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© KYODOS Korean union calls on ex-Japanese civil servant to apologize for brawl
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This fool better apologize properly.
Kobe White Bar Owner
"Takeda, however, has disputed the allegations, saying in a Facebook post Wednesday, "In fact, I wasn't drunk. I acted disorderly but didn't hit the airport worker."
You be the judge.
Samit Basu
Mr. Takeda was heavily intoxicated and he was denied the boarding because of this.
I didn't know one can be denied boarding an airplane for drunkenness, but come and think of it that makes sense since a drunk passenger is a hazard to safe flight.
As expected, this news is mysteriously absent from Japanese online news websites. However what is more troubling is the pattern of lying. The guy is caught on camera kicking and attacking the staff, and then goes to Facebook and starts lying about it. Imagine if there wasn't a camera footage.
And then Japan can not understand why Korea has the attitude it has.
typical arrogant japanese
I am surprised that he was not arrested.
Aly Rustom
Then why apologize?
What a muppet!
I agree.
This news was on the topic last Thursday in Japan, it’s already a few days old.
Saw it on TV for at least 20mn during daytime and the video was properly showing. It was also on Japanese websites on that day. No hiding or anything from Japan
This infamous Nut Rage Return airline and holding company Hanjin Group, Their ground staffs at airport ARE actually terrible and arrogant. I tell you.
Marsh Mallow
What a waste of oxygen this twat is.
Will patiently wait to hear he has been let go....I expect to be waiting a very long time, as usual just sweep under the rug, pretend it didn't happen...
I was waiting to appear on Yahoo Japan News, the netouyo's stronghold, and the most popular online news website in Japan. I just googled it and it seems that there had been 1 article about this 5 days ago, no video, and the comments were disabled. No update since then. All the top news are all anti-Korean.
I just heard this story now, so at first, after reading the title, I was thinking, "Really Korea? It seems like you're trying to get every bit of reason to let Japan do something. I get historical aspects, but this?"
But as I kept reading the article, yeah that Japanese man was wrong, and kept digging himself in a hole as he went on.
If not drunk then what?
This infamous Nut Rage Return airline and holding company Hanjin Group, Their ground staffs at airport ARE actually terrible and arrogant. I tell you.
This comment is trying to distract the issue.
The Nut rage incident a few years ago is not the issue, nor is the holding company.
Having seen the video, the airport worker is trying to show restraint, patience, and professionalism in the face of an abusive, incoherent (drunk or not), disrespectful immature little twerp.
Like I have said, I am amazed that he was not arrested, because believe me, in my native country he would be.
Incidentally, in my experience, I have always received courtesy, and respect at Korean airports and on Korean airlines, and never "terrible and arrogant" so you tell me.
With muppets like this in charge, it's no wonder that reform never happens in Japan. And to think a Japanese government official would be yelling anti-Korean hate-speech in a Korean airport..! With history taken into account... FFS! What a sick joke.
Try Hanjin Int'l ground staffs at Narita airport. I mean it's not only Korean Air but every airlines their ground works are consigned to Hanjin Int'l .
JJ Jetplane
So in other words he admits that he is aware that he’s a pig and he purposely failed as a legal representative of Japan?
Is this because he is a Japanese civil servant that Korean air labor union demanded apology and compensation? Let's see how they dealt with all the other troubles on/off board in the past.
Ganbare Japan!
Compensation is sought? For hurt feelings? Really? All least they didn't leave it 75 years to demand it this time lol.
It seems labor unions are very militant and too powerful in South Korea. If they risk businesses being shut down, that makes doing business in SK very dangerous.
Ricky Kaminski13
Classic and instinctive. Only this time, the video evidence tells the real story. The guy was out of control, belligerent and abusive.
Just type 竹田 厚生労働省 in google news and a lot will appear
Best way to make yourself look even more of an idiot racist: yell out how you hate all the people of that ethnic group while in their country.
Interesting story but there are two parts. Clearly this Takeda is an absolute DB and he deservedly has already been canned from his job. And he certainly should have (if he didn't) face criminal charges and should face a civil suit from the Korean worker who was the victim.
The South Korean police say ""He was heavily drunk," the police said, adding Takeda had admitted to the allegations and apologized.".
So what business is it of the South Korean Labor Union to be demanding Takeda "directly apologize and offer compensation to the worker, who is a member of the union."? The Union is not a party to this issue, and the victim's membership in the Union is only relevant to his employment terms and conditions as negotiated by the Union. Any compensation is up to the victim's relief sought in his complaint and the Court's judgement. If the Korean Labor Union wants to fund their member's action that's one thing. But to come out openly making demands is inappropriate.
They should have arrested him and kept in jail while awaiting trial three to six months from later.
Compensation is sought? For hurt feelings? Really? All least they didn't leave it 75 years to demand it this time lol.
Not a very mature comment.
It seems labor unions are very militant and too powerful in South Korea. If they risk businesses being shut down, that makes doing business in SK very dangerous.
