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© 2012 AFPS Korean rams gate at Japanese embassy in protest
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Mirai Hayashi
Just my opinion, but it was pretty insensitive of Nobuyuki Suzuki to set up such a protest in front of the statue. Sex slavery during WWII is a very sensitive to some people, and by doing this, he is in essence thumbing his nose at all Korean women who were victims of sex slavery during the war.
"The Japanese activist, Nobuyuki Suzuki, set up a stake next to the statue reaffirming Japan’s claim to islands disputed with South Korea."
No doubt after this coward did this he ran to the embassy to hide. What Kim did to the Japanese embassy was pretty stupid, but the anger is understandable with what people Suzuki do.
Well I'll be. What are the odds of that???
Thomas Anderson
Yeah, right-wingers... always doing stupid, violent things.
Anyway I hope that "protester" gets sued the crap out.
I think this kind of thing is precisely why the Japanese government is looking to relocate the Japanese embassy.
Being angry at a random idiot Japanese person is not a good reason to attack the embassy with a heavy vehicle.
Just proves there are nationalist idiots on both sides of the Sea of Japan.
Thomas Anderson: "Anyway I hope that "protester" gets sued the crap out."
I hope so, too, but sadly it's more likely that the issue will be treated like every other 'comfort women' issue in Japan -- ignored or denied.
Hikozaemon: "Just proves there are nationalist idiots on both sides of the Sea of Japan."
Agreed, although I can see the motivation for the truck driver, but not for the nationalist scumbag Suzuki.
This guy behavior reflects most Koreans (North & South) mentality toward any opposite views including themselves. All these territorial claims will be settle by international court in the future. The economics prosperity give way to "pride and prejudice" to both side of the issues. Extreme nationalism and fundamentalism are the recipe for disaster to come.
Bgood41: "All these territorial claims will be settle by international court in the future. "
This isn't about territorial claims, and no, they won't be settled by international courts so long as there are independent nations.
"Extreme nationalism and fundamentalism are the recipe for disaster to come."
Agree with you there, though.
Smith - you should be able to understand the mentality of both sides, even if you don't agree.
Crazy Japanese guy feels:
the comfort women were paid prostitutes, even if the money most often went to their Korean traffickers/pimps, no different perhaps to a large percentage of working Korean prostitutes in Japan today claims for compensation are invalid because all claims were settled by the Korean government in 1965, and the decision not to allow individual compensation was that of the Korean government, not the Japanese government the comfort women issue is a political ploy used by Korean nationalists to humiliate and antagonize Japan the illegal invasion and continued occupation of Takeshima in the 1960s does not extinguish or change the validity of Japan's sovereignty over the islandsI don't agree with all the above points, or what Suzuki did, but I can understand what his political mindset was. And so he protested at the protest statue.
Mr. Kim feels that:
the comfort women were victims of abduction, rape and sexual slavery by a Japanese government that has never apologized, compensated or being held to account for their sexual crimes against Koreans the Japanese claim on Dokdo is intolerable as it represents Japan's refusal to give up entirely its colonial claims over sovereign Korean territory the Japanese man's protest represents a further defiling of the raped sex slaves and subjugation of Korea's national sovereignty.So he took a truck and drove it into the national embassy of Japan.
BOTH people here are idiots. And Mr. Kim's actions - which endangered life and damaged property, were worse than Mr. Suzuki's (honestly, are these names made up...), even though Mr. Suzuki's were more offensive and provocative to the opposing view. This whole exchange, between idiots versus idiots is endless, each justifying the next act of idiocy, both angry, and neither listening.
I understand both, and think both are idiots. Easy.
Tell me that this will end one day. These people never cease to amaze.
Hikozaemon: "I don't agree with all the above points, or what Suzuki did, but I can understand what his political mindset was. And so he protested at the protest statue."
Yes, they are both idiots, but one man's actions were the result of what the other did, whereas the other's actions -- and he actually flew to Seoul, out of utter hatred to do what he did -- were based on disagreement with politics. There's a BIG difference in why they did what they did, even though, again, both were stupid. And spitting on victims of sexual slavery by calling them prostitutes (and I bet if you pointed out that that would mean his grandpappy had to hire hookers he'd go balllistic!... just making a point) is just flat out wrong. Why do these idiots, who were never even alive at the time, contradict the people who WERE alive and victimized with what they claim is their knowledge of the truth? It's absolutely disgusting.
