Japan Today

'Sakura Police' make their 1st arrest over student assault


The new "Sakura Police" unit, set up on April 1 to target indecent acts and sexual assaults against minors and women, made its first collar Monday when a 19 year-old junior college student was arrested for grabbing the breasts of a 14-year-old junior high school student in Hachioji City.

The suspect was arrested after having molested a young girl on her way home from school around 6 p.m. on March 12. According to police, there have been over 10 similar incidents reported in the area. The suspect was quoted as saying: "I've only done it five or six times since the beginning of March."

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Hopefully, those who comprise "task force Sakura" haven`t all been seconded from sections that dealt with the all important apprehension of riders of unregistered bicycles.

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fusedentropy - you don't care what the law says? neither did he. both you and the 19 year old share the same disregard for the law.

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Haha! Copping a feel!

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Respect to Sakura Police, soon they will arrest many more. No respect for perverts and crazy people abusing women. Their place is prison or psychiatric clinic. They should not mix in society because they cannot be called humans.

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First off, a 19 yr old is not a minor - I don't care what the law says, if a 19yr old is going around grabbing the tits of a 14yr old children - I want that 19yr old "Minor" off the street.

That said:

1 "They decided to launch a special unit to specifically prevent cases where minors and women are approached or followed by strangers." - Not to prevent other crimes, i.e. Enko. 2 They only focus on crimes against minors and women 3 One of concerns was that, "there were more than 500 reported cases of minors being approached in areas of its jurisdiction last year". 500 reported cases over a span of 365 days...That's 1.37 reported cases a day. By the time the kid gets home and tells mommy that an old man flashed her, that old P.O.S. is long gone. Takes time to catch these idiots. 4 These bad guys KNOW where the cops are (come one, we both know they're hard to miss) - If they have any intelligence (ok, I know...), they're not going to do such things in these area - which is a success in-it-of-itself. -- Granted the crime will just move to other areas..... 5 This unit is "operating from the MPD head office in Kasumigaseki and the Harajuku police station" - Not the biggest area Japan.

Bottom line - its been 2 weeks, they caught one perverted 19yr old that deserves to be taken off the street (OK, he'll probably just have to pay a fine...but they're trying) and it's not as easy as you'd think to just take someone into custody.....

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fusedentropy - these are not 56 extra police. these are 56 people whose full time job was already to catch criminals. they have been removed from those duties to become "sakura police". In two weeks they have arrested a minor who grabbed the boobies of another minor - highschool stuff.

surely 56 officers working the saikyo line could make dozens of arrests a night.

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“I’ve only done it five or six times since the beginning of March.”

ha ha ha... That's like, an average of once a week?

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The girl involved in this should have drop kicked him in the groin...

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they should let lepers grope him. . . .

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bobcatfish - it is a success if they apprehended just 1 person - that's one less person off the street. Also, this is just the Sakura area, yes? AND you have to take into account that some crimes are not reported, others are reported but when the police arrive the criminal is gone, etc. 2 weeks have gone buy. No Japan is not crimeless, and neither is the Sakura area but they sure aren't New York either.

stop hatting and appreciate what you've got.

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Triumvere - it has nothing to do with hating J-cops. it is equivalent to a police officer making one arrest every year and a half or so. Do you really think the crime rate in Japan is so low that that kind of success rate is acceptable? There is quite a gap bewtween "wipe out" and one arrest.

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Good on the Sakura Police! I'll admit that one arrest in two weeks isn't much when groping and other lewd acts are so frequent, but it's SOMETHING. This guy's purported quote, "I only did it five or six times since the beginning of March!" just goes to show what kind of mindset the country is up against. Hopefully the threat of arrest and the public humiliation of it will help raise awareness and empower more women and children to report these incidents. I hope in six months we'll all look back at this new unit and say, "Yep, it's doing some good."

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... you expected them to wipe out Tokyo's sexual assaults in 2 weeks? I'm sorry, I realize alot of JT posters have some sort hate-on for the J-cops, but really... Come back in a few months and then lets decide if it was a "waste of time and resources."

