyone? What matters is child sex abuse and child abuse in general. And Japan is known for neither of those things and the current laws have a lot to do with that and the current laws match with the society and keep it stable and balanced. Changing that would be stupid. Leave Japan alone, and yeah I mean the writers too who can't be bothered to get their facts straight.
This is a somewhat alarmist article, in that it is attempting to draw a parallel between child fancy and child abuse. There is a world of difference between people who enjoy the fantasy of something and people who actually act on it. In the modern world, arresting people not for what they do, but for what they believe is considered a Thought Crime, and it is never a good thing.
I agree completely. Currently, the lawyers who wish to make a name for themselves are having trouble outlawing manga and other such created media because they have to fulfill that pesky "causality" link; they have to actually show that drawn media results in danger to children (they can't just assume that it does). These laws, on the other hand, will allow them to by-pass this somewhat important check-point, and suddenly, hundreds of thousands of comic book readers will go from being child fanciers to child abusers overnight, their collections suddenly morphing from manga to child porn, with absolutely no change in their behaviour. If one wants to add another extension to that, thousands of manga artist will suddenly become child pornographers, again, without so much as changing the brand of pen they use.
Reasonable article, I thought, as I read this - surely nobody would have a problem with bringing laws in Japan in line with the rest of the world, especially in the horrible area of child porn. Wrong!! Step up "Fridaythe13th" just to prove me wrong. Leave Japan alone you say - jeez.
"This is a somewhat alarmist article, in that it is attempting to draw a parallel between child fancy and child abuse."
child fancy..?? huh?
"There is a world of difference between people who enjoy the fantasy of something and people who actually act on it."
People who enjoy that kind of fantasy need help fast.
Friday the 13th, you said...
YES IT WILL! Freekin think about it bro. 1) If people who own it are locked up the demand for it is lessened, there for, less children are abused by the people who make such videos. 2) These types of movies encourage sickos to take the next step and actually abuse children themselves. It's like any product. If there is no consumer demand for it they stop making it. People should be handed hefty fines & lengthy jail terms for owning such material (in my opinion). The producers of these movies, life in jail. Scare people away from owning such material so the chain of demand is broken and they are stopped being made. Innocent, defenseless children are abused, sexually abused, raped, abducted (for those reasons), etc so doing anything we can to stop this should be given our attention and support. Again, another law in Japan that lacks to keep up with the rest of the world.
The porn providers would move their movies and pics to the servers in countries where the rules are loose.
Possession should have been banned yesterday in my view.
Most people do not rape kids and film it for the money. Most of the people who do this are pedophiles who make it and swap it/sell it. If you're talking about disincentives, producing child pornography is illegal but that doesn't stop its production. By the same token, criminalizing possession of it will not have any effect on production because many people will follow their urges. Look at drugs for the same reason.
Also, you need to prove a causal link that viewing child pornography incites child molestation. There is some evidence, actually, that viewing child pornography gives pedophiles an outlet and reduces their rate of offending.
Unfortunately, the sensitivity of this subject usually prevents reasonable discussion about the problem. The hate for pedophiles clouds the discussion. The fact is that pedophilia is a mental illness and it would be better for all involved if they were encouraged to seek help instead of society lusting for their blood. Our own outrage prevents us from helping ourselves.
As for the illegality of possession, I have a hard time seeing what the difference is, on a philosophical level, between owning a video of a beheading and one of child rape. Paying directly for the video to be produced is heinous, but simply viewing it is the same as watching a beheading: your viewing the video doesn't make the act any better or worse, nor did you have a hand in the act.
Then it's up to those countries to tighten their regulations. Japan can only change its own laws.
Child fancy?! Gag. People who actually hold children in any regard don't sexually objectify them. The word "pedophile" bothers me for this reason, since it breaks down as "lover of children". Anyone who actually loved children, or even gave a damn about them beyond their own twisted self-gratification, wouldn't fantasize about violating them. There is absolutely a parallel between child "fancy" and child abuse.
Just about time. Little too late, but this is a good start. Keep it up, Japan.
an extension of the significan ttrend of even grown up women infantalising themselves with squeaky voices, cutesy clothes, childish accessories and no opinions?
It will be difficult to get the laws updated when the law makers themselves are into it too. Then, they could start to clean up the pop culture a bit too. Stop making film clips of AKB48 in swimwear would be a good start. However, this 'soft pop porn' goes back many years and will be a tough nut to crack.