That's what the Japanese Embassy in South Korea looks like?
mirai hayashi-
i think that was the point, to be rude and insensitive.
others are being too understanding of this, esp the jpns, imho.
he went there to inflame aqnd anger and put down ppl. Don't forget he belongs to a group. they have an agenda and goals.
and, mission accomplished. mr kim got inflamed.
Smith - I see you have a firm grip on the moral outrage of Mr. Kim. No issue there.
But the question is, what to you do with that political and historical sense of rage? The women themselves built a statue. Some people write strongly worded letters to the editor of their local newspaper. Many people may start an online petition for Mr. Suzuki to be punished to the full extent of the law or whatever.
What you do NOT do is take a heavy vehicle, and drive it into the embassy of the government that person was from. It's fortunate that no one was killed, as they quite easily could have been? If anyone was injured, it would constitute assault with a deadly weapon. And what - because the guy who pissed him off was a nutjob Japanese citizen?
So if a nutjob from a country upsets me, I can mount an attack with a deadly weapon on their embassy?
The man had justified anger and sympathy until he drove his truck into the Japanese embassy. Then he became a murderous nationalist bigot, WORSE than Mr. Suzuki. It's contemptible that you're making excuses for Mr. Kim.
The struggling between the Korean and Japanese nationalists is a daily business and their hatred will last for several generations....what really made me happy is the social effects and public outraging against a stragetic relationship with Japan over the South Korean government will be sway away , an untrustworthy neighbour and fragile alliance!
The remarks from Nobuyuki Suzuki, calling the comfort women were 'prostitutes will instigate further hatred and confrontation in asia including ROK that will resulting a catsasropic political consequence especially the fragile alliance!
Hikozaemon: "So if a nutjob from a country upsets me, I can mount an attack with a deadly weapon on their embassy?"
What would happen if a South Korean or Chinese went to Yasukuni (if they were allowed in) and put up a protest sign and called all Japanese soldiers rapists and war criminals? You'd see FAR worse than what Mr. Kim did, and the SKorean probably wouldn't even be allowed that close to the place to begin with.
"But the question is, what to you do with that political and historical sense of rage?"
Ummm... first you don't rely on white-washed textbooks or stuff you have no idea of, then you deal with politics POLITICALLY -- what Suzuki did was not politics, it was hate, plain and simple. And stop trying to pretend I never said what Kim did was stupid or wrong -- it was. I just said he had a more valid reason for acting so stupidly. What is Suzuki's claim besides nationalistic crap he's been fed for years? Suzuki has no grasp on reality -- the man is rich enough he leads a good life, flies out to South Korea just to piss on people he has no idea what happened to, and then has people to defend him for doing so. I have no doubt Kim's punishment will be lighter than it should be as well, thanks to nationalism on the SK side, but he WILL be punished. Suzuki? He'll get right-wing points and the J-courts will dismiss any wrong doing and feign ignorance (except that they ARE ignorant).
just-a-bigguy: "what really made me happy is the social effects and public outraging against a stragetic relationship with Japan over the South Korean government will be sway away , an untrustworthy neighbour and fragile alliance!"
Absolutely... while Japan continues to deny their wrong doings, why should the SK public accept an alliance with such an untrustworthy partner as Japan? The alliance would be beneficial to both, if Japan ever started being honest about its history and tried to make amends. Alas, you have people like Suzuki to make such an alliance ever the more improbable, and people like Kim adding an exclamation point.
First I heard about this Suzuki guy. Did his antics appear in the news anywhere here in Japan?
To be daring enough to carry out such a "demonstration" in South Korea leaves me with the feeling that he might be some kind of a nutcase.
edojin: "First I heard about this Suzuki guy. Did his antics appear in the news anywhere here in Japan?"
Does news of ANYTHING related to comfort women appear in Japanese news if Japan is not vilified (and rightly so!) on the international stage first?
