Japan Today

Sea Shepherd fugitive Watson says Japan after revenge


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"Scientifically" unnecessary? Japan isn't the country that made this eye-rolling requirement a necessity to do business. Business is something people do voluntarily because it makes them profit. If they don't make a profit, the business doesn't survive.

As for Watson's comments, as a former LEA officer I can't help but be reminded of how many times we heard pothead dealers militantly claim that they were the voice of the little guy striking back against "the man's" repression.

People never seem to truly grasp the irony of justifying the corruption of one morality by corrupting another. Simply put, if you are willing to regard breaking the law as morally fine as long as it achieves your goals (regardless of whatever justification you come up with), you aren't really in any position to claim that anyone else is in the wrong for doing essentially the same thing (i.e. abusing the law for revenge as opposed to justice).

If you decide to impose your morality on someone else (let alone an entire country), and the law is on their side, you are a criminal. You can claim they started it all you like, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve detention.

8 ( +29 / -21 )

He should be jumping ship, not bail.

3 ( +17 / -14 )

"Last week Japan confirmed it asked Berlin to extradite Watson a few days before the 61-year-old marine conservationist skipped bail."

Many on this site scoffed at his accusations of Japan instigating his arrest. Still so sure that Japan wasn't involved from the beginning?

5 ( +13 / -8 )

Good one Farmboy.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Paul Watson is being delirious.

2 ( +16 / -14 )

That is an interesting photo. Which glowering skull is Paul Watson ?

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

Track that IP address and send in Jason Bourne.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

Are there any sea ports, anywhere in the world, where Watson, the white-haired Canadian national, will be allowed to enter without a passport?

0 ( +7 / -7 )

I really dislike this guy.

3 ( +22 / -19 )

cabadaje: "Scientifically" unnecessary? Japan isn't the country that made this eye-rolling requirement a necessity to do business. Business is something people do voluntarily because it makes them profit. If they don't make a profit, the business doesn't survive.

Whaling is not profitable. Why is the Japanese government pumping money in it then?

People never seem to truly grasp the irony of justifying the corruption of one morality by corrupting another. Simply put, if you are willing to regard breaking the law as morally fine as long as it achieves your goals (regardless of whatever justification you come up with), you aren't really in any position to claim that anyone else is in the wrong for doing essentially the same thing (i.e. abusing the law for revenge as opposed to justice).

Where in my post did I say it was morally OK?

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Of course, everybody knew Japan was behind the push to have him extradited. Now, if he can only prove it.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

When the Japanese Govt. takes things to this extreme, you really have to wonder what the real motives are behind whaling?

It certainly runs a lot deeper that "science".

You'd think the Govt. would have more pressing matters to attend to, but no, not in Japan.

-5 ( +14 / -19 )

"For me it is obvious that the German government conspired with Japan and Costa Rica to detain me."

As anyone's guess must have been that Germany arrested him only because he just happened to be there at the time and Germany had to act in accordance with the international investigation assistance regulations, why raise accusations on any "conspiracy" here? Watson has always appeared to be a calculative individual even when expressing strong emotions - Wonder what his intentions are this time in even challenging an otherwise neutral (if not perhaps more on the anti-whaling side) country like Germany.

"I am presently in a place on this planet where I feel comfortable, a safe place far away from the scheming nations who have turned a blind eye to the exploitation of our oceans."

My first guess is Sydney Australia.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

"In a message to supporters on the Sea Shepherd website, Watson said Costa Rica and Germany had been “pawns in the Japanese quest to silence Sea Shepherd,”

I wonder how many SS supporters have sufficient intelligence to realize that both Costa Rica and Germany are avid Anti-Whaling nations that have voted against Japan on everything at the IWC for decades. Those who do may finally realize that all this has nothing to do with whales one way or the other but with Watson's misguided belief that he is above the law and that the "save the whales" mantra justifies putting humans at risk of injury and in harms way. Many of these supporters will probably continue to foolishly worship this bail jumper, a coward who is not willing to face the court and fight for the "cause" he claims to be leading.

3 ( +20 / -17 )

DisillusionedAug. 01, 2012 - 08:44AM JST Of course, everybody knew Japan was behind the push to have him extradited. Now, if he can only prove it.

So what if he could prove it? How does thsat save his fat ass? TWO ANTI-WHALING countries have participated in attempting to bring Watson in to face charges.

4 ( +17 / -13 )

Ossian, you're quite right about Germany's stance on whaling, but this was a Government "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" type deal.

Nothing to do with voting at the IWC. It runs deeper than this.

-2 ( +12 / -14 )

The guy says he'd die for whales, but he doesn't want to go to jail. Boo hoo.

Simply put, if you are willing to regard breaking the law as morally fine as long as it achieves your goals (regardless of whatever justification you come up with), you aren't really in any position to claim that anyone else is in the wrong for doing essentially the same thing (i.e. abusing the law for revenge as opposed to justice).

This is the best point ever to have been brought up in these discussions.

This, however:

more importantly we have frustrated their illegal profiteering

is the usual lie spouted by this idiot. What the Japanese are doing ISN'T illegal. The only criminal in this whole mess is you, Watson. Grow up, and grow a pair.

It claims it was escorting the vessel back to port when the crew falsely accused the organization’s members of trying to kill them.

Coming from a guy who has made death threats, and brags about sinking people's boats.

“I know the whale killing poachers of Japan will continue to exploit all avenues to find a way to stop me,” Watson said. “I have, however, eluded them once again.”

One word: Manchild.

3 ( +21 / -18 )

When the Japanese Govt. takes things to this extreme, you really have to wonder what the real motives are behind whaling?

Like what? Maybe whales are affixing dynamite to the very foundations of the islands of Japan in order to sink them into the ocean, and only the Japanese fishermen know about their plot? Or you think maybe a whale killed Akihito's father, leaving him scarred for life with an unquenchable thirst for revenge?

It's such a simple issue. Japan is a nation of fishermen. Whaling is part of their culture. It doesn't matter who thinks that that culture is inappropriate in today's moral world-- Japan acts within established international laws on whaling and can therefore legally participate in said culture. Every year, Captain Stubing decides for himself that what Japan is doing is illegal-- can't stress enough that it's not-- and attacks them in provocative, militant and dangerous ways on the open ocean. Anyone who thinks Japan has no legitimate reason to want this jerk put away needs to stop pretending they have the logical capacity to continue engaging in this discussion.

Here's a hint, anti-whaling/pro-Pee-Wee; if you want Japan to stop whaling, it's not going to happen care of a fat old Canadian narcissist who isn't just chasing whalers-- he's chasing fame, TV ratings, money and his own bad-boy image. LOBBY THE IWC! I repeat, Japan is acting within the laws. Maybe they found a loophole, but that's STILL WITHIN THE LAW. Change the law, close the loophole, and see if Watson finally goes away.

7 ( +18 / -11 )

Nothing to do with voting at the IWC. It runs deeper than this.

Yep. And Watson is a strict vegetarian because he said so himself. (sigh)

Why do anti-whalers come up with the most ridiculous theories?

1 ( +17 / -16 )

Last week Japan confirmed it asked Berlin to extradite Watson

Not cool Japan, not cool at all. Getting someone else to do your dirty work that you can not manage to do yourself.

0 ( +18 / -18 )

Love it! Captain Watson once again thumbing his nose at the Japanese govt and it's japanophile lapdogs. Big assist to the German govt which, make no mistake, allowed Watson to leave the country rather than deal with the jgov nipping at their heels.

-6 ( +15 / -21 )

Oh dear once Watson gets caught can someone please put him inside the looney bin.

1 ( +14 / -13 )

What did he expect?

1 ( +7 / -6 )


Of course, everybody knew Japan was behind the push to have him extradited. Now, if he can only prove it.

Japan admitted it, read the article completely.

12 ( +18 / -6 )

bottom line is watson is a terrorist, just like religious fanatics who rage jihad against the west and just like anti-abortionists who bomb clinics. these people disgust me but I respect them more than watson. that's because these people believe in their cause so much that they would lay their lives on the line for it. watson, on the other hand, runs away and hides. he's a self-righteous bastard, but since he is "protecting" whales, many people give him a pass or support his cause.

4 ( +17 / -13 )

So you are saying it's another whale hunt! Ironic. Haha...

6 ( +10 / -4 )

As anyone's guess must have been that Germany arrested him only because he just happened to be there at the time and Germany had to act in accordance with the international investigation assistance regulations, why raise accusations on any "conspiracy" here?

Because Watson had visited many many countries since the Costa Rica incident and had never been arrested. So why did Germany arrest him? Conspiracy.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

He doesn't have to prove Japan is behind anything, Japan has admitted it. There are more sources of news than JT.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

“There are 30-million plus species on this planet. They’re all earthlings. They’re all equal. Some are more “equal” than others, I admit: earthworms are far more valuable than people.”

Paul Watson, at the Animal Rights 2002 convention.


5 ( +10 / -5 )


Because Watson had visited many many countries since the Costa Rica incident and had never been arrested. So why did Germany arrest him? Conspiracy.

It appears that everyone's just trying to do their job than "conspire". It's not as if Japan has deviously created an unjustifiable reason to prosecute someone who has done absolutely nothing with any slight possibility of being considered a criminal act, and that Germany has for some reason decided to voluntarily take part. A more reasonable assumption would be that Japan, being annoyed by him and with fears over his acts to escalate thereby putting the lives of the crew aboard the ships in danger (argument on moral justification of whaling activity itself aside), has put in some serious efforts to locate Watson, succeeded in doing so, subsequently notified Germany, requesting cooperation, and Germany cooperated.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

He doesn't have to prove Japan is behind anything, Japan has admitted it. There are more sources of news than JT.

Let me re-phrase.

When was he detained by German authorities? When did Japan request to extradite him?

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

So why did Germany arrest him? Conspiracy.

Remember that big conspiracy where international governments coordinated a secret worldwide attempt to capture and detain one innocent man, but despite it being a secret, the governments also spoke plainly and publicly about what they were doing?

Is that really how conspiracies work to you, 2020? Maybe it's different than in my scenario because Watson is not, in fact, innocent, but then, that's not conspiracy either-- it's international justice.

Which leads neatly into my rejoinder to the next bit of pro-Watson wisdom:

Getting someone else to do your dirty work that you can not manage to do yourself.

Do you understand, at all, how international law works?

5 ( +8 / -3 )


vegeterian yet obese gentleman

Cakes, chocolate and cola ain't meat.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Shame on Japan! What an embarassment the govt is to go out paying bribes, & asking favours!

Question to J-Govt, is the check to Costa Rica been VOIDED, favors to Germany now withdrawn???

I bet the leader of Costa Rica is crying now that her retirement check is likely no longer coming!

-11 ( +9 / -20 )


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Why do anti-whaling activists only try to treat the symptom (sabotage whaling expeditions) as opposed to exploring the causes?

Are they too ignorant to learn about Japanese culture and language to see the sociopolitical forces at work in this country?

Have the SS ever named a person or organisation in Japan in their statements other than the "Japanese" as a demonym or the government as a whole? I guess not.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

MasterBapeAug. 01, 2012 - 09:03AM JST Ossian, you're quite right about Germany's stance on whaling, but this was a Government "you scratch my back and >I'll scratch yours" type deal. Nothing to do with voting at the IWC. It runs deeper than this.

Yes it does run deeper. It's called the rule of law. And that putting people in harms way just because you "think you're right about something" doesn't fly in any country. Anyone who unstands the concept of Comity knows that "Scratching each other's backs" only works when the charges are criminal in both countries.

6 ( +14 / -8 )


GWAug. 01, 2012 - 10:45AM JST Shame on Japan! What an embarassment the govt is to go out paying bribes, & asking favours! Question to J-Govt, is the check to Costa Rica been VOIDED, favors to Germany now withdrawn??? I bet the leader of Costa Rica is crying now that her retirement check is likely no longer coming!

News flash. Putting people in danger is a crime in Costa Rica. And Germany. And Japan. And every other countrry in the world. The only Shame is on Paul "The Fugitive" Watson.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

Why do anti-whaling activists only try to treat the symptom (sabotage whaling expeditions) as opposed to exploring the causes?

Are they too ignorant to learn about Japanese culture and language to see the sociopolitical forces at work in this country?

Have the SS ever named a person or organisation in Japan in their statements other than the "Japanese" as a demonym or the government as a whole? I guess not.

One has to wonder why the SS goes through all the trouble to fight whalers on the high seas and not form networks with anti-whaling elements inside Japan.

One article may explain why:


5 ( +9 / -4 )

Everyone knows you can run but you cannot hide...This fat idiot is stupid to thumb at German law...He now is a high profile felon with a very easily recognizable appearance. He will be caught and face justice sooner or later.. He is an outlaw,an international Eco-terrorist ! He's going down!

8 ( +16 / -8 )

and i hope japan gets its revenge & throws this idiot in the slammer for many years .

1 ( +11 / -10 )

Are they too ignorant to learn about Japanese culture and language to see the sociopolitical forces at work in this country?

Have the SS ever named a person or organisation in Japan in their statements other than the "Japanese" as a demonym or the government as a whole? I guess not.

NeoJamal- For someone throwing around the word "ignorant" it's amazing that you haven't learned the first thing about Japanese culture. Political strategy and decisions are made in backrooms by a few powerful old men and faceless bureaucrats. The wishes of the ordinary Japanese people are not only ignored, but dismissed out of hand (see the recent re-stating of nuclear power plants). No one person is ever named as the architect and it all falls under the umbrella term Japanese gov't policy so that one no person ever has to take any blame, answer any questions or face consequence when things go wrong.

Most people learn these truths after a few short months here. IT's Japan 101.

-6 ( +10 / -16 )

Japan takes whaling seriously. A little too seriously.

Honestly I find it pathetic that they get so serious about something that is so insignificant. You'd think that they may have some mental disorders or something.

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

I am left to wonder why Japan kills so many whales when they pointed out that 3/4 of the last kill went unsold. So why is the Japanese government subsidizing something that is not even profitable? Just curious as it seems like killing just to kill with no logical reason.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

>Is that really how conspiracies work to you, 2020? Maybe it's different than in my scenario because Watson is not, in fact, innocent, but then, that's not conspiracy either-- it's international justice.

Actually he is, in fact, innocent. Watch the film Sharkwater if you want to learn more.

If it's international justice then why did the all the other countries that Watson visited since the Costa Rica incident 10 years ago incarcerate him? Why was it only Germany? Answer me that.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

The terrorist Watson is way out of his depth. He has no credibility discussing what Japan's motives may be. A misanthrope like him can't understand other people - even his fellow Canadians. What leads him to think he understands Japanese people ?

2 ( +13 / -11 )

Actually he is, in fact, innocent. Watch the film Sharkwater if you want to learn more.

So you watched a propaganda film in which Paul Watson stars. That's how you judge what is and isn't crime, huh? Please. Some of us are trying to have a serious discussion here.

If it's international justice then why did the all the other countries that Watson visited since the Costa Rica incident 10 years ago incarcerate him? Why was it only Germany? Answer me that.

I'll answer that with pleasure-- though it won't matter since all fact and logic I present will be dismissed out of hand. But before we go through that charade, you can stop dodging the question I asked you before-- provided you have an answer to offer. Otherwise, just keep demanding answers from other people while conveniently forgetting to provide them yourself.

4 ( +14 / -10 )


When was he detained by German authorities? When did Japan request to extradite him?

Read the article, the line "Last week Japan confirmed it asked Berlin to extradite Watson" is your answer.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Read the article, the line "Last week Japan confirmed it asked Berlin to extradite Watson" is your answer.

Sigh. I was hoping people like you would answer the first question, then realize the time lapse between those two dates to at least get a clue...

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

@nigelboy: Again read the article, "he had been under house arrest for two months"

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Yes it does run deeper. It's called the rule of law. And that putting people in harms way just because you "think you're right about something" doesn't fly in any country. Anyone who unstands the concept of Comity knows that "Scratching each other's backs" only works when the charges are criminal in both countries.

I dont condone when protestors do something stupid/dangerous, but have no problem with them getting in the way of bit of Japans ""research"" and keeping this in the news.

BTW all Japan has to do is stick to hunting a few whales off its coast to feed the few who want to eat whale meat & almost no one wud care!

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Please stop being impolite to other posters.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

nigelboy: Again read the article, "he had been under house arrest for two months"

Thank you gogogo.

Let's review what Watson said.

“For me it is obvious that the German government conspired with Japan and Costa Rica to detain me so that I could be handed over to the Japanese. This was never really about Costa Rica. It has been about Japan all along.”

In essence, what the SOYSPV is saying that Japan used the help from Costa Rica and Germany beforehand to detain him rather than ask Germany themselves alone while at the same time waited over two months to officially request his extradition despite the fact that he was in danger of fleeing at any time after the house arrest order was issued.

This makes sense.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

I'll answer that with pleasure--

Really? Please do. I'm waiting...

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Really? Please do. I'm waiting...

LOL, priceless. This is another prime example of selective reading. Originally, I pointed out that your definition of "conspiracy" is severly wanting for any correlation to the transparent procedings against Watson-- which you completely failed to acknowledge. Then you demanded that I answer what could only be described as a deflective question of your own. When I said I would answer it gladly, provided you acknowledge and respond to the conspiracy question, you seem to have read only the first part and not the second. This is exactly the problem inherent with trying to have a rational discussion with a Paul Watson supporter-- they will only read what they want and ignore everything else.

This WHOLE discussion is essentially moot for two reasons: 1) Japan is operating within internationally established and recognized laws. 2) Paul Watson is a fugitive from the law. You CAN NOT dispute that-- those are facts. Therefore, whether or not you think there's a conspiracy (which there most certainly isn't-- at least not by any reasonable person's definition of the word) doesn't matter at all-- if Watson wasn't conducting annual coordinated attacks against Japanese vessels on the open ocean, he wouldn't be in the trouble that he's hand-over-fist heaped upon himself.

Incidentally, any other Watson groupies that have called this a conspiracy and think they can explain just what it is that makes it so, please, feel free. Not meaning to single out 2020 here.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

arrestpaulAug. 01, 2012 - 08:36AM JST Are there any sea ports, anywhere in the world, where Watson, the white-haired Canadian national, will be allowed to enter without a passport?


6 ( +6 / -0 )

Originally, I pointed out that your definition of "conspiracy" is severly wanting for any correlation to the transparent procedings against Watson

There may or may not be a conspiracy, but it seems strange that Germany is the only country that arrested Paul and Japan has recently admitted it wanted to extradite Paul. So conspiracy theory goes something like this: Germany arrests Paul based on Costa Rica trumped up charges but is secretly dealing with Japan to extradite him there.

Now finally can you tell me why not one other country in the 10 years after the Costa Rica incident arrested Paul?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Maybe they found a loophole, but that's STILL WITHIN THE LAW. Change the law, close the loophole, and see if Watson finally goes away.

Exactly what they should have done at the iwf then they could have stopped all this nonsence from the start but for some reason they will not? Japan should have more honour than to exploit an obvious loophole anyways.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Now finally can you tell me why not one other country in the 10 years after the Costa Rica incident arrested Paul?


It was not until 2010 that an arrest warrant was issued for Watson, and he was declared internationally wanted by Interpol. There's 8 years of mystery cleared up right there. However, the notice was "blue--" meaning that national police forces were to monitor him and disclose information about, for example, his whereabouts, but not necessarily take a hand in arresting him. He was apprehended in May because the Costa Rican government appealed directly to Germany to do so.