Have a look at this clip from the eighties. Note the basketball scene. It is nothing short of 'soft pop porn'. It is no wonder there are so many twisted guys running around with their cameras shoved up girl's bums. They are perverted deviates and it's cultural!
Oh no, infringing on the freedom to express depictions of child porn and child rape, boo hoo.
WRONG! By this "logic" (clearly kawamura has none!) then you wud prefer there were NO LAWS...............the good that wud bring is that there wud be NO NEED FOR LAWYERS because there wudnt be any laws...........
Japan MUST gets its act together & prosecute those that buy, make, possess child porn, hell by all means fill the jails if there are that many, build more jails, anyone trying to justify this sick stuff is clearly part of the problem!
Disgusting, sick people, who need a rusty screwdriver in their kidneys.
Is that going to be the new tourism campaign slogan?
Absolutely ridiculous.
Where do you think child pornography comes from? What do pedophiles "make it" with? Real children are violated in its production. Unless you're talking about drawings. Purchase (or swapping) creates demand, and pedophiles egg each other on, and normalize their criminal behaviour within their online "communities".
There is a difference between drugs and child porn; drugs are not harmed in their use, sale or production. So it's easier to say, "oh well, they're going to do it anyway" when it comes to drugs. But children must be protected from harm.
I agree that's it's a mental illness, but as of yet there aren't effective treatments for it. Efforts should continue to try to develop treatments that work, nonetheless behavior that harms children needs to be condemned and subject to legal restriction and punishment.
I'm not against child pornography being banned, but one thing that worries me is that some paedophiles might get frustrated and actually assault kids sexually. Prevention measures would also be needed.
Akemi Mokoto
I agree Japan needs to have stronger laws on child porn but I do NOT think they should have laws banning fictional anime hentai depicting child-like characters(Lolicon as they call in the west). Why? Well, aside from the fact there is evidence that show countries WITHOUT or with less restrictive laws on porn has less sex crimes, there is also the whole "free speech" thing. Why in the hell ban something that is pretty much harmless? Because a few people who committed a sexual crime against a child was found to have anime in his possession. Might I also add that there is no concrete or even quasi-accepted evidence that even suggest that anime CP(as people call it) results in more sex crimes. I say lets vote that pillock, Shintaro Ishihara, out of office and make Tokyo a great prefecture to make and air anime. Don't go down the American path and ban or outlaw things that are not actually worth banning. Finland has the right idea. Don't make laws on something unless someone is being harmed(physically or psychologically).
Well, put, although I hesitate when I hear people referring to it as a disease, seeing as how not too long ago, homosexuality was referred to in the same fashion.
And the wonderful thing about freedom is that you have the right to hold those opinions. Everyone has the right to believe what they wish. Heck, you can even condemn others for what they believe. What you can't do, however, what you should never even allow others to do, is to punish and persecute those who do not believe what you believe. Yes, there is a difference between child fancy and child abuse. The former is a thought. The latter is an action, one which is already illegal almost universally, including Japan.
The problem with laws that allow for people to be condemned for their thoughts is that it escalates. We have a poster here who is referring to a girl band as "soft pop porn". There isn't even a hint of nudity in the video, heck, they have more clothes on than the girls in the Underoo ads from the 80's (to be fair, at the time, those ads were the closest thing to porn I had access to).
I would submit that it is the people who refuse to see any opposing viewpoint as anything other than justification (instead of a discussion) and flat-out refuse to think the issue through rationally, that create the problem. It is when people react with knee-jerk emotionalism that bad things happen, and governments take these opportunities to pass laws to gain more power.
True freedom isn't about allowing the ideas that we agree with, but about protecting the ones we don't.
kinda scary how many on here are defending child porn.................
"Children" are defined as those under 18 years old.
junior idol is disgusting and Japanese people should feel ashamed about it
Who's defending child porn here???
I don't know whether the problem would be solved, if only those child nude pics and videos were banned. What about people's interest in child actresses, teen singers or young maids in Akihabara? Those in early teens in bikini? High school girls in mini skirts? I guess there would always be as many paedoes and rapists as there are now or more, as a result of their frustration. Don't women need a hijab to cover themselves up? Eradicate the "Kawaii" culture? Or shall we start banning AKB???