"To be daring enough to carry out such a "demonstration" in South Korea leaves me with the feeling that he might be some kind of a nutcase."
Absolutely, as any right-winger is.
Michael Jun Sung Shim
There is growing resentment between two nations that boiled into hot feverish nationalism..I don't care whatever justification japanese and Korean men made in order to justify their deeds..The fact remains there is a deep-seated hatred between the two nations and what these two men were doing is showing that it is merely the tip of an iceberg..I am sure there are plenty of Korea haters in japanese government and right wing activists who want Dokdo island under their jurisdiction.If on the other hand, japan can settle peacefully island dispute issues with both China and Russia, then maybe S Korea and japan can also improve their own ties too by being more flexible on their stances over Dokdo ownerships since it seems the only way for japan to take over Dokdo island issue is through the use of force which will bring world wide condemnation of japan and its people..
Yes I live in Seoul,Korea and having seen Korean TV channels today, they always show negative aspects of Japan..I am sure Japanese media will never admit their own wrongdoings in Korea and elsewhere..However, I don't want to become anti-foreign including anti-japan because even though many Koreans still dislike Japan at heart Koreans are warm people who want to extend a hand of friendships even to N Korean and Japanese people..So guys I ask both Koreans and japanese please remain calm and cool your heads and think of more ways to improve friendships between them rather than doing these kind of things which only creates a vicious cycle..I think more Koreans and japanese should go to Europe and benchmark & learn how Europeans overcame their mutual hostility and learned to get along & accept each other..
I hope strongly that my article can help Korea-japan friendships to move in the right,positive direction.There is no need to raise the tension between the two of them just as when old rivals are making up with each other and making peace in Europe and elsewhere!!So better late than never just forgive and forget japan's war crimes in Korea and just move on for the better & brighter future!!! I hate fighting just want only peace between any two nations and peoples!!
Laurenço Iscariot Shells
Wait. The best excuse he could muster for that bad display of driving was that he was deeply upset? Take a taxi next time. I don't fully know the lapse time between the Japanese demonstrator and Lil' Kim driving his truck into the gates of the embassy but I am sure he drove by the embassy a few times before he finally decided to do it. Too bad he didn't get trashed and pass out in an alley instead.
Barbara Reder
What Mr Kim was wrong but what Mr Suzuki is making me sick... sadthere are japanese ppl like that... why cant jjapan aplogize pay the victims and we all move on?
Macpaul Emeka Ekwueme
@Smithinjapan, I assume you live in Japan by that name. Why the antagonism against Japan. Been following all your post(OK, not all, but a significant amount) the bias is ever so glaring. If you don't like the country, why are you here? You don't have to support Japan, but at least for once make a valid argument.
Macpaul Emeka Ekwueme
Its easy to rile Japan for not paying out all these demonstrators. But people reason for once how feasible that can be. The moment hands out a dime, the floods of claims will start pouring in.I believe the best place to look is at the Korean government itself. They know the truth(even though they sometimes try to please the nationalist in their country) and that's why they are not taking these claims too seriously.
Let me see. One guy placed a pole(which stated "Takeshima belongs to Japan") next to the comfort women statue in front of the Japanese Embassy ( which in of itself is a violation of Vienna Convention). The other ran his truck through the embassy because of this.
And smith has the nerve to claim
"I just said he had a more valid reason for acting so stupidly."
Amazing. Simply amazing.
inferiority complex, if you asked me. Heck, the US army have been doing the same every where they went to. Vietnam, Cambodia, Africa etc... on their "keep peace" missions. And Korean are no better.
smithinjapan: "You'd see FAR worse than what Mr. Kim did"
I honestly don't think so. It was so fortunate that no human lives were lost this time. Otherwise it would have been an absolute mess at all levels between the two countries. You may be aware of the destructive acts conducted by some of the Chinese tourists (perhaps activists) who visit Yasukuni these days. Whether tactical or not, such acts are addressed rather patiently and maturely by the shrine and the rightists who say they deplore the growing number of such mannerless acts committed, but do nothing more. This "no action" helps them rather in proving their point. Agree what this Suzuki guy did was idiotic and disgraceful probably to both countries. If Korea had handled the situation in a more patient and mature manner it would probably proved to have been rather effective in making their point to the Japanese, and more of the everyday Japanese may have been able to sympathize with the Korean side, instead of being distracted by what is to be dismissed as another one of those dangerous acts driven by blind religion and education.