Without being able to speak for sovereign nations, it could be that May '12 presented itself as the best time to take him, whether it was Costa Rica, Japan or someone else. And since the Interpol notice did not require uninvolved countries to intervene, there are plenty of reasons they wouldn't have.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Just more dirty tricks by the Japanese government. Grow a pair, Phobie? Really? I think he has a big enough pair and has shown that very well. Why would he want to rot in jail? It would serve no purpose at all. Of course, a lot of you truly UNINFORMED people would like to see him go to a Japanese jail. Justice? Hardly. Revenge for taking the right side? Yep.

Man, I hate when people take a side without knowing enough about it. Or just take what someone else said as fact and assume that it must be true, because it goes in line with how you feel. I could bring up issue after issue with what is wrong with some of the ignorance, lies and deception that permeates the pro-whaling groups, but it would be a waste of time. I have watched the pro whalers ignore the noses on their faces constantly and just talk down to the anti-whalers. If you really want to take a side, study it before saying a word. Better yet, study the other side's argument and you might learn something. Otherwise you just show your ignorance to the people who are in the know.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Lots of the usual bombast and bluster ut I see no one actually denying Watsons claim. It does look very much like the ICR wants revenge for being unable to bribe and negotiate its way out past the only organisation to have had any impact.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


4 ( +7 / -3 )

I could bring up issue after issue with what is wrong with some of the ignorance, lies and deception that permeates the pro-whaling groups, but it would be a waste of time.

If you don't know a fact. Make it up.(c) Paul Watson

5 ( +11 / -6 )

GWAug. 01, 2012 - 01:21PM JST "Yes it does run deeper. It's called the rule of law. And that putting people in harms way just because you "think you're right about something" doesn't fly in any country. Anyone who unstands the concept of Comity knows that "Scratching each other's backs" only works when the charges are criminal in both countries." I dont condone when protestors do something stupid/dangerous, but have no problem with them getting in the way of >bit of Japans ""research"" and keeping this in the news.

This is the perfect example of the belief that if "whales" are the issue, laws and common sense need not be taken into consideration. Watson himself, the SSCS and all the SS supporters believe this nonsense. Suppose I had a personal belief that cars shouldn't be driven because of the negative effect on the environment and I repeatedly smashed your car? Am I exempt from the rule of law?

BTW all Japan has to do is stick to hunting a few whales off its coast to feed the few who want to eat whale meat & >almost no one wud care!

Nobody of any consequence really cares. Only the rabid whale huggers and politicians who cater to them. Whales do not effect the global economic or monetary system, international diplomacy or relations.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Nobody of any consequence really cares. Only the rabid whale huggers and politicians who cater to them. Whales do not effect the global economic or monetary system, international diplomacy or relations.

Then why do you care whether there are anti-whaling activists or not?

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

he is an eco-terroist on the run. He should be doubly prosecuted when they do catch up to him..

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Guy is a nut

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Robert RooAUG. 01, 2012 - 03:22PM JST Maybe they found a loophole, but that's STILL WITHIN THE LAW. Change the law, close the loophole, and see if Watson finally goes away. Exactly what they should have done at the iwf then they could have stopped all this nonsence from the start but for some reason they will not? Japan should have more honour than to exploit an obvious loophole anyways.

Precisely. Japan found a loophole but they are still operating within the law. Sea shepherd need to resort to diplomatic measures before galavanting around throwing rancid butter and the like. I'm not for whaling nor am I against it but at least (when not inside the Australian EEZ) Japan is still operating inside the law.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

This criminal is a self-serving conman who is using this whaling issue to make a name for himself and it has backfired. He is essentially a criminal on the run and accusing Germany , Costa Rica, Japan and any country or individual who stands in his way. I really hate this kind of crook, much more than common criminals who rob and harass people. I hope he get caught soon and is extradited to Japan. I hear they serve leftover whale meat which can't be sold. Let us see if he eats them in prison.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I am sure Germany also would like to have him back, there is still the bail he skipped out on and last time I checked that is a jail-term. Might be pocket change for Mr Watson but german police are strict.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Add in the Spat with Bethune for $500.00 for the Ady Gil and he will need deep pockets.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

It's all politics. I would like to know why the J government had to involve the governments of Costa Rico and Germany if they want him so bad. Why didn't they just have an armed SDF squad board the Steve Irwin when the were out in international waters and arrest him there? If he is committing such horrendous crimes why doesn't the Japanese government ask the Navies of the U.S. , Russia and UK to go after him and his ship the way they go after other criminals on the high sea for the benefit of every one?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I see a number of pro-whalers have already proven my point.

Heda-madness. You are proving my point here. When Paul Watson said this:

If you don't know a fact. Make it up.

You have taken his words way out of context. He was not talking about what we should do. He was talking about the media, from what i remember. Misconstruing what the other side says. I will bet you read that one sentence somewhere and automatically assumed that that is what Paul Watson was saying to do, right? WRONG!

This is precisely what I am talking about.

Lies, misconstruing things. Typical.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Paul, "schadenfreude," not "revenge." Schadenfreude (German) means to get satisfaction from another's misfortune--like yours.

Revenge implies cause and effect. Maybe Japan instigated your arrest, or maybe Japan is following legal recourse. Either way, a lot of people (Japanese or not) are getting a kick out of your situation. BTW how will Paul get out of this situation?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Does not matter how he gets out of it. Just that he does. The German government is a disgrace for doing Japan's dirty work. They know that he would not receive a fair trial at all if he were sent back here. I wonder how many of you haters have actually watched WHALE WARS or have done any research at all into why others feel the way they do about this issue. How many of you have looked on websites that show that your facts are not correct? I bet, NONE. I would be ashamed of myself for supporting a side without giving the other side a fair shot. I'll bet you if you look for the truth you will find it and change sides. But I think most of you are more concerned with validating your opinions than learning anything at all or finding out which side is REALLY RIGHT.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

@ frank vaughn

Why didn't they just have an armed SDF squad board the Steve Irwin when the were out in international waters and arrest him there?

Because boarding ships without permission in International waters is illegal .. dear oh dear

0 ( +3 / -3 )

OK look for all you Paul Watson lovers he is a fugitive from justice and anyone helping him can be arrested and sent to jail. Paul Watson had said that those who sail with him should be ready to die to protect whales. But when the sharriffe man comes he runs away. We now see his colors. There yellow. We have all seen his crimes on tv and in film. There is no excuse for his actions and now he has realy turned himself into the criminal he wanted to be. There are only a few places he could be that might protect him. And if he dares go aboard any ss ship it can now be boarded by any country and all arrested and the ship seized. And for all those who get on here and try to justify his action aboard ship need to come out into the light and see that paul has done more to hurt the cause than help it. When even green peace won't claim him should tell you something. So Paul need to do the right thing and surrender to german authorizes and deal with this it's not going away an he is only making it worse. But then agin only the guilty and cowards run and in this case I think it's both.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Good| Bad

eyeonwarsonAug. 01, 2012 - 11:05PM JST

@ frank vaughn

Why didn't they just have an armed SDF squad board the Steve Irwin when the were out in international waters and arrest him there?

Because boarding ships without permission in International waters is illegal .. dear oh dear

So you are saying that both the U.S. Navy and the Russian Navy committed illegal acts by boarding the pirate ships off the coast of Africa? As a former U.S. Coastguard, I know your statement is opinion not fact. If he were guilty of a true crime Japan or any country would have the right to stop his ship and arrest him. If Captain Watson and his crew have done something truly illegal then the Japanese forces have the same right as those of other nations, that is board his ship under force and arrest him or the whole crew.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

@ Frank Vaughn

So you are saying that both the U.S. Navy and the Russian Navy committed illegal acts by boarding the pirate ships off the coast of Africa?

Different area, different EEZ's etc , and to all intents and purposes, a war zone off the somalian coast. I suggest you read the antarctic treaty regarding weapons and warships in the Antarctic treaty area and you will find that your coastguard " knowledge" is erroneous within the antarctic treaty area.

Captain Watson and his crew

Watson does not have a Captains's ticket - he never has had one - his ship(s) are classed as private yachts ... He's no more a Captain than me or Mickey mouse

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Thomas AndersonAug. 01, 2012 - 06:54PM JST "Nobody of any consequence really cares. Only the rabid whale huggers and politicians who cater to them. Whales do not effect the global economic or monetary system, international diplomacy or relations."

Then why do you care whether there are anti-whaling activists or not?

I don't. Have you ever seen me speak against Greenpeace or World Wildlife Fund? I have oly spoken out against Watson and the Sea Shepherd eco-terrorists, a group that even Greenpeace won't have anything to do with.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

This is the perfect example of the belief that if "whales" are the issue, laws and common sense need not be taken into consideration. Watson himself, the SSCS and all the SS supporters believe this nonsense. Suppose I had a personal belief that cars shouldn't be driven because of the negative effect on the environment and I repeatedly smashed your car? Am I exempt from the rule of law?


Pretty lame example if I must say so, the mods butchered my post you responded to, will try again, perhaps you think women shud never have gotten the vote, or segregation in the US shud still be in effect............. have you ever heard of standing up for what you believe in, righting a wrong, Japan is flat out wrong poaching whales down south, research my butt.

Japan needs to stop embarassing itself in front of the world & bribing & offering who knows what to other countries to do its dirty work, for shame!

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

It"S ME - I am sure Germany also would like to have him back, there is still the bail he skipped out on and last time I checked that is a jail-term. Might be pocket change for Mr Watson but german police are strict.

I doubt that Germany will actively search for Watson. He's only considered a "bail jumper" there. They will detain him if he's stupid enough to return to Germany.

As far as Watson's bail is concerned, Germany already has that money. Watson forfeitted the entire amount when he turned tail and ran.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Japan needs to stop embarassing itself in front of the world & bribing & offering who knows what to other countries to do its dirty work, for shame!

WOuld you condemn someone who would eat a Gorilla or someone who would eat a dog? THough I personally would not condemn anyone for their preference of food, I wonder why some people think they got some moral right to condemn people´s culinary preference. Who is embarrassing themselves? Japan hunting non endangered whales in a sustainable manner or close minded people who can´t get their head around that in fact some people look at whales as a mobile source of protein.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Article is not clear if the paid it himself or used a bail-agency or SSCS funds. Either way he still is in violation of the order to report to police twice a day and left the country.

I can imagine that the Interpol order might be upgraded from a "Blue" to a "Red" one fairly soon.

They will detain him if he's stupid enough to return to Germany.

Or enters a country that has an extradition agreement with Germany.

As I also said he got the lawsuit with Bethune in the USA about $500.000 for the purchase of the Ady Gil. And the latest accusations that Bethune is responsible for his current situation is ......

He is running himself into a corner and neither improving his or the SSCS image.

Some Australians want to grant him asylum now, will need to wait to see how that one works out.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Revenge? And Watson is surprised by this? Japan's actions, no matter if you like them or not, are allowed under the current rules. Watson's actions are not but some nations have turned a blind eye to this. Now he's on the run. I wonder how this will play out.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

bokudatte - Tortuga?

LOL. Yes, Watson could change his name to Capt Whitebeard and hang out with Capt Jack Sparrow. I understand that corn in Tortuga goes for a buck-an-ear. Hehehe.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


Sorry you defense doesn't hold water, the video from the last 6 episodes show that the Government of Japan had plenty of confrontations with the Steve Irwin in totally international waters away from any EEZs and the protected Antarctic zone. If he or his crew were guilty of a crime against said J-ship that ship had the right to stop and arrest the alleged guilty parties. Since they they made no attempt to do so means that the Sea Shepherds are guilty of misdemeanors at worst. The J government is trying to do this without getting it's hands dirty for the actual arrest, let another nation take the heat so to speak. And again if the alleged crimes of the Sea Shepherds are so horrendous why are not other nations with powerful navies stepping in to protect the whaling fleet, especially the U.S. since they provide a lot of defense for Japan?

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Frank Vaughn - If he or his crew were guilty of a crime against said J-ship that ship had the right to stop and arrest the alleged guilty parties.

Hahahaha. Says who? You? The eco-terrorist SS has absolutely NO LEGAL AUTHORITY to attack, disable, board, or arrest anyone. Some of the whaling vessels have security personel on board for DEFENSIVE purposes. Only the pro-violence, eco-terrorist SS have resorted to illegally boarding other vessels.

FYI - There are other sources of information besides the pro-violence, Animal Planets "Wail Wars" propaganda.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@ Frank vaughn

Once again, go read the Antarctic treaty regarding coastguard and or military presence in the Antarctic treaty area.

@ arrestpaul

Heres's something I posted in another thread :

Here's some interesting comments from Hans-Georg Koch, an expert at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg, Germany


Koch doesn't see the German government expending any energy on an international search, but emphasized that as long as the international extradition request stood, Watson could be picked up at any border. "He'd be the safest in his home country," Koch said. And if Watson was detected entering Germany, the whole process would start over from the beginning, he added.

@it's me

Article is not clear if the paid it himself or used a bail-agency or SSCS funds

According to this - the bail was provided by a donor - I'll bet he or she is rathr peeved ;O)


With his escape, Mr. Watson forfeits both his passport — which is in the custody of German authorities — and a $300,000 bond that was put up in May by an unidentified donor.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


So he is confined to international waters at the moment, his own words.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@ it's me

Assuming that he's at sea - personally, I have my doubts, I suspect he's holing up in Holland at the moment - just a gut feeling.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Once again, go read the Antarctic treaty regarding coastguard and or military presence in the Antarctic treaty are

There were ample opportunities OUTSIDE of the treaty zone.

But lets not forget that the whalers take a military LRAD into this zone and use it against an unarmed helicopter in clear violation of ICAO laws which Japan is a member.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

@ Frank vaughn

And lets not forget prop foulers, attempts to cause engine overheating, throwing bottles of a chemical that is dangerous to sealife, using a modified line thrower to shoot bottles etc etc etc.. the list goes on and on ..

Once again, if a helicopter feels that it is endangered by an LRAD or anything else, any helicopter pilot worth his licence leaves the area or gets out of range of any danger . It's not rocket science

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Frank Vaughn - But lets not forget that the whalers take a military LRAD into this zone and use it against an unarmed helicopter in clear violation of ICAO laws which Japan is a member.

You seem to "forget" that the vessels being attacked by the eco-terrorist SS have a right to DEFEND themselves from being attacked. Watson is on the run because he and his eco-terrorist SS repeatedly use violence to force others to do their bidding. Your advocating for eco-terrorist violence doesn't make the eco-terrorist violence legal.

Costa Rica, as has several other nations, has issued an arrest warrant for Watson's arrest. Watson fled because he knows he guilty as charge, even if you don't.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Since the Japanese government shows no shame in lying about it's whaling operations hopefully one day the Japanese people will come to realize how trajic it is to destroy these animals, how humiliating it is to be deceitful about their actions and what a dangerous situation we are facing in the oceans. We all, as nations, have our burdens to bear as we Canadians are facing our own enviremental issues about oil extraction and transportation, but there seems to be either a lack of consciousness or willingness to change from the Japanese public. As I have given up on Canadian politicians to do the right thing, as opposed to the most profitable, I would assume that Japanese politicians are equally motivated by greed and power and so we as those who care about our planet and all creatures on it must hope and pray that the Japanese people will gain a voice. I was offended and ashamed that some or all of the money I contributed to help the citizens of Japan to recover from the tsunami was put toward killing whales in the southern sanctuary and though I would help any person iin trouble if I could be they Japanese, Canadian or of any other nationality, I would definately never again trust the Japanese government to handle a donation as it was intended.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )


Say what you will about the ships and the personnel aboard them.

ATTACKING an unarmed helicopter that is only observing is forbidden by international law PERIOD!

The captain of the whaling ship and the crewman who made the attack are guilty of a crime, no double standards, they did it.

Japan belongs to ICAO the same as they belong to the IWF, but apparently they pick and choose which laws they will follow to suite their own best interest. BY you name you want Captain Watson arrested, well know that this retired aviation person wants that ships captain arrested for what he ordered (or allowed) to be done to that unarmed civilian helicopter.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Once again, if a helicopter feels that it is endangered by an LRAD or anything else, any helicopter pilot worth his

licence leaves the area or gets out of range of any danger

Quite luckily he was able to evade an illegal attack, an attack that is prohibited by the laws and regulations Japan says it agrees to. Sorry but the Helicopter has never attacked any whaler, the whalers have no right to attack.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

With his escape, Mr. Watson forfeits both his passport — which is in the custody of German authorities — and a

$300,000 bond that was put up in May by an unidentified donor.

Just read the Passport Canada site:

Seized or surrendered passport

Travel documents that have been seized by law enforcement agencies or ordered surrendered by a court of law are

generally returned to Passport Canada. If you have any questions in regards to this process or believe you are still

entitled to this document, you may contact Passport Canada ...

Since his government generally supports him, he probably already has a new passport.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

@ frank vaughn

ATTACKING an unarmed helicopter that is only observing is forbidden by international law PERIOD!

Which international law? Link to the releveant regulation please.

Regarding unarmed - the helicopter comes from a ship which is attacking the japanese ship - you may say it's unarmed but the crew of the ship being attacked do not know this - all they know is that they are getting attacked by sea and air - they therefor defend themselves.

Regarding the helicopter pilot. he has a responsibility to ensure the safety of his passengers - hanging around a source of danger ( according to you ) shows a blatant disregard for safety - which ICAO laws is this breaking?

Regarding this :

Japan belongs to ICAO the same as they belong to the IWF

THey may very well be a member of ICAO - but I'm 99% sure they are not members of the IWF =

International Wrestling Federation


-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Interesting - regarding LRAD's - Seems like Sea shepherd have one too :O) - Interview with Watson :


KHATCHADOURIAN: LRADs are non-lethal weapons that have been used to disperse protesters, by soldiers in Iraq, and by ships trying to ward off pirates. They project high-decibel audio waves at their targets. Will you be getting one, too? WATSON: We have one. We just have not used it—yet.


0 ( +4 / -4 )

@ Frank vaughn

Canada supports Watson? since when? LOL ....

Still waiting for a link to the international laws and regulations you say the Japanese ship broke by using a LRAD on a helicopter by the way. ;O)

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Shame on me I made a typo :-) The IWC.

www.icao.int for the info. Also go to www.faa.gov/atpubs and look in the FARs which your government also supposedly follows.

You argument for attacking the helicopter has no weight, since he has NEVER attacked anything, the whaler was illegal in attacking no matter where the helicopter lands and takes off from. The weapon may be non-lethal on the ground, but again to a pilot of an aircraft it is considered deadly force and or since it can interfere with a persons ability to function it can also be considered "unlawful interference" of an aircraft. The helicopter was also performing a mission for the press, so he had every right to be there photographing what the crew was doing. Plus the SSCS has been using that helicopter for how many years to observe the whalers? The whalers knew that it was of no threat but chose to disregard international law and attack anyway.

I reverse the challenge sir. You show me in chapter and verse where the unprovoked attack on a civilian aircraft is authorized by ANY international law. The whaler's captain is guilty! But thanks for the argument on this subject, you've encouraged me to take up this issue of attacking an unarmed aircraft with my friends and contacts in the U.S. Aviation industry, pretty much what the J government has done in the fishing industry.