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Triumvere - The problem is that there are 56 police officers in the Sakura police squad, it was established 14 days ago, and this is there first offense. He is not quite a rock spider. What a complete waste of time and resources.

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I'm not sure what the problem is here. Sakura police take a repeat child molester off the street. Good for them, I say.

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This truly monumental. When is the movie?

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This idiot in Hachioji says he did it "only 5 or 6 times?" Looser!

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Keep the perv locked up. If he touched my daughter, he wouldn't have any hands!

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“I’ve only done it five or six times since the beginning of March.” ...He must be ill to take advantage of women just to feel their breasts. What good will do this to him. Another one fOR shrink, and please make sure that doesn't see female 'nut' repairer. Cops in this squad had done at leat one arrest in 14 days while others are sleeping. 'BRAVO BOUYS.'

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LoveUSA at 02:00 PM JST - 14th April

Do you know how to contact the sakura police?

Yes dial 0908-cherry-popo on your cell.

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It was the sight of the school uniform that triggered a Pavlovian reaction in this bloke. He HAD TO GROPE HER!

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LoveUSA - do you mean turn yourself in?

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LoveUSA the "undercover" agents probably have a big sakura pin on their jacket

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Sakura police ?? Something uncomfortable about that,bit like Mr Children...

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anyway thanks for the information. I am off to the police station to report some crime

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I’ve only done it five or six times since the beginning of March.”

I hope I'm not the only one shocked by this remark from this scumbag.

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do you know how to contact the sakura police?

No, if you want to get in touch you'll just have to "grope and hope"

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do you know how to contact the sakura police?

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He probably confessed because he probably didn't know he was doing anything wrong.

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Seems he was only re-enacting what he sees everyday in the manga magazines!!!And confessing (or boasting) by saying how many times he actually had done it since March.

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The Sakura Police should have have plans and intentions to "reform" these offenders, otherwise, it's just a bandage (a small one at that).

Japanese spill the beans all the time. Not reliable as true friends who can keep their mouths shut when needed.

Samuraiiki: Good comment. Nice contribution. I'll be sure to dump all my so-called "reliable" Japanese friends.

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There are police units that do go on the train for this type of stuff. I saw it on TV and I don't think it was in Tokyo.

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“I’ve only done it five or six times since the beginning of March.”

Okay, how many times BEFORE the begining of March???? Did the regular cops not follow up the other incidents pending the arrival of the much touted Sakura Police???

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I think that they should be putting them on the rush hour trains. Took them 2 weeks to get 1 arrest on the streets. It would take them 10 minutes to get one on a rush hour train.

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aptly named police unit since I predict their budget and existence will be fleeting.

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Concrete has summed it up in one word, "Window Dressing." That basically puts an end to discussion. As such, don't loitering, there's nothing to see, move on.....

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Love it how these fools always confess waaay more than they have to.

Ever heard of torture? That's why they talk.

Hope they crack down on the 12-14 yr old bikini model videos

Not likely. They have had a culture of abusing minors here since long before the American ships arrived. Why would they stop now?

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So... it (insert ONLY, or do not, it's your choice) takes the Cherry Blossoms 14 days to collar some kid (who will be let go to assault again let's face it now everyone) who assaulted a fellow minor in this country over a month ago? Well Done!!!!? Is this money well spent or what?

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Hope they crack down on the 12-14 yr old bikini model videos

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"Ive only done it five or six times since the beginning of March." What a bizarre statement. This guy needs severe punishment, so that he learns the basic social skills that you dont go around groping women in public places.

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Japanese spill the beans all the time. Not reliable as true friends who can keep their mouths shut when needed.

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window dressing.

how about taking kiddie porn off the streets in Shibuya shops for a start ?

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Am I missing something or is the headline gibberish? In any event, its good news they caught this chikan. Love it how these fools always confess waaay more than they have to.

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