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© 2012 AFPSea Shepherd founder Paul Watson arrested in Germany
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© 2012 AFP
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Hang him high..... ecoterrorist extrodianare...
a true humanitarian. You can lump him in there with Gandhi and Mother Teresa.
Shark fining is worse than whaling, while I don't condone in the slightest at least the Japanese eat the whale while the shark 95% of it is thrown away to make some magical chinese soup that I never want to eat.
An 'Ecoterrorist' would be, say, a corporation logging virginal forrest in the Amazon basin, or a corporation in Indonesia cutting down forrest to plant palm oil, or a guy pouring batery acid down the sewer. Not a man whose primary motivation is protecting whales. He's more an Ecochampion.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Tamarama, while I agree that shark-finning and whaling should be stopped, the way SeaShepherd operates would more accurately be called Eco -Vigilantism. Two wrongs don't make a right.
@ herve
i totally agree. there are other means to protect sea animals. throwing stink bombs is not one of them.
It is always interesting to see the comments made any time SS and Paul Watson make the news. So many people condemn the actions of SS from the comfort of their PC chair without ever offering any kind of alternative action. I would be interested to know their alternative suggestions to stop shark finning and whaling. Furthermore, from all accounts, these charges are trumped up.
It is also interesting that this article starts with how SS interfer with Japan's annual whale 'hunt'. Isn't it 'research'?
That is the best news ever. The FBI says that he is an eco-terrorist. Hope that he stays in prison for many years.
You can lump him in there with Gandhi and Mother Teresa.
Ah so the FBI says he is an eco terrorist so it must be true right???? Is this the same FBI that mistakenly had children on their terror watchlist? Yeah l would take the FBI word as completely accurate too.... NOT!
This news must be making the Japanese just salivate with delight, another country managed to do what Japan has been incapable or unwilling to do for so long. Just goes to show Japan all bark no bite. And to think he is wanted on a terrible charge of "violation of ships traffic" now there is a life sentence!!!
Throw him in jail until he is old and decrepit
What makes you think his primary motivation is not making money? His ventures have made him rich and famous while at the same time hes willingly risked the lives of others involved. I'm not in favor of whaling, but I tend to think if Japan ever stopped the practice, hed be losing a job or getting fired.
Techall- unfortunately , your attempt at a devestatingly glib rejoinder was DOA. Paul Watson is very much alive and in no danger of dying that I know of. Ouch...
We need people who push the boundaries, don't always like them but we need them.
bad news for whales.
The German authorities are of course very proud of this action since they put a stop to illegal shark finning around Guatemala years ago. Buhahahahaha!
I am with Disillusioned. SS has been around a long time, and anyone who does not like the way they do things can darned well stand up and take their place, or keep their criticisms light. Suggesting Watson and SS be shut down while illegal shark finning continues unabated...well, I could get more insightful commentary out of a box of rocks or a bag of doorknobs.
Looks like Watson could be in trouble with the Taiwanese mafia:
Sorry! Here`s the link. Makes very interesting reading.
After Guatemala, they should extradite him to Norway too!
guy needs to sit in jail for a few years, but unfortunately it will only be spun by Sea Shepherd to prove their self righteousness.
I was not aware that Central Amercian countries were engaged in shark fin reseach.
Maybe they need to hire the Japanese to put a positive spin on their shark fin research.....
Victor Boggio
He is a terrorist, and should go to jail. My solution. Continue to criticize Japan internationally and loudly. Make more movies about it. Have more big stars talk about it. Have Obama and other world leaders bitch about it. Japan has a thin skin. When they understand that they're on the wrong side of history, they'll give in.
If ALL governments and people acted civilized and showed respect by using non-brutal/barbaric methods when hunting/fishing, we would not need the likes of SS and Paul Watson.
Until then, we need people to fight and hopefully put and end to the barbaric methods used by cold and selfish people...
Cletus, putting aside the whaling for a moment, the shark fin situation seems really bad. Might be old news to you but there are some Chinese speaking out against it though I'm not sure how effective their efforts are.
Just waiting for a bunch of East Asian countries to come out now and defend shark baiting in Costa Rica as "part of our culture and traditions for centuries".
Shark baiting should read shark finning.
So the Taiwanese mafia and corrupt politicians trump up charges to shut down the film. From Wiki:
I'd be surprised if Germany allows the extradition. Meanwhile shark fining in Costa Rica goes on...
I actually completely agree with you. The practise of shark finning is disgusting, if they kept the whole shark for food it would be more tolerable but to kill the shark for purely its fin is a disgrace.
My comment regarding whaling was a shot aimed at the pro whaling crowd on here that are rubbing their hands together in delight.....
