Police in Hachioji are on the lookout for a suspected serial arsonist after 10 vending machines were set alight on Monday.
According to police, a resident in Katakuracho reported finding a vending machine on fire at around 2 a.m. Following that call, another two reports were received of similar incidents a few hundred meters away, TV Asahi reported.
Police say the crimes were committed in the same way at each location. Investigators added that seven other similar fires were reported in the area last week, leading police to believe that a single arsonist may have been responsible for all of the incidents.
In each event, police said, the fire was started in the coin return area. Investigators say the fires may have been started in an attempt to steal change from the machines.
© Japan Today
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Ewan Huzarmy
No I think the perp took an advert for 'fire' coffee to literally.
That is stupid! If the motivation was financial, I don't think he would accomplish much even if the was successful taking away all the change of the 10 vending machines.
"Rage against the Machine"
Maybe they all "robbed" him of his change ???
Elbuda Mexicano
Ah yes! HACHIOJI! It is part of Tokyo, but more like crappy Saitama! So if you can imagine the stupid things that always happen out in Saitama, Hachioji is real close to that!
When I saw that headline I was thinking that if he hates the products in the machines that much, he doesn't have to buy them. :)
Jeff Ogrisseg
"An attempt to steal change from the machines"? Huh? With daft investigators like this on the case, the arsonist will never be caught.
How the heck does one set fire to a vending machine? I doubt I could do it even with a flamethrower...
Now that is superb police detective work right there.
It's the language used. Even the Japanese used to report on many incidents lends itself to similar mockery. Knock yourself out. I for one am appreciative of what they do.
Oh c'mon, you'll never know til you give it a go.
Mark Bradley
Arsonists just love burning random stuff without a purpose.