A 32-year-old office worker was arrested Monday for allegedly spitting on a 62-year-old taxi driver around 20 times in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. According to police, Kazunori Takeshita has so far denied the charge, claiming he knows nothing about it.
Police said the incident occurred at around 1 a.m. Monday when Takeshita hailed a taxi in Sendai's Aoba Ward. The driver told police that Takeshita was in an extremely inebriated state. Takeshita asked the driver to take him to his home around 8 km away. As soon as he got in the taxi, he allegedly began spitting on the taxi driver's face.
The driver took the man directly to a nearby police station at which point he rushed inside and complained to the officer on duty that his passenger had spat on him.
A police spokesman said: "We sometimes see arrests over spitting but as for a man spitting on someone 20 times, I've never heard of anything like it."
© Compiled from news reports
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One of the most disgusting things you can do to someone. Something about spitting that reaches down deep and can make you explode. In some places his lips would have been torn from his face. I do have to wonder...he had the presence of mind to count as he spit??
hmmmm...just out of nowhere? he started spitting? no altercation or cross words? I mean, 62 year old cab drivers are ALWAYS so polite and good natured. ALWAYS. They are never surly or difficult.
how does one spit in a taxi driver's face when one is sitting in the back seat?
"how does one spit in a taxi driver's face when one is sitting in the back seat?"
I wondered that myself, and twenty times is questionable (was he counting), but maybe the guy started spitting when the taxi driver calked his head to ask where they guy wanted to go -- or when he was handing the man tissues or something.
As for the man denying it, well... he WAS extremely drunk at the time.
He's lucky. In another country the taxi driver probably would have stopped the car and given him a good beating.
Spitting 20 times? Really? That's hard to do.
gurukun, was thinking the same thing. After 5 times I already have a dry mouth. Maybe he was just making the spitting sound. and 20 times? What happened after 3 times? Cabdriver not thinking: "I should kick this guys ass?"
Since the guy was drunk, was he spitting when he talked? I know this has happened to many people who are drunk.
At least he didn't try to grope the man.
Beware.... I have seen some JN men in Tokyo periodically going around with a chip on their shoulder...for what reason I dont know, could be drunk or other reasons as previous media news has indicated...they seem to be looking for trouble...dont stoop to their level REMEMBER this is Japan..and non JNs should avoid them, or call the JN police immediately.
LOL, and he counted 20 spats! I would be more focused on putting a knock down on the guy instead of thinking 1,2,3,4...
How did he keep his fluid levels up? He must have been swilling something on the side... Perhaps he had a lisp?
Tom DeMicke
I've spoken to drunk people before and every time they speak, they spit! Strange story...and this makes the news? What about more serious things like terror threats happening around the world? Geez...
Elbuda Mexicano
This is very, very sick. Spitting on a man's face. I feel so bad for this taxi drivers, and I usually can not stand them, but in this case, I feel sorry for this old driver.
The last time I beat someone up was because he spit on me. I totally snapped. I can't imagine tolerating being spit on 20 times. I'd run the guy over.
Unprovoked? Assault, especially the first three letters.
The driver has good patience, still endured spray of spittle and continued counting in cool head, lol.
"he knows nothing about it"
No doubt.
He was spat ON 20 times, not spat IN THE FACE 20 times. I wonder if it was just drunken slobber and this drunk liked to say IPPON! a lot.
The taxi driver should have spat (spitted?) back!!
If I were the taxi driver, I'd go to the man's company and have a chat with his boss. If one of my staff was a. arrested and b. for spitting on someone who is giving him/her good honest service, I'd fire their a**.
Spitting 20 times??? I doubt it. Still, spitting is nasty!