So you condone shark finning? From all accounts it looks like the shark finners were the ones using threats of violence and force.
Sea Shepherd was caught playing make-believe, and the their "militant" leader is arrested. It's good news for a change.
Says someone:
The German police and authorities elsewhere appear to disagree.
"bad news for whales", good news for people.
This article has nothing to do with whaling. It's about shark finning. Keep to the topic, please.
Indeed, shark finning is indeed a disgusting practice. Even though shark meat is quite tasty, they throw the body away so that they can get more fins which is worth so much more.
Well which was it? Setup or impersonation of authority?
Well we'll see. All the German police have done is honor an interpol arrest warrant (on a trumped up charge). I bet you he won't be extradited. Watch this space.
Ah, it might be, but I genuinely doubt it. I just take exception to people bandying around the term 'ecoterrorist' - I find it sensationalist and disingenuous in the extreme. I admire what he is trying to achieve, but I don't care much for the man himself from what I have seen. But perhaps you have to be that way to do what he does. I can live with him harrassing the Japanese whaling fleet if it keeps these kinds of issues in the spotlight.
Dennis Bauer
since when does germany costa rica's dirty work, getting arrested for disrupting ILLEGAL shark finning?
the group hurled stink bombs at the boats on the high seas and used ropes to try to tangle their propellers
Tangling rope in the propellers will disable a vessel, the vessel will not be able to make steerage way and cannot be maneuvered. This puts the lives of the crew in danger especially on the high seas. SSCS do not have the capability of evacuating a large vessel floundering in high seas, this is a job for various coast guards, and puts coast guardsmen's lives in danger. Would Gandhi and Mother Teresa approve of this?
Frank Vaughn
Captain Paul Watson . . . You either LOVE the man or you HATE the man. But we should all admire a man who is willing to put it all on the line for what he believes in. Capt. Watson and the SSCS at least have the courage to go out and do what their conscience tells them to do, whether that is right or wrong is for public opinion to decide.
Strange! None of this appears in the Sydney news report, which is where this article came from. Would you call this added tag plagiarism or sensationalism?
And still, all the Paul Watson and SS haters are casting their aspersions without any sort of hint of to how they would stop shark finning or whale hunting from their PC chairs. SS got my 20 bucks again this year.
Perhaps you do not understand that not everyone wishes to stop shark and whale eating.
But anyway, SS has not stopped shark finning or whale hunting despite "trying" since 1977. Even if you agree with the dubious goals, one has to admit that Paul Watson has failed to achieve them.
He is successful at conning money out of gullible people, and getting arrested for his criminal activities.
Yeah its funny isnt it, even in a story about something completely unrelated the JT crowd even manage to turn it around to be about Japan. What's even funnier is they have quoted another media outlet, even put their AFP symbol at the bottom but have slipped in their little Japan bit without acknowledging they have altered the story to their own little slant.
If we do that its removed as being off topic yet the amateurs at JT do it all to often.....
Lets get something straight here buddy, they do not eat the shark. They catch it cut a small part off it and throw 95% of the animal back into the water either dead or to drown as they have removed the fins. If they where eating the whole animal or a good portion of it then there would be no issue. Surely you can understand this......
Actually he is succeeding quite well. He has raised awareness of the issues, pressured the Japanese into cutting short their seasons a couple of years in a row now. That is a success the only ones failing are the ones spending tens of millions on added security for their activities and still getting forced to come home early.
I would say money well spent and it will only continue to increase. At least he doesnt take money from people who need it to rebuild their lives.... OOOOPS
Shark is often eaten. It is used for fish and chips.
I agree such instances it is a waste. The shark meat makes good fish and chips, for sure. I would be pleased if regulators would prevent such a practice. And generally, shark fishing should be regulated to keep it sustainable, as with whaling.
However, SS has a different goal. Plus they are criminals. This is why so many people can not support anything that they do.
I question if you believe all of the lies that SS's corporate machine sells you?
` I hopetoeatwhales, the shark they take the find from is not the one used in fish and chip shops.
I realize shark is often eaten, and it is used in fish and chips. I actually love shark it tastes very nice, and is very popular in my home area. However the big difference is we actually use the bulk of the animal and not just the fins. What Watson and SS are trying to stop is the process of shark finning which is the capture of a shark and the removal of only the fins after which the animal is thrown back into the water to die a slow painful death or drown. There is a big difference between shark finning and using of sharks in say fish and chips. So please dont try to cloud the issue by likening it to a different industry.
