A 32-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of murder on Monday, accused of killing her 8-year-old daughter by carbon monoxide poisoning.
Police suspect Junko Suzuki of burning coal briquettes in a bedroom on the second floor of her home in Fujimino City in the early hours of March 17, causing the death of her daughter by carbon monoxide poisoning while she slept. Suzuki also became seriously ill from inhaling the gas but recovered in hospital. Upon her release Monday, she was arrested for murder.
Suzuki told police she couldn’t remember the night clearly, but police said a note was found on a table on the first floor addressed to her husband, saying sorry, among other things. Police said her husband came home from work and found his wife and daughter unconscious on the bed in the second-floor bedroom. He called for an ambulance and the pair were rushed to hospital, but their daughter was pronounced dead shortly after.
© News reports
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Very sad.
So true. I still to this day, don't understand why these people don't ask for help! I demand that my Japanese wife and children, always tell me if they have a problem. At first it wasn't easy, but it did get easier. The Japanese need to learn that people are not mind readers, despite what have have been taught in high school.
This is very sad. I am guessing the husband was actually working in this and the wife just could not take the stress??? Not sure what to think except that this is sad.
RIP to the little girl. And the child killings go on in Japan...when will it stop?
...and I will take anyones bet that the mother will claim that the daughter willingly committed suicide...and will probably get 8 years only.
These are selfish people. I do not feel sorry for her.
Never burn 'coal briquettes' behing closed doors or window! Accused was aware how dangerous this is and she took advantage for kiiling. She should get life!
What a selfish b!tch! She'll get out of hospital and finish the job. Why kill ya kids? I'll never understand this society.
The suicide body counts for 2009!Richard_the_First
Selfish no doubt, but just imagine the mother's pain for a moment. For what ever reason, she decided to go ahead with a murder suicide, but killed her daughter without successfully killing herself. A mistake that will live with her for the rest of her life, and she may not get a chance to off herself from now on. Poor husband, too.
RIP poor little angel.
have no emotion for her at all. you want to top yourself, go right ahead, but taking you 8 year old with you is a selfish act indeed.
too many incidents like this one...
Hang her. Anyone who does this kind of thing in attempting to commit suicide, should get their wish. Give em the noose.
Elbuda Mexicano
Just plain horrible! If my Japanese wife did to my children I have no idea what I would do but go crazy. RIP little girl!
hard to beleive that the husband did not realise that the wife was suffering. Was he too busy working??? In any case, I think that the Japanese way of spending in an unbalanced way could be the reason for not being able to make ends meet. My 29 year old Japanese friend was crying when she told me that her school friend was angry with her when they met at a restaurant because my friend was eating at cheap places and dressing cheap. The school mate was having a child with Down's syndrome and was into alcohol etc. Obviously the school mate was fighting with her reality and her desires.. I am wondering what this person would do when the reality hits her. Commit suicide? So when she saw my friend being sensible in her spending she could not bear it.
Could this be the beginning of an era of people committing suicides because you cannot handle the problems in life?
This young mother is in so much stress!! She really needs help & let's not condemn her. She must be dead right now..& I guess a lot of this kind of case will follow as people here in Japan don't share their problems to others..for them it's a sign of weakness..& Over PRIVACY.
This is way of life here in Japan. If they have problems it is a shameful act to confide to their immediate families. They just gather if there's a marriage ceremony , if somebody died, if somebody is born..but never if their immediate family is in crisis..financially or emotionally..
Dennis Bauer
sorry for what? being egotistical B***H!? RIP little girl I really hate that idea stress, my mother raised 4 on welfare, my grandmother raised 11 during a time when we didn't have all the luxeries we have today!
People always talk about "what a waste of life, taking away the child's future", but surely if the mother was clinically depressed then all she could see were ways in which her daughter's life could go wrong and so maybe it was better to end it now while all she had were good memories. Of course I am not condoning the mother's actions but I am fairly sure she did what she did out of a misguided sense of love. Try walking a mile in her shoes before shouting for the noose.
I feel sympathy towards the mother. How sad and desperate she must have been. She couldn't see any other way out.
I do not know the exact reasons she attempted suicide and killed her child. May she rest in peace.
Desperation leading to suicidal thoughts are mounting these days. perhaps a sense of alienation and financial concerns are the leading causes today? Perhaps they always were the main reason?
The shrinking purses and the rising costs of everything are obviously taking a toll on people's enthusiasm for playing musical-chairs in this dog-eat-dog world we live in. I can empathise.
Another one bites the dust and opts out of the rat-race. If the facts pertaining to this tragedy are truthfully aired then I hope others will be able to learn so that they might avoid this, the ultimate decision.
And if others are merely apt to condemn then I hope they don't harm others as they go through their lives with tunnel-vision.
Only God can judge - whoever he is to you, or her, or me.
This is the second case in less than a month of a parent killing their child in this manner. Perhaps it is time to pass some sort of coal briquette control laws?
You're not allowed to use them fot apartment balcony barbecues, but offing yourself with them in your car is a-okay.
My family turfed-out the gas cooker and have used charcoal for four years.
The charcoal 'cooker' sits on a concrete slab where the gas cooker used to be. But anyway, only three of our nine children have succumbed to the poisonous gas, and one of them actually survived, though severely brain-damaged. She's useful as a gas-detector anyhow.
I was just kidding at the end. Sorry if you believed me.
Charcoal isn't more dangerous than gas, and it cooks a lot better in my opinion and it's cheaper. - I make it myself in an old oil drum, but it's so cheap it's hardly worth making yourself.
Oh sorry! This isn't about cooking, is it.
Maybe we could require prospective parents to apply for and get a permit to have children? Sorta like driving and marriage licenses, proof that they have a clue as to what the responsibilities of having kids are. Require renewals every two years so that as conditions change the government could best intervene for those kids now deemed to be at risk. Also, government could better manage it's citizens and society that way, restrict live births by gender according to the projected economic and social needs? Yes, government could most definitely take the place of friends and family if we only tried a little harder to let it..
Nope. We need to get & keep the government from meddling in our families and private affairs.
Nobody's perfect and accidents happen and this will never change. The overwhelming vast majority who make the leap into being a parent manage to work things out.
I say make it easier for the mother to stay at home and stop the schools here from encroaching on our kids' time and everybody will be more able to actually do the job of parenting.
Take for example a young couple I know. They've only got one child - a daughter. The husband works two jobs and so does the wife. By the time they get back there's not even the time to make any other babies!
They do those jobs not because they want to buy a Rolls Royce, but because they want to pay the bills. Lucky for them the mother's parents are letting them live in their house.
Robots do not have maternal instincts or the abilities of reasoning and logic. They do what their TV tells them to. And when they can no longer follow orders to the T then they self destruct.