The best way is to ban it, monitor those violating the law, limit kids' exposure in the media and educate the WHOLE nation on paedophilia.
I appreciate your rationality throughout the thread. When I refer to pedophilia as a mental illness, I was clear not to call it a disease. It can come about by life experiences or by biology. I would say that it is easily differentiated from the charge homosexuality endured because it necessarily implies lust for a human who cannot consent.
I'm totally with you that real kids get hurt in the production. I'm not so sure that swapping eggs on production, and would need a source to be convinced. However, even as you charge the communities for egging each other on, I charge the hypervigilant and demands for "screwdrivers in their kidneys" for driving the problem even further underground. On Reddit, I've seen some AMAs with pedophiles (not molestors, and there is a difference) and most of them would love to get help, but fear the torches and pitchforks too much.
I agree wholeheartedly that children are harmed by this. However, they are not harmed simply by somebody possessing child pornography. If it was downloaded or viewed, no additional quantifiable harm was done to the child. And again, for me to be convinced that merely viewing child pornography leads to greater production, I would need some science.
This discussion is making my heart hurt. Making the pornagraphy is sexually assaulting the children. I won't comment because I can't comprehend what there is to debate.
Add this shocking fact, too, then.
It's often kids' parents who help expose their kids to the camera.
Sorry, but child pornography should be banned. I cannot be unbiased about this. No ifs or exceptions. If you value, family child pornography. Just for the mental health reasons alone. I would not be surprised if there was a strong correlation to early exposure/experience of child pornography, with stunted social development skills and future sociopathic behaviors. What is so scary is that it is so readily pervasive in Japan and implicitly accepted. Japan needs to change this in a big way and speak openly about this subject. Promoting child pornography as art, does a grave injustice to children who are exploited and abused. It begs to ask the question how may children are being abused/exploited and not being reported to the authorities or being ignored by the powers that be.
Horrific, penalty for possesion should be 10 years minimum.
Japan: The only nation where adult porn is pixellated to "protect public decency" - yet one can legally possess child porn. Disgusting.
They won't do it -- just pull the usual Japanese, "Sou desu, ne. Kangaemasu!"
The only problem with the idea of outright banning child pornography is that young men/women who are 18 or 19 or so would be included in the ban, but the legal age to engage in sex or what have you is lower than that. I would still prefer to see a total ban than avoiding it for the aforementioned reason, because the number of cases in which you hear about people selling pics of their infants in sexual poses, or very young kids having the same done to them or worse -- it's just too horrible, and should NEVER be permissible, and until you control the POSSESSION of such material as well you'll never begin to control the production and selling of it.
Perhaps they need to set out a newer definition of what constitutes 'kiddy' porn, but then you run into the problem of who's opinion is right or wrong.
This is just another manifestation of a society that is run by 70 plus year old bureaucrats. 100 year old thinking in a 21st century "modern" society.
So basically
There are people worried corrupt policing will cause grief.
Possibly guilty politicians don't want to endorse new punishable laws because ?? They have stock videos or feel they'll be framed by corrupt police or government officials.
People should be allowed to have child porn for self interest not distribution??? What about the child's rights ?? Oh that's right they aren't 20 yet so don't have them.
It's really sad to see that deviant child porn producers and viewers aren't punished or incarcerated for traumatizing children. What's even worse is this article conveying the whole story ?? There's hardly any mention of the physical and emotional impact this has only the abused parties here THE CHILDREN !!! There's more concern on how the police will mishandle it all and politicians may either be busted with this sick filth or be set up by other corrupt officials.Wasn't too long ago they removed vending machines selling used high school girl garments from the streets ( another endorsed act of child porn )
This ties right in with women's only train cars and lack of laws or prosecution to men who abuse on any level. Put their names in the newspaper , let their neighbors know they have a perv living next door.
A scarlet letter? I believe this has been popular throughout history, hasn't it?
Last time I checked, in Japan, you have to prove your innocence when accused of being chikan. Also, doesn't Japan have a 99% conviction rate because of forced confessions? So in this climate, you would advocate public shaming and ruining somebody's whole life for one transgression or merely the accusation of one?
Honestly, the idea of living in a society where people are this myopic and reactionary is scary.
No. There are people worried that perfectly normal policing will result in escalation under the new laws.