Ha good one, so your against shark finning and you want it regulated like whaling. Whaling!!! Wow you realise you want regulation yet you dont support regulation in whaling and support a nation that breaches those very regulations. Oh the irony
However, SS has a different goal. Plus they are criminals. This is why so many people can not support anything that they do.
Nope l actually do believe that this was reported by many media outlets this one included that funds from the rebuilding where diverted to the increased security...... Maybe one should reread the story on JT afterall l do believe you commented on it even.....
Shark meat is great in fish and chips - what a waste not to use it.
Unfortunately they don't in Costa Rica. It appears that they turn a blind eye.
And what goal is this? pray tell...
I question if you have any proof of deception...
I agree, this is why the evil of Sea Shepherd must be fought. Sea Shepherd wishes to stop all harvests of sharks, whales and virtually all marine food. They are against fishermen from your country as well.
Why would you think I don't support regulation in whaling? The R of ICRW is for Regulation. The problem of whaling is the prohibition of whaling, not lack of regulation. It would be the same with fish such as sharks as well, if the evil of Sea Shepherd is allowed to run rampant.
Just because the media report a lie of Sea Shepherd does not make the lie true. The funds used were Japanese tax payers money, as with all national defense spending. I recall Red Cross or some such agency also stated categorically that funds were not diverted, as suggested by Sea Shepherd corporate machine.
Paul Watson and his organization have been exposed for lies many times over. You can easily find such proof for yourself.
Just to comment on this hilarious piece of fallacy - anyone who does not like the way anybody does anything has every right to speak out and protest. There should be no restriction on how heavy they make their criticisms. This is called freedom of speech, a libertian ideal that is held at least as sacred as animal rights. To ask others to stop their criticisms just because they are not out there attacking boats in borderline illegal activities is laughable, to say the least.
I am in full hearted agreement with the crowd that says whaling and shark-finning are despicable acts that should be stopped. But the Sea-Shephard have endangered human lives in their heavy-handed actions. They have shown a remarkable lack of regard for authorities. While trying to avoid the bureacratic red-tape to attack the problem directly is commendable, the way they do it is nothing more than terrorism: they are trying to scare individual ships and fishermen from their work, by threatening their ships with vandalism and sabotage.
The people activists should be concentrating on are the corporate MNCs who perpetuate the false demand for whale meat and shark fins. The people activists should be concentrating on are the corporate MNCs who utilize underhanded and inhumane methods of harvesting these meats to meet demand. The people activists should be concentrating on are the masses who continue to believe the advertisements and false information about the tastiness or health benefits of eating such exotic meats.
Yet the Sea-Shephard drums up drama and controversy to line their own pockets with honest donations from concerned citizens, all the while distracting from the real problem. This is the part of their activities that sit least well with me. They act like they are out for the well-being of animals, who have every right to their freedoms and to be hunted without inhumane torture and suffering. But in reality, in effect, they are nothing more than swindlers riding on the sympathy of the masses to endanger the lives of others. Paul Watson belongs in the slammer.
And for those who want me to shut up because I'm not doing anything, here's a protip: I'm actually an active member of the local environmental protection group. We do not accept donations, but we do urge lobbyists to press for legislation changes to curb inhumane treatment of animals.
Haha the news of Paul Watson being arrested has made my day.
Here's a crazy concept, maybe the Sydney report removed the paragraph about Japan, and the original AFP article does mention it? Ever considered that before resorting to conspiracy theories. I'm no fan of JT's journalistic standard but come one, use your brains for a sec. You know that it possible, right?
A Google search for the offending paragraph took me 10 seconds and confirmed that JT posted the original AFP article in its entirety, unless you want to believe that the Bangkok Post, Malay News, and Google News all conspired together with JT to insert the exact same plagiaristic paragraph about Japan? Fiendish devils!
Johannes Weber
It is good that he was arrested in Germany, since he'll at least get fair and decent treatment according to a fair constitution there. Imagine if he had been arrested in Japan...
He should only concentrate on stopping "shark finning"; while keep monitoring "whaling" , non violently . That will make more sense of his action as a fighter for ecosystem.
Arrested. Just made my whole day. Smiles all around.
state broken people
paul watson is an international eco-terrorist. he belongs behind bars.
Wow... so many people here must be so happy to see intelligent sea mammals dragged from the ocean and slaughtered in the name of research, or magnificent sharks deprived of their fins so that Chinese soup can be made.
Do those of you who are pro-whaling marvel as the sea turns red? Do you applaud as a calf falls from the slashed-open belly of a female Whale? Do you laugh as a shark, unable to swim drowns and is eaten by its own kind?
Sea Shepherd may be heavy handed but I don't see anyone else trying to stop these practices.