Irelavent to the issue.
Hello Kitty 321
Surely the headline should read 'Japanese ex-civil servant'
Although come to think of it, he was not very civil either.
So what business is it of the South Korean Labor Union to be demanding Takeda "directly apologize and offer compensation to the worker, who is a member of the union."? The Union is not a party to this issue, and the victim's membership in the Union is only relevant to his employment terms and conditions as negotiated by the Union. Any compensation is up to the victim's relief sought in his complaint and the Court's judgement. If the Korean Labor Union wants to fund their member's action that's one thing. But to come out openly making demands is inappropriate.
Not inappropriate at all. A Union is concerned with the welfare of staff.
Funny, since when and how a labor union of Korean private company could strip any foreigner of his civil servant status?
Didnt the police say he apologized? South Korea is so hung up on apologies. It's not really an apology if it's forced.
Clearly a total jackass and a liar to boot. But I agree it's not the place of the SK labour union to get involved.
This goofball is a perfect metaphor for Japan & WWII!!
Admit, give vague lame "apology", then quickly deny everything!! Even though everyone else knows you are lying keep denying.....
You have to understand that the people who make comments about "not seeing it on Japanese TV dont really "watch" or pay attention to Japanese TV unless it's in English.
The proof is in the comments, unless they read it here, they would never have known about it in the first place.
"Takeda, however, has disputed the allegations, saying in a Facebook post Wednesday, "In fact, I wasn't drunk. I acted disorderly but didn't hit the airport worker."'
Easy enough to clear up if police have it on tape, but like the coward swimmer caught stealing while in Korea and confessing, once released and back in Japan he denies it and looks for support in fellow haters. Notice the relative silence on this in the media here?
"He admitted telling the airport worker that he hated South Koreans but said it was because he was angry and there was "no political intention.""
So, he's just a racist bigot. Again, too bad he was caught on tape doing what he now claims he did not.
The headline refers to him as an "ex-civil servant". Has he been fired or resigned as a public worker?
The story simply says that "he was replaced as head of the Wage Division last Wednesday". Isn't that just a demotion?
fwiw, I think he should be fired.
What a fool and a public servant too.
Ganbare Japan!
@ OssanAmerica. As usual a voice of reason in Japan-South Korea relations. Brilliantly stated.
This SK labor union has no business making demands for apologies, cash payments and so on. They are like unions everywhere:so left wing they are likely being funded by communist PRC. Furthermore, most labor unions are corrupt, I'm sure This is no exception.
Setting a great example worldwide.
You have to understand that the people who make comments about "not seeing it on Japanese TV dont really "watch" or pay attention to Japanese TV unless it's in English
I have been long enough in Japan, and also reading JapanToday, to understand things well. No need for such assertion.
But, it's not off the mark either. It isnt about reading JT, it's about paying attention to the real Japanese media
In this video clip, could anyone clearly see his right hand-fist had reached to any part of the ground staff? He was about to or wanted to hit him in his face but he couldn't. Besides, what is this initial action made by this Korean staff who first grabbed and pulled his arm? Who touched the opponent first?
The poster who claimed Japanese media did not report this news simply, either do not read or do not understand Japanese, or just read Yahoo Japan but not watch any TV. Simple as that. The news have been irritatingly all over the places for last 72 hours or so.
No, it is not absent. All the major Japanese news sources carried stories. Search in Japanese on 武田 韓国 or 武田 韓国 厚生労働省 and you will get scores of stories.
Yet, here we are on '' reading about it, just as we did last week when it was originally reported on the same Japanese online news website.
Is there anything Korea doesn't demand an apology and compensation for? It's part of the job for airport staff to deal with unruly passengers. Get over it.
Try Hanjin Int'l ground staffs at Narita airport. I mean it's not only Korean Air but every airlines their ground works are consigned to Hanjin Int'l .
I have never, ever had a problem with the ground staff at Narita Airport.
bullfighter: "No, it is not absent. All the major Japanese news sources carried stories. Search in Japanese on 武田 韓国 or 武田 韓国 厚生労働省 and you will get scores of stories."
What page was it on in the Yomiuri Shimbun? And what was their bent on it?
extanker: "Yet, here we are on '' reading about it, just as we did last week when it was originally reported on the same Japanese online news website."
Japan today is not a "Japanese news site", it is a sight with news on Japan. Big difference. And lest we forget only last week was an article where another news outlet that is predominantly Japanese had to abide by the Secrets Law and is not allowed to say "sex slave" or they will be jailed.
"Is there anything Korea doesn't demand an apology and compensation for?"
With an attitude like that, you are part of the reason why they should rightfully get compensation, same as the clowns here in politics who deny sexual slavery or racism exist in Japan, and Japan is the victim of SKorean propaganda. Well done!
I’ve been through Koreans airports and ports many many times and from north to south,including Cheju island.
I have been on planes, trains and ships!
I’ve never had a problem like this....ever!