Japan Today

Prosecutors suspect Ghosn's wife contacted parties linked to his case


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unsuccessfully tried to bar her from seeing her husband while he is in detention

They try to indict Ghosn using multiple charges put him in dentetion for months is not enough for them, now they want to make him impossible to see his wife?

17 ( +21 / -4 )

One has to admit that it does seem unusual that Mrs. Ghosn left the country so suddenly (on a hidden passport), and then returned so suddenly. What actually went on in between? The prosecutors are speculating wildly. Unless of course, they have spies abroad and moles everywhere.

But all that has to be done, and it has been done as evidenced by this English translation news feed, is to plant the seed of doubt in everyone’s mind regarding Mrs Ghosn, and when it comes time to testify, the jury will already have been poisoned. Unless of course, they have pre-selected the jury in advance and cloistered them all away for months so as to prevent everyone from being biased by all the news feeds...

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

a source close to the matter said Tuesday. Who is this source? They are very active. Every week a new tit bit for the media. That prosecutors use? this source who is incognito and is probably not actually factual? Is used as an excuse to ban family visits? So he won't give a confession their response is further isolate him using a unnamed source? Where is the evidence? The prosecutors seem so desperate to avoid any evidence and prefer innuendo and metal tourture as proof. If their case is based solely on confession they apparently have nothing left but torturous techniques up their sleeve.

if he is found guilty it's a verdict made without any professional diligence and will be discounted by most people. But to save face and do Nissans bidding it has to be done.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Mrs. Ghosn should have stayed away. It looked bad leaving, but Ghosn is clearly at the mercy of the Japanese "justice" system so probably did any actual harm to his case.

They'll simply keep re-arresting him if he is granted bail. Prosecutors love their confessions here.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

a source close to the matter said Tuesday

A source close to the matter? What does that mean? That could be my giddy aunt for all I know. If these wombats are gonna make accusations they should include reliable sources. Without quoting reliable sources it is nothing more than slander and trial by media.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

This is just ludicrous now. The Japanese prosecutors are just salty and they don't like Mr. Ghosn or his wife.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

Oh no a man, who as yet is not proven gulity, talked to his wife, and shock horror she seeing the way he is treated talked to some people.... This just gets more and more bizarre everyday.

Again the guy might be guilty, on the fence personally.. a CEO type getting away with a lot as they likely often do but brought down by an inside job.. when another guy on another day would be still enjoying his job or another posting somewhere else.... but this spotlight on this really highlights the archaic system here.

My wife didn't get it, she just saw the news, oh he was arrested so he must be bad etc, until I said, look even if I did something wrong or possibly was wrongly accused would you be happy if I was repeatedly rearrested to keep me in detention with no access to you and limited time with a lawyer while people basically pushed me all day long to admit to the charges, potentially with little or no evidence... she the said after some thought, no of course not.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Tokyo prosecutors suspect the wife of former Nissan Motor Co Chairman Carlos Ghosn has contacted people linked to his case,


Carole Ghosn may have made the contacts overseas as she travelled to France on April 5

Ahhh, yes....

"suspect" and "may".

So, basically, NO evidence of this. Just suspicions.

The prosecutors aim / goal in alleging this is abundantly clear!!

It's all about convincing the court that Ghosn should not be released on bail until the trial.

The logic goes something like this:

Your Honor, one of the conditions of the suspect's bail is that he is not to contact people involved in the case.

However, there is no condition that his wife cannot contact these people and since she has not been arrested, this condition cannot be imposed on her, as she has not been charged.

So, if the suspect is released on bail, there is no way to prevent him from being with his wife, discussing with her who she should contact, and then she contact these people. And since he will be free on bail, it will be impossible to monitor all conversations he has with his wife.

So, you see, Your Honor, the only way to make sure this doesn't happen is to keep him locked up in detention so that any conversations he has with his wife can be observed / monitored.

Absolutely clear what the goal is here!

The prosecutors are beneath contempt!! This has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with stacking the deck so they can win!

9 ( +15 / -6 )

They try to indict Ghosn using multiple charges put him in dentetion for months is not enough for them, now they want to make him impossible to see his wife?

Worse than a few third world countries..

This is just ludicrous now. The Japanese prosecutors are just salty and they don't like Mr. Ghosn or his wife.


The prosecutors are beneath contempt!! This has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with stacking the deck so they can win!

This is as plain as pinocchio's nose. The problem is this: outside of Japan, this is not getting the media it deserves. Sure the arrest and charges are being reported in the media, but the indefinite detention, the archaic terms that he is being held under, and the way that the prosecutors and the gov are conspiring with Nissan to force a confession out of him are not being fully reported on.

7 ( +11 / -4 )


It seems the J Prosecution Team let Carole retain the US passport so they could trace her movements when she departed Japan for France earlier.

And it seems one or more of the sources she contacted confirmed she was trying to influence their testimony.

Very unwise.

The Ghosns continue to grandstand - still believing they ( like Marie Antoinette) are above the law..

The Netherlands, France, as well as US does not take ot money laundering and tax evasion easily.