And it happened ten years ago. The German authorities have seen this footage? Probably not. Illegal finning activities disgust me more than the action of people who try to prevent it. What disgusts me too is issuing warrants on false charges. Shame on Germany if it honors the warrant for exradition.
state broken people
paul watson is that kind of environmentalist who looks like he fights for endangered animals but actually he is motivated by the sick urge to wage war against his fellow human beings. i wouldn't be surprised if he is one of those voluntary extinction proponents. people like him belong behind bars.
jail time in costa rica.
probably has him and other eco-terrorists scared silly but hey he made his own bed.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Again, he's not any kind of terrorist, but his actions are vigilantism. No, vigilantism is no more acceptable than the actions from which the protests eminate. Imagine anti-abortion activists taking matters into their own hands(as has indeed happened) against those providing abortion services. Abortion is the termination of a human life, which should be deemed more significant than a shark or whale, yet an eye rarely is batted. If human life were truly valued, then perhaps the lives of other higher species would also be valued.
I would view shark finning as a waste and I am ambiviant about whaling within the IWC "limits" but I have no use for Watson's theatrics. He's gotten rich by pulling off dangerous stunts that happen to be illegal in some cases. I have no idea if this case will stand up but we'll see.
(Sigh) The "alternative action" that's been repeatedly suggested has been to close the loophole in the IWC's bylaws that allow fatal harvesting for research. THAT'S where these environmental groups need to be putting all their effort, but that doesn't get big, splashy headlines nor a reality show on Animal Planet. These guys are in it for the stardom, not the whales.
Cute, but FAIL. The hunt is to collect specimens to conduct the research.
Anyone who sides against Watson on this is effectively supporting organized crime and poaching.
The Costa Rican flagged vessel intercepted and detained by Sea Shepherd was filmed illegally killing sharks in Guatemalan waters.
Of course, the incident that led to Watson's arrest was a ship collision in which nobody was killed -- because Sea Shepherd doesn't kill people. In three decades of direct action campaigns Sea Shepherd has never threatened to kill anyone.
Of course, that won't matter to pro-whaling anti-environmentalist types. If Watson had personally shut down a human trafficking ring or an illegal drug smuggling operation they would still cheer for his arrest.
Clay Wilson
There is a difference between terrorists and us. Terrorists kill people, we do not. We bring to light illigal. immoral and dishonorable actions. Anyone who oppose Sea Shepherd not only lacks the moral intelligence to be on this earth, but is no fan of this planet. 24 hours after I gave him somthing dear to my hear, he was arrested for a crime that did not happen and are lies, just as the Japanese whalers lie and the Faroes people lie. CPT Watson will be cut loose in Germany and he will continue his duties as our leader, then when we return to the southern ocean. We will fight to the last crewmember to stop this slaughter. Then we will continue around the world doing the same mission.
In 2002, the eco-terrorist Watson used the Canadian registered vessel SS scow Farley Mowat to ram and disable the Costa Rica fishing vessel Varadero I. The eco-terrorist Watson was towing the Varadero I to the port of San Jose in Guatemalan when he was told that he had no legal authority to attack Costa Rican or any other vessels and would be arrested. The eco-terrorist Watson then cut the Varadero I loose and fled the area.
Whatever happened to the SS scow Farley Mowat? The U.K. issued and immediately revoked the SS scow Farley Mowat's registration in 2006. Belize also issued and revoked the the SS scow Farley Mowat's registration in 2006. Apparently no decent country will register SS vessels that are used for eco-terrorist rammings.
The SS scow Farley Mowat was eventually seized by the Canadian Coast Guard in 2008 for ramming the Coast Guard. The eco-terrorist Watson abandonded it in Sydney, Nova Scotia. As a result of their criminal activity, the eco-terrorist Watson and weasel boy were arrested, charged, and eventually convicted in absentia and fined CAD$45,000 in 2009. The eco-terrorist Watson hasn't paid the fine or the CAD$500,000 in berthing fees due. According to another eco-terrorist SS member, Cornelissen, they were deported-for life-from Canada for the incident.
I'm glad Germany was able to detain this international eco-terrorist. I'm sure Costa Rica will arrange a warm reception and jail cell for the eco-terrorist Watson also.
The eco-terrorist SS had NO legal authority to detain anyone or detain any vessel anywhere. What the eco-terrorist SS did was illegal and that is why an arrest warrant was issued. The arrest warrant was finally served in Germany. You will soon be able to write to the eco-terrorist Watson in care of the Costa Rican prison system.
I was wondering how long it took before you chimed in with you usual eco terrorist this and eco terrorist that comments. You know the funniest point in your whole statement, the one that shows your bias and lack of fore thought. The one comment that blows your whole credability to shreds is this one:
Can you please tell me how a Canadian citizen can be deported for life from their own home country????
