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© 2024 AFPS Korean prosecutors indict controversial American streamer Johnny Somali
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David K Anderson
I kinda hope he gets off light...then crosses the border and tries pulling that crap in NK. That will be the last we ever hear of this bellend.
Deport him and ban him from entry again.
Another Social Media JUNKIE, I hope S. Korean police arrest, prosecute, and throw him in the joint for 6 to 9 months till he Sobers Up, then kick him out and never allow him back.
That guy is a living clown and a very nasty element full of racism and hatred toward asian culture and people.
In Japan he proved himself to be a disgusting person offending the people and the culture of the country.
Surpassingly the Japanese authorities released this human garbage just with a slap on the wrist and yet he continued to behave like this.
Korean people created a man hunt on him after doing the unspeakable to offend a nation and finally he got arrested by the local authorities.
This guy is beyond any credibility and I genuinely hope that the South Korean authorities will show him a long term behind bars.
Wish this clown would learn to do magic and then make himself disappear for good.
I liked the video of the big dude slapping the hell of out him in Soemon-cho in Osaka the best.
The police let this punk out after holding him for awhile and he goes straight over to S. Korea and does the exact same things.
Hope he gets put in jail longer or have some of the hot tempered Koreans give him a lesson on cultural sensitivity and basic human manners.
This guy should be band from Asia period. Why is he there and why does YouTube and Twitter show his antics. He is not an American he is a Somali national who just so happened to get a US passport on default which I think should be rescinded due to his embarrassing behavior with a US passport. He wants to behave as Ramsey Khalid Ismael he should not be allowed back into the US perhaps Samoli will take him back. If I was part of the South Korean government I would restrict his travel to no more than one mile and make it tough for him to enjoy and when his case come to trial jail him and deport him for ever.
"I want to apologize to the Korean people. I was not aware of the significance of the statue... It was just an entertainment for my audience,"
I forgive him - I didn't see this energy when Logan Paul went into the forest and joked about Japanese bodies on trees.
The Korean justice system will judge him and apply an appropriate sanction.
Send that pathetic clown to jail with the sodomites!!..
YouTuber "Legal Mindset" posted proof that Johnny knew about "comfort women" before the dance, and his past streams showed this.
The article should be revised to reflect this, as his claim to not know the historical significance is an outright lie.
David Brent
Great news!
Sickening, but predictable, what this little creep has done - again. The video showing him getting chased and his friend beaten down by angry Koreans was worth the click. There is another of him pouring hot noodles all over the floor of a convenience store after being told he wasn't allowed to drink alcohol in the store.
I hope this Somali/American "enjoys" his time locked up in Korea. Let the little ape try these stunts next in China, see what happens there.
Seeing that he is looking at hard time in Korean prison, deportation is exactly what he is hoping for now. I hope they keep him and let him face trial.
I don't think his crime is worthy of hard time.
"He was indicted on Monday without detention for creating a commotion at a convenience store in October," a spokesman for the Seoul Southern District Prosecutors' Office told AFP.
Tokyo Guy
Someone pointed out that he really should have thought twice before pulling that kind of nonsense in a country where every guy does. or has done. military service.
I agree with the consensus that Japan was far too lenient on him. The only thing that will stop someone like that is a punishment that genuinely causes him to fear for his life, and/or impose serious financial consequences.
That is only the first one. They have other charges waiting, including publishing deep fakes, drug use, and working without a work permit (which implies to all IRL streamers, but is never enforced, but in this particular case will). Keep in mind his disgusting antics were debated in parliament. You can be sure he will get special attention by the prosecutor.
I am not supporting him. He wasn't detented so what he did was not that dangerous.
They confiscated his passport and started procedures against him, so you can be assured he will be "detented".