Or they don't want to pass vague laws that give the government too much power to decide what is a crime and what is not.
Not a single person on this board has advocated child pornography. Not a single one. The conflict is not about whether child pornography is good or bad, but whether the new laws are going to be effective in halting the existing traffic and whether they can be extended beyond their intent.
What in anything that is written here leads you to conclude that child porn producers will not be punished or incarcerated? Everyone is completely unanimous in condemning child pornography, particularly the producers. What people are arguing about is the viewers, and not even that they should get off scot-free, but whether the law could be used to target people who would never even consider harming a child. If a law does not limit itself, you get a situation where the same law that puts child rapists behind bars also applies to people who look at Simpsons cartoon porn. No law should have that sort of broad and over-reaching power. That's a recipe for witchhunts.
But most people who suggest things like "screwdrivers in their kidneys" would never actually act on such an idea. It's just a thought, and that doesn't hurt anyone, right?
Homosexuality cannot be compared to pedophilia as it involves consenting adults.
Who is talking about laws condemning people for their thoughts? Possessing and redistributing images of real children being sexually exploited contributes to their abuse. If, for example, you were raped on camera, would you not feel further violated if the image was copied and put in the hands of more and more people? It may not cause you further physical harm but certainly would increase your emotional distress.
It is almost impossible to argue for rationality in these hot-button issues. The mentality is "if you are not acting as enraged as me, you are one of them". Orwell did a great job of highlighting this in 1984. It is a constant game of oneupmanship of who hates it more. And if you don't play along? Well, you know.
Cabadaje is right. There is not one sentence written in this whole thread that advocates for child pornography. It is unanimously condemned as being harmful to children in its production and sale.
I don't have any pics of my kid in the bath because of people who make knee-jerk reactionary laws. I'm scared of that. I also don't feel comfortable around other kids because of hysteria. If left up to people who don't stop to scrutinize problems rationally, we wind up in the situation where 15-year-old girls are put on sex offender registries for sending a nude pic to their boyfriend, and then the boyfriend gets nailed for possession. And people do years for, as was stated, a lewd Simpsons pic. The world has become ridiculous with this campaign.
So here it is: if you have a feeling that a law should be a certain way, begin with an axiom for why. Work from the ground up. It's only when you ask yourself these questions do you actually come up with compelling arguments. And maybe look at it from all the angles instead of just emoting about killing the offender or infinite detention.
Really, thinking deeply about these problems is never ever going to be a bad thing.
I looked up the "Simpsons" porn case. The man involved, a teacher, had also been involved in distributing "real life" child porn, and had a large collection of same, but the evidence had been destroyed and the only thing they could get him on was a charge for obscene depictions of minors. So it's not like they're going to go out and arrest everyone for Simpsons porn images. He got 15 months time plus 3 years probation by the way.
I couldn't find anything about a 15 year old girl being put on the sex offender registry.
I think you are trying to distract from and minimize the real issue. People have made it abundantly clear why they think the law should be a certain way; to protect children
This news is no wonder as this country is full of perverts taking panty pictures on railway stations!! Downloading movies online is illegal but child pornography is not!!! Thats funny
The law you are referring to is for copyrighted stuff and covers uploads and downloads.
Child pornography is still illegal in Japan but covered under a different law.
A nice correlation in the 90% and the owning 10%
Thinking about it, the best perspective I could think of is that in no country is a criminal allowed to profit from a crime. I would guess that child sexual abuse is illegal in every country. So, there seems to be a case that people possessing child pornography shouldn't get away scot free, otherwise somebody somewhere is profiting from a crime.
So the deal is that if they didn't get other evidence, it's okay to give him 15 months for a cartoon? I believe that you should charge somebody for offenses that harm others. If someone was a thief but he ditched the evidence, should they convict him for having a ski mask? The fact is that I'm worried about a slip into more police action than is necessary. Pedo-hysteria is everywhere. Even the UK won't allow men to fly next to a child flying alone. I'd provide links but I'm at work and don't feel comfortable googling these things.
I'm not trying to obfuscate anything. I'm asking for the most basic logic and evidence that passing a piece of legislation will, in fact, make any appreciable difference. The way history goes is that it is easy to enact new laws but very difficult to repeal old/outdated/bad ones. Is it wrong to ask that people legitimate their claims and not rely on emotivism to push another law through?