One ill turn deserves another? Suzuki should have stayed home but this guy must have been right over the top to wreck his truck.
Smith. Do you realize how many Koreans come to Japan doing the same thing?
A little perspective would be nice.
Why would Suzuki be charged with anything in Japan when the incident took place in Korea?
One guy runs into an embassy with his truck while the other did what exactly, smith? Thanks to the nationalism on the SK side, the police are investigating on possible charges of destruction of property by Suzuki which is absuuurd.
Eduardo Gonzalez
The whole divided peninsula, is seeking revenge by attacking them this December 21st. Leaving no survivors
Some people have such a biased view of Korean-Japanese relations that they have no sense of what is legal or legal, what is an act which puts people at risk of inujry or death and what is simply an act of sheer stupidity and bad taste.
The relations between South Korea and Japan are complicated. It's quite delusional of Japan to think Korea just hates Japan all the time. Many Koreans knows the past in the past but there is reluctance, because they also want the Japanese to understand how they devastated Korea and neighboring countries during the war. The Japanese tend to have such strong feelings about Korea, but there remains a slight dislike. Many Japanese really are unaware of the attrocities committed against Korea and other parts of Asia during the WWII, which is unfortunate. But when you speak to people who are aware, they have always felt that what happened to the neighboring countries was wrong, but at a same time, the Japanese continues to look at themselves as a victim of the war. If you look at ceremony every year in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they only talk about the Japanese victims of the A-bomb, but never the victims of neighboring countries caused by Japanese military.
???? Koreans were part of the IJA.
nigelboy Jul. 10, 2012 - 08:30AM JST. ???? Koreans were part of the IJA.
Then tell me why the issue of comfort women? Weren't they part of Korea in WWII or was it unrelated?
What about them? As the U.S. report states,
"A "comfort girl" is nothing more than a prostitute or "professional camp follower" attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers. "
Despite the fact that Korea is a growing economic nation, there are over 100,000 Korean prostitutes operating around the world with 50,000 in Japan alone.
Now one has to wonder why during the annexation period, these women had to be forced into prostitution by the Japanese military when the economic times were much harsher.
After the war, Japan and Korea negotiated extensively for 20 years to achieve the 1965 Treaty and the compensation agreement. Tell me why the Korean government didn't even mention these so-called victimized women during these negotiations? We're talking thousands of hours and hundred of thousands of pages of diplomatic meeting records yet no mention of them?
Nigelboy; Demands for an apology and compensation have been a recurring topic in Korean politics. Many people, Those apologies, which are usually made followed by denial of war crimes by the Japanese lawmakers, as inadequate and insincere.
That's called democracy sfjp330. There are dissenting views which is displayed in any other developed nations in the world.
"Many Japanese really are unaware of the attrocities committed against Korea and other parts of Asia during the WWII, which is unfortunate."
What "atrocities" were committed against Korea during WWII when over 240,000 Koreans, far in excess of recruitment quotas were serving in the Imperial Japanese Forces, makimg use of the "comfort women system" and brutalizing allied POWs?
OssanAmerica Jul. 10, 2012 - 09:13AM JST. What "atrocities" were committed against Korea during WWII when over 240,000 Koreans, far in excess of recruitment quotas were serving in the Imperial Japanese Forces, makimg use of the "comfort women system" and brutalizing allied POWs?
As World War II intensified, Japanese government drafted Korean men for its war efforts. The number ranges anywhere between 300,000 to 1 million. They were mostly put in hard labor, usually in mines or factories. Quite a few of them were killed or injured in mines or factories with substandard (to put it nicely) labor conditions.
