Japan Today

Roppongi police hold anti-drug event


Police held a drug abuse prevention event in the Roppongi area Wednesday after it was revealed that last year the number of illegal drugs confiscated in the area had increased by 255 kilograms from 2008.

As celebrity drug busts made the news one after another, officials are worried about the effect on young people. According to police, the number of cases of marijuana cultivation found inside people's houses has particularly increased. Isao Watanabe, head of the Azabu Police Station, pointed out that, "Marijuana, which is said to be a gateway drug, has spread to both young people and adults."

Around 200 local people participated in the Roppongi event, which featured a demonstration of a drug-sniffing dog's ability to detect marijuana.

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Great, thanks, j-cops! i feel that my hard earned tax yen is well spent! i feel a lot safer now /sarcasm

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Thanks guys, now how about getting those Nigerian touts off the streets, eh.

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Christ! What a joke! Can the government spend my hard-earned taxed yen on something more tangible: like getting those shyster, robbing, thieving Nigerians off the street corners! They`re like damned mosquitoes..... always buzzing around trying to hustle you out of some blood no matter how hard you keep swatting!

Moderator: Readers, the subject is drugs, not Nigerians in Roppongi.

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When I was in Roppongi, I pointed out someone unconscious to a troop of police. They looked at him, then kept on walking. Later I kept seeing people like this, and it's clear they're high on drugs.

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I wonder why Roppongi was chosen, maybe a not-to-subtle hint to a certain section of the population. No prizes for guessing who I am talking about.

Also a good call by Altria regarding these hip-hop Nigerian touts who seem to assault anybody and everybody. Don't what the situation is like down in Roppongi, but out here on the fringes of Tokyo these chaps target school kids, trying to sell their gansta fashion, etc. I actually had to manhandle a couple of them after they were a little too persistent in trying to get my son's attention (a junior high school student).

Also, it is good to see that the Japanese police are actually using drug dogs which despite all the changes in technology still offer the best nose in the business.

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Blame the foreigners again.

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It is too bad the signs were all in Japanese because all the so-called drug crazed foreigners in the area couldn't read them. Usually old Japanese men and housewives carrying green signs = left wing political rally or no walking and smoking campaigns.

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@ gogogo and others - I dont see where they are trying to blame foreigners here.

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Judging by the picture, they certainly seem to have targeted the right market. Those two look particularly susceptible to being taken in by the allure of the glamorous nightclub underworld.

And of course, 9am on a Thursday morning is when pushers are at their busiest in Roppongi.

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Roppongi police hold anti-drug event

and THEN... they all probably went out and got hammered.

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"Come to my club man, lot's of girls~ free look"

I feel a rally might not change the minds of anyone involved, however I hope it can give encouragement and focus for the departments looking to bring an end to drug use.

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It is too bad the signs were all in Japanese because all the so-called drug crazed foreigners in the area couldn't read them.

Well the signs could well have been in the Japanese version of a certain international language. If so, however, the language was probably so mangled that readers would wonder if the authors of such signs were on drugs.

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Meanwhile, the Yaks continue using and selling their Shabu, a "tunnel drug", leading straight to hell.

number of illegal drugs confiscated in the area had increased by 255 kilograms from 2008.

How much of that figure represents the cocaine found in Peach-jon`s Roppongi Hills pad, Gigantic cover up...

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dbung10, either you're kidding or not up to date.

Last year saw quite a few drug-related arrests of celebrities or public figures. And what most had in common were that they blamed it on "a foreigner in Roppongi".

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If only the cops knew of the huge amount of young Japanese who smoke marijuana these days.

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Pot is not a gateway to stronger drugs. Being a celebrity or married is.

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drug abuse prevention

I'm all for preventing drug abuse. Drugs should be used responsibly.

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It's funny Japan is so strict towards marijuana (大麻) since it is an indigenous plant in Japan, and has been used for all its useful purposes for centuries; it's one of the best crops given to man by mother nature. Besides making clothing, highly effective medicine etc, they smoked that ish too, for instance, during Buddhist ceremonies. After WWII the US forced Japan to make it illegal, since there's no money in for big pharma and such. A lot of Japanese don't even know that the 'drug' you smoke is from the 大麻、they often think it's a chemical substance, just as bad as crack. I am glad a lot of youths over here prefer it over alcohol and what not, which is way worse for you body. Used in moderation of course.