I believe in just about every court case Captain Watson has faced in Canada the courts have sided with him and good public opinion too.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

@ Frank vaughn

I'm not your sir, thats point one. Point two, I asked you for a link to the specific laws and regulations, not a link to a site. The onus is on you to provide cites and backups to your claims.

Regarding Watson in Canada - wrong - he's been convicted in Canada


The UN World Charter for Nature does not give Watson any law enforcement authority or any immunity from the consequences of his actions. He was told so by the judge in his trial in Canada for attacking a fishing vessel in 1993.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

I reverse the challenge sir. You show me in chapter and verse where the unprovoked attack on a civilian aircraft is authorized by ANY international law.

Unfortunately, many laws are written on "what you can't do" as opposed to "what you can do" since the latter can be endless . "Unprovoked"?? Seriously Frank. The whole purpose of the SS mission is to "provoke" the research vessels. Even a severely obese yet self proclaimed vegeterian in Watson will not deny this.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Forgot to say that luckily the pilot was able to respond in a timely and correct manner and remove his ship, passenger and himself from harms way. However the physiology of no two humans is the same, and a pilot with different physiology, still medically legal to fly, might not have been so lucky. At best your looking at the loss of the aircraft and photo gear with two wet and cold people to be rescued, at worst the loss of control that might have happened may have caused the aircraft to crash into the attacking ship.

There is excellent reasons why the laws for unlawful interference of an aircraft and it's flight crew are so strongly accepted and enforced by the international community. In addition to pointing a LRAD device at an aircraft, it is equally illegal to use a laser pointer, or to fly a radio controlled aircraft within 500ft vertical and more than a mile horizontal, to release helium (lighter than air) balloons into the path of an aircraft, etc.

Respond in kind to the Steve Irwin and the rubber boats, but keep your weapons and a LRAD is a weapon designed to interfere with a person's physical abilities, a laser with a person's sight, etc. Keep all your weapons off unarmed press/journalism and civilian aircraft.

Back to my original statement, the captain of the whaler and his crew are just as guilty of a crime as claim Captain Watson is. And doubly so since you say that there are no military weapons allowed in the Antarctic Treaty Zone.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

You have taken his words way out of context. He was not talking about what we should do. He was talking about the media, from what i remember. Misconstruing what the other side says. I will bet you read that one sentence somewhere and automatically assumed that that is what Paul Watson was saying to do, right? WRONG!This is precisely what I am talking about.Lies, misconstruing things. Typical.

You should really check your facts before you start masking accusations.

Watson advises readers to make up facts and figures when they need to, and to deliver them to reporters confidently,  "as Ronald Reagan did."

my source is Greenpeace. Are you suggesting they are now pro-whaling? Lots of other information about Pail Watson here but obviously you 'know' everything don't you?


2 ( +5 / -3 )

@ Frank

There is excellent reasons why the laws for unlawful interference of an aircraft and it's flight crew are so strongly accepted and enforced by the international community. In addition to pointing a LRAD device at an aircraft, it is equally illegal to use a laser pointer, or to fly a radio controlled aircraft within 500ft vertical and more than a mile horizontal, to release helium (lighter than air) balloons into the path of an aircraft, etc.

There are excellent reasons why laws for unlawful interference of a ship and it's crew are so strongly accepted and enforced by the international community. Sea shepherd ignore these laws.

In addition to pointing a LRAD device at an aircraft, it is equally illegal to use a laser pointer

Hows about a shoulder held Laser pointer?


Also used in Sea shepherd attacks

or to fly a radio controlled aircraft within 500ft vertical and more than a mile horizontal,

Like this sea shepherd drone?


Keep all your weapons off unarmed press/journalism and civilian aircraft.

If "unarmed " press choose to travel in attacking craft, it's their lookout - goes with the job.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

I wonder how many of you haters have actually watched WHALE WARS or have done any research at all into why others feel the way they do about this issue. How many of you have looked on websites that show that your facts are not correct? I bet, NONE. I would be ashamed of myself for supporting a side without giving the other side a fair shot. I'll bet you if you look for the truth you will find it and change sides. But I think most of you are more concerned with validating your opinions than learning anything at all or finding out which side is REALLY RIGHT.

I've never watched Whale Wars. I do, however possess a degree in environmental geography and have forgotten more about this subject than you'll ever pick up from a tv series. It's arrogant and completely and utterly incorrect to assume that because people have a different opinion to you that they don't know anything about a subject.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

AriesKJJAug. 02, 2012 - 02:34AM JST I was offended and ashamed that some or all of the money I contributed to help the citizens of Japan to recover from >the tsunami was put toward killing whales in the southern sanctuary and though I would help any person iin trouble if I >could be they Japanese, Canadian or of any other nationality, I would definately never again trust the Japanese >government to handle a donation as it was intended.

Unless you are a resident and taxpayer in Japan none of your money went to "whaling". None of the foreign donations were used for that purpose. This is another lie that Watson, Sea Shepherd and the rabif whalehuggers have spread.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

marcelitoAug. 02, 2012 - 12:26AM JST Ossan mate- J whalers are the real eco- terrorists here in the big scheme of things . And before the " law upholding " >netizens of this forum jump in with dictionary definitions of eco- terrorism. It is all a matter of how one chooses to >understand definition of that term isn't it....

Not your mate son. Eco-Terrorism is clearly defined by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Sea Shepherd has been specifically named as such an organization. It's not a matter of interpretation it's a clearly defined term used in law enfotrcement.The world of law and order doesn't care what your personal definition of words are.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

You can defend the actions of the Japanese whalers as being justified by scientific research but that would be either blatantly lying or insanely naive. The operation goes against the whale sanctuary as designated by the IWC both morally and legally. In my and many peoples opinion finding a loophole which allows the whales to be killed escpecially in the numbers that they are harvested falls just short of murder. The Japanese gov. is not above the international community in international waters.

I don"t know what I would do in order to inforce a law that I was as passioate about as Watson is about whaling and the many other conservation issues he has stood up for.At laest some are willing to give themselves so completely to a cause on behalf of the planet It's silly propaganda from everyone involved as far as the TV program goes, but I don't think it's very hard to find where the truth lies. Watson has the legal right to stop commercial whaling and inforce the IWC order in the southern sea and uses, what is seen by some and obviously some here, methods that are not justifiable. If the argument is a moral one than I can certainly accept that one can feel like endanging the lives of the whalers in order to stop the killing of whales is wrong, but if the argument is a legal one the Japanese government is lying about being on research excersions. The numbers they are harvesting makes a mockery of the sanctuary and non whaling order. So I can also understand that the sea sheapards hold the whales lives much higher than those on the other side of the argument and there are obviously a lot of people on this planet who are sympathec as after all it is suppose to be a sanctuary and seashepard.org gets a lot of support.

I guess I lie somewhere in between as far but I do feel that it is vital to at the very least make sure populations of species are healthy and save any species that show a certain level of intelegence, if not conciousness. Or at least start eating monkeys again ... let's be fair and not play favorites! ... NO! ffs, do not kill a monkey!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Like I said propaganda from everyone.


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

@ AriesKjj

Watson has the legal right to stop commercial whaling and inforce the IWC order in the southern sea

Wrong on all counts. Watson is not empowered by the IWC to do diddlysquat Japan is not commercial whaling There is no "IWC order"

JARPA has never made a profit - ever - it runs at a loss.

Here are some PEER Reviewed Japanese research papers


There is no " non whaling order ", whatever that is when it's at home.

The Japanese Scientific whaling permit is legal and complies with their international obligations and agreements

Sea shepherd however, are a bunch of numpties ( watch any episode of whale wars to see ) led by a wanted fugitive from justice who regularlly lies through his teeth.

Here is part of the waiver sea shepherd volunteers must sign when they go onboard any sea shepherd boat.

*"I agree for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, to release, hold harmless, and forever discharge SEA SHEPHERD, its Board members, supporters, vessels, officers and personnel from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, in law, admiralty or equity, on account of my death, or on account of any injury to me or my property, which may occur from any cause whether on land or at sea, in port, ashore, or enroute to or from any location or vessel."

"I further acknowledge that most of the people on the ship will be volunteers who are not professional mariners and who can be expected to make mistakes which may result in injury to me and I will take full responsibility for any injury."

"I also understand that I am aboard a vessel that possibly carries no insurance policy of any kind."*

So sea shepherd acknowledge that most of the crew are numpties.

THAT is scary...... especially in view of that sea shepherd expects every "volunteer" to sign this crap

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

You don't hold a gun to a volunteer and it literally means, "one who offers himself for military service" I take my hat off to them for fighting on behalf of the planet. If you are blaming Watson for their conviction you may not be seeing this thing from all angles.

Here's some good news! We now have ways to research whales without killing them !!! Many people do it in Canada and all over the world and the information is freely shared !!! Awsome eh ?!?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

JARPA has never made a profit - ever - it runs at a loss.

Time they stopped chucking my tax yen down a bottomless pit, then, in these dire economic times.

Here are some PEER Reviewed Japanese research papers

Oh dear. That famous list of mad-scientist research into the fertilisation of bovine, ovine and mouse ova using frozen whale sperm. You'd think the pro-whalers would have learned not to keep trying to use that as an excuse for killing whales.

The list also includes research on pygmy right whale, humpback and blue whale, which apparently can be done without killing the animals. Rather suggests that research of minke can be done in the same manner and negates the usefulness of the 'comparison of whale grenades' research also included in the list.

The list also includes papers on seabird distribution, bottom water currents and other stuff that does not necessitate the killing of anything.

That list does nothing to back up the claims that Japan is conducting bona fide research, or that there is any necessity for subjecting hundreds of animals every year to unspeakable suffering.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Back on topic please.

GWAug. 02, 2012 - 12:21AM JST "This is the perfect example of the belief that if "whales" are the issue, laws and common sense need not be taken into consideration. Watson himself, the SSCS and all the SS supporters believe this nonsense. Suppose I had a personal belief that cars shouldn't be driven because of the negative effect on the environment and I repeatedly smashed your car? Am I exempt from the rule of law?"

Ossan, Pretty lame example if I must say so, the mods butchered my post you responded to, will try again,

Nothing lame about an example where I am breaking the law and justifying it because of my "belief". That''s exactly what Sea Shepherd does.

perhaps you think >women shud never have gotten the vote, or segregation in the US shud still be in effect.............

Perhaps none of these have ANYTHING to do with what is being discussed.

have you ever heard >of standing up for what you believe in, righting a wrong,

Have you ever heard of Martin Luther King? Or Mahatmas Ghandi?

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Watson is fat. He should eat less hamburgers and grilled cheese before condemning others for what they eat.

0 ( +6 / -6 )


@sustainablewhaling - "whales as mobile source of protein"?... Aaah ....but Japan is whaling for "scientific" purposes you see , not because it needs a source of protein...


Scientific research is done, because people hope to have option of whale as an source of protein. Without research, there can be no whaling, and without whaling there is no whale as source of protein.

IWC rules recognise consumers of whale products, and recognise research is needed for management of whale resources.

Japan is 100% compliance with IWC.

Watson is a criminal, on the run.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

eyeonwarson, your guess that Watson is hiding in Holland makes very good sense.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Hopefully Australia will chose to police the southern ocean or an international force will be created to protect the sanctuary then the whales will be saved and the real criminals , the Japanese government will be forced to cease operations or have it's whaling fleet ceased and it's whalers face incarceration. That way people like Paul Watson and others like him could be free to tackle other issues that the goverments and corperations turn a blind, stupid and greedy eye too.

Barring that more power to seasheapard.org and anyone willing to stand up for what is right ... and if -ihope2eatwhales-dies of starvation I will just consider it to be evolution and natural and necessary thinning of the herd.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Frank Vaughn - You claim to be former U.S. Coast Guard. Tell us what the U.S. Coast Guard would do if some nutbob "activist" tried fouling thier props, threw jars of chemicals, buzzed them with helos, or flew UAVs at them? I didn't ask what they would do if a ship made to ram them, because we know damn well what the result would be, don't we?

2 ( +6 / -4 )


Australia has not any authority to police international waters.

International organization which created "sanctuary" has the rules which say research activities are not excluded by sanctuary. There is no violation of these rules, just anti-whalers complain that they do not like the rules.

That way people like Paul Watson and others like him could be free to tackle other issues that the goverments and corperations turn a blind, stupid and greedy eye too.

Maybe Paul Watson could tackle issue of lack of education amongst anti-whalers. I think he knows truth, but he ignores it anyway.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Watson is a moron. From faked media events pretending to be shot in the chest by Japanese whalers, to ongoing anti-Japanese propaganda that harkens back to the ugliest moments of WW2. The anti whaling campaign would be better off to get a new leader which has more credibility. Watson is a fake. Pete Bethune a former SS has this to say about the fake guy.


5 ( +10 / -5 )

There now you guys have me following seasheapard on twitter and reading propaganda. I hope you're proud !

Where did I see or read recently ... theres an old native american indian saying, " You can't wake someone up who is pretending to be asleep." Don't wake up, no problem the world will evolve and global conciousness will grow without you.


-6 ( +2 / -8 )

marcelitoAug. 02, 2012 - 11:00AM JST Ossanamerica- not your son either even though judging by your name I probably could be. If you are an American you >do realize the US founding fathers were branded "terrorists" by the rulers of the day, don't you? Ah yes, the irony - the >cliched " one man's terrorist is another man's ( mammal's :)) freedom fighter " is as true today as it was hundreds of >years ago.

You obviously didn't understand my previous response. You are talking about policial terrorists. Eco-Terrorists are something different. "The FBI defines eco-terrorism as the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against innocent victims or property by an environmentally-oriented, subnational group for environmental-political reasons, or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often of a symbolic nature."

2 ( +6 / -4 )

AriesKJJAug. 02, 2012 - 10:25AM JST Hopefully Australia will chose to police the southern ocean or an international force will be created to protect the >sanctuary then the whales will be saved and the real criminals

Keep dreaming. IWC Arictle VIII authorizes Scientific Research Whaling in Sanctuaries. In other words, Japan isn't doing anything illegal. Just something you don't like.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

AriesKJJAug. 02, 2012 - 05:52AM JST Like I said propaganda from everyone. http://news.discovery.com/earth/japan-uses-tsunami-funds-to-support-whaling-fleet-111208.html

Read your own linked article. The funds are TAXPAYER money. Not foreign donations.

2 ( +6 / -4 )


There is obviosly no need to destroy these animals to scientifically research them.

Such a need is recognised by rules of IWC. Article VIII, as OssanAmerica says.

As internationally agreed rule is opposite of what you think is obvious, perhaps your thinking has some problem with it. It is just my suggestion.

Calling it scientific research is cowardly!

Running from justice is cowardly.

Theres nothing left to say other than hopefully the Japanese public joins the global community soon.

If you only have hyperbole to say, there was never anything to say to start with.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Watson is hurting SSCS more than he does them good, I am there with Bethune. Not a fan of the SSCS, support greenpeace and wwf and also "adopted" a few endangered animals.

Also Russia and South Korea are VERY keen on whaling or in the case of russia increase their catches.

South Korea also can claim native catches as they did it for a long time.

In the end SSCS needs to get rid of Paul Watson, IMHO.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Frank Vaughn - Just read the Passport Canada site: Since his government generally supports him, he probably already has a new passport.

Hahahaha. Not likely, Watson and the eco-terrorist SS still owe Canadians several hundred thousands of dollars for fines and unpaid berthage charges for the SS garbage scow Farley Mowat. The Farley Mowat was seized by the Canadian Coast Guard after it was used to ram the CG and for harrassing seal hunters. Watson can go back and get a new passport AFTER he pays the fines and fees.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

BoredToTearsAug. 02, 2012 - 10:39AM JST

Frank Vaughn - You claim to be former U.S. Coast Guard. Tell us what the U.S. Coast Guard would do if some nutbob "activist" tried fouling thier props, threw jars of chemicals, buzzed them with helos, or flew UAVs at them? I didn't ask what they would do if a ship made to ram them, because we know damn well what the result would be, don't we?

My posts answer your question, if it is a crime then they will stop and arrest the offending captain and probably the whole crew. There are two good reasons the Government of Japan vessel didn't do this 1) there is no real crime 2) they didn't want the world to see the are breaking the Antarctic Zone Treaty by taking military arms there.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


That is an UNARMED CIVILLIAN helicopter and it only observes what is happening. The LRAD attack was illegal as the helicopter NEVER participated in the attack which by the way would also be illegal under the laws I quoted you. The pilot has never violated any aviation law in his flights and has never done more than observe the confrontations between the ships and boats. The captain of the whaler is guilty of a crime, stop the double standard, just because a rubber boat is throwing a stink bomb it does NOT give the captain of the target "cart Blanche" to attack anything in range.

But to be fair, I will back off the captain being guilty if you can provide any video from any source (the ICR or the SSCS or Animal Planet, any ones video) that shows the helicopter violated any aviation laws. Since that will be impossible, that means you are applying the good old double standard of "do as I say, not as I do!"

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

marcelitoAug. 02, 2012 - 10:39AM JST

eyeonwarson - "Once again, if a helicopter feels that it is endangered by an LRAD or anything else, any helicopter pilot worth his licence leaves the area or gets out of range of any danger . It's not rocket science" By the same token if the J -whaler eco terrorists ( to use the pro whalers favorite term here ) feel so" endangered" by SS activities they can leave the area as well . That's not rocket science either.

marcelito Thanks, I was so busy defending the helicopter I completely missed that. It is a known fact the the whalers all superior speed, so why do they stay there and "take it?" That means as all of you claim, that the captain of the whaler is putting his crews life's at risk just the same as the Sea Shepherds.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Ihope2eatwhales, "IWC rules recognise consumers of whale products, and recognise research is needed for management of whale resources.

Japan is 100% compliance with IWC."

Except that the IWC has asked the ICR, on multiple occasions, not to conduct lethal research until the necessity is demonstrated. To date that necessity has never been demonstrated.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

@ Frank

But to be fair, I will back off the captain being guilty if you can provide any video from any source (the ICR or the SSCS or Animal Planet, any ones video) that shows the helicopter violated any aviation laws

Here you go Frank, the SS helicopter landing on a helideck built at sea and not inspected or certified by any competent authority before use :o)


PS.. watson's still not a Captain ;O)

It will be interesting to see if Watson eventually makes it back to one of the SS boats and what happens when that boat docks in Australia. Will australia fulfill it's international obligations and arrest watson if his international arrest warrant is still valid? Time will tell

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Eyeonwarson, in your opinion who would have been the competent authority?

Nice try. Though I'm you reviewed long and hard, did you manage to come up with any footage of the SS helicopter 'buzzing' the whalers?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


IWC has been overrun by anti-whalers, and because of it IWC can say the sky is green if anti-whalers decide it. It does not change reality or legality of IWC's own rules.

Japan is 100% compliance with IWC

Just because IWC would say sky is green does not change it.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I have watched Whale Wars, the helicopter dangerously approached Japanese vessels many times, putting in danger the lives of the crew, if the helicopter would have sudden malfunction and crash.

Use of means to keep eco-terrorist groups helicopter away by a safe distance is justified easily by it.

Helicopter has no legitimate reason to approach so dangerously close.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

@ swistoni

The last counrty visited ( ie Australia ) probably a company such as this : < http://www.flightsafetyhelideckcertification.com.au/CompanyProfile.html>

How's that for landing on a non approved ICAO helideck Frank btw :O)

2 ( +5 / -3 )

@ swistoni again...