It's always nice to know you are thinking about me.
You'll have to ask eco-terrorist SS member Cornelissen. It was his statement on the eco-terrorist SS website. Maybe the "they" he was refering to was the former crew of the SS scow Farley Mowat. I'm sure that eco-terrorist Waston will always be welcome back to Canada. He owes the government over half a million Canadian dollars in fines and docking fees.
Costa Rica is also waiting for the eco-terrorist Watson with open arms and handcuffs. They don't like it when some clown trys to murder their citizens by ramming their fishing boat.
I don't think it matters who's right and who's wrong here in this case. We have to see what's really happening here.
Paul Watson here and his organization have upset a lot of deep pockets. As a result he ca no longer recognize who his enemies are. Germany is a world away from Costa Rica and Guatemala. It isn't clear to me why Germany hasn't cut this guy loose.
You know that feeling when something just isn't clicking. It's speculation but I think the bounty on his head and the deep pockets in the fishing and whaling industry are looking to make an example of him. There's obviously enough of an incentive for Germany to comply.
About the shark fin soup. I can't lie. I've eaten it. It's delicious. It's a shame how they handle disposing of the remains. Unfortunately and very true for me, Jaws just ruined it for sharks. Made them out to be monsters. Then there are the attacks on surfers. So whenever I have a bowl of shark fin soup I just feel I'm doing a fellow surfer a favor.
I doubt the rest of you will admit to having a bowl of delicious shark fin soup but I will. I love it. I'd have another given the chance. However if you want to arrest those fisherman for the manner in which they handle the creatures go ahead. Just don't take away my shark fin soup. Very tasty.
I like the way Cletius turned this into an anti-whaling anti-Japan thread wioth his first post even though the article is not about either of them.
Then he goes on say that others have turned this into a thread about Japan. LOL
Terrorists use violence to achieve their aims. The SS are violent, there is no doubt about that. No, I do not think you are terrorists but you are exceptionally violent. And proud of it. And no-one who claims to be 'moral' can be proud of that.
Again, how moral is it to sink ships, to ram boats, throw glass at people and pollute the Southern Oceans?
And just as the SS lie. Constantly. Even Greenpeace who according to you 'lack the moral intelligence to be on the earth and are no fan of the planet', highlight the SS as a group of liars.
That sounds like a suicide mission? Fight to the last crew member..?
Incidentally, why aren't you currently in Norway?
The Paul Watson's Costra Rica case appears to be advanced by companies engaged in shark finning and others who hold grudges against Watson and his organization. The Costa Rican officials might drop the charges against Captain Watson because Costra Rica now prohibits the unloading of shark fins and carcasses at its docks. But other the fins are unloaded in Nicaragua and imported by truck to Costa Rica and the fins exported primarly to China as a high price.
You should complain about your own dinner before complaining about someone else's, unless you are content to be a hypocrite.
A crime is a crime, whether Costa Rican fisheries policy has changed or not since.
Watson is likely to get beneficial treatment only through Sea Shepherd corporate bribes to Costa Rican officials. Paying for such organized crime is what donations to Sea Shepherd are used for.
So many reactionary posts here. The guy is hardly a terrorist. Do come back down to reality people. This extremism in thinking does no one any good.
INTERPOL statement to clarify the record concerning Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
On 2 March, 2012 INTERPOL issued a written statement to all 190 member countries making it clear that it would not publish a Red Notice seeking the arrest of Paul Franklin Watson because its Office of Legal Affairs was not satisfied that the request was in compliance with INTERPOL’s Constitution and Rules.
From the SS website - The warrant for Captain Watson’s arrest was issued in Costa Rica in October of 2011, curiously close to the time that the Institute for Cetacean Research (ICR) filed their civil suit against Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in the United States. The question remains, what prompted Costa Rica to issue an arrest warrant for Captain Watson in October of 2011?
For an incident that occurred in 2002. What indeed. Maybe those trying to drag whaling into the discussion aren't that far off the mark.
Well no Arrestpaul l am asking you. Afterall it was you who used the quote, it was you who alluded to the fact by posting this that Watson was barred from Canada. It was you twisting reports to suit your own needs, and the funniest bit is when you are called out on it you back down and say oh but SS this and that. Fact is you are wrong your quote is factually incorrect AND you hammer others who quote SS yet you are doing the same thing here. Sorry buddy but you are doing exactly what you are critical of others of doing.