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So the Japanese strung out in Shibuya are simply ignored. Every time I go there I can see Japanese junkies. Just behind 109. Never seen it in Roppongi... And as for marijuana, I have never seen someone appear as a junkie when they smoke it. It's natural. It's safe. It's only illegal because of big tobacco.

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Marius, which of last year's celebs blamed a foreigners? Oshio first blamed the hostess and then fingered Sakai's husband. Then I lost interest.

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The unconscious ones are drunk, not on drugs. Drugs in Roppongi are no big deal, wasting time and money cracking down on marijuana is stupid, the Nigerians are fine if you treat them ok. Note they are fine with the women-trafficking and other oppressive arrangements as run by several Roppongi establishments.

Moderator: Readers, we remind you that this discussion is about an anti-drug campaign in Roppongi, not Nigerians nor alcohol, nor tobacco. Please stay on topic.

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Wonder how many of these residents did drugs during their youth in Roppongi.

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They need to get an updated version of Nancy Reagan. Her method worked really well in the US. Kept all them kidz off the big weed, man. Far out!

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The only reason they confiscated more drugs in this area than last year is because a) they were actually out on the streets doing their job perhaps because their drug quotas were raised b) stopping any 'suspicious' looking foreigner for a bag check or a pat down c) raiding clubs known for having a drug scene

Funny that they didn't consider drug abuse a problem until they started busting celebs for drugs. Gotta wonder if they didn't purposely single out some idols (Noriko Sakai) to publicly humiliate to scare the rest of the public away from all the 'BAD' drugs.

Marijuana as a gateway drug--come on! That is the oldest and lamest argument in the book. You could say that caffeine is a gateway drug for cocaine since many people probably drank coffee before they used cocaine. Besides, if people could get pot legally, they wouldn't be exposed to other harder drugs through the dealers and therefore many would likely never get involved with coke, or meth or heroine.

As for the whole anti-drug event, I don't believe they are really worried about the effect on young people. They want to show the public that they are doing something; just a show-- 'All drugs are bad. Look how we catch people with drugs. We are doing a good job of keeping evil people off the streets.'

If they were really concerned about young people, they would offer real education about drugs in high schools. They would send police officers into schools to give lectures about drugs facts and have people who previously abused drugs to speak about their experiences to students. This rally doesn't reach the young people at all.

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a few people raise their fists on the way to work and they call them "local supporters?"

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Geez!....What have Nigerians got to do with this topic?

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The only reason they confiscated more drugs in this area than last year is because a) they were actually out on the streets doing their job perhaps because their drug quotas were raised b) stopping any 'suspicious' looking foreigner for a bag check or a pat down c) raiding clubs known for having a drug scene.

That actually reads like a good reason, as in, it gets results, to step up the anti-trafficking/dealing effort. It does not read like "they increased searches but did not find any more so it's no use." I mean, you are making their point.

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Given that these are Japanese police, I expect a few of them will be caught doing drugs during the anti-drug campaign... or at least that's the way it works during anti-chikan and anti-drunk driving campaigns.

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NO picture would have given better impression of the 'crowd' !

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They should be holding this outside a TV station or talento agency, yakakuza run the drugs in Japan and the entertainment, it's where all the "talento" get their stuff from... Calling marijuana at gateway drug is totally wrong you have to be able to smoke first.

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m5c32: My point is that these numbers don't necessarily mean that there is an increase of drugs in Ropppongi; it just means that they are now cracking down on drugs: They catch some celebrities doing drugs to show the public that drugs are becoming a problem. Then they release numbers to show that they are catching more people with drugs. Next, the public feels more at ease because more drug users and dealers are being caught. And finally, they hold an anti-drug event to make the police look like heros.

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Good intentions but misdirected.

Style without substance.

Rearraging deck chairs on the Titanic.

What about addressing the alcoholism problem in Japan?