Nice try. Though I'm you reviewed long and hard, did you manage to come up with any footage of the SS helicopter 'buzzing' the whalers?

Sure, first video on youtube at 0:40 - 0:41 ( search string -sea shepherd helicopter flights) Also at 0:45.

Another 2 minutes of my life wasted

So back to Watson, he's sure the chubbiest supposed Vegan I've ever seen, perhaps life on the run will slim him down a bit ;O)

0 ( +5 / -5 )

From what I can see its a build at sea where there would be no competent authority other than the builder. Have you any evidence to say it wasn't certified on return to their home port? This is a great example of the type of manufactured doubt the whaling argument loves to employ. If you have a complaint about the helicopter buzzing the whalers, show the evidence, don't look for further loopholes. You just discredit your argument more.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Ihope2eatwhales, it's pretty disingenuous to use the IWC rules when it's convenient to your argument and then complain about it when it's not. You make a fine example of the lack of ability of the IWC to regulate itself, let alone whaling.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Eyeonwarson, "Another 2 minutes of my life wasted"

Your choice fella.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


Japan follows 100% of IWC rules.

Japan does not follow what anti-whalers makes IWC say, as "Resolution". It is just the anti-whaling propaganda, no reason anyone should do as anti-whalers demand.

I can respond another way. Anti-whaling nations have not followed many IWC resolutions also. You are very very quiet about it. Either not know about it as anti-whalers are blind to what is not written on anti-whalers homepages, or know about it but deceptively keep quiet anyway.

Never trust an anti-whaler.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

@ Swistoni

From what I can see its a build at sea where there would be no competent authority other than the builder. Have you any evidence to say it wasn't certified on return to their home port?

Rather ignoring the point that a licensed helicopter pilot should not land on a non certified helipad aren't we.... it's a small matter of safety but as we all know, that's never been Watson's strong point has it? ...

Your choice fella.

Fella? not last time I looked in the mirror

2 ( +6 / -4 )


You should understand yourself. As an anti-whaler, there is nothing any one could show you that you would accept.

So you discredit yourself when you say such thing as

You just discredit your argument more.

Of course, vice versa is true. There is no way I could ever become a crazy anti-whaler, no matter what. But, I do not pretend to have open mind about it, as you do. Your mind is probably even more firmly shut than even mine. It is very clear.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Ihope2eatwhales, I reserve the right to make up my own mind. When I see someone wriggling through the rules, manuafcturing doubt and fallaing back on insults in their arguments to support an immoral industry, I conclude that that person does themselves no credit. It's unavoidable.

"Japan follows 100% of IWC rules.". But listens to none of its criticisms. Well done!

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@ swistoni

When I see someone wriggling through the rules, manuafcturing doubt and fallaing back on insults in their arguments to support an immoral industry, I conclude that that person does themselves no credit. It's unavoidable.

Well done, you've described Paul Watson perfectly ;O)

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Eyeonwarson, I said it was a build at sea and so impossible to to get certification. I did ask if they had the platform certified upon return to port indicating I hadn't ignored anything. As for the small matter of safety, I'm sure they risk assessed it at the same and concluded it was a safe platform to use if built by competent people.

"Your choice fella. Fella? not last time I looked in the mirror"

It was a generic term used in the absence knowledge, don't take it personally. I was just hinting that if you think taking part in a discussion board as a targeted single issue participant is a waste of your time, perhaps you want to spend it more wisely.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

@ swistoni

I said it was a build at sea and so impossible to to get certification. I did ask if they had the platform certified upon return to port indicating I hadn't ignored anything. As for the small matter of safety, I'm sure they risk assessed it at the same and concluded it was a safe platform to use if built by competent people.

Still ignoring the point that it was not xertified by a competent authority before use - a competent authority "might" be the helicopter pilot himself , but seeing as he had to land on it before inspecting it, it rather knocks a large hole in your arguement. Which competent authority risk assessed it? the amateurs who built it? Are you seriously claiming they are a competent authority?

Safety is not a small matter when flying a helicopter as Frank above will tell you, in fact, it's paramount - It shows just how Watson's mentality permeates the thinking of his amateurs.

1 ( +5 / -4 )


They very same laws I've been hitting you over the head with make the licensed pilot the certifying authority. The PIC (pilot in command) has the authority to make the decision on whether a landing site is safe and usable. And since the SSCS pilot was part of the construction team he has excellent knowledge of the build. So if the pilot says it's safe that is all that is needed. If every helicopter landing site had to be certified by an outside authority then medical helicopters would be impossible to use as they would only be allowed to use airports and hospital helipads.

As for the complainer who said the videos show the helicopter too close to the ship, talk to your friends at one of the major camera manufactures there, you will learn that camera (video) lenses tend to shorten distances and make things look much closer than they are.

Anyway, why do the captains of the whaling ships continue to put the lives of their crews in danger by staying there and allowing the Sea Shepherds to "attack" them. A captain has the mandate to keep his ship and crew safe, and the whalers all have superior speed. Must be that supposed "attacks" are not as dangerous as claimed, otherwise your captains are violating the law by endangering their ships and crews.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@ Frank

and since the SSCS pilot was part of the construction team he has excellent knowledge of the build.

Nope, the pilot was not on the ship - the first he saw of the construction was after he'd landed on it. Frank, stick to your supposed area of expertise - I shoot video to earn my daily bread - the video at 0:45 is shot wide angle with the heli leass than 100m from the ship and less than 20m above the water

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Eyeonwarson, "a competent authority might" be the helicopter pilot himself , but seeing as he had to land on it before inspecting it, it rather knocks a large hole in your arguement. Which competent authority risk assessed it? the amateurs who built it? Are you seriously claiming they are a competent authority?"

I made no claims, you did that. Perhaps the builder was competent, perhaps the helicopter pilot had himself transferred to the ship before it was used, perhaps they had it certificated afterward or even had someone flown in? You made the baseless claim that it was unsafe and used illegally. All I can say with any surety is that the platform was used without mishap. That would seem to indicate it was fit for purpose.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

"Well done, you've described Paul Watson perfectly ;O)"

Im sure the whalers feel it's a bitch to get as good as they give. Which is why they are desperate for the revenge they seek.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

@ Swistoni

You made the baseless claim that it was unsafe and used illegally

Typical watson waffle - Landing a helicopter on an untried and uncertified platform is a safety hazard.

Perhaps the helicopter pilot had himself transferred to the ship before it was used, perhaps they had it certificated afterward or even had someone flown in?

Did you watch the video at all? He flew the helicopter onto it - certifying afterwards means nothing - it was uncertified when he landed on it - Had someone flown in? To what? an uncertified helideck? An ice floe?

dear oh dear ...

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

eyeonwarson I pass your question back to you. Did you pay attention when you watched the video. It clearly shows the Pilot as a member of the build team and he gave the interview as well. He had more than sufficient knowledge of the deck before he used it. As the pilot he used the discretion granted him by the laws to land there. Plus back to my Medical helicopter analogy, those pilots don't exactly get out and physically inspect a site before landing. Take your own advice and stick to what you know which you have proven is not aviation. BTW I too am a published photographer so I stick by what I said about the distance effects of different lenses.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

marcelitoAug. 02, 2012 - 11:47AM JST Ossan It doesn't matter what kind of category of terrorism is being discussed -

Yes it does matter marecrlito, especially in the post-911 wo9rld where "Political Terrorism" is handled by both law enforcement and the militaries of the world. In constrast "Eco-Terrorism" being subnational is dealt with strictly by law enforcement.

the point I wanted to make about the " one man' s terrorist is..." cliche being as valid today as in the past is that free >thinking individuals will generally form their own opinions about a specific issue and not necessarily accept the >viewpoint being pushed by a government / corporation/ vested interests. As someone who grew up behind the old " >iron curtain" I have seen " criminals and terrorists " become internationally respected heads of state just as happened >in the US hundreds of years ago. I understood your response just fine but the point stands whatever sub category of >terrorism is being talked about.

Do you honestly think that a bailjumping international fugitive who breaks laws in the name of "saving the whales" and isshunned by all opther respectable conservation groups is one day going to be a "hero"? I seriously think you have the wrong candidate here.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Eyeonwarson, "Did you watch the video at all? He flew the helicopter onto it - certifying afterwards means nothing"

Your distraction is meaningless. You claim to be something of a video expert so you'll be aware that it is a recording medium capable of being edited. With that in mind I'll refer you to what Frank Vaughn said. There is no indication of illegality, you're simply trying to make something out of nothing. Another fine example of how desperate the pro-whaling lobby is to vilify Sea Shepherd and Watson. Keep it up, it just adds to the white noise.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Frank VaughnAug. 02, 2012 - 02:07PM JST BoMy posts answer your question, if it is a crime then they will stop and arrest the offending captain and probably the >whole crew. There are two good reasons the Government of Japan vessel didn't do this 1) there is no real crime 2) >they didn't want the world to see the are breaking the Antarctic Zone Treaty by taking military arms there.

The Japan Coast Guard is not military. It is Law Enforcement. The USCG is also not military in practice being under he Dept of Homeland Security except during times of war when it faklls under the Dept of Defense and beco es subordinate to the USNavy.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The Japan Coast Guard is not military. It is Law Enforcement.

Thanks for making my argument for me. If they are Law Enforcement and there is a warrant for Captain Watson, then why did the not apprehend him when they had a chance? Also why did they not detain and possibly arrest the crew of the Steve Irwin for the alleged attacks against themselves? If they were indeed being attacked why did the captain not use his superior speed to escape the attack to keep his ship and crew safe?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Have you ever heard of Martin Luther King?


haha actually I mentioned MLKing way back but it was yanked leaving my post half naked! Funny you mention him given your slant on this stuff you wud have had him locked up & the key thrown away!!

Clearly you dont believe people are allowed to challenge the status quo, when thereare ALWAYS things that cud/shud be changed for the better & Japan has a few of those clearly!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Heda - Quote from the book. Probably didn't read it did you? He was talking about the untruthfulness of the media.

The nature of the mass media today is such that the truth is irrelevant. What is true and what is right to the general public is what is defined as true and right by the mass media. Ronald Reagan understood that the facts are not relevant. The media reported what he said as fact. Follow-up investigation was “old news.” A headline comment on Monday’s newspaper far outweighs the revelation of inaccuracy revealed in a small box inside the paper on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Watson was explicit about what he perceived to be the lack of truthfulness in mass media: “If you do not know an answer, a fact, or a statistic, then simply follow the example of an American President and do as Ronald Reagan did—make it up on the spot and deliver the information confidently and without hesitation.

Frank, thanks for the good work. But you are barking up the wrong tree. They wouldn't change their minds if God came down and told them they were wrong. They wouldn't do so if the whalers themselves said they had lied about everything. Their mind are made up through feelings that they are right instead of facts that they are right.

The mere fact that one of these poster talks about the ship being attacked from the air and the sea and that the ship had the right to use an LRAD against an UNARMED helicopter, is proof positive that the person has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Has not even seen the video, I am sure. This is who you are dealing with. People who would ignore everything just to think they are right.

Do yourself a favor. You fought the good fight. They will never change their minds. It is impossible for some people to accept that what they once thought was true is in fact, just a lie.

You would do yourself a lot of good by not responding to the likes of these people. They will just waste your time with their nonsense.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Frank VaughnAug. 02, 2012 - 09:53PM JST "The Japan Coast Guard is not military. It is Law Enforcement." Thanks for making my argument for me. If they are Law Enforcement and there is a warrant for Captain Watson, then >why did the not apprehend him when they had a chance? Also why did they not detain and possibly arrest the crew of >the Steve Irwin for the alleged attacks against themselves? If they were indeed being attacked why did the captain not >use his superior speed to escape the attack to keep his ship and crew safe?

In Law Enfoprcement, as with Law iotself there is a concept called "Jurisdiction".For example, a NYPD cop can not carry a gun and make arrests in Tokyo, and the reverse is also true. The JCG's law enforcement authority, and for that matter that of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and Maritime New Zealand do npt extend to International Waters. Howver, their jurisdiction does exist onboard any vessel that is under their national flag. This explains why Peter Berthune was arrested when he climbed aboard one of the Japanese ships and faced trial in Japan. This also explains why Pault Watson dare not enter Japan where he would face arrest. If the M/V Steve Irwin entered a Japanmese port undoubetdly they would have been charged and arrested. If you watch any of the videos that Sea Sheperd puts on youtube you will see that these ships are not fast and the zodiacs that SS uses run rings around them

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Frank, see what I mean,

Of course, vice versa is true. There is no way I could ever become a crazy anti-whaler, no matter what.

Ihope2eatwhales makes my point for me. He/She would never change their mind, NO MATTER WHAT!

How can you argue with someone who says those things? A WASTE OF TIME!!!

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

GWAug. 02, 2012 - 11:26PM JST "Have you ever heard of Martin Luther King?" ossan

haha actually I mentioned MLKing way back but it was yanked leaving my post half naked! Funny you mention him >given your slant on this stuff you wud have had him locked up & the key thrown away!!

What slant is that? That I support law and order ad am against breaking the law? And why would I want to lock up MLK who advocated legal and non-violent change? You're comments make absolutely no sense at all.

Clearly you dont believe people are allowed to challenge the status quo, when thereare ALWAYS things that cud/shud >be changed for the better & Japan has a few of those clearly!

Not at all. People most certainly should be allowed to change any status quo" for the better. But it must be done in a manner that is not violent and illegal.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Frank Vaughn - That is an UNARMED CIVILLIAN helicopter and it only observes what is happening. The LRAD attack was illegal as the helicopter NEVER participated in the attack which by the way would also be illegal under the laws I quoted you.

Hahahaha. The eco-terrorist SS were attacking the whalers, again, but you expect the whalers to assume that the eco-terrorist SS helicopter was only there for peaceful purposes. You're a hoot. Every vessel that the eco-terrorist SS attack have a right to DEFEND themselves from the violent actions of the eco-terrorists.

No one under attack would believe that Watson's helicopter is there for anything other than to direct the eco-terrorist attack. The whalers and fishermen have a right to DEFEND themselves against eco-terrorist SS attacks.

You continue to advocate for the violence of the eco-terrorist SS and condem the SELF-DEFENSE actions of the whaling/fishing crews. Let's not lose track of the fact that it's the pro-violence Watson who has turned tail and is running from the law. There are fewer and fewer places for the pro-violence Watson to hide. Without a passport, every nation except Canada can detain Watson simply for being in their country and Watson owes Canada a lot of money. Welcome home Watson, now pay up.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

GW - Clearly you dont believe people are allowed to challenge the status quo, when thereare ALWAYS things that cud/shud be changed for the better & Japan has a few of those clearly!

You obviously believe that violence is the answer when it comes to challenging the status quo. Even Greenpeace doesn't advocate for the violence of the eco-terrorist SS. Watson is on the run because he believe that "violence is the answer".

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I torrented the most recent season of Whale Wars, and it seems to me from watching what happened this last whaling season that SSCS didn't do a very good job of stopping the Japanese whaling fleet. Better defensive tactics employed by the Japanese fleet combined with the usual stupid mistakes by Watson & Co. kept Sea Shepherd from really hindering the whalers as much as they would have liked.

And yet the fleet only met a fraction of its target for the season.

This means one of two things: a) the Japanese whalers were unlucky or just plain incompetent given Sea Shepherd's reduced ability to interfere, or b) minke whale stocks are, in fact, seriously threatened and are not big enough to withstand the resumption of commercial whaling (which is the whole point of the "research" whaling program.)

1 ( +3 / -2 )

sandiegoluv - The mere fact that one of these poster talks about the ship being attacked from the air and the sea and that the ship had the right to use an LRAD against an UNARMED helicopter, is proof positive that the person has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Has not even seen the video, I am sure. This is who you are dealing with. People who would ignore everything just to think they are right.

The fact is that Watson is a coward who is now running from the law because he continually resorts to violence to force others to do his bidding. Watson will always be able to find some incompetent crew members who are ignorant of the law and are willing to listen to Watson's lies. Unfortunately for Watson, any nation that finds him will now be able to detain him, without bail, because he is a proven flight risk.

You refuse to accept the fact that crews who are being attacked by the eco-terrorist SS have a right to DEFEND themselves.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

That's remarkable devdave. I wish I could form conclusions of such a wide scope based on watching one episode of a TV show.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

sandiegoluv You are correct. Given that none of my opposition has produced video or audio of their allegations about the helicopter being used to make an attack or direct an attack I will leave this thread knowing I am correct that I proved that the captain of the whaler is guilty of unlawful interference of an aircraft in flight. Nothing they say can justify the attack on the helicopter.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


LRAD is used worldwide by police forces for crowd-control. Just as dangerous as those "rancid butter" bottles the SSCS is launching at the whalers.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Heda - Quote from the book. Probably didn't read it did you? He was talking about the untruthfulness of the media.

The nature of the mass media today is such that the truth is irrelevant. What is true and what is right to the general public is what is defined as true and right by the mass media. Ronald Reagan understood that the facts are not relevant. The media reported what he said as fact. Follow-up investigation was “old news.” A headline comment on Monday’s newspaper far outweighs the revelation of inaccuracy revealed in a small box inside the paper on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Watson was explicit about what he perceived to be the lack of truthfulness in mass media: “If you do not know an answer, a fact, or a statistic, then simply follow the example of an American President and do as Ronald Reagan did—make it up on the spot and deliver the information confidently and without hesitation.

Way to spin that. You should get a job working for the SS. He's saying that the media won't bother to check facts. So give them anything you want and they will print it. He's a born liar and constantly makes false and inaccurate statements. He uses the media in the exact way you've highlighted above. Be confident and people will believe whatever you say. Doesn't matter that it's a lie. Because it'll be forgotten by tomorrow.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Actually It''s me, a glass bottle containing rancid butter is far more dangerous. A glass bottle containing nothing but air would be far more dangerous.You hit someone on the head it could kill them. The SS seem to ignore that fact (not to mention that disposal of glass in the Antarctic ocean is illegal)

3 ( +4 / -1 )


I know, launching a glass-bottle or similar at a helicopter cockpit would be like a Bird-strike to the Pilot. And we know how those work out.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

not to mention that disposal of glass in the Antarctic ocean is illegal

Not just glass Heda.


0 ( +4 / -4 )

Hahahaha. The eco-terrorist SS were attacking the whalers, again, but you expect the whalers to assume that the eco-terrorist SS helicopter was only there for peaceful purposes. You're a hoot. Every vessel that the eco-terrorist SS attack have a right to DEFEND themselves from the violent actions of the eco-terrorists.

Does not matter. They were attacking a defenseless helicopter that was not physically attacking them at all. It is not only low class, it is dangerous and shows that money is above all the most important thing.

You continue to advocate for the violence of the eco-terrorist SS and condem the SELF-DEFENSE actions of the whaling/fishing crews. Let's not lose track of the fact that it's the pro-violence Watson who has turned tail and is running from the law. There are fewer and fewer places for the pro-violence Watson to hide. Without a passport, every nation except Canada can detain Watson simply for being in their country and Watson owes Canada a lot of money. Welcome home Watson, now pay up.