Well Ossan have you read the article by any chance? Because whaling is mentioned in the very first paragraph and is then mentioned in a further 3 paragraphs. Not to mention 6 posts preceding mine refer to whaling yet you single me out for turning this into a anti whaling anti Japan thread. That is amusing. So you ignore the fact that the article refers heavily to whaling despite this being about an unrelated topic, you ignore all the threads before mine regarding whaling and you home in on mine. Why is that Ossan? And where exactly in my initial comment is whaling mentioned, please point it out for me? You cant because it is not mentioned once true buddy? Just so you can point it out the comment is right here:
Correct and that comment was actually directed at JT not the posters unfortunately the rest of the comment was edited as was the other persons post l was responding to.
Actually no it didn't. There was a collision and video evidence shows it as accidental.
There seems to be some disagreement there:
Looks more like he was either set up or abandoned. Many shady types in those waters including the Taiwanese mafia have great interest in continuing the disgusting shark fin trade.
I've been a surfer for 25 years and am a member of a number of surfing environmental groups, such as Surfrider Foundation. None of them support shark finning. Stop doing us favours. Many many more surfers are killed driving to and from beaches, for example,than by sharks- go eat a car.
So you're say that an arrest warrant was indeed issued for the eco-terrorist Watson.
If you use your vessel to repeatedly interfere with other vessels in international waters and launch chemical weapons at foreign vessels, then you are a terrorist. Period.
When the eco-terrorist Watson attacked the Varadero I, neither Costa Rica or Guatemala had issued the eco-terrorist Watson any policing authority to attack, ram, or detain any vessel.
The eco-terrorist SS had NO legal authority to detain anyone or detain any vessel anywhere. What the eco-terrorist SS did was illegal and that is why an arrest warrant was issued.
That's what the article says. didn't you read it?
Interpol is saying it's nothing to do with them, though.
Hahahaha. Again, if you wish to know exactly what eco-terrorist SS member Cornelissen meant BY THAT QUOTE, you'll have to ask him to clarify it for you.
The fact remains that many members of the eco-terrorist SS were kicked out of Canada for acts of violence. The eco-terrorist Watson and weasel boy were charged, tried, AND CONVICTED in a court of law.
Have you considered paying the eco-terrorist Watson's fine and docking fees for him?
Perhaps what Cornelissen meant was that since Watson has too many legal mess in his own birthplace that he can't go back any more. No wonder he has a U.S. passport. What a coward.
The eco-terrorist SS brag that they have sunk 10 vessels. The eco-terrorist Watson has repeatedly rammed other vessels. That's reality. You only object to something you call a "reactionary post".
Costa Rica objects to the eco-terrorists SS ramming Costa Rican flagged vessels. I wonder what the minimum sentence for attempted manslaughter (deliberately ramming another vessel at sea) is in Costa Rica? I wonder if they multiply the individual sentence by the number of crew members aboard the fishing vessel? 15 years times 10 crew members???? 10 years times 20 crew members????
Jackson Lo
They took a 'cause' as Ann excuse to act like louts to suit their lifestyle...binging boating violence, no better than that kid that acts like a cop back in school. You're so morally correct, but Ghandi, MLK never acted this petulant.
Interesting point. The eco-terrorist Watson's U.S. passport brings up another question. Did he renounce his Canadian citizenship? The U.S. allows dual citizenship but I'm not sure about Canada.
If the eco-terrorist Watson is caught in Canada, he could be arrested for not paying his fines and docking fees. He would then have to post bail for over CAN$500,000 to get out of jail and insure that his debts are paid.
There's an article? just kidding. hehehe.
INTERPOL is just another police agency in Europe. Costa Rica and Germany have a treaty that allows warrants from one to be served in the other. Costa Rica issued a legal warrant for the eco-terrorist Watson and Germany served it.
Actually INTERPOL is international. Not European.
Like most countries they have an extradition treaty with each other
Germany usually base their list from INTERPOL's red list. They are probably embarrassed now to find that Paul Watson isn't on INTERPOL's red list. What a silly mistake.
Firstly it's the Varadero; not the Varadero I. And secondly they didn't 'attack' it.
And they didn't attack ram or detain the vessel
Actually it wasn't which is why the charges were dismissed.
Were charges dismissed? I saw only news that the eco-terrorist mastermind is still in custody.
Yes. Watson's charges were subsequently dismissed when a video of the incident filmed by a documentary crew was shown to the Costa Rican prosecutor.
However, the charges were later re-investigated by a newly appointed prosecutor. The warrant for Captain Watson’s arrest was issued in Costa Rica in October of 2011.
Which is strange considering it was initially dismissed and 9 years had passed since the alleged incident.
I smell a fish.