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If they wanted to crack down on drugs, they should just raid the Yakuza offices. They openly advertise their offices. Of course it would be best if the police dont announce their raid before hand. Anything otherwise would be silly.

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This is only the tip of the iceberg! They should go and protest in Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro etc..plenty of drugs there too!

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More crock of crap made up by an outdated-draconian way behind "1st. world country". lol a few old-dry people raising their fits in the air? ain't that part of being "japanese"? who cares...i mean REALLY.

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Do these drug rallies do ANY good at all? It's probably better than doing nothing ... or is it? Marijuana is a gateway drug for some users, but not all. Once you're an avid smoker and you have friends who also smoke, sooner or later one of them is going to be smoking something else, or they'll bring someone to your house who's into something harder. This is what I've experienced so far.

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They should go after the real drugs, like Shabu, which are much more common (and problematic) than weed. waste of time.

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This story and picture makes me want to blaze a spliff up right now. I've been in Japan 12 years now and I haven't seen the slightest sign that the general public is going to change it's mis-informed and altogether ignorant view of pot. Can't really blame them though- the way the media has demonized it. Reefer Madness is alive and well!

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very fascist looking foto.

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officials are worried about the effect on young people.

Yet, tobacco is still advertised as a cool thing to do. You can bet half of the cops involved are smokers and put away a liter of sho-chu every week. I am not defending the use of illegal drugs, but there are worse drugs than pot that are legal and readily available to the public.

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This is posturing to make it seem like the police are actually doing their job, and aren't being paid off by local gangs with regards to drugs.

Everyone knows if someone wants to start dealing in Tokyo (especially Roppongi!), they have to either be yaks, or extremely lucky to have not yet encountered competing yaks.

which featured a demonstration of a drug-sniffing dog’s ability to detect marijuana.

This event sounds like one of those school assembly meetings where old fogeys preach that "We'll catch you!!" instead of educating about why drugs are harmful and illegal in the first place! I hope they at least had a former addict give a speech about drugs.

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this lady on the pic looks like mother of my ex boy friend, i got even scared, lol. regarding this action- have some doubts if same is really efficient

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Significant amounts of drugs cannot move within Tokyo without Yakuza consent. Foreign and Japanese criminologists know this all too well. 2. I noticed that the (mostly, but not solely) Nigerians that always annoy me to go to "whatever" bars are gone. What does this have to do with drugs? Statistically, in terms of usage, research indicates that Japan has a significant meth problem. Evidence that marijuana is a "gateway drug" is shakey at best and generally mocked as an outdated concept by researchers in the field.
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YoungJP: You are right about Japan have a meth problem. This anti-drug rally seems to be focused on marijuana when they should be focusing their efforts on amphetamines. In a society that admires people who work long hours and get little sleep, it's no wonder that this drug has become so popular.

They know that smuggling is going on between China and the yakuza in Japan but instead of trying to nail the big crime organizations police seem to be wasting time and paperwork on small busts involving low-level drug crimes which obviously isn't going to do any good.

Another problem is they don't have enough rehabs centers and self-help groups for addicts. Many addicts probably would like to recover but have no where to turn to. If they do have the courage to go to rehab, they will still likely face shame of the society and their peers.

Their goal should be to reel in the big fish, help drug-abusers kick their habit and prevent young people from starting to use by educating them. And it certainly wouldn't hurt if the bigger cities would just slow down a little and allow people to live at a normal pace.

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An addict who know about the crime might seduce people that "Hey! Let's use it together. You must be gotten suspended if you are found the use of marijuana first time."

Justice should sentence people who used marijuana first time to some years in prison, should not suspend. It's the best deterrent power to people.

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sorry caldina harsh sentences for pot do not work, unless you are trying to make the prisons a growth industry, like they are in the US.

A big problem is how nations try to come at drug abuse. They generally start off from a very ignorant idea of drug use and what drugs are bad and over react, like in the USA, where at one time a joint of weed could land you 10 years or more in prison.

After some time the nation usually sees that the harsh anti-drug laws are doing nothing but making career criminals and life time losers out of people who recreationally use soft drugs. They then begin to target very addictive drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamines and other designer drugs which pose serious health risk if used even a few times and cause addictive behavior such as stealing to get the drug.