I love how you go off point here because you can't defend yours.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

The solution to problem of the conflics between Sea Sheapard and the Japanese government is very simple: to keep their whaling fleet out of the Indian Ocean Sanctuary, the Southern Ocean Sanctuary around Antarctica (and hopefully soon the South Atlantic Ocean Santuary) . If they chooses to disregard this very simple, logical and morally correct option then they deserves whatever consequences come to them.

On the issue of Paul Watson being a criminal in regards to the 2002 incident with the illegal fishing boat in Costa Rica, that is between the Costa Rican government with their 10 year old warrent and Watson and none of the Japanese goverments buisness. If the Japanese government wants to prosecute Watson on charges of "suspicion of ordering sabotage" then the trial should take place in neutral territory where Watson will get a fair trial. I am sure he and Sea Sheapard would love the opportunity to bring the situation even more into the public spotlight.

Calling the commercial whaling operstions in the Antacrtic sanctuary scientific research is decietful and cowardly but even if that were true the Japanese government should not send their flensing knife wheilding scientists into such a dangerous and controversial area. There is no need to argue the validity of the scientific research loophole, if you think that is a valid reason to kill whales you should; where a hockey helmet at all times, search your soul and pray to God*.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Heda - There is no spinning here. That is what it says. It is you who have put the spin on it. Which is exactly what the pro whalers have done time and time again. You guys put your own spin on reality and people here have bought it, hook, line and sinker. And now you say that HE is the born liar and that HE constantly makes false and inaccurate statements. But YOU just did the very same thing with HIS statement. If anyone has been caught putting a spin on things and making false statements, I believe that would be YOU. The Whalers have been caught so many times with telling tall tales, but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Paul Watson is a proven liar. There’s loads of evidence to prove this on the Greenpeace page, on the Paul Watson liar website. All of it points to him making facts up on the spot and delivering them confidently because people will believe you. Are you now suggesting that he only speaks the truth?

3 ( +7 / -4 )

NIgel BOY. That proves nothing at all. We don't know if that comes from the SS or not. Oh, I'm sorry, we should just believe them. Oh, okay. Yeah, right. (sic) But I like how you think. Do anything at all to make them look bad, especially if you have nothing at all in the way of real proof. Just throw something out there. Although we can't really know how much waste the whaling ships have produced and left down there as well. Oh and nevermind the amount of wasted gas to get all the way down there to hunt whales and come all the way back. See, that is the fun part. Accusing one of doing something while thinking that everypne is just going to ignore the obvious. All ships that go down there produce waste.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Any of these true?

"In 30 years, we've never injured anybody, we've never broken a law."

Paul Watson on "Larry King Live", June 2009

“The fact is – never been convicted of a crime.”

Paul Watson, Worldfest 2006

“I’ve got no criminal record.”

Paul Watson Interview, September 2008
5 ( +5 / -0 )

AriesKJJAug. 03, 2012 - 06:29AM JST The solution to problem of the conflics between Sea Sheapard and the Japanese government is very simple: to keep >their whaling fleet out of the Indian Ocean Sanctuary, the Southern Ocean Sanctuary around Antarctica (and hopefully >soon the South Atlantic Ocean Santuary) . If they chooses to disregard this very simple, logical and morally correct >option then they deserves whatever consequences come to them.

Even though they are doing it legally according to IWC Aritcle VIII? If you don't like it change the IWC regulations.That's the solution. People who take the law into their own hands without authority are called vigilantes, and that is illegal everywhere. Watson and Sea Sheperd are a bunch of criminals. And their supporters are something lower on the intelligence scale, "Shepherd" is an apt name.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Usually after failed attempts they go back and fish them out so that they can be used again. This time the whalers prevented the lines from going into the propellers by using special hooks and lines on the fronts and sides of their ships. Thank you for showing how the pro-whalers distort things though. They were not littering. That was stuff that was used against them they fished out of the water or off the decks.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

There is the credibility of the entire Japanese judicial system for entertaining such absurdities. In 2010, the Sea Shepard's Ady Gil, was intentionally run over and literally cut in two by much larger Shonan Maru No. 2, and seriously endangering the lives of her six crew. This does not come as a surprise. The charges by the Japanese are being made for purely political reasons. One has to wonder why Shonan Maru No. 2, captain was not even being investigated by Japanese authorities after ramming and sinking another vessel at sea. This is an embarrassment to the Japanese criminal justice system, a further slap in the face to the international community, and proof that Japan will continue to do what it wants regardless of international law or public opinion. There is a blatant abuse of and political corruption within Japan’s domestic judicial system. The Japanese maritime authorities failed to investigate the serious criminal actions of the Shonan Maru No. 2. It is astounding that Japan is going after Watson while ignoring charges against the captain of No. 2 and the international community is allowing it to do so unchallenged.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Now, I am going to take my own advice and bow out of this thread like I advised Frank to do, because I have watched the pro-whalers on this subject in this magazine deny, manipulate and sometimes just outright lie about the issues and as one poster here remarked,

There is no way I could ever become a crazy anti-whaler, no matter what.

Like I stated earlier, they would deny it even if God himself came down and told them himself that they were wrong. I have seen the pro whalers waste lots of people's time in this magazine. When they can't win the point, they run off to another one and ignore when their argument has been shut down. A true waste of time.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

So, just to confirm you're not prepared to respond to the lies that Paul Watson made?

Dignified bow out indeed.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Heda - Where? What proof? You have provided none at all. Aidios!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


4 ( +4 / -0 )

No, I am sure he is not the most honest person in the world. Everyone lies, that is true. But you pro whalers will manipulate everything and anything as you proved here with quoting what he said. You purposefully manipulated it.

BOY - I am not even going to debate you. I have seen you in action. You LOVE to talk down to people and think you are the authority on just about everything. And when you are losing the argument, you go in another direction. You are the epitome of what I was talking and have proven to waste a lot of people's time. I've seen you losing an arguments HUGE and ignore the facts and run off on to different points. A true waste of time. Now, how about you guys go ahead and debate someone who doesn't know you better and is a bit naive.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Heda_Madness....above website as your proof is the best you can do? I have to laugh at your proof.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

No, I am sure he is not the most honest person in the world. Everyone lies, that is true. But you pro whalers will manipulate everything and anything as you proved here with quoting what he said. You purposefully manipulated it.

BOY - I am not even going to debate you. I have seen you in action. You LOVE to talk down to people and think you are the authority on just about everything. And when you are losing the argument, you go in another direction. You are the epitome of what I was talking and have proven to waste a lot of people's time. I've seen you losing an arguments HUGE and ignore the facts and run off on to different points. A true waste of time. Now, how about you guys go ahead and debate someone who doesn't know you better and is a bit naive.

Moderator: If you wish to remain on this discussion board, you will have to completely rethink the way you post. You are not to be impolite to other posters, you are not to be confrontational and bicker with other readers. You are to be tolerant of opposing views. And always remember that good manners apply in cyberspace, too.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oh, my. That little weak website is your proof? LMFAO. WOW! Really? Is that the best you got? My, my. Now, that is naive. How can you think that someone can be honest for the past 40 years about everything. And if that is all of the lies that you can produce, I ma sure that I can produce page and page of nonsensical lies that the prowhalers have made. I am sure it would be deleted by the moderator for being off topic as your weak link should be as well.

Sorry, I really got to go. Go find someone more naive to argue with. I am done.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Heda - There is no spinning here. That is what it says. It is you who have put the spin on it. Which is exactly what the pro whalers have done time and time again. You guys put your own spin on reality and people here have bought it, hook, line and sinker. And now you say that HE is the born liar and that HE constantly makes false and inaccurate statements. But YOU just did the very same thing with HIS statement. If anyone has been caught putting a spin on things and making false statements, I believe that would be YOU. The Whalers have been caught so many times with telling tall tales, but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

. In 2010, the Sea Shepard's Ady Gil, was intentionally run over and literally cut in two by much larger Shonan Maru No. 2, and seriously endangering the lives of her six crew.

You make statements like that as though it’s the truth. Then accuse the other side of deliberately lying.

Neither the Australian nor the New Zealand enquiries found that to be the case. Both of whom had more information than a You tube video.

Incidentally it was claimed at the time that the AG was sitting idly in the water. Again not proven to be true.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

There is no way I could ever become a crazy anti-whaler, no matter what.

Like I stated earlier, they would deny it even if God himself came down and told them himself that they were wrong.

I do not believe in God. God is a lie, just like what anti-whalers say. Anti-whalers are completely crazy, because first they believe anti-whaling is right. No matter about anything. Violence becomes justified by anti-whaling excuse. It is OK to dangerously approach another vessel in helicopter IF you are anti-whaler. And innocent people of other vessel are WRONG to protect themselves from helicopter which flies dangerously close IF they are whalers. Then suddenly innocent people protecting themselves against risky helicopter have ATTACKED helicopter, by using preventative LRAD.

Crazy, crazy, crazy. And although they anti-whaler says "Aidios", the anti-whaler keeps posting more comments anyway. Perhaps I did not need to post this one to prove the craziness.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

sandiegoluv - Does not matter. They were attacking a defenseless helicopter that was not physically attacking them at all. It is not only low class, it is dangerous and shows that money is above all the most important thing.

Hahahaha. No amount of violence commited by the eco-terrorist SS matters to you. You advocate for eco-terrorist violence. The whaling crews have a right to DEFEND themselves against any eco-terrorist attack including airborne ones. Watson says that his violent attacks on whalers and fishing crews aren't violence and you believe him. Watson tells you that the helicopter isn't helping these violent attacks and you believe him. Anyone who has listened to Watson's lies and watched his repeated acts of violence over the decades, don't believe him.

Watson has to make headlines or he doesn't get paid in donations. Now he's on the run and can't enter a port or country until he finds some idotic country that will give him a passport.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Heda - Pressure was brought to bear on the weak Australian and New Zealand governments by Japan.

Fact. The protest boat had right of way. It was entitled to maintain its course and speed as a "stand on" vessel. The Shonan Maru was supposed to give way. The Shonan Maru can be clearly seen turning into him. If you look at the video very well, you will see the whole boat change direction. This was an obvious intentional ramming. If the shoe was on the other foot, the Japanese whalers would be screaming bloody murder and we would have seen tape after tape of such night after night. Obviously pressure was brought to bear.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

It's also obvious that the AG moved forward into the path. But you've done really well to bow out of the argument.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Heda_Madness Aug. 03, 2012 - 08:24AM JST. You make statements like that as though it’s the truth. Then accuse the other side of deliberately lying.

Then what is your truth? Videos don't lie. The Shonan Maru 2 approached the vessel at full speed with its LRAD system and water canons turned on and they remained on and aimed at the Ady Gil after the collision. Why would you aim a powerful water cannon at Andy Gil after it split into two? They were going in for a kill. They didn't care about rescuing these people. If Japanese were so right, why did Japanese government declined to participate with the investigation saying any information it had might be needed for an inquiry by its own authorities? Another cover-up by the Japanese authorities?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Two of the most anti-whaling nations held independent inquiries and the consensus is that it's a Japanese government cover-up.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


If the protest boat was hit by the whalers boat when circling in front of the whalers while moving, then it would be in the wrong and nobody could say a thing. Fact is crew was sitting on top of boat not doing anything while boat was sitting in water hardly moving an inch. just with basic motors running but not be propelled in any direction at the time when Shonan purposefully was coming at a a considerable speed continued coming in that direction of the Gill. Shonan had more than enough time to decrease speed or turn in a different direction but did not do so. WATCH THE TAPES!!!

No one is a snow angel. But at least they are fighting for a good cause and not for money, money, money, money.

Watch the video tape. I know you haven't watched any tapes. Now, leave me alone and go address someone less naive than I.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Heda_MadnessAug. 03, 2012 - 09:04AM JST Two of the most anti-whaling nations held independent inquiries and the consensus is that it's a Japanese government cover-up

What good is that? Australia and New Zeland wer not directly involved. Tell me about your main witness from Shonan Maru 2 and the conclusion of Japanese investigations and your captains explanation.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


no matter what proof was given, you guys would deny it

I never see any proof. Just imagination. Even though Japan does the research whaling in accordance with the Article VIII of IWC rules, anti-whalers say it is illegal anyway. This is one example. Anti-whalers ignore it, and say it is not the real research. This is the anti-whalers deny.

You can see it is the same?

I feel the reason is that being right is the most important thing for some people on the other side, instead of being right for the right reason.

Please be sure, it seems same way to non-anti-whaler like myself also. What we (anti-whaler and non-anti-whaler) believe is "right" is already fixed. I do not suddenly believe that eating whales is not right, just as anti-whaler does not suddenly believe it is not wrong. It is a basic philosophy of us.

I seriously doubt that you have seen the tapes.

I saw many many episodes of Whale Wars, I am telling you. I think what you do not understand is that one who watches Whale Wars with a belief that eating whales is not wrong will see that in the video in different way to one who has the belief that eating whales is not right.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

If the Whalers were in the right, why haven't they produced a show that shows the horrible, violent whale huggers doing dastardly things against them into a weekly show? Why not?

They do not need to make a weekly show for people to understand it as such.

If what they say is true then why not put your version on TV if there is nothing to hide?

Reality is not defined by TV.

Crazy, crazy, crazy. Yes, anyone who does not agree with you is labeled such.

It is just how it would appear to me. I think you can understand such a point of view, if you imagine you share my idea that whalers are 100% not wrong.

Just calling it as I see it.

Me too. Please try to understand the point of view of others, you see many similarity between yourself and us, if you try, I think.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

What good is that? Australia and New Zeland wer not directly involved.

That's why they call it independent

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Reality is not defined by TV.

"Jersey Shore Whale Wars"

C'mon, Ihope2eatwhales, you KNOW you'd watch it! ;)

1 ( +2 / -1 )


No one is a snow angel. But at least they are fighting for a good cause and not for money, money, money, money.

It shows my point again. Finally, Anti-whalers justify everything by anti-whaling.

This is the only thing I would hope you would understand: For you, anti-whaling is "good cause". It is not for us. For us, whaling is "good cause". It is not for you.

So what? Anti-whalers will use the violence to assert their "good cause" on us?

Of course you SHOULD be able to understand why we cannot accept it. Just imagine if "shoe is on other foot", how you feel.

Have a nice day :)

-1 ( +5 / -6 )


For us, whaling is "good cause". It is not for you.

Ok, so why is whaling a "good cause" for you? You've never managed to explain that. Nobody eats whale meat, millions of dollars of tax-payers money are wasted on "scientific research". Right.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

All readers stay on topic please. The subject is Paul Watson skipping bail.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

ihope2eatwhales, are arguing that the AG with its crew sitting out in the open and with its engines stopped somehow drove into the path of the Shonan Maru? Were they holding up tiny sails? Or are you using the fact that the speed boats circle the whaling vessels as justification for the Shonan Maru not turning out of the path of the AG, destoying the vessel and clearly endangering the lives of it's crew?

With hateful names like "arrestpaul" and "hope2eatwhales" and because of your refusal to see the situation from all sides or acknowledge facts I would say that you are representing the government /industry or just as fanatical as the Sea Sheapards and Paul Watson. I suppose each side in every war uses propaganda as a weapon but hopefully logical and rational people will soon help put this issue to rest. As arrogant and stubborn as the Japanese government is so are the anti-whaling activists determined and stubborn. Arresting Watson will only serve to further the cause of Sea Sheapard and bring negative attention to Japan

It is indeed a shame that a peaceful resolution has not been found and it seems like, without the help of the Japanese people, one will not be possible.

And I would add that for proponents of whaling this may be a "good cause" but for the anti-whaling activists this is not a "good cause" this is a "richeous cause", they are seeking to save and preserve life. For people like me who are niether protestors nor activists anti-whaling is merely a "good cause". I would not justify using lethal force or violence to stop whaling activities in general unless a law was created to end whaling, but I would fully endorce using whatever means is necessary to stop whaling in designated sanctuaries.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

If the whalers are acting within the law, there is nothing illegal about what they are doing.

Except that they are exploiting a loop hole. Why you are so being so emotional about it beyond me, lol.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

AriesKJJ - are arguing that the AG with its crew sitting out in the open and with its engines stopped somehow drove into the path of the Shonan Maru?

Hahaha. It's been long established that there was an eco-terrorist crew member at the helm of the Ady Gil during the collision and he push the throttles forward to outrun the SM. Video shows that both of the Ady Gil's engines were running and the prop wash shows that the Ady Gil accelerated into the path of the SM.

Bethune says that Watson is a liar. Ady Gil says that Watson is a liar. Bethune says that Watson owes him $500,000 for the cost of the Ady Gil.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Thomas Anderson - It doesn't matter if it's a loop hole, it's still legal. If you feel that it shouldn't be legal, find a way to change the law.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Thomas Anderson - Except that they are exploiting a loop hole.

Which is another way of saying that the whalers are acting within the law. If you want to close this alleged loop hole, you'll have to contact the IWC (aka the Whaling commission).

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Well it's really within a "gray zone". Nice name.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


why are you so blinded that you can't see that it's wrong?

For them, anything is justified, such as supporting bail jumper Watson, violence, calling internationally agreed rule which Japan rightfully uses as "loop hole", because they believe anti-whaling is "good cause".

I understand such thinking, but I do not accept oppression of the whaling culture is "good cause". Although life and death of it is just natural process on Earth, they think only of protection of lives of whales. I suppose they are not comfortable living as human beings, and they feel better of themselves if they seek to oppress human culture of other people. It is the cultural intolerance, basically.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

sandiegoluv - Fact. The protest boat had right of way. It was entitled to maintain its course and speed as a "stand on" vessel.

Video shows the Ady Gil did NOT maintain it's speed. It accelerated into the path of the SM.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I wouldn't even consider it a loophole when it specifically allows it under article 8. A loophole would be something along the lines of allowing nations who had absolutely no interest in the "orderly development" of the whaling industry to remain or join IWC.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

An investigation into the collision by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) was inconclusive and unable to assign blame for the collision. AMSA was unable to verify claims made by Sea Shepherd, while the Japanese government declined to participate with the investigation saying any information it had might be needed for an inquiry by its own authorities.[50] New Zealand authorities found both parties were at fault for the collision. The inquiry by Maritime New Zealand found that the Shonan Maru No. 2 should have kept clear of the Ady Gil under international collision regulations, and had ample opportunity to avoid hitting it. It also found that the Ady Gil failed to take avoiding action, and its helmsman did not see the Japanese ship bearing down until seconds before the impact.

None of this is justification for killing whales in a sanctuary or for having Watson extradited to Japan from German custody. If Japan has a legal issue let them clearly state what it is and have the proceedings take place in a neutral country.

You treehugging anti-whaling nutjobs need to face reality. If the whalers are acting within the law, there is nothing illegal about what they are doing. Just because you or some other idiot doesn't agree with it, doesn't make it illegal. The terrorist organization "Sea Shepherd " has no right or legal authority to do anything to them. I don't understand how you fools ...

