Police in Urakawa, Hokkaido, have arrested a 60-year-old man on suspicion of breaking into the home of a 78-year-old woman.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 12:30 a.m. on Sunday, Hokkaido Broadcasting Corp reported. The man, whose address is unknown and calls himself a YouTuber, was arrested after a member of the family called police to say there was a stranger in the house.
Police said the man and the woman's family do not know each other.
The man, who appeared to be intoxicated, was quoted by police as saying he thought he had just returned to his home. However, when asked the address of his home, he was unable to give it.
Police are investigating how the man got into the house as no windows were broken.
© Japan Today
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Jonathan Prin
Breaking home...nothing was broken.
Nothing happened I confirm.
What's his youtube account so we can verify?
Simply having a YouTube account does not afford one the ability to call oneself a YouTuber.
Jonathan Prin
Probably happening a few times each day...nothing serious since nothing happened.
60 is not old. I'm 59 and some still stop to ask me for directions (until they notice that I'm not Japanese - but as they hear my precise delivery, they slaver thanks - runners know how to get places).
YouTuber? Sounds more like a YouLoser.
Quo Primum
Okay, NOW I wonder what is going on in Hokkaido . . .
What a d head. Hopefully a long stint in the slammer is ahead. He can be an 'influencer' in the showers.
Front door?
David K Anderson
Pure clickbait. It makes it look like it might be another "nuisance streamer" story...and not just some drunk stumbling up to the wrong house.
Because he was intoxicated. Duh!
What’s the relevance of him calling himself a Youtuber? There’s no indication that he actually is.
Drinking is a pretty popular hobby with men his age, which he seems to already enjoy.
You're 60 for Gods sake. Let it go, creep, and take up a hobby befitting your age like model trains, mahjong or stamp collecting.