Japanese colonial government liberally tortured those who were arrested on the suspicion of independence movement for Korea. The most well-documented case is that of Yoo, Guan-soon, who was a 19-year-old student of Ewha School when she played a key role in organizing largest mass-protest against the Japanese rule. Yoo was arrested and died in prison The returned body of Yoo was in six pieces; her scalp was missing; her nose and ears had been cut off, and all of her finger and toenails were plucked off. Brutal suppression of independence movement was not limited to individuals. Japanese military police marched into a village known for its Christian-based independence movement. The police rounded up roughly 30 Christians in the village into the town church, locked the doors and set the building on fire. 22 died trapped in the building, and 8 were shot outside of the church as they tried to escape.
As World War II raged on, the Japanese military, directly and indirectly, rounded up between 100,000 and 200,000 women to be used sex slaves, euphemistically called “Comfort Women”, for the Japanese soldiers. These women were usually raped many many times a day. The women were mostly Korean and Chinese.
Unit 731 – this one is so incredibly depraved that the Korean can’t even go into describing it. They will only say that it was a secret medical unit of the Japanese military, conducting various human experiments. So, why do Koreans hate the Japanese?
sfjp330's old habits never die. Copy/pasting someone else's work.
For your information, the mandatory draft of Koreans in the war efforts was enacted in September of 1944 with training period between Jan. 1945 and July of 1945 which resulted in most stationed in Japan or Korean peninsula.
As for the worker draft, the same mandatory order was enacted on September of 1944 and it lasted merely 7 months with only 245 Koreans involved.
The Japanese women has no social status at all in their society thats why they never respects women of other nationalities and thats why they refused to apologise!
Why didnt the south Korean government sent Nobuyuki Suzuki to North Korea's education and redemption camp? The laws of ROK shall never making effects over Japanese rightists, they just despise south Korea and his insultation over the bronze stateue of Korean girl reflected the sovereignity of Korea has been humilated! RoK was just too weak to response that thug's act!
Rather than ramming the gates to the Japanese embassy Mr Kim should have conducted his protest earlier and rammed his truck into the idiot Mr Suzuki.... Either that or he could have come over to Japan and sat outside Yasukuni with a nice banner saying something derogatory about the Japanese.
"So, why do Koreans hate the Japanese?"
Because they have an enormous chip on their shoulders. It's hilarious that Koreans accuse Japan of whitewashing history when that is exactly what they themselves have done. Koreans were Japanese nationals up to the end of WWII. Suddenly with Japan's defeat they declared themselves victims. Sorry but Koreans did brutalize allied POWs and some of them were charged and convicted as Class-B War Criminals. Koreans in the Imperial Japanese forces did use the "Comfort Women System" and were even able to do so at a discount. If every Korean comfort woman (200,000?) was "kidnapped" by the Japanese military why would over 240,000 Korean men serve in the Japanese military?
That's premeditated murder. Wow. For placing a pole next to the bronze statue? How violent.
Get in line for he'll have plenty of company especially August 15th.
Koreans playing victim card and critisizing the actions of imperial Japan is like Austrians pretending to be victims and critisizing Germany for its role in WWII. Despite the fact that there were many Koreans who served in the Japanese military volunteerly and committed war crimes against POWs and Chinese civilians (some of them were even executed as war criminals), as soon as Japan surrendured they claimed that they were on the winners' side. In addition, after WWII, Koreans started to extend the propaganda both at home as well as abroad that their situation in WWII was comparable with that of Poland or Jewish people while in fact their role was more similar to that of Austria.The government succeeded in establishing this vision in their people in such a way that when your vision of history differ from them, they will just yell at you hysterically saying that you are brainwashed or trying to fabricate the history.
It's Korea's tactics to have selective memory and to disregard any of the official apologies that came before.
Korea is king at propaganda, anyone who doesn't see through it is being brainwashed by the press. It's starting to infiltrate into the American press, with many koreans working at CNN and other news/propaganda machines. They are at work in Japan as well.
All of this is in reaction to their poor score in the Global Reputation Index and the only way they think they can increase their reputation is to put down Japan's. Its the typical scenario of kids fighting where one has to put down the other to make themselves feel better, but when in fact it is hurting their reputation even more. The newest 2011-2012 index doesn't show improvement for Korea, but Japan continues to excel on that front. I wonder why this is so? Koreans are notorious for defamation suits because they understand it very well - it is one of their tools. Truly educated people see through their tactic of defamation and when korean's cry libel it is rather hypocritical.
