Prosecutors have decided to drop criminal charges against former Prime Minister Naoto Kan, government officials and Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) executives over their roles in the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011.
Prosecutors examined the case after local residents filed criminal complaints, but could not find enough evidence to show negligence of duty, the Sankei Shimbun reported on Monday.
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The only thing I am aware about the case is that Mr. Kan never showed up at the prosecutor's office but he did send a written statement denying the allegations.
Row Bur
Not enough evidence??? FFS!
Of course that was going to happen, P.M. Kan and the blokes at TEPCO are their Sempais!!
Could not find evidence? We'll take them to Fukushima Daichi and show them all the evidence they need. Then we'll re-educate them. I am not going to stand by while the lives of my children are threatened by these incompetent muppets. If you cannot uphold the law, you should be replaced. There must be more corporate accountability in Japan. Right NOW!
They guys who should be guilty are: 1) the ones who built the plant, and changed the design and height to save money. They did not want to use more electricity to pump cooling water 20 metres uphill, just 10 metres; 2) the ones who resisted the recommended safety modifications such as venting to save money; 3) the ones who ignored geologists and others warnings on possible tsunamis.
Most of 1) are dead or long-retired, but 2) and 3) are all identifiable from minutes of meetings and company records.
Of course the nuclear village will never allow that to happen...
For me, the people who should be in the biggest trouble are the people who approved the safety procedures / equipment at the plant.
The aftermath of the disaster showed us that TEPCO were operating a nuclear plant without the slightest plan or clue as to what to do in the event of a tsunami. The didn't have the equipment nor the human expertise to deal with it.
Who, or what body, approved their operation of a nuclear plant despite these horrific shortcomings?
I don't care if Kan or current execs takes the fall or not, but somebody must be held responsible for the state they are in now. Now the government is talking about pitching in billions to stop the water leaks... from our taxes!
Flash backs to Judge Dread anybody? "I am the law!"
... ridiculous. There's a paper trail a mile wide leading to these guys' doors. There's documented expert testimony from national and international experts saying that TEPCO was warned about the placement of the plant and the inadequacy of their safety measures.
Sure, they probably did the best they could AFTER the disaster (which is what they were charged with), but they didn't do the right thing BEFORE the disaster (what they SHOULD have been charged with).
Wrong decision, wrong charges.
Mataka - since your "not going to stand by", enlighten us with what you intend to do.
Mr Kan, not guilty. TEPCO? Previous governments? Absolutely
Everyone involved prior to the disaster is guilty of negiligence, public endagerment and corporate greed and should be brought up on charges, simple.
YongYang, keen to hear your solution. I believe it was encase in concrete now now now. Anything changed?
Really? What are you going to do? What actual action are you going to take?
Well, if there was evidence, they would have found it. I'm sure they would love a scapegoat.
This means there was some evidence, but not enough to blame them.
Kan wasn't supposed to be an expert in nuclear power. The idiots at TEPCO should be removed from their job ASAP though. Kan did probably get in the way, but I bet just about any other politician in the same position would have done the same stuff.
I think this is a good call.
Alex Einz
Unless public opinion changes, nothing will happen... its terrible though ... the evidence is right there