I have a child whom I love dearly. The thought of him or other kids being hurt makes me sick. But there are enough people in here defending kids. I'm looking at it from John Stuart Mill's "Original Position" and the perspective of all the people who've been falsely accused and put on registries when cooler heads could have prevailed. Otherwise, why would I want to minimize children's suffering?
I can't believe some people are apparently pro child porn. This is a disgusting, sick and perverted practice and should be banned immediately. I didn't realise Japan was so lax in this regard.
Come on, Japan... protect the kids and ban this degrading filth.
Didn't realize pressure would be needed!
@chooch "advocate public shaming and ruining somebody's whole life for one transgression or merely the accusation of one?" I didn't mention accusation. I should have added if convicted, yes do put their names in the newspaper. North America has been using the registered sex offender registry for years now. As a parent yes I would want to know dude living next door was convicted of selling or using child porn or abusive to women. Checking out purchase receipts or credit card use for the purchase of child porn is already being used to target these people in North America. Bill Gates himself helped create the program police use today to do this. It's good to finally see this hit the limelight here, too many years it's been ignored.
chooch, There was other evidence, in fact there was a plea agreement wherein the man admitted "downloading, receiving and viewing sexually explicit images of actual children for eight years"
How would a law that
The article quotes the U.S State Department human rights report describing Japan as an
Personally I'm less worried about the actions of the police than I am about the actions of pedophiles. Children abused vastly outnumber those wrongly convicted of pedophilia.
Why would you want to minimize children's suffering? Good question.
If there's demand there will be production and circulation. Tokyo (the Parliament) should follow Kyoto and Nara, ban production and possession altogether. Criminal offense will serve these guilty ones right, because they are guilty.
Lew Archie
I get the feeling that many law makers (the world over) have a bit of a 'kid fantasy'. The 'average joe' is saying these people should be locked up or humanely put down but for some reason lawmakers find it difficult to increase sentences, or in this case have sentences. What or who is holding them back?
Elbuda Mexicano
Japan is a strange and messed up place, but not to say that only has strange and messed up perverts that get turned on by children or babies, or by very, very young kids. We all know we have sickos back in the USA too, Europe etc..but the problem here in Japan is that THESE LAWS are way too soft on the sick bastards that do take horrible pictures of their own kids to pay off debts, their drug habits, etc..
As much as it is good to see them addressing the laws, it is also somewhat alarming that that child porn is so popular here.
So since 10% of the MALE population, using REALLY rough off the top of my head figures here, or about 4 to 5 MILLION men, figuring that Japan has a population of around 128,000,000, admit to OWNING child porn, I do believe that the jails in Japan are seriously UNDER POPULATED!
And people wonder why underage idols are in such demand here? SICK, SICK, SICK........
No one here disagrees with you. Nor can I think of any legal system where child porn is considered acceptable.
That's what the politicians were relying on.
You didn't have to mention it. The accusation is more than enough to destroy people's lives. Even if the boss doesn't believe it, chances are it is more expedient to let you go than to keep you on.
Excellent question. Here's the catch: You actually have to think through to the answer; you can't just assume that you know it (and yeah, the insinuation here is pretty clear. Not as bad as that one that got deleted, but yeah Chooch, Orwell did do a pretty good job pointing it out).
The ones who studied an extra 2-3 years in college to get that doctorate of Law or Medicine, who took an oath to protect their society from those who want to lock up or put down anyone they don't like, regardless of who gets hurt in the process.
For the apologists: If you "just" get pictures of child porn from an acquaintance, that makes a profit for someone somewhere (so-called "free" websites get paid by advertisers every time the acquaintance goes to a different page on the site) and encourages them to rope more children into making porn pictures and movies. It's simple economics: the higher the demand, the greater the pressure to increase the supply. Make the possession of said porn illegal and demand will drop, decreasing the profit potential of the pornographers and hopefully saving a child or two from that kind of horror. As far as I'm concerned, the saving of even one child from that kind of life is worth the restrictions that the additional laws would entail.
Sorry but I disagree, it is going to take more than just making it illegal. The cops, and not just Japanese one's, but throughout SE Asia, particularly Thailand, have to take a stand.
These sick a**ed, so called MEN, have to be dealt with in a manner that shows everyone that this will not be tolerated.