Just out of curiosity moderator do you have an agenda? The comment of mine that was deleted was not anywhere near as rude or offensive as this! Not that I care and would welcome this conversation face to face but I would hope each side of this debate has equal oportunuty to express themselves.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Can not support the Government of Japan and believe that Paul Watson is correct. Japan is after him because of his activities disrupting the whale hunt. Japan can not sell or make enough children eat the yucky whale. He jumped bail because Germany would send him to Japan in return for bailout money for the EU. Godspeed Paul Watson!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

One of the things I'm concerned about with Paul Watson's arrest is that without him, SSCS or someone who sympathizes with them might feel compelled to take even more extreme measures against the whalers... i.e. the "Stan Marsh" solution. I mean, if the outcome will be the same either way - arrest and imprisonment - then there really is no line to cross between SSCS' tactics til now vs. full-on violence against the Japanese fleet.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

If Watson could die for whales then why doesn't he do anything about the whales which are truly endangered? The RIGHT WHALE off the coast of USA is almost extinct. There are only a few hundred left. They are not hunted but killed by being tangled in nets or rammed by ships. Neither USA or Watson do NOTHING to save the whales which needs to be protected. He is more preoccupied with hating the Japanese who hunt non endangered whales. This whole anti whaling movement is a joke. With time people will realize that their thinking was close minded and outdated.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Culture Imperialists like Watson and others who want to change people's culinary preferences have an extremely imperialistic mindset and should not be welcomed in a world where we should embrace cultural diversity.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Watson belongs behind bars.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

@ heda

Any of these true?

"In 30 years, we've never injured anybody, we've never broken a law." - Paul Watson on "Larry King Live", June 2009

“The fact is – never been convicted of a crime.” - Paul Watson, Worldfest 2006

“I’ve got no criminal record.” - Paul Watson Interview, September 2008

Nope, none of these are true - all false, all lies

-2 ( +4 / -6 )


It's also obvious that the AG moved forward into the path. But you've done really well to bow out of the argument.

You and your buddies should feel glad that I am out of the conversation. It is a victory for you. Simply because you can just continue on with your misinformation. I have studied the subject and studied it very well. I have also stood back and read the pro whalers arguments for a long time and know for a fact that each and every one will either change the subject or ignore when their point has been refuted. It is no-win situation because none of the pro whalers will change your minds. So, continue on with the misinformation. I will only encourage those people who go against you to not do so, because it is a waste of THEIR time. There is no winning here and I would rather people not waste their time.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's also obvious that the AG moved forward into the path. But you've done really well to bow out of the argument.

By the way, Not true.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

“We have confronted the Japanese whalers for eight seasons and we have humiliated them at sea and the sank you $1.5MM boat! hahaha!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I am bowing out because I feel moderator participates too much by deleting things. Can't make a point at all. Very unfair conditions to work with. You guys bring up a point, we respond to that point and moderator deletes that or tells us to stay on point. A pure waste of time to battle surface logic and misinformation and moderator at same time.

Aries has pointed out that moderator seems to have an agenda as well

I would hope each side of this debate has equal oportunuty to express themselves

It sure seems so, in all due respect to the moderator. Not trying to be impolite at all. But it does seem that we don't get the same opportunity to express ourselves as much as you guys do.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Culture Imperialists like Watson and others who want to change people's culinary preferences.

Well you've uncovered the whole plot! The whaling was always a smokescreen for the real agenda ... to change people's culinary preferences!

No wonder the Germans were willing to hand Watson over to the Japanese government as they have historically been so shy about imperialism and have faced such atrocious descrimination and over their sauerkraut.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Incidentally Watson has accused Bethune of providing information to the Japanese which is why they've come after him.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Bethunes record speaks and confirms a lot link above,

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Listen to what Peter Bethune, etc have to say about him, they know him better than you do.

And if he is innocent why did the split on the bail and is hiding in international waters.

If he did nothing wrong a court case would be the least of his problems.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

As for Paul Watson he does more harm to SSCS than good(real feelings are not for publication). I have no gripe with SSCS besides their actions and tactics.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Not to attack you but....

Bethunes record speaks and confirms a lot link above,

and then there is....

Not that whale is my preferred food but if a client orders it ..... Personally can do without.

I have dived with sharks, manta-ray, etc and sharks are closer to extinction than whales with millions killed every year. And the impact on the eco-system is felt globally.

And that is clearly off topic, but it is there, too. If I did that, YANKOLA!! See, what I mean? Different set of rules.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If you are saying that he would get a fair trial in Japan then you may want to rethink that. Therefore an injustice would have occurred if he stayed in Germany. He would have been hauled off to Costa Rica and then here, or may be just here.

I FULLY support him running. I would have and anyone with sense would have done the same thing to avoid going to a Japanese court which would have sent him up the river, or worse, he might have ACCIDENTALLY fell down and hit his head while in custody. LOL!

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I think he will be soon caught if he does go into the Antarctic. His blue interpol warrant will soon be a red one in which case any country can arrest him.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

And they will just draw attention to the situation and get more people to side with him. Go for it.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

devdaveAug. 03, 2012 - 12:30PM JST One of the things I'm concerned about with Paul Watson's arrest is that without him, SSCS or someone who >sympathizes with them might feel compelled to take even more extreme measures against the whalers... i.e. the "Stan >Marsh" solution. I mean, if the outcome will be the same either way - arrest and imprisonment - then there really is no >line to cross between SSCS' tactics til now vs. full-on violence against the Japanese fleet

That's one extremly good reason to prosecute Watson to the fullest extent and terminate this absurd belief that activism is exempt from abiding by laws. Any higher level of violence and there actually will be human injury and loss of life. This nonsense needs to stop. And it's not just the Japanese research whaling. SS used violent tactics on the Maltese tuna fishermen as well, and their entire history is one of using violent tactics.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

sandiegoluvAug. 03, 2012 - 08:17PM JST If you are saying that he would get a fair trial in Japan then you may want to rethink that. Therefore an injustice would >have occurred if he stayed in Germany. He would have been hauled off to Costa Rica and then here, or may be just >here.

And how do you KNOW this? How do ou know that Watson's "life would be in danger" is he had been extradited to Costa Rica? There is nothing to substantiate wht most of us would call "lame excuses" and you are merely parroting Watson and the SS site.

I FULLY support him running.

Great, so you fully support Watson not answering to any charges and cowardly running and becomming an international fugitive.

I would have and anyone with sense would have done the same thing to avoid going to >a Japanese court which >would have sent him up the river, or worse, he might have ACCIDENTALLY fell down and hit >his head while in >custody. LOL!

Again you expose your complete reliance on simply reciting whatever Watson and SS say. Those of us with some knowledge of the Japanese judicial system believe that far too often the sentencing in Japan is much too less than it should be in comparison to Western countries.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

YuriOtaniAug. 03, 2012 - 12:04PM JST Can not support the Government of Japan and believe that Paul Watson is correct. Japan is after him because of his >activities disrupting the whale hunt. Japan can not sell or make enough children eat the yucky whale. He jumped bail >because Germany would send him to Japan in return for bailout money for the EU. Godspeed Paul Watson!

You are grossly misguided if you think that this is about whales. This could have been about anything. The J-govt is not after Watson for "disrupting the research whaling". They are after him for conducting acts of violence using anti-whaling as an excuse. The Costa Rican govt is after him not for "disrupting shark finning" but for putting fishermen's lives at risk. Avid anti-whaling groups like Greenpeace and WWF are noty being chased by various countries for acts of violence. How you feel about whales is not the issue, how you feel about respect for law and order is.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Ossan - LMFAO! Sorry, I am not that naive. Yeah right whatever. We are all just grossly misguided and your side is being truthful, realistic and always right. No his life would not be in danger. We can trust that, NOT. Nobody is parroting anyone on this side of the house. It is just people on your side who are trying to say that his life would not be in danger, and it just doesn't hold water.

Cowardly running away? No, intelligently running away after Japan was able to influence the Costa Ricans to refile charges that were long ago dismissed . And then turn around and get the Germans to do Japan's dirty work as well. Funny the German people are not so happy with their government right now. Even though he had been there before and had left with no problems happening whatsoever.

Behind the scenes manipulation is what Japan does best and is always accusing China of doing. So, you want to say that he would receive a far trial here in Japan. I have been here a long, long time and I know better to. I also know Central and South America extremely well and know what would happen to him if he were sent there. Dead as doornail. And if you deny that, then you need to study a little more about the place that you are talking about. He wont make it here to Japan. His killing will be bought.

International fugitive? I don't think that has happened yet. I think he is just wanted in a couple of places. Blue instead of red as one of your supporters earlier said.

But we are all misguided knuckleheads right? Yeah, right. Sorry, sell it to someone else who doesn't know better. I am not buying what you are selling. I have studied it and it doesn't hold water at all. Sorry, I don't mean to be impolite.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

He would not and could not receive a fair trial here. If you feel he would be guilty, then why not press for a place like the Hague? Neutral territory? Your judicial system is not a good one at all. Judges are not caring individuals here and are infamously cold and do not pass down very good sentences at all. Plus the judges have already been influenced by the media. You wouldn't want judges who already have a negative opinion in on the case. I would have no problem with a third party at all that can't be bought or that hasn't already been influenced by the pro or anti media of a country. But you guys just want him here because you know, he will be guilty. There is no other sentence that could be passed here. That is not fair nor is it justice. It is called revenge. And since you are the ones who feel he has wronged the whalers and I don't feel that way, then have your silly court case on neutral ground. Bet he wont run then.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Furthermore, I don't care if he does go to jail. In fact I would prefer he did. That would just give the movement more attention. But not the way you guys want it. You just want it for revenge and to toot Japan's horn. Here is some advice, don't catch him. It wouldn't be good for your cause it all. Just give him and us more attention.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The J-govt is not after Watson for "disrupting the research whaling". They are after him for conducting acts of violence using anti-whaling as an excuse

So, so wrong and right. They are after him because they are losing money. They don't give a squat about research whaling at all. They have been asked by the IWC not to do their research whaling but have thumbed their noses at the very body that they are a part of. That is the nonsense. Cowardly is using a loophole instead of standing up and saying, "Hey, we eat whales. Shut up"! I would respect them for quitting the IWC and declaring that. I wouldn't like it but I would respect it.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

He would not and could not receive a fair trial here. If you feel he would be guilty, then why not press for a place like the Hague? Neutral territory?

The recent assault case by SS member in Wakayama was found innocent with the courts paying 800,000 yen for his detention period. Hague? What specific judicial organ are you talking about? Neutral territory? Which territory is considered neutral and why in the world would such territory (states) take the case where they have no jurisdiction?

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

They are after him because they are losing money

What specific body is "they" in the above sentence?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

How about answering this question? If the AG and the Shonan Maru were on opposite side of the fence, and the AG had ran over the Shonan Maru, would you or would you not have been screaming for that ship's captain to be under arrest? You can't deny it. You would be so pissed off and screaming for the captain to be sent away to the gallows. Was he arrested for willfully running over that boat that had right of way? NOOOOOO! The Shonan Maru was supposed to give way. And you want me to believe that he could receive a fair trial here? No way could that happen. You can't even arrest the ship captain for intentionally running over the AG. I bet you guys hate looking at that video. Because it is all there. You can see the ship making a sudden an extreme turn in the direction of the AG, spraying it with water cannons and pointing the LRAD at it as well after it already ran over it. Why would you need to do such a thing? How could you possibly say that he will get a fair trial here when obviously your government denied to take part in the investigation in the first place? There was no investigation at all, except to automatically accuse the SS of dangers actions. If you can't arrest him, then no, you can not give a fair trial. That captain was trying to run them over. That is is who dangerous and reckless.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

The J-gov officials of course and the whalers that they are in bed with. What I was talking about was having a court case where we could be assured that there would be no biased. No, I didn't say the States. Oh, you would have loved if I did, I know. I can feel you salivating. I just used the Hague as an example. A bad one, of course, my bad.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The recent assault case by SS member in Wakayama was found innocent with the courts paying 800,000 yen for his detention period.

Not a good example to use at all. They are very different people. Watson mug has been placed all over the place and you sure would not want to be the judge that let him go with a suspended sentence or off as "innocent". You would be sleeping with the fishes.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The J-gov officials of course and the whalers that they are in bed with.

??? What specific J-gov body are you referring to?

What I was talking about was having a court case where we could be assured that there would be no biased.

Can you be more specific?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Not a good example to use at all. They are very different people. Watson mug has been placed all over the place and you sure would not want to be the judge that let him go with a suspended sentence or off as "innocent". You would be sleeping with the fishes.

Well you haven't provided any evidence to suggest that Watson would get a fair trial in Japan. What you're essentially doing is making excuses coming up with ridiculous conspiracy theories much like Watson and his gullible followers.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Make that "wouldn't".

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The SM & AGi incidents were examined and both parties wee found guilty by NZ & Aussie governments. It is a shut case for years now.

Never mind the reports bethune gave about sinking the AG, and he is still owed $500.000.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Boy - Go up and read my post fully for the first time. It is clear what I meant and I am not going to say it again. I know you are learning challenged at all and can figure it out for yourself.

Well you haven't provided any evidence to suggest that Watson would get a fair trial in Japan. What you're essentially doing is making excuses coming up with ridiculous conspiracy theories much like Watson and his gullible followers.

Oh, yes, we must all be nutcases because YOU say so. Whatever you say. Although you haven't proved that he would get a fair case. All you have done is say that we are making excuses for him not facing the J-officials and putting up conspiracy theories and this and that.

Conspiracy theory you say? Well, now that you mention it the J-gov got the Costa Ricans to open up a case that was closed and settled a long time ago. Oh, but they are not below doing that. We just made that all up? The J-gov want this guy so bad, they requested Germany to arrest him. Oh, and we are the one who are gullible?????? Well, I guess you get me right back to my original point, you guys would ignore the noses on your own faces.

I am not even going to debate you. I have seen you in action. You LOVE to talk down to people and think you are the authority on just about everything. And when you are losing the argument, you go in another direction. You are the epitome of what I was talking and have proven to waste a lot of people's time. I've seen you losing an arguments HUGE and ignore the facts and run off on to different points. A true waste of time.

It's me. - Sorry, I couldn't debate you at all because the mod has a thing for me. I do prefer your debating style much more than BOY. But, I understand what you want to say, but that is not good enough and I have already addressed that issue before. You can scroll up and see what I wrote. Seems I have a little more leeway in the evening.

Bethune, is a twit. No respect for the guy. If I remember right, he got all huffy and puffy because he was kicked out. Hey, what do you expect? He had weapons on board. He also boarded the vessel with a very large knife I don't support that. That is sour grapes on his part and he is just trying to cash in. The Sea Sheppard does not condone violence despite what people say. They are very clear that you are not to hurt anyone, nor are you to carry dangerous weapons.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Avid anti-whaling groups like Greenpeace and WWF are noty being chased by various countries for acts of violence.

Greenpeace and WWF don't do any acts of violence.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Calling bethune a twit is a bit harsh. After what he did prior and after his short SS-stint

He got my respect way more than Paul Watson. We can disagree here.

But he stood up and faced the music for his actions and the Japanese left him of easy,

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Conspiracy theory you say? Well, now that you mention it the J-gov got the Costa Ricans to open up a case that was closed and settled a long time ago. Oh, but they are not below doing that. We just made that all up? The J-gov want this guy so bad, they requested Germany to arrest him. Oh, and we are the one who are gullible?????? Well, I guess you get me right back to my original point, you guys would ignore the noses on your own faces.

Your second sentence starts off with a conspiracy theory. This is where I'm getting at sandiegoluv.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Nigel, Yes, there is a conspiracy to get Paul Watson. What do you want me to say? Bribe Costa Rica, influence Germany and get him to Japan where he can face as the above poster mentioned.....

I am sure he would not get a fair trail especially as in Japan there is a 97% conviction rate. They hold you with the lights on 25 hours a day until you confess to whatever they want and need from you. Hence ofcourse he skipped bail.

Exactly, who in their right mind would say that this system is fair for anyone, especially someone who has been demonized so badly in the media here. If you ask the typical Japanese person about him, they say the don't like him. But have they seen him really do anything? Nope. just blindly follow. Sorry that is what I see.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Nigel, Yes, there is a conspiracy to get Paul Watson. What do you want me to say?

How about backing it up??

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

It" S Me.

Yes, calling him a twit is harsh. I will apologize to you for that if that offends you and you respect him. But you don't board a foreign vessel with a knife. And I support and respect him for facing the music. That was commendable what he did. But that one part burns my butt.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Read the newspapers. Japan openly admits it was going after Watson with Germany. And are you trying to say that the chargers were just brought up all of a sudden again in Costa Rica, out of the blue and that Japan had nothing to do with that?? Now that is an amazing thing to believe. Prove that they didn't. How about that? You can, can you, so you either have to accept it as true because commonsense shows differently and you can't prove they had nothing to do with it.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Are you serious? What media are you watching? The Japanese media simply don´t report him.

Sus, you are wrong there. Any time he has been mentioned it has been in a slanted way. Very negative. I have seen him mentioned on TV countless times. Most Japanese people know of the SS and Paul Watson, but they don't really know the details and will only say, that he is wrong for harrassing the whaling ships. But they hardly ever hear him talk. Only talk about him. Or they show something negative that he says. I don't know what media you are watching. Sorry.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Read the newspapers. Japan openly admits it was going after Watson with Germany. And are you trying to say that the chargers were just brought up all of a sudden again in Costa Rica, out of the blue and that Japan had nothing to do with that?? Now that is an amazing thing to believe. Prove that they didn't. How about that? You can, can you, so you either have to accept it as true because commonsense shows differently and you can't prove they had nothing to do with it.

What do you mean brought up all of a sudden again in Costa Rica? When did the charges ever dissappear? Was it not an outstanding warrant? In regards to Japan, why in the world would they request extradition two months after his arrest during which time he was granted a house arrest thereby increasing the risk of flight? Kind of a lame action considering your point that "it's a conspiracy to get PW because Japan wants him badly" theory.

"Prove that they didn't"

Probatio diabolica once again. I could of swore troyinjapan tried the same thing. "PROVE XXXX DOESN'T EXIST!!" In this case, "prove that conspiracy didn't exist".

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

sandiegoluvAug. 03, 2012 - 09:58PM JST

There is no way to substantiate your claim that Watson's life would be in danger or that he would or would not get a fair trial in Japan. These are simply Watson's statements he has made to the media openly exposing his fear of facing a court, answering the charges and possibly going to jail. Pretty cowardly for someone claiming to be fighting for a cause. Running away jumping bail is the icing on the cake.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Thomas AndersonAug. 03, 2012 - 11:37PM JST OssanAmerica Avid anti-whaling groups like Greenpeace and WWF are noty being chased by various countries for acts of violence.

Greenpeace and WWF don't do any acts of violence.

Yes, that's the whole point. Watson is targetd for prosecution by two countries not for any protresting or conservation related issues, but for using violence. This is not about whaling at all.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

What do I mean? Wow, you are off your game today. From what I remember the chargers were originally dropped by the prosecutor and when a new prosecutor came in, they were filed again. Charges of attempted murder and destruction of property were later dismissed, but Costa Rica reissued its arrest warrant in October of last year and then they issued an arrest warrant with the German authorities if memory serves me right, Japan issued an arrest warrant with Intepol. So, they have had plenty of time to grease a lot palms. But let's talk about that conspiracy.

June 26th 2012: Japan gives $9 million U.S. dollars to the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism (ICT) and Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAET) ”We celebrate this substantial donation by the Japanese government,” said the general manager of ICT Juan Carlos Borbón.

So within 6 months of the meeting between the President of Costa Rica and the Prime Minister of Japan, Captain Paul Watson is arrested on a ten-year-old charge from the Costa Rican government and Costa Rica receives $9 million dollars from the Japanese government for National Parks.

Here are the unanswered questions.