In Europe, INTERPOL is just another police agency. INTERPOL is just another police agency in Europe. Which statement is more grammatically correct?
Usually? I don't believe that Germany has turned over their policing powers to INTERPOL. The German police are fully capable of serving warrants on their own. Which they did. Which is why the eco-terrorist Watson is currently sitting in a German jail.
This is very important information. You should get this information to the Costa Rican and German authorities as quickly as possible.
So well said there. Given Pauls name l am gathering he is either obsessed with Paul Watson or is a paid employee of JWA or ICR and is paid by the post with a bonus for the number of times he slips in an "eco terrorist" label.
They already have it. Which is why Paul Watson will not be deported. Sorry.
True. Which is why this blunder is so embarrassing.
Did Sea Shepherd tell you this?
According to Sea Shepherd, "In shocking news, German officials have decided to proceed with the extradition of Captain Watson to Costa Rica".
Of course, I never trust anything Sea Shepherd says.
But if you do, it appears you lost the bet.
This is a good omen for justice in human society.
Nope. Read it in The Guardian at the time. But if you want to see the video, you can get it on DVD or Blu-Ray at Amazon: Sharkwater.
I'm still going on my bet. 'proceed with the extradition' is just the start of the process. But you knew that, didn't you.
I'm guessing the mistake is intentional. Because in a humane society, we wouldn't be finning sharks.
Shark finning is not relevant, Sea Shepherd talks of it only to mislead people.
Here is the truth: "The position of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is that no sharks should be killed and should be given complete global protection under law."
Make no mistake, Australians and New Zealanders can say goodbye to fish and chips if they support Sea Shepherd.
As for shark finning, Costa Rica's government stated recently that it is against this practice. So it means nothing for Watson's extradition. Sea Shepherd and Costa Rica agree about it.
Congratulations to Costa Rica and Germany for clamping down on this eco-terrorist.
Shame on Sea Shepherd eco-terrorists for attempting to pervert the course of justice through pressure on German officials. They must respect the law that exists, not the law which does not.
It is completely relevant. The Varadero was caught shark finning and that's at the center of this story.
What they say publicly and what they secretly condone are two different things.
It's not perverting the course of justice. Through SS help, Germany will soon realize the trumped up charges (that were previously dropped) and release PW. ;-)
Like the laws against shark finning? They exists. Costa Rica should spend more time enacting those laws.
Ha ha. No.
But as a keen diver that has swam with sharks often I am completely against the practice of shark finning.
If you want to know more about the truth of shark fining in Costa Rica, check this out:
I also have enjoyed diving, not with sharks, but with fish. So I could not understand how anyone could be so eager to defend the criminal actions of Sea Shepherd, even though they would wish to protect fish that I enjoyed swimming with.
Also it is unnatural for one who is not Sea Shepherd employee to condone their attempt to apply political pressure to German officials. This should be a big no-no, for people against corruption.
You seem to think violent acts and corruption is OK, so long as one is against shark finning. This could justify crimes by almost anyone.
I can not find anything to agree with. I hope criminals such as Paul Watson who would make the world a worse place is locked away for a long time.
Groups lobby and petition politicians all the time. It's not corruption.
If we want to mention corruption, why did the charges get dropped and then a new prosecutor take up the case again. Smells of corruption (from the fishing industry) to me. Why not be against that corruption?
Not at all. And in this case, I have yet to see any evidence of violence.
The center of this story is that Costa Rica issued a legal warrant for the arrest of eco-terrorist Watson. The Costa Rican government relayed that informaton to their treaty partner Germany. The German police served that legal warrant. A German court ruled that the request to hold the eco-terrorist Watson is legal. That's why the eco-terrorist Watson is now sitting in jail.
The eco-terrorist Watson had NO legal authority to attack, ram, interfere with, or detain any vessel. If the eco-terrorist SS had not made the decision to flex their imaginary muscle against a Costa Rican fishing vessel, the eco-terrorist Watson wouldn't be sitting in jail right now.
That's more the side of the story.
And he didn't.
And what happened to the fishermen breaking the law? Got off scott free. Stop trying to talk about justice.
arrestpaul is correct. There is no "get out of jail" card for criminals who declare they oppose arbitrary practices which are not permitted.
If l may also add to 20hindsights good post by saying please, please, please stop with the constant referral to the "eco terrorist" we all know you dont like him. We get that from your username, but seriously buddy try doing one post without the words "eco terrorist" it is seriously getting tiresome.
So why exactly was Watson arrested in Germany when Interpol have said they refused to issue the notice on the grounds that the request did not satisfy their own rules? I wonder if Costa Rico is going to announce any time soon that it is the recipient of some Japanese aid.......