It's no secret there are many Korean prostitutes outside of Korea in sex parlors with the name Tokyo massage or something eluding to the notion that it may be Japanese. Korea was already a ravaged country under China and Japan did much to bring infrastructure to it. The ties between Japan and Korea go back before 600AD when Japan was still WA and before the Korean-descendents renamed it Yamato and used the Shinto religion for their purpose.
The truth is, the imperial family of Japan should be the ones who apologizes to Korea and could have saved the innocent Japanese populous from the ongoing hatred and shame that they must now carry simply for having been born "Japanese". Instead, the emperor saved his own behind and used scape goats to free him and his family from any wrongdoing. If the current emperor has any moral decency, he should apologize for his family's use of the imperial army for their past beefs with the Goguryeon, Baeke, Silla etc. Knowing their imperial family's bloodline, I know that won't happen as they are Korean descendents who themselves feel are entitled elite. Make no mistake, the Japanese governments after WWII HAVE APOLOGIZED repeatedly, more or less as a test to see if they even knew about the events of WWII. Like most people in the world, the Japanese do not dwell on their shame or talk about it, but it is VERY WELL understood by EACH Japanese citizen.. Those who are clueless are not educated citizens - they've led sheltered lives. Ask any college student in Japan and they know why the atomic bomb was dropped on them. What they don't know is why the Emperor and his military (family) aides had such ambition to conquer asia - which is a direct result of the strife that was bred from the wars and defectors from the Three Kingdoms.
OssanAmerica Jul. 11, 2012 - 01:23AM JST Because they have an enormous chip on their shoulders. It's hilarious that Koreans accuse Japan of whitewashing history when that is exactly what they themselves have done. Koreans were Japanese nationals up to the end of WWII.
OssanJapan..Its funny that you accuse Koreans of whitewashing history. For the 2006 Japanese school year, the term "comfort women" for wartime sex slaves, mostly from Korea and China disappeared from all eight junior high history books approved by the national government. In the same text further distorts the past and portrays imperial Japan as a liberator rather than an occupier of its Asian neighbors. The text shuns the word "invasion," for instance, and leaves out critical accounts of events such as the Japanese army's massacre of civilians in Nanking, China, in 1937.
To wasabizuki, ossanamerica, black_jack, and nigelboy:
Isn't the internet great. It allows morons like yourself to say shit that would, in real life get your head cracked open.
Hopefully you'll suffer the same fate
Please turn to the loaded gun in your drawer, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger, blowing your brains out. You'll be doing the whole world a favor.
I would love to smash your face in until it no longer resembled anything human
Can you please remove yourself from the gene pool? Preferably in the most painful and agonizing way possible? Retard
Die painfully okay? Prefearbly by getting crushed to death in a garbage compactor, by getting your face cut to ribbons with a pocketknife, your head cracked open with a baseball bat, your stomach sliced open and your entrails spilled out, and your eyeballs ripped out of their sockets.
I really hope that you get curb-stomped. It'd be hilarious to see you begging for help, and then someone stomps on the back of your head, leaving you to die in horrible, agonizing pain.
STFU, before you get your face bashed in and cut to ribbons, and your throat slit.
And show me a South Korean textbook that showsd how over 240,000 Koreans served in the Imperial Japanese Forces, that Koreans brutalized aliied POWs in prison camps and some even being convicted as class-b war criminals at the Tokyo War Crimes trials.or that Korean soldiers made use of he Comfort Women System and could even use the service at a discount. Korean textbooks don't even mention how as a Japanese colony Korea finally got things like paved roads, rail systems, all the modernizatyion it missed as a backwards state. Show me a Korean textbook that honestly states that in 1965 all issues with Japan were settled between the two nations including compensation to individuals who suffered, and that South Korea received money for it. Japanese textbooks openly admit that Japan was the aggressor in WWII by "advancing" into the Asian mainland. That it does nopt use ":invasion" to YOUR satisfaction is your problem and nothing compared to the Korean whitewashing of it's own roile during WWII.