A slap on the wrist is not enough.
Not new news. Appalling. STOP ABUSING CHILDREN. Chemical castration.
Jay Hoffman
It is not enough just making it illegal to possess child pornography materials, it is one small step in the right direction nevertheless, Japan should also enact the law of sex offender registration as the rest of western countries, and that make the identities of sex offenders public, especially these pedophiles
My point is unequivocally demonstrated here: a) you have no stats to back this up and b) this is not an equation where more children suffer than innocent grown-ups makes this just. The suffering of a child is comparable to the suffering of an innocent grown-up. One child being raped is too many and one innocent person with their life ruined because of hysteria is too much. Suffering is suffering, despite the emotivistic claims to the contrary. Pedophiles who will break any law to fulfill their urges cannot be coaxed by legality, but we still have a hope to curb the law from victimizing those who have never hurt a child in any capacity.
The simple fact is that anybody who appears soft on CP possession will appear in favour of it as this is a mating ball of "Two Minutes of Hate" and not toeing the line is tantamount to being a pedophile. It couldn't be more obvious.
Basically, at this point, all I could ask for is that perhaps those who are so adamant to broaden police powers at least admit that there is another side to this. It seems that nobody is able to take a break from their indignation to even give a breath towards the possibility that a new law such as this deserves some dispassionate reason.
Historically, the most fervent get their way. However, history shows that often the zealots make poor decisions. So really, what is the harm in having an open discussion? Surely a frank and honest discussion can't hurt anyone, right?
It's also a simple history lesson that the more you make something illegal, the more you empower the criminal thugs who will supply the market. Look at Mexico and drugs. Look at prohibition and the Chicago gangsters. Look at abortion.
What could we possibly lose by looking at this problem in a psychological way and trying to invite those who lust after children into therapy? How, in any historical situation, has anger and vitriol been better than harm reduction for all concerned?
It's too simple to say "He's bad" and "She's disgusting." But it's a simple enough equation to let you sleep at night, I guess.
I believe one of the sickest feelings I ever felt about Japan (and Asia) in my time here was the realization of the numbers of western pedophiles who came to these shores for safety and comfort. Not a few of them "English teachers" If you listen hard enough, you can hear their death knell.
First there needs to be a clear definition of what is child porn. Is child porn limited to real pictures of children? What about computer generated pictures? What about stick figures label one as a 40 year old and one a 6 year old? Perhaps one day we will all have thought monitors that will ensure our thoughts are legal. How far should the law go to "protect" children?
yeah, yeah. same ol story. "Lets talk about this calmly" "Lets sit down and see what they have to say" "Lets let them off the hook".
Total BS and as Maggie Thatcher would say. "Very wet". You imagine men have absolutely no free will. Its a decision that men (loose term) make. "I will bugger this 13 year old child or I won't". They do.
The problem with mental illness is that it lacks obvious symptoms. Everyone feels sorry for a blind person, or someone in a wheelchair; their situation is obvious. But a mentally ill person looks normal, which somehow makes him/her fair game.
Nobody grows up wanting to become a paedophile. Something has to happen between birth and their first offence to bring it about.
Damn, wonder how many other guys from Asia have come to Japan and made some of this stuff?
It's nice to see that Japan is catching up with the rest of the world and starting to prosecute pedophiles. Good for the J-cops; I hope you arrest a lot more soon.
Gosh, Cabadaje, now you claim that those who get their kicks from watching children being abused a "persecuted" group.
Your arguments are well-made, although they seem rather rehearsed, as though you have had this discussion on-line rather a lot. You also seem to know rather a lot about this community. More, I suspect, than is healthy.
Michael Craig
If you DON'T like Anime or Manga, DON'T buy, watch or read it then!
@yuri, there are clear definitions of what child porn is all over the place, it's attitudes like this that just prolong the agony of the children forced into these situations. You seek to split hairs when children need to be protected not just here in Japan but world wide.
I can not believe that someone who claims to be an adult would even write this. Unless of course they are one who is defending a person from "owning" child pornography maybe?
Hey I dont like child porn either and I don't buy it either. But just because I don't like it doesn't justify the material now does it?
Not all anime or manga are porn, but all kiddie porn is just that, kiddie porn, and one has to admit that there are plenty of manga and anime that are or cross the line when it comes to pornography and some I would bet as well that are child porn as well.