Was the Varadero I case and Captain Paul Watson discussed at the meeting of President Chinchilla and Prime Minister Noda on December 8th, 2011?

Why did Costa Rica issue a warrant ten years after the incident and around the same time that this meeting took place?

When was the $9 million dollars given by Japan to Costa Rica authorized?

Where did the funds come from? Were the funds from the Japanese Fishery Agency a part of the $30 million allocated from the tsunami relief fund?

What conditions were attached to the $9 million dollar contribution to Costa Rica by Japan?

Did Japan lobby Costa Rica to issue the extradition demand for Captain Paul Watson?

We don’t expect answers from Costa Rica or Japan but there certainly is a great deal of circumstantial evidence to suggest that Japanese pressure had a hand in Costa Rica’s decision to have Captain Watson arrested and detained in Germany awaiting extradition.


1 ( +5 / -4 )

Ossan - Please open your eyes. You seem like a sensible person, but not on this issue. I am not even going to respond to your last posting because it just doesn't make any sense. Sorry.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The Right Whale? What would you have him do?

Watson doesn't need to do anything about the right whale; sustainable is so obviously concerned about it, he is already doing everything humanly possible to save it.

700 whales are killed every year by Japan

Last year they killed 267, the year before that 172, thanks to the efforts of Sea Shepherd. They had given themselves a quota of 900. And they were not able to sell even the reduced amount of meat they brought back. 'Sustainable use of a renewable natural resource' my eye - the tiny market for whale meat in Japan does not justify the huge amounts of public money poured into the 'research' or the damage done to Japan's international reputation. Now they're pouring more money into 'aid' for Costa Rica in an attempt to get their hands on Watson for the purpose of what? revenge? a show-case trial? the chance to throw their weight about against an individual, when their inability to deal with relations with Korea and China have left them feeling emasculated?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

sandiegoluv - By the way, Not true.

It is obvious from the video that the AG moved forward and into the path of the SM. Anyone can watch the stern of the AG and notice the bubble trail of both engines. The AG accelerated directly into the path of the SM, deliberately scratching the paint on the SM's bow. hehehe.


-3 ( +4 / -7 )

From what I remember the chargers were originally dropped by the prosecutor and when a new prosecutor came in, they were filed again.

Yes. This was in 2002. Of course, Watson fled Costa Rica.

Charges of attempted murder and destruction of property were later dismissed, but Costa Rica reissued its arrest warrant in October of last year and then they issued an arrest warrant with the German authorities if memory serves me right, Japan issued an arrest warrant with Intepol. So, they have had plenty of time to grease a lot palms. But let's talk about that conspiracy.

No. charges of attempted murder was dismissed but the charges of attempted shipwrecking and destruction of property remained in May of 2002. The arrest warrant for the said pending charges were issued to the German authorities in October of 2011 while the Japanese arrest warrent with Interpol was done on June of 2010.

Here are the unanswered questions.

Thank you. It's when you get the answer to those questions to your desired satisfaction is when you can make a claim of "conspiracy". You're heading in the right direction though.

You can't prove that there is not a conspiracy. But the above shows some very questionable things. Now, prove that it is wrong.

Nor can I prove that a three headed 10 legged yetti doesn't exist nor can I prove that outer space alien doesn't exist. The proof of the burden is on you to prove that conspiracy existed. Don't know why some people just don't get this.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

That's why SS goes up against the Faroe Islanders, the Costa Ricans, the Norwegians, the Libyans, the Canadians....because it's all about racial slurs against the Japanese. Riiight.

Watson hasn't been near Norway for 16 years after he had his rear handed to him on a plate by the Norwegian Navy in 1994 :O) He was sentenced to 120 days which he ended up serving most of in Holland. As far as I can remember, there's still a warrant outstanding for him in Norway too, so that makes Japan, Costa Rica, Germany, Norway and he's Persona non grata in Iceland - if he keeps it up, he'll run out if countries to hide in eventually ;O)


-2 ( +5 / -7 )

As far as I can remember, there's still a warrant outstanding for him in Norway too, so that makes Japan, Costa Rica, Germany, Norway and he's Persona non grata in Iceland - if he keeps it up, he'll run out if countries to hide in eventually ;O)

From Deutche Welle

.....Hans-Georg Koch, an expert at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg, told DW that the May arrest was likely the result of an automatic process where authorities are alerted by a computer database system when a wanted person's passport is scanned upon entry into Germany.....

Koch doesn't see the German government expending any energy on an international search, but emphasized that as long as the international extradition request stood, Watson could be picked up at any border. "He'd be the safest in his home country," Koch said. And if Watson was detected entering Germany, the whole process would start over from the beginning, he added.....

And Canada QMI AGENCY "Ottawa continues search for eco-radical Paul Watson"

......However, any organization or individual now helping Watson hide could face criminal charges.

"We would call that obstructing justice (in Canada)," Currie said. "Different countries would have similar kinds of criminal charges that they could bring to bear."

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

"I can say that Paul Watson and the radical activist group known as the Sea Shepherd Society have consistently shown a willingness to engage in reckless behaviour and have shown no regard for Canadian or international law,"

Thanks for your post Nigel I was not aware that Canadian Public Safety Minister Vic Toews (spokesman actually) made this statement. I suppose no one took it serious enough here in Canada to make actual news, but I'm all over it. The feds have hated Watson for stopping the baby seal hunt in eastern Canada and effecting that industry, but thank God he did. The QMI agency is merely the Qebec Media Inc. that works out of the parliment and is about as credible as Fox news in the US only without any heart. The quote "We would call that obstructing justice ... Different countries would have similar kinds of criminal charges that they could bring to bear." is a professor not a law enforcement officer or anyone that matters.

Unfortunately our government bends to the will of industy more than is good for our people, like most goverments I suppose but things are slowly changing here. With a new trade deal in the works with Japan I should not be surprised that our politicians would take this stand but their agenda is money not the will of the people or what is good for our environment. Here's the letter I sent to the ministers office, with their statement and the erronious report broadcast by the QMI this can only help to expose them for the greedy cowards they are and help to expell them. thanks again.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Everyone seems familiar with the conflicts between SS and the Japanese whaling ships. The situaion is Costa Rica was pretty silly and didn't seem like anyone was in real danger, certainly not attempted murder, except the members of SS as they were messing with a boat full of armed fishermen. I was amazed that the fishermen did not retaliate though I suppose they were afraid to as they were indeed fishing illegally. At any rate this is a very informative and award winning documentry which features Watson but is not a SS production.

Sharkwater - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZHUe7xm-PY

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

marcelitoAug. 04, 2012 - 01:37AM JST " this is not about whaling at all" If I believe that I,ll have to believe in Santa Claus too. If there was no whaling in >Southern sanctuary there would be no action against the J - whalers.

Do you seriously believe any country, short of some authoritarian dictatorship, would actually issue an arrest warrant for "protesting" or "being anti-whaling"? Please go ahead and prove me wrong by telling me what country or countries are trying to prosecute Watson for such reasons. ASnd before you tell me Costa Rica and Japan, no they are both for acts of violence and putting humans at rish of injury.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

OssanAmerica Aug. 04, 2012 - 06:29AM JST Do you seriously believe any country, short of some authoritarian dictatorship, would actually issue an arrest warrant for "protesting" or "being anti-whaling"?

Regardless, Paul Watson skips $320,000.00 bail in Germany. He has much more legal problems now than before He is no longer a free man.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Don't shoot me with a harpoon ship but here's an excerpt from the letter Watson released as an explanation for his actions.

To my friends and supporters,

I am presently in a place on this planet where I feel comfortable, a safe place far away from the scheming nations who have turned a blind eye to the exploitation of our oceans.

The German government said I betrayed their trust by leaving Germany, yet they had already betrayed my trust. ... the Japanese negotiated with Germany to file for an extradition order to Japan on fabricated evidence provided by former Sea Shepherd Crewmember, Peter Bethune.

For with Japan, there is the absolute certainty that once in Japanese custody, I will never be released.

That certainty meant that there could only be one option: I made the decision to depart Germany immediately....

I am very thankful for the support that I received in Germany and especially from the sympathetic sources that provided me with the information about the decisions made and the impending political decision to accept the Japanese demand to extradite me to Japan, once a court decision would be on their desk....

We have confronted the Japanese whalers for eight seasons and we have humiliated them at sea and more importantly we have frustrated their illegal profiteering from the killing of whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

I can serve my clients better at sea than in a Japanese prison cell and I intend to do just that. In December, our ships will sail forth for the ninth campaign to oppose the outlaw Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The campaign will be called Operation Zero Tolerance and we will risk our ships and our selves yet again in the effort required to stop these pelagic bandits in their remorseless slaughter of the gentle giants of the seas.

Thank-you for your continued support,

Captain Paul Watson

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

For with Japan, there is the absolute certainty that once in Japanese custody, I will never be released.

And people still believe everything he says.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

AriesKJJ - To my friends and supporters, I am presently in a place on this planet where I feel comfortable....

I believe more people would feel comfortable is Watson and his eco-terrorist SS were behind bars.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

AriesKJJ - .....The situaion is Costa Rica was pretty silly and didn't seem like anyone was in real danger....

The eco-terrorist SS and Watson represented NO LEGAL AUTHORITY to stop, detain, attack, or arrest anyone.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

The arrest warrant for the said pending charges were issued to the German authorities in October of 2011 while the Japanese arrest warrent with Interpol was done on June of 2010.

Doesn't matter at all. The Japanese have been playing this behind the scenes for a long time. Have openly admitted to such as well. To deny such is to be taking smoking something illegal in my opinion.

but the charges of attempted shipwrecking and destruction of property remained in May of 2002

From what I remember all charges were dropped. They had been refiled after Costa Rica got a new Prosecutor who says he suddenly and mysterious felt like justice was not served. Of course, Japan had nothing to do with that. Yeah. NOT!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

How is it that such a "terrorist" has up until now been free to travel wherever he wants? Was given documentation by the US, Canadian and Norwegian governments exonerating him of acts of violence.

If he was such a violent terrorist, surely these governments would not issue such. The fact is that people who make money from something call others who prevent them from doing so, "terrorist". Name calling. That is all that is. Name calling without providing proof is one of the oldest ways to demonize someone. Say it enough times and you start to believe and so do others.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Doesn't matter at all. The Japanese have been playing this behind the scenes for a long time. Have openly admitted to such as well. To deny such is to be taking smoking something illegal in my opinion

Like I stated previously, Japan requested extradition two months after his detainment by the German authorities and PW was already flight risk. Don't look like a "behind the scenes for a long time" plan.

From what I remember all charges were dropped. They had been refiled after Costa Rica got a new Prosecutor who says he suddenly and mysterious felt like justice was not served. Of course, Japan had nothing to do with that. Yeah. NOT!

Yes. In May of 2002. PW fled Costa Rica and did not attend the trial which was scheduled in 2006. So you're claiming that Japan had something to do with the reversal in 2002?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Like I stated previously, Japan requested extradition two months after his detainment by the German authorities and PW was already flight risk. Don't look like a "behind the scenes for a long time" plan.

To that,

“I received confirmation today from Germany’s General Public Prosecutor that Japan filed an extradition request against Paul Watson on July 19th,” said Oliver Wallasch, lead German Counsel for Captain Paul Watson.

“Germany was proceeding with Captain Watson’s extradition to Costa Rica and, once there, there is no doubt he would have been delivered into Japanese custody,” said Susan Hartland, Administrative Director for Sea Shepherd.

Even with a rumored bounty of at least $25K on his head by shark-finners in Costa Rica, Sea Shepherd says Watson was prepared to go to Costa Rica of his own volition (not via extradition) and answer to charges of a violation of ship traffic involving water cannon usage back in 2002.

However, Sea Shepherd contends that Watson then learned his arrest had caught Japan’s attention and they contacted the German Ministry of Justice to strike a deal with them. This deal would involve Germany not objecting to a request made by Japan to Costa Rica to turn Watson over to Japan.

Japan has in the past attempted to have Captain Watson arrested through an Interpol ‘red notice,’ but they have not been granted that ‘red notice’ because Interpol has not seen any validity in the request. In fact, Interpol held the same position with the Costa Rican warrant; it was dismissed.

“Japan’s attempts to broker backroom deals with Germany and Costa Rica along with bringing litigation against Sea Shepherd in the U.S. are desperate attempts to stop Captain Watson and will never thwart Sea Shepherd’s continued work to protect our oceans,” said Hartland. But that is just our imagination, right. We are all just making this up. It seems to me that you would rather cover the truth then to admit it.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I think what probably happened was that the Germans didn't initially agree to the deal, so Japan didn't file for fear that Watson would become a flight risk if he got wind of it. And they were right. And what did he do? He ran, of course. And like he has said, he would probably do better on the high seas fighting the whalers then in a Japanese jail. But I only half way agree with that. I am sure people would be so angry to see him sent to Japan, that it would work completely against the pro whalers and their cronies in government. And the whaling just might stop. Sometimes when you are in the eye of the tornado, correct chess moves are unimaginable. Although, if you look at it from his side he is probably figuring that his arrest and deportation to Japan would just give the people the short sighted people who agree with whaling in Japan just what they needed to inflate their confidence on this issue, which might lead to more whaling. I don't know. I am just thinking what the motives could be. But I know you, you will say that he is a coward for not coming here to face what you would call, justice, but of which I would call, pointless revenge that will only encourage more people to join the movement.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

To that

So where is the "conspiracy" in the above post?

It simply states that Japan wanted to extradite him once they learned that he was under detained by the German authorities.

Of course they(Japan) should. He has an outstanding arrest warrant.

This goes along the lines of "no $hit Sherlock".

2 ( +7 / -5 )

nigelboy, he was arrested on the orders of Tokyo. There is no extreme that the pro whaling people will not do to get this man. Am sure governments have been bribed to arrest him. Tokyo needs to give it up, what they have done is an embarrassment to themselves and the people of Japan.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

To summarize, according to SS, PW was willing to submit to Costa Rica where he claims that there is a head bounty on him and the charges there carry a maximum sentence of 15 years while in Japan, he was faced with forcible obstruction of justice which carry a maximum of 3 years (in which Bethune got a suspended sentence for not only the found guilty of the same charge but also found guilty of destruction of property, illegal entry on a vessel, assault, and possession of knife)

And people still believe everything he says.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

I must apologies for being inaccurate last night. I said that there were 700 whales killed last year. That was a mistake. It was in 2007. 505 of the Antarctic minke whale were killed.

Of that 262 were pregnant. And one of the Fin back whales was too as well.

So instead of just 505 whales being killed, 767 whales were actually killed. Care to comment on that? Can you agree to such an awful thing? Did the whalers openly come out with that information? Nope. It doesn't look too good.

So, Paul Watson, weather you like him or not is a necessary evil. He needs to be out there. Extradite him back here and loads of people will join the fight I think. Remember that every time you attack him, you are actually giving him more power. So, attack on.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

And neither does the truth does it nigel? It doesn't mean squat to you.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Care to comment on that?

Although your number is wrong (read cleo's post), my response is, is that it? Considering the estimated population of Minke Whales in the southern ocean, it's really insignificant.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Once again, I go back to the nose on your face. You can't even admit it when it is right there in front of you.

they contacted the German Ministry of Justice to strike a deal with them. This deal would involve Germany not objecting to a request made by Japan to Costa Rica to turn Watson over to Japan.

Japan has in the past attempted to have Captain Watson arrested through an Interpol ‘red notice,’ but they have not been granted that ‘red notice’ because Interpol has not seen any validity in the request. In fact, Interpol held the same position with the Costa Rican warrant; it was dismissed.

Getting testy with Yuri? Sounds like the foundation is shaking away and you can't even admit it. So, you have to resort to saying,

The fact that you think you are "sure" don't mean squat to me. It never has.

You can't even admit the above statements. This is why I told Frank not to bother. I really should have taken my own advice, but it burns my butt when I see people ignore such obvious things and spread misinformation.

As I have said before, you guys wouldn't admit you were wrong if GOD came down and personally told you. It was a waste of time. I GIVE UP. This time seriously. I promise to not respond again. Mark my words.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

So where is the "conspiracy" that you speak of sandiegoluv? Of course Japan wants to extradite him because he has an outstanding arrest warrant in Japan. You've given me nothing.

The reason why I responded Yuri in this manner is she's just regurgitating the same conspiracy crap that no one has yet to give any wiff that resembles an evidence.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Readers, please stop going around in circles and bombarding the discussion with the same posts.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So let me get this straight.

German authorities detained him based on arrest warrant issued by the Costa Rican government. Having heard of his capture, Japan asked the German authorities to extradite him two months after for he also had an oustanding arrest warrant in Japan.

Now, is this the "CONSPIRACY" that you speak of? Is this what you stated as "right there in front of you"?

6 ( +9 / -3 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )

arrestpaul the letter is not mine and there is no point in disputing what it says with me. I have no strong opinion on it one way or another. As I have said commenting on this story I believe both Watson and The Japanese government are guilty of lying and using propaganda.

I do not feel Watson would get a fair trial or just sentence in Japan and believe that he was justified in escaping extradiction. I would like to see Watson be tried in neutral territory for charges in Costa Rica and Japan and the Japanese goverment cease whaling activities in the southern sanctuary so that all this useless drama can be done with.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@ Sandie

How is it that such a "terrorist" has up until now been free to travel wherever he wants? Was given documentation by the US, Canadian and Norwegian governments exonerating him of acts of violence.

Paul Watson still has an outstanding arrest warrant in Norway - he can't go anywhere near the place. Where do you read such garbage?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

And to think that Sandie said that

' I see people ignore such obvious things and spread misinformation. '

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Japan wanted Germany to extradite Watson on what can only be considered minor offenses since the maximum prison time would be 3 years, but refused to extradite former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori, who was wanted for much more serious crimes and is now serving 25 tears in a Peruvian prison?

That's because many nations don't grant extradition requests based on political nature of the crime. Funny that you mentioned it because that's what the SS and PW tried to argue that the current issue a political one.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

sandiegoluv - So, Paul Watson, weather you like him or not is a necessary evil. He needs to be out there. Extradite him back here and loads of people will join the fight I think. Remember that every time you attack him, you are actually giving him more power. So, attack on.

Hahahaha. You consider the violence of the eco-terrorists a "necessary evil". You are advocating violence if it gets you what you want. More and more people see the eco-terrorist SS (thanks to Wail Wars) as nothing more than the incompetent, violent bullies that they are.

Watson is on the run (hiding in Netherlands?) because of his history of violence. Watson had no legal authority to attack Costa Rican vessels or to attack any vessel in Guatamalian waters. Oops. Now he's wanted by Costa Rica.

Watson fled Germany and lost 250,000 euros bail of some suckers money to the German legal system. Germany will arrest him if he returns.

Watson owes $500,000 to Canada (and his 1st mate weaslebouy owes $75,000) for attacking the Canadian Coast Gaurd and sealers and abandoning one of his garbage scows after it was seized for acts of violence. I'm sure Canada will be more than willing to give Watson another passport just as soon as he pays Canada what he owes them. hehehe.

Russia and Norway will send "welcoming" patrol boats to greet him if he flounders too close to their waters.