And so-called 'friends' among the elite will not throw themselves to the lions on their behalf.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

This is now absolutely beyond just plain idiocy..... will the prosecutors just quit the public marathon like smear campaign and get down to the business of actually prosecuting this case. Bring it to trial..... I've never, ever seen anything like this. For 5 months now all they've done is bring every damning piece of information to the public in a way whereby they were looking for support for their side. This is not a Political Election.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Until I see factual evidence of her contacting parties involved or is involved at all I say this is 'hearsay'. It's time they show evidence before they start throwing accusations.

I won't be surprised if they will also arrest her sooner or later.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

@ SaikoPhysco


NO attorney has credible argument in Court with salacious, specious smear innuendo.

These prosecutors have FACTS.

Just because they are not disclosing all the facts to the public , does not imply that their appeal to the J Court based on smear tactic.


It's the defense attorneys - who have no other concrete defense strategy - but to resort to a public campaign to 'smear' the integrity of the prosecutions.

The facts have emerged and will continue to emerge.

The man will not only be prosecuted in criminal court, but will also have civil court to face; in Japan, in France ,possibly in Netherlands and US.

Embezzling, money laundering, tax evasion are not taken lightly.


And trying to influence witnesses is also criminally indefensible.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

And there it is. Can't force a confession out of Ghosn so they go after his family to break him. These beasts will go to extreme lengths just to save their precious "face". All the while the world is watching.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

semperfi siad -

"...It's the defense attorneys - who have no other concrete defense strategy...."

How do you know that?

Are you privy to information that we readers are not?

For me it's strange that the little leaks of "facts" seem to come so frequently and the information contained within could only come from one source - the prosecutors. Funny how that's against the law. But....

And stranger too, is that NHK is the first to recieve these "facts". They regularly announce such as "..a scoop from unnamed sources.."

Collusion by vested interests stinks and that's regardless of Ghosn's guilt or not.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

This is so so beyond the pale, I have been calling the J-justice system barbaric but it seems like such a compliment these days...…..

6 ( +10 / -4 )

It's the defense attorneys - who have no other concrete defense strategy - but to resort to a public campaign to 'smear' the integrity of the prosecutions.


Think the numerous unnamed sources that weekly 'smear' Carlos with stories of his nefarious actions would point to the direct opposite of the defence 'smearing' prosecutors. They the prosecutors are alone showing they are at a loss to find any integrity. It's no longer about guilt it's now about fair. The prosecutors did Nissans/ government bidding and are really finding it hard to prove anything. Naferious is not illegal. The laws are made by people who use those same loopholes yet they are free.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Why do they keep indicting him without conviction? It's really weird, do they not have any evidence to officially convict him of a crime? It would seem they are just gonna keep doing this until they get a guilty plea, because that's the only way they seem to be able to get a conviction in this case...

8 ( +12 / -4 )

The persecutors' constant leaking to the press is unprofessional and probably a violation of their terms of employment. Why aren't the leakers being punished for their misconduct?

6 ( +10 / -4 )

There’s no need for other attorneys to smear the prosecutors. Prosecutors are fully capable of doing that to themselves. Lol

@semperfi, facts? You mean the tidbits of illegally leaked rumors by an anonymous person?

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Oh no, a defendent was gathering evidence for the case or would if they had bail. The more that is known the worse the system actually is

5 ( +8 / -3 )

They are going after the family so that Ghosn will talk... wow so mafia of them

9 ( +13 / -4 )

She should be arrested for suspicion of money laundering. They are both suspected of crimes, and their son will be next.

its obvious she is very involved. How many posters have secret shell companies? 10 anybody? Suddenly running away and meeting people in USA and France involved in the case on a hidden passport? If authorities take your passport, it means you can’t leave the country. She should be in detention on that charge. In detention she can be questioned, and offered a plea bargain. She shouldn’t be given bail as she is a flight risk. While in detention, prosecutors can build their case, rearrest her and give her a fair hearing in a Japanese court of law.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

So you mean detaining Ghosn did nothing because he can still destroy evidence and influence witnesses?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Yes they are "The Japanese persecutors",

Ghosn can't win anyway.

Last few years they let Ghosn commit those illegal transaction and collected all evidences one by one.

Every one will see those case one after one.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

He’s a foreigner. Spent over a month in solitary confinement for something he didn’t do. Still in the Stone Age and not progressive on any fronts in this country, hopefully this court case will make some heads roll in a positive light.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Notice how all of the articles about this say something about the bail terms banning Carlos from talking to those related to the charges but that Carole is under no such ban?

What the Prosecutors don't point out in their "leak" is that they suspect that she may have talked to someone linked to the recent accusation and not anything or anyone connected to ANY of the indictments against Ghosn for which he received bail, and that she would not have broken any bail terms even if she had been included in her husbands bail terms.

This media smear campaign that prosecutors use to convict a person before trail, and it's not only in Ghosn's case, has to be illegal. The "source close to the matter" is obviously used as the English translation of 検察官.

Boy but do they sure get pissed when the other side tries to counter their smear campaign with their own media releases.

