A 20-year-old student was robbed of 190,000 yen early Sunday morning after she was knocked down from behind by a car in Okegawa, Saitama Prefecture, police said.
According to police, the university student was on her way home from a part-time job. She was walking on the sidewalk in Kamogawa 2-chome just before 1 a.m. when a car approached her from behind and knocked her down. The girl told police that a man got out of the car and asked her if she was alright. He then took her bag, got back into his car and drove off.
The girl was carrying 190,000 yen which were membership fees from a university club meeting she had attended earlier Saturday before going to her part-time job.
Police said the girl is in a stable condition in hospital. The assailant was described as being in his 50s and of medium build.
© News reports
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And just how did the robber know the girl had the membership fees with her? I would say somebody in the university club is not very dedicated to the club.
maybe the robber knows the girls, her friend's friends~ or members of the university club.
Hmmm... I wonder if this is becoming popular in Japan? The Shimane police might do well to examine this and see if there might not be any useful parallels for them.
Again, another crimes in a settlement along the Takasaki line.
Talk about adding insult to injury... poor young woman. I wish this weren't such a cash-based society. Why was she carrying all that cash and people didn't pay directly into the school for membership fees? Is it some club operating for profit?
Saitama twinned with the Gaza Strip. I have never seen so many police helicopters than in the skies above Saitama.
sounds like a lie to me. she blew the lot at pachinko and made up this story to cover her.........debts.
If the car knocked her down without running her over, it would have been moving rather fast and she should have either gone over the hood and hit the windshield (if she were tall) or flew a few feet forward after impact. Either way, she should have been at least dazed, if not unconscious. If what she said is accurate, she may have heard a man talking to her, which may or may not be the driver who may or may not have taken her bag. The driver possibly just escaped - which isn't uncommon. It's not far-fetched that someone from the meeting was involved in the "operation." Time to do your jobs, cops.
I hope the girl is not too hurt and not involved.
Oops, "If what she said is accurate," ⇒ "Based on what she said,"
Inside job and a total setup..........with the victim a willing participant. Enjoy the spoils.lol.
You're not serious, right? You think someone would be willing to be knocked down by a car for a share of a whole 190,000 yen? I very much doubt it.
@Aspara. No Im not serious. Im just speculating in the extreme. Im really not sure if the girl was knocked down or just brushed by the car. Witnesses.
You need to rethink this. I am not sure that you live in the same world I do.
Anyway it sounds like an inside job. The girl herself will face major scrutiny.
Miyahara, Ageo, Okegawa, Kitamoto Konosu, Fukiage Gyoda, Kumagaya, Kagohara, Fukaya...Takasaki, take your guess for the next crime location.
why is it that there're SO MANY criminals in Japan who are over 50years old?
"a man got out of the car and asked her if she was alright"
Mighty nice of him.
Consider that she could have arranged this with her tall/short b/f. Tell the cops he was in his 50s and of medium build.
lol. Thats right folks. Its not all good guy bad guy. Its not all black and white. Pardon the pun. Keep an open mind.
Very thoughtful of the culprit. "I'm going to be in trouble anyway so might as well make the most of my time in hiding".
The JT article didn't mention that the driver, after asking if she was all right, punched her in the face then took the bag. A punched-up face was her only injury, so the car must not have hit her hard at all. Gotta love Saitama.
And she didn't get the plate number? If he got out of the car and then drove away I'm sure she'd have seen it.
Allow me! She is being bullied at school by other girls... who black mailed her for the money. They prob has some made up photos of her they are threatening to dispersed over the internet if she talks... she prob wants to assure she can get into a good university. the photos would damage that possibility. she is young, naive, and being manipulated. (just a guess)! this same situation happens every semester,
"You're not serious, right? You think someone would be willing to be knocked down by a car for a share of a whole 190,000 yen? I very much doubt it".
Have you ever heard of "atariya", at least I think that is the correct word. They are people who place themselves in positions where they can get hit by cars and then claim damages or extort the driver for sums of money so they aren't taken to court.
Anyway, who knows, hopefully the police will catch the people responsible.
Forgot to mention that he went to Pachinko and lost all the money and had to come up with a great story to save face. Totally bogas!
Its a clear set up. Even from here we have solved the case.
lol maybe she was part of the crime.
just because u have pointed feet and a high pitched voice doesnt mean you are innocent. Who cares its just a few bucks
carrying almost $2000, on your way home from a part time job? Got to love the cash society.
foolish criminal.
i hope he get punished soon.
1st she was walking on the middle of the road making obstruction to the vehicle so she paid penalty for that 2nd may be the car got damaged after hiting her and the driver cannot sue her so he took her money. dont believe......me too to her
Shogai Gouto Jiken. Very serious. Diver is looking at some serious bird if they catch him.
Maybe he was at the club meeting spying to see who would have the cash on them.
Talk about two faced! First he is a good samaritan then he turns into oppurtunistic robber! Way to have your priorites straight.
reeks of a set up...
Ah, Saitama is back in the news.