Just a comment to the folks who thumbed my recent posts down, I am purely out of curiosity here interested in knowing why you thumbed them down.
Is it because you support ownership of people having kiddie porn? Or some other reason? Please feel free to share your comments.
(FYI, I never have and never will "care" about being popular other otherwise with my comments here, but on a subject like this I can not understand why people sit on the sidelines and thumb up/down a comment without making one in reply themselves. As I see it there are no sidelines when it comes to child safety)
@Ah_so "Your arguments are well-made, although they seem rather rehearsed, as though you have had this discussion on-line rather a lot. You also seem to know rather a lot about this community. More, I suspect, than is healthy"
Have to agree with these statements, seems like the points and arguments he's making are in favor of not bringing in specific laws that target these predators.
He seems more worried about reputablr harm being done to people who do view this porn.
@cabadaje. "What people are arguing about is the viewers, and not even that they should get off scot-free, but whether the law could be used to target people who would never even consider harming a child"
So the viewers should not be targeted because they are not harming children ??? Yes they are indirectly. Children are being exposed to shame and humiliation an possibly much worse. Viewers are creating the demand that get producers committing this offensive acts to children. I'm sure there's no modeling agency with children and parents lining up to sign up for porn production.
You know there's a problem when people start making excuses for this kind of stuff...
Good grief. this thread pretty much confirms all my worst suspicions about foreign males in Japan.
Whew ! At last someone is talking. Omedetto. Gambatte.
Yubaru, am disappointed since my possible definition goes from pictures of actual adults abusing children to stick cartoons. The first would not get arguments by most responsible adults. However here is wondrous Oklahoma a teacher got arrested for taking pictures of her class in leotards decorating a Christmas tree. She was a dance teacher and this is what her students wore in class. Last I heard she was in jail under a million dollar bail. So you think cartoons should be illegal? How about novels? How about my stick figures depicting adult-child sexual abuse? So where do you draw the line? The Japanese manga is not illegal in the USA as it does not depict real children. Please give me your thoughts.
STOP ABUSING CHILDREN. Chemical castration.
Anyone who would hurt these little children should have a millstone tied around their neck and cast into the deepest part of the ocean, that would be better than what's in store for them!
@Chooch - I Agree with much you say in your posts, but not this....
Quite a apart from the link between watching and doing (which is not the main reason in the call for a ban anyway) it is true that no additional quantifiable harm may be measured by successive paedophiles watching an already-made and viewed video. But, if it were your child that had been violated by a some perverted neighbour, would you feel the same way? Would you really feel ' oh well, the video is out there now, what harm will it do my child now if a few more people get their jollies over it?" ? Or would you want each person violating your child by watching it to be discouraged by the threat of prosecution? Few would believe you if you said you wouldn't care. It's easy to be objective when talking about other peoples children, and think 'that was bad but it's done now so no point in crying over spilt milk"
Cierzo, that's actually the point Chooch (and myself) are making. Protecting children is one of our most deeply imbedded instincts. It is one of the few times when we forgive ourselves for placing emotionalism above rationality.
The problem is that politicians take advantage of these emotions. It is actually a pretty cheap trick. An aspiring politician proposes a law that claims to fight child abuse. Immediately, people rally around it (why wouldn't they?) The politician gets his praise, and the matter is forgotten.
But what happens after that? The new law doesn't go away. The police immediately put the law into practice (that is, after all, their job). If the law is well written, specific, and clearly defined, there is no problem. But what if the law isn't well defined? What if the wording is vague, or if it would allow for interpretation beyond the original intent?
Now we have a problem. If we are dealing with child abuse producers, great. If we are dealing with child abuse viewers, okay, no problems here. But what if we are dealing with something that real children have no part of? What if a law that was originally designed to punish people who watch child porn suddenly becomes a law that can punish someone who just has a cartoon of a naked child? At that point, that emotionalism that created that first law now has legal backing. But instead of being directed at the original target, now the target base has expanded. Now it isn't just the actual child abusers, or the child porn viewers, but people who have never viewed child pornography are potential targets as well.
No one on this thread is supporting child abuse, no one on this thread is saying that possession should go completely unpunished. The only thing we are worried about is that this law is just not well written, and while it would punish people who possess child porn, it has the potential to also punish people who do not.