This case just gets stranger by the day and the frustration of the prosecutors when Ghosn didn't "confess", make a couple deep bows, accept his slap on the wrist. They wouldn't be losing so much face and a merger would sidelined. Now their finding out Renault STILL want the merger, and they've dug themselves in a hole so deep they'll never get out. The only good that may come is some small improvement in the medieval justice system.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

The prosecution office fabricating allegations...wont stick. Running out of options.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Kempetai methods of Japanese Prosecutor's.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Didn't the persecutors say the other day that they had enough evidence to convict Ghosn already? If that's the case why are they worried about what his wife does? Why do they claim Ghosn will destroy evidence if he is released? It sounds to me like they are lying about the evidence they have and are making unfounded allegations to cover up the fact.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

It basically sounds like a bunch of speculation as what the prosecution believes Ghosn's wife did. How can they make such a claim to the media without any proof?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

99% conviction rate, pretty obvious how that happens.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

And do the prosecutors also suspect that Nissan (one of the indicted parties) may have met someone involved in the case?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

these prosecutors bunch of losers.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

99% conviction rate, pretty obvious how that happens.

Lets face it. If Japan had proper rule of law (and not this Mickey Mouse excuse of one), and judges did their jobs properly, the conviction rate would probably be about 1℅

7 ( +10 / -3 )

I'm afraid that Macron and Renault will use Ghosn as an example of poor local management to support the new management alliance request.

Macron and Renault don't care about Ghosn's well being, they will use him as a bad example to push for a management alliance.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

You diehards can defend this guy till the end of time, but I will literally bet the house that this guy broke multiple laws and other shady things, and 100% that his wife reached out to people to get the story straight amongst them all. Laughable that Ghosn can hold a straight face while saying he is totally innocent of all charges.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

So you mean detaining Ghosn did nothing because he can still destroy evidence and influence witnesses?

He was let out on bail and as soon as he was rearrested for more crimes, she was fled japan and probably destroyed evidence. So if he wasnt released on bail, he couldn’t of briefed her and she couldn’t tamper with evidence. Not rocket science.

But she if tampered with evidence then prosecutors will need a longer time to gather material and to give him his time in court. If he confessed he would be 6 months into his sentence, and most probably will only have to serve 8 years of his 12 year sentence for good behavior.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

It basically sounds like a bunch of speculation as what the prosecution believes Ghosn's wife did. How can they make such a claim to the media without any proof?

It seems that prosecutors in Japan can do whatever they want.

And the sad (but almost commical) thing is, judges will just rubber stamp it.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The only ones who are allowed to obstruct or subvert justice, are the prosecutors and their colluders within Nissan, thank you very much!

The role of the justice system is to uphold the face of the prosecutors, NOT to ensure that free people are not wrongly imprisoned or denied of their freedoms before a FAIR trial.

In other, soft, societies, they have a notion that the justice system is better to let criminals go free, than to wrongly deny innocent people of their freedoms.

But Japan is tough. 

The freedoms of the innocent, are collateral damage, for the sake of the face of the prosecutors.

That's also why the police frame people by planting evidence, and only in rare cases do we find out decades later through DNA evidence, that the innocent have been robbed.

Hang in there, Carlos and family. I pray that Reiwa will see justice and a justice system reform

5 ( +7 / -2 )

They are going after the family so that Ghosn will talk... wow so mafia of them

Filthy little Prosecutors.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Stop this farce, stop this mafia style. What a shame & a dirty way facing this matter.

6 ( +8 / -2 )


Im not saying he is or isn't guilty, nor are many others I don't think, isn't that for a court to decide with the appropriate level of evidence? If there is the appropriate level of evidence provided he doesn't leave the country.. then what is with the fear tactics and interrogation.. I think thats the question people have.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@semper fi,

Are you a Marine by chance? 

You seem to be jumping the gun a lot in regards to this case.  Every comment I see from you is basically saying Ghosn is 100% guilty.  What I want to know is, where are you getting your information from?  From the prosecutors themselves?  Have you seen the documentation?  Or are you just like all of us and only hear and see what is put out by the media.  Ghosn may be guilty or he may not be.  It will be found out eventually but hopefully it is found out through the correct process of a thorough investigation and not by what is currently happening.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

 what is with the fear tactics and interrogation.. I think thats the question people have.

What fear tactics?  Even French authority said Ghosn was treated as a suspect just like any other suspect no more no less.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Of course nobody here knows anything fact vs fiction. Some people think he's innocent. Others think he's guilty. Still others think he's a greed SOB but not guilty of what Nissan/Prosecutors are accusing him of. And much if not all of the overall feeling is that regardless of innocence or guilt, it's the way in which he's being treated which is unfair. Got it.

But I remind of the same basic fact that there are lots of foreigners in the same lock up who are not given a Craftmatic Adjustable Bed and other special treatment, and they certainly can't afford his rotating legal team members, nor his $9M bail. So boo hoo if not everyone is losing sleep over the position that he seemingly put himself in.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

regardless of innocence or guilt, it's the way in which he's being treated which is unfair. 

No. It's not "regardless"

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Yes, it really is regardless.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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