Apparently there is. The illegal shark finning fishermen are still free...
Fishermen who did illegal things should be prosecuted accordingly. Give the name of one who has not been prosecuted?
This story is about illegal things done by Paul Watson, eco-terrorist mastermind of Sea Shepherd.
Those aboard the Varadero. There's 8 for you.
And it's about the eco-terrorist mastermind Costa Rican shark finners. ;-)
INTERPOL is not the German police and the German police are not INTERPOL.
Who do you think arrested the eco-terrorist Watson, INTERPOL or the German police?
See Paul you couldnt even go one solitary post without slipping in a "eco terrorist" now could you. You must have a real obsession with this guy. Scary!!!
Oh and yes the Germans did arrest him, why one might ask when Interpol, you know them... didnt even think that the charge warranted including him on their alert list, not to mention any of the other numerous nations he has visited bother with this pathetic warrant. As others have said, they chase him but let the law breaking shark finners go after interviewing them. Thats hilarious, here comes the Japanese "AID" donations......
Yes, the Germans stuffed up. It is well known that the German police follow the INTERPOL list. Obviously they didn't keep it up to date when INTERPOL released it's statement that PW was not on the red list.
The question is what will they do now. Release Paul or try to pretend that the arrest is intentional to save face.
The German police have their rules and INTERPOL have their rules. You keep confusing the German police with INTERPOL.. They are not the same organization.
Are you implying that the German police can't operate without INTERPOL dictating what they can or can not do? Are you implying that the German police can only arrest people who are on an INTERPOL list?
Nope. Not at all.
Never. But they use the INTERPOL list as a basis. They can put whoever they want on a watch list, and the INTERPOL list forms the basis of this. Obviously they didn't put PW on their own list, they just missed the update from INTERPOL.
Hahahaha. Is there a red herring sale somewhere? INTERPOL doesn't issue arrest warrants and INTERPOL doesn't create the "basis" for any countries "watch list". The various INTERPOL lists are an addition to a countries normal police proceedures.
Arrest warrants are issued and served by sovereign states, ie Costa Rica and Germany. INTERPOL's permission is not required.
Paul Watson is still in jail in Germany and now making comments about how the Japanese may be behind thios Costa RIcan action because the timing of Japan's civil action in Seattle (to stp SS viloence)is similar. What Watson is doing is again playing on the latent loe brow anti-Japanese racism that permeates Australian support for the Sea Shepherd eco-terrorists because it cleverly overlaps Australian nationalism as regards the antarctic territories. And as usual the SS supporters buy right into this. What they fail to recognize is that Costa Rica is a hardcore anti-whaling country.
"Commercial hunting of whales is forbidden since 1986 by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) . However, Costa Rica has denounced that Japan continues hunting whales with supposedly “scientific” purposes where this activity is prohibited."
To accept this reality means that the SS supporter would have to accept that Watson and SS are indeed violaters of Safety on the High Seas wherever they go constantly using violence and endangering human life and safety that would not be acceptable under any circumstances on land in any country. Japan's civil action in Seatttle was not about whaling and this Costa Rican action is not about shark finning.
As always you provide such excellent analysis.
Watson has taken the free publicity chance to talk about making his "enemy", the Japanese government. The young generation of naive people who grew up on Hollywood movies can now enjoy a "real-life story" of good and evil, thanks to their master, Paul Watson.
So long as the ignore that Costa Rica has voiced opposition to Japanese whaling activities. The U.K. is against Japanese whaling activities also, it did not stop their executing the case against the eco-terrorist group after their illegal attacks on Maltese fishermen. Members of cult groups can not think logically. Sea Shepherd is an eco-terrorist cult group with Paul Watson as the master.
Which is what I was saying.
In this case Costa Rica's arrest warrant not Germany's. Why did Germany pick up PW (when many other countries didn't)? He was on their watch list. He wasn't on there from German authorities. He was on there from INTERPOL. Which is why it's embarrassing because INTERPOL didn't put him on the red list.
Why don't you believe INTERPOL? INTERPOL says they were not involved. I believe them.
There are 3 parties involved in this, the Costa Rician court system, the German police/court system, and the eco-terrorist Watson. Costa Rica issued a legal arrest warrant. Germany and Costa Rica have a mutual agreement to serve each others warrants. I don't know which other countries have the same agreement with Costa Rica. If a country does not have such an agreement with Costa Rica, that country will not serve a Costa Rican warrant and Costa Rica will not serve theirs.
The German police do not need INTERPOL's permission to arrest anyone.
In reality: Good riddance.
Funny... I didn't see INTERPOL mentioned anywhere in the article.