The U.S. Coast Guard would gladly ventilate the hull of any eco-terrorist scow that attempts the same acts of violence that the eco-terrorist SS have used elsewhere.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

YuriOtani - he was arrested on the orders of Tokyo. There is no extreme that the pro whaling people will not do to get this man. Am sure governments have been bribed to arrest him. Tokyo needs to give it up, what they have done is an embarrassment to themselves and the people of Japan.

And, of course, you have some proof to back up your charge of bribery, other than the word of a liar like Watson or his lying eco-terrorist SS?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

AriesKJJ - arrestpaul the letter is not mine and there is no point in disputing what it says with me. I have no strong opinion on it one way or another. As I have said commenting on this story I believe both Watson and The Japanese government are guilty of lying and using propaganda.

I do not feel Watson would get a fair trial or just sentence in Japan and believe that he was justified in escaping extradiction. I would like to see Watson be tried in neutral territory for charges in Costa Rica and Japan and the Japanese goverment cease whaling activities in the southern sanctuary so that all this useless drama can be done with.

The letter is available online for anyone who searches for Watson's excuses for breaking the law. YOU chose to bring it into this thread for a reason. Why did you bring it here if you didn't want to discuss it?

You openly support Watson's running from legal authorities just as you advocate for the eco-terrorist use of violence. Do you "really" believe that violence is the answer to anything? I'm not asking about a crew's right to DEFEND themselves from eco-terrorist actions but Watson repeated attacks, rammings, and sinkings.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Interesting stuff - Sea shepherd and Watson regarding Norways attempt to extradite him from Holland in 1994


This year regarding the Costa Rica attempt to extradite Paul Watson :

Hammarstedt also said that the shark fin mafia has placed a bounty of $25,000 on Paul Watson’s head. ( 2012 )

Also this year when Watson ran :

Germany was proceeding with Captain Watson’s extradition to Costa Rica and, once there, there is no doubt he would have been delivered into Japanese custody,” said Susan Hartland, Administrative Director for Sea Shepherd. “Upon being extradited to Japan, he would not have received a fair trial and would never have seen the outside of a prison again,” she added.

Anybody notice a pattern? :O)

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

eyeonwarson - Anybody notice a pattern? :O)

I notice that the eco-terrorst SS has been violating the law, committing acts of violence, lying, and resorting to hyperbole for decades.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I see that there are people on the planet like Paul Watson who feel like this injustice warrents ramming ships. And now the Japanese Government is becoming desperate. I am not in any sort of a group or whatever and this is seldom an issue in my day to day world but I can tell you if Watson ends up in a Japanese prison he will become a marter here in North America and there will be fleets going to the southern sanctaury to stop whaling. The scary part is as the situation escalated soon people are going to end up dead because both sides are so stubborn. Watsons arrest will only cause SS to grow.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

You openly support Watson's running from legal authorities just as you advocate for the eco-terrorist use of violence.

Right although I don't consider him to be a terroris and I don't think Japan has jurisdiction here. I would say he is a fanatical activist. Most of it is a whole lot of drama. I'm not one for playing games so I say if it's a sanctuary then scram.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Please forgive me for two reasons. One for reposting. The only reason that I am doing so is because of a mistake that I made. I was busy and didn't check what I had written very carefully in a rush.

Paul Watson is wanted in three countries. Norway, Costa Rica and Japan. I was actually trying to make the point that he pretty much travels freely. He has been exonerated by the US and Canada for violence. Please forgive me for putting Norway in there. I was wantng to say something different.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

He was actually forced to get this documentation from the US and Canada in order to be able to reenter Australia. Or something along those line. Sorry, to have gotten my facts crossed. But it was not intentional. And I didn't mean to put Norway in there. End. I will not respond to any attacks that you make. I am only trying to clear up a mistake that I made in my posting.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

for all those die hard ss supporters watson has done more to hurt his cause than help it. regardless of the costa rica thing or the Japanese he has now given the Germans a reason to file arrest warrants in every country that they trade with. now that he has told every one where he will be in December. and last i checked the germans still have a navy and so we will see what the german governments resolve be in getting Watson. and watsons resolve in his cause

0 ( +5 / -5 )

AriesKJJ - .....but I can tell you if Watson ends up in a Japanese prison he will become a marter here in North America and there will be fleets going to the southern sanctaury to stop whaling. The scary part is as the situation escalated soon people are going to end up dead because both sides are so stubborn. Watsons arrest will only cause SS to grow.

Hahahaha. That looks like an empty threat in the hope of showing nonexistent growing popular public support for the violence of the eco-terrorist SS. Wail Wars is losing viewers and many of their remaining viewers are rooting for the incompetent eco-terrorists to sink another of their own toy boats. There appears to be waning public interest in the trials and tribulations of liars like Watson.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

sandiegoluv - He was actually forced to get this documentation from the US and Canada in order to be able to reenter Australia. Or something along those line. Sorry, to have gotten my facts crossed. But it was not intentional. And I didn't mean to put Norway in there. End. I will not respond to any attacks that you make. I am only trying to clear up a mistake that I made in my posting.

What documentation will Australia require Watson to show now that Watson's passport has been confiscated by Germany?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Arrestpaul, if he is in Boise, ID as one of the posters suggested, then all he has to do is go home to Canada, report his "lost/stolen" passport, and get a replacement. That's when he will find out how tightly the Canadian RCMP is wired into INTERPOL. So, it's decision time: First, does Paul go to Canada? Second, if he shows up, which side of the Canadian bread has the butter on it? It could go either way. There's a third way: There was an old American story about a Man Without A Nation who was forced to stay on a ship until he died.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Another couple of interesting factoids from the Pete Bethune Vs Sea shepherd court case :

Sea Shepherd, which has tried numerous times to delay this case, has left open the possibility that Paul Watson will be a witness in court despite him having just skipped bail from Germany where he was being held following an extradition order issued by the Costa Rican authorities. SSCS is arguing in the arbitration that Bethune failed to adhere to maritime Law and in so doing allowed his vessel to be rammed, risking both the vessel and crew.

Will be interesting to see if Watson turns up ;O)

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

@ Sandie

Paul Watson is wanted in three countries. Norway, Costa Rica and Japan. I was actually trying to make the point that he pretty much travels freely.

Wrong .. 4 countries, you forgot Germany :O)

He's also Persona Non Grata in Iceland so he can't go there either

1 ( +5 / -4 )

eyeonwarson - Another couple of interesting factoids from the Pete Bethune Vs Sea shepherd court case :

.....SSCS is arguing in the arbitration that Bethune failed to adhere to maritime Law and in so doing allowed his vessel to be rammed, risking both the vessel and crew.

Will be interesting to see if Watson turns up ;O)

That's hysterically funny. The eco-terrorist SS are admitting that their toy boat "failed to adhere to maritime law" and that "their" actions risked the vessel and crew.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

AriesKJJAug. 05, 2012 - 08:17AM JST I see that there are people on the planet like Paul Watson who feel like this injustice warrents ramming ships. And now >the Japanese Government is becoming desperate. I am not in any sort of a group or whatever and this is seldom an >issue in my day to day world but I can tell you if Watson ends up in a Japanese prison he will become a marter here in >North America and there will be fleets going to the southern sanctaury to stop whaling. The scary part is as the >situation escalated soon people are going to end up dead because both sides are so stubborn. Watsons arrest will >only cause SS to grow.

That's really quite a fanatsy, The vast number of Americans feel Watson is is fat douche bag. All and I mean all American commercial fishermen regardless of how they feel or not feel about whales believe Watson should be thrown in prison and the key thrown away because they can because actions like Sea Shepherds; if conducted against the would be answered with a shotgun. What do Canadians think? Take a look at any articile on thre Toronto Star, they want watson put away. If Watton goes to prison in Japan the world reaction will be ":good riddance", even by anti-whaling conservation groups. Martyr? Not likely. A lying coward, yes. The Canadians have have already pulled SSCS's tax empt status, it's a matter of time before the U.S. follows. Sea Shepherds days are numbered.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Also, did you notice that most of the comments here in the latter part are the pro-whalers talking to themselves? Most of the people who don't support whaling have given up trying to make comments here. The mods have played too much of a part in shaping the discussion to where the pro-whalers are given a free hand to say what they want for the most part, and to go off topic quite often.

Japan Today really needs to reevaluate its staff and the job they are doing. They have run out one side of the debate, leaving one side free range.

Shame on your guys for favoring one side. You have killed the debate and nobody learns anything.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@ Sandie

I don't particularly support whaling - However, I think Watson and sea shepherd have done ( and continue to do ) more damage to any anti whaling / Fishing / hunting causes than any other group on the face of the planet. Watson and his clowns use lies, deceit, misinformation and play on the almost total gullibility of their supporters. He's wanted in four countries and not welcome in more - every time the law gets going, there's a mass of BS about death threats and bounties on his head and how he'll never get a fair trial blah blah blah as well as claims of conspiracy from guess who? Watson and Sea shepherd - nobody else.

The sooner Watson gets hauled into court to answer for any alledged crimes the better - if he's innocent, then he has nothing to fear. Of course, if the opposite is true, then he certainly has something he's scared of - quite possibly some years in the pokey. If he has the courage of his beliefs, that shouldn't be a problem - by going on the run however, it rather indicates that he has no moral courage whatsoever.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Ossan I realized a big gap that exists in this discussion. For whaling advocates and the Japanese government this issue is about a vendetta with Paul Watson but for those on the anti-whaling side this is about saving the lives of whales. I think anyone including Watson would appreciate the matter settled in court but the question is; was he justified in escaping extradition because he would have not been given a fair trail or, if found guilty, a just sentence. Let an impartial judge decide and we can all move on.

I said, " there will be fleets going to the southern sanctaury to stop whaling." not that , "there would be fleets going anywhere to save Paul Watson".

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Ossan I realized a big gap that exists in this discussion. For whaling advocates and the Japanese government this issue is about a vendetta with Paul Watson but for those on the anti-whaling side this is about saving the lives of whales.

If Watson is so concerned about saving the lives of whales, then why is it that he keeps ignoring critically endangered whales such as the Right Whale or keeps ignoring the single biggest reason for whales being killed which is entanglement in fishing nets. An estimate of 300,000 whales and dolphins are being killed each year by fishing nets. Japan catches less than 1000 non endangered Minke Whales. This is not about the whales. He wants people to believe it is. It is about making money by harassing the Japanese. If he was interested in saving the whales he would have had different priorities. Namely save the critically endangered whales off the coast of USA or have a campaign about fishing nets. Why does he keep ignoring this? Is he that ignorant?

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Heres a tale of two men: One goes into the most forbidding habitat on the face of the planet to save the lives creatures he feels need to be saved. He battles governments including his own and most dangerously men who make a living doing the very thing he is trying to stop, such as men who club newborn seals to death here in his own counrty, because he feels the necessity to stand up for living things that cannot stand up for itself.

While the other regurgitates misinformation and false facts while dreaming up theories of culinary conspiracies and drawing foolish conclusions like racism, all the while unable to see anything other than what his narrow and paranoid vision will allow.

Now guess which one was calling the other a clown.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

AriesKJJ - I realized a big gap that exists in this discussion. For whaling advocates and the Japanese government this issue is about a vendetta with Paul Watson but for those on the anti-whaling side this is about saving the lives of whales.

You forgot to mention the people who object to the eco-terrorist SS continued use of violence. Why don't you support any of the non-violent organizations instead?

Watson is on the run because he chose to use violence to force others to do his bidding. You advocate for that violence.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

more importantly we have frustrated their illegal profiteering from the killing of whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

Either Watson is ignorant or don´t understand the rules and regulations. Japan, and every other member of the IWC is allowed to conduct scientific research whaling under special permit. This allowance is given by the ICRW treaty, which every member of the IWC signed. Never has the scientific validity of their research been brought into question by the IWC Scientific Committee, which has repeatedly reviewed both of Japan's research programs. Japan has NEVER hid the fact that one of the stated goals of their research is a sustainable resumption of commercial whaling. On the other hand, how many times have Watson been caught lying?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

more importantly we have frustrated their illegal profiteering from the killing of whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

Once again, the JARPA whaling program has never EVER made a profit - it's heavily subsidised - so how can they be profiteering? The whaling is LEGAL - Watson and sea shepherd say it's illegal - the International Whaling commission specifically allows it.. Read the ICRW and stop making a fool of yourself.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

How would anyone know without asking the question? Greenpeace doesn't support the use of violence. Greenpeace doesn't support, or help, the eco-terrorist SS. Greenpeace actively objects to the eco-terrorist SS use of violence.

How does anyone justify their support for Greenpeace's stance against eco-terrorist SS violence AND the repeated acts of violence committed by the eco-terrorist SS?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

AriesKJJAug. 06, 2012 - 07:40AM JST Ossan I realized a big gap that exists in this discussion. For whaling advocates and the Japanese government this >issue is about a vendetta with Paul Watson but for those on the anti-whaling side this is about saving the lives of >whales. I

I think you are seriously misguided. There are a great many people who are against whaling, but recognize that the Japanese are abiding by IWC regulation Article VIII. All it takes is 30 seconds to read the IWC website. And there are also those who are anti-whaling but are even more anti-vilolence and against eco-terrorism. There are Conservation groups that are anti-whaling who are against Watson and Sea Shepherd. Vendetta? No, Watson has broken the law and there is an arrest warrant out after him. It has nothing to do with whaling or protesting. Now two more countries have arrest warrants out for him.

I think anyone including Watson would appreciate the matter settled in court but the question is; was he justified in >escaping extradition because he would have not been given a fair trail or, if found guilty, a just sentence. Let an >impartial judge decide and we can all move on.

Watson "would appreciate the matter settled incourt" so he jumps bail and foes into hiding? Very convincing argument. You are parroting Watson's perpetual "I won't get a fair trial" but Watson knows he would lose in any trial with his history of violence and all the evidence stacked against him (as Bethune has said) so he is afraid of ever appewaring in court. Put simply., he knows he's as guilty as sin, will lose hands down, so he runs away, the fat coward.His treatment of Peter Bethune supoorts this description entirely.

I said, " there will be fleets going to the southern sanctaury to stop whaling." not that , "there would be fleets going >anywhere to save Paul Watson".

There will be no fleets from anywhere going to stop research whaling in the southern sanctuaruy for two reasons, one; IWC Article VIII permits Scientific Research Whaling in Sanctuaries and exempts it from recognizing any moratoriums. Two; it is in International Waters where no country has he jurisdiction to stop the research whaling. But as I said, thaty's a nice fantasy, but a fantasy nevertheless.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

AriesKJJAug. 06, 2012 - 09:19AM JST Heres a tale of two men: One goes into the most forbidding habitat on the face of the planet to save the lives creatures >he feels need to be saved. He battles governments including his own and most dangerously men who make a living >doing the very thing he is trying to stop, such as men who club newborn seals to death here in his own counrty, >because he feels the necessity to stand up for living things that cannot stand up for itself.

A real hero with convicton would go to court and fight the charges. A real hero would suffer imprisonment if need be for his beliefs and "cause". A fat coward would run away making up lame excuses.

While the other regurgitates misinformation and false facts while dreaming up theories of culinary conspiracies and >drawing foolish conclusions like racism, all the while unable to see anything other than what his narrow and paranoid >vision will allow. Now guess which one was calling the other a clown.

Personally I think people who regurgitates misinformation and false facts to defend a known cowardly eco-terorrorist fugitive by parrotting his lame excuses is the most like a clown.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Greenpeace which is an environmental organization knows that greenhouse gas emissions caused by one meal of beef is much much greater than one meal of whale meat. Raising cows requires tractors, and fertilizers to produce feed. The animals themselves generate methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Basically, every food is more climate friendly than beef. Whale and sea food in general have low emissions. So the conclusion from a environment perspective is that as long as the hunt is sustainable whale meat is far more environmental friendly than eating Watsons´s favorite, hamburgers and bacon. The use of a natural renewable resource is one of the most eco friendly form of food production for human consumption. Watson with his simple one dimensional mindset only focus to generate cash by harassing the Japanese whalers who hunt non endangered whales and hunt whales in a sustainable manner.

There are other anti whaling groups out there who know that the main threats to whales is not the Japanese hunting non endangered whales in a sustainable manner but there are other greater threats such as fishing nets or chemicals poured into the oceans, or simply cargo ships not wanting to change course because that would mean loss of time which results in a loss of money which is the case what is happening in the east coast of USA with the Right Whales right now. While you don´t need to like people hunting whales if you were up to date and did some study on this and not only got your info from the tabloid entertainment series Whale Wars, you would know that what Japan does has minimal impact on the global environment not to mention on the global whale population, also that meat is indeed much more eco friendly than your average hamburger.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

WOW. Just like I said, you guys are just talking to yourselves. You should be proud and thank the mods for their assistance.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Watson is on the run because of his HISTORY of using VIOLENCE to force others to do his bidding. The Netherlands and Australian seem to be the only nations that find eco-terrorist SS violence to be the answer to anything. The question is whether ANY country will permit the cowardly Watson to enter their ports without a passport.

The pro-Watson fans continually advocate for violence. Laws mean nothing to pro-Watson supporters. Violence is their answer.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I am tired of this guy and his crew of international sea terrorist causing trouble for the whalers. If someone does not step in and step in fast, there is going to be a BIG international incident and all over some stupid whales. STOP THIS MADNESS!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Costa Rica has now issued an Interpol " Red notice" for Paul Watson .. oops...


-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Interpol RED Notice....Watson can now be arrested in 190 countries. About time.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

A Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant. It is a request by INTERPOL for member countries to determine whether they can detain or arrest an individual in order for the requesting country to seek their extradition. INTERPOL cannot demand that any member country arrest the subject of a Red Notice.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

@ cleo

Point being, Watson's not going to know which countries will detain him or not - at least until he enters such countries. Basically, he's up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

cleo - A Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant. It is a request by INTERPOL for member countries to determine whether they can detain or arrest an individual in order for the requesting country to seek their extradition. INTERPOL cannot demand that any member country arrest the subject of a Red Notice.

A "red" notice alerts every nation associated with INTERPOL to be "on the lookout" for the passportless and fugitive Watson. The individual nations can determine if they support eco-terrorist violence or not.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

''Akemi MokotoAug I am tired of this guy and his crew of international sea terrorist causing trouble for the whalers. If someone does not step in and step in fast, there is going to be a BIG international incident and all over some stupid whales. STOP THIS MADNESS!'' Point is if they werent whaling then these defenders of the earth or whatever name you choose for them wouldnt exist. He broke the law to fight those who bent the law so if one should be in jail both should really be in jail. But yes you will all say bent is not broken hahahha Disgusting so how to stop the corruption of the law??? If the law allaws people loop holes..... to be bent and manipulated for their own greed.???????????????

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Robert Roo - Point is if they werent whaling then these defenders of the earth or whatever name you choose for them wouldnt exist. He broke the law to fight those who bent the law so if one should be in jail both should really be in jail. But yes you will all say bent is not broken hahahha Disgusting so how to stop the corruption of the law??? If the law allaws people loop holes..... to be bent and manipulated for their own greed.???????????????

You admit that Watson has broken the law. What you refer to as a loophole is actually the broad regulations regarding whaling. Whatever you refer to as a loophole is NOT an illegal act. If you don't like the "loophole", then change the regulations. Watson has a long history of using violence to force others to do his bidding. Watson prefers to use violence. Watson is currently on the run, not because he broke "a loophole" but because he violated yet another law. It's obvious that you support Watson's lawbreaking and are an advocate for his violence.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

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