This tactic works but because of all the zealot preaching about and harsh sentences for soft drugs the people are wary of the message and do not believe the government when it makes valid argument against hard drugs.

Soft drugs such as pot, alcohol and mild sedatives can be recreationally consumed with little danger of addiction or rick of medical problems. Of course if you drink every day or smoke a ton of pot you will suffer bad health but then again if you eat donuts every day or too much salt you will also have bad health problems.

In the end, Holland, Canada and many other nations that have soften their stance towards pot prove, making it decriminalized and regulated leads to less lower averages of users. In the USA, where pot is still classified as an opiate Schedule I narcotic, Pot is still the money game for gangs and is still seen as an avenue for rebellious youth to engage in, a not to radical form of deviant social behavior.

If Japan wants to do its citizens right, it would seek to decriminalize pot and educate people to the dangers of hard drugs.

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I've never heard of jail time stopping anybody as everybody figures the other guy will get caught, not them. Making drugs illegal just drives the trade underground and rakes in profits for the yakuza. Yah, if drugs were legal there would be other social problems, similar to alcohol and tobacco but with addiction as an additional problem. But when you look at the violence and support of criminals that making drugs illegal causes one has to wonder which is worse.

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Freewheelin Franklin sez: Drugs will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no drugs.

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HesKun at 11:49 AM JST - 21st January It's funny Japan is so strict towards marijuana (大麻) since it is an indigenous plant in Japan, and has been used for all its useful purposes for centuries; it's one of the best crops given to man by mother nature.

You seem to be confusing cannabis with hemp. I'm all for legalization, but let's not muddy the waters by implying that you get dope and hemp from the same plant.

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If the brain cells are dying then what else would a pot head say; "This is actually a medicinal plant. Legalize it, Let's all be happy!" Come on, mostly people who smoke MJ or take drugs are the ones who think it's okay. Most of those whom I've know or met that smoke MJ or take drugs are way out there weird.

I think it makes sense to have such a rally to promote good judgement towards awareness and not taking drugs.

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It's a plant, a gift from god. Not a dangerous drug. Stop ruining innocent people's lives. Instead, catch the traffickers, yakuza bosses who poison the public by dangerous chemical mixes. Only reason it is considred as a gateway drug is because it's sold by same people, who also sells chemical drugs.

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I tend to agree with KitsuneYoukai. I have a friend that is hooked on it and he is usually way out there too and tries to justify it and compare it to alcohol and how it's "not as bad as alcohol". Anything to not give it up but if he's caught it'll destroy his relationship and his job. Such a shame to see someone who is so hooked on something they are trying to justify it's use. You can see the same here on JT.

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Most of those whom I've know or met that smoke MJ or take drugs are way out there weird.

hmmm...how weird can they be...lets say compare to japanese otaku culture, cosplay,sexualizing teenage girls,death from overwork,large amount of people who commit suicide...i could go on and on....

the point i would like to make: what is it to you if people(grown ups)decide to consume substances?

i just hope this fascist mentality of wanting to control peoples lifes will come to a stop and don t tell me the government is concerned about the wellbeing of people because than they surely will do something about pollution since its affecting ALL OUR health

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i wonder how many people showed up to support them, completely unaware that the giant leaf on their shirt is a pot leaf hahaha.

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I see deals going on at my junior high school all the time. This doesn't suprise me !!!!

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'You seem to be confusing cannabis with hemp. I'm all for legalization, but let's not muddy the waters by implying that you get dope and hemp from the same plant.'

It IS from the same plant. Mary Jane is the flower of the (female) hemp plant.

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Different variants of the same plant, I believe.

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(as in hemp grown for fiber and hemp grown for dope are differnet variants)

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the chief of police in the UK is in favor of legalizing all drugs, i have to say i agree. As soon as you do that the control goes to the government and you instantly remove all the big drug dealing gangs. Arresting a teenage pot head wont solve anything if you arent going after those who import it. You have to cut them out of the game and you do that by legalization, government control and help for addicts. The US prohibition of alcohol never worked did it.

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