A 38-year-old school teacher was arrested on Monday for allegedly sexually assaulting a 11-year-old schoolgirl in Kamisu City, Ibaraki Prefecture. Hidekazu Kojima, 38, was arrested for allegedly assaulting the girl at a hotel in February, 2007, after taking her out for a drive. In May, the girl told a friend who reported the case to police. According to police, Kojima and the girl became acquainted with each other through a mutual friend.
The local education board held a press conference Monday to apologize for Kojima's behavior. They said that the school principal had heard rumors about the incident at the time and had asked the teacher about it. But Kojima denied the allegations.
After police raided the school on Monday, Kojima and his father called the school admitting the allegation and apologized to the girl.
© Japan Today
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So a young naive girl got into a car with someone whose job was supposed to look after her and who she trusted. Oh. My. God. She clearly was asking to be sexually assaulted/raped. Yep. No doubt about it.
Are you kidding me? I don't care how mature she looked (and how do you know, anyway? Have you seen any photos of her?) no one deserves that. I had a similar thing happen to me at that age. It was only a few years ago and at that time, I was convinced kissing would make you pregnant! I hardly "solicated" that man simply because he took advantage of me.
Wow. That must mean every single child whose ever been abused deserved it. They were asking for it. I can tell you now, that is an unfair generalization. And I don't know for sure, but since it was with the cyber-angels, I'm assuming that mean it happened online? Not face to face? So how do you know that the people were the age they said they were?
Well, that's just my opinion. Feel free to rebut!
he just said sorry! and if you ask anybody if they sexually assaulted someone wof course they'll say no DUH!!!
What I find most amusing about all this is that it appears that only foreigners, mostly Westerners, really care about things like this, and the vast majority of the locals really do not care about it, nor they do care at all about the opinions of foreigners , with the exception of an xenophilic minority of the Japanese population who are obsessed with gaining the approval of foreigners, mostly Westerners. You'll see, within a few days, this will all be forgotten and life will just go back to normal as if nothing had even ever happened, with the same thing continuing to happen all over again. Which is why I wonder what's the point of even getting outraged in the first place? Nothing will come of it because the average Japanese don't care about what the gaijins think, nor do they care much about this issue in the first place, for the most part, and the schoolgirls themselves will just keep on doing what they're doing, because hey, they need the money to get the things they want. So much for protecting them, if a customer gets busted, too bad, they'll just move on to the next one. So why stress if it's all for nothing eh?
Wait, you're alarmed by Pingas saying that a child can't provoke people into sexually abusing them? Why is that? What is it you're really saying? That you think its understandable and natural that pedophiles are going after young girls? If it is, then what I find much more alarming is your posts.
For gods sake, the girl was 11! Are you defending the guy who raped her, or the society that somehow things its understandable?
An 11 year old is NOT a teenager. They are a pre teen. And nothing a child could do should provoke anyone into sexually abusing them.
Yeah, he is sick.
Yet, there is a LOT of teenage prostitution out there. When you look at the under-belly of society you see some sick stuff.
Having worked with the Guardian and Cyber-Angels I saw a lot. So shows like "To catch a Predator", etc aren't even surprising anymore.
And to say that a child/teen DON'T know what is going is on is FALSE. Heck, I have been solicited by 12 and 13yr olds for sex. YES, they approached me.
LOL, remember my sex-ed in school some 30yrs ago, we made the teacher blush as we corrected her on a few points and we were what 13 & 14.
Just my view.
So she wasn't one of his students?
Oh well, either way, this guy was really sick in the head for sexually assaulting (or should I say raping?) an 11 year old. Not sure whether the whole thing about how mature she was comes into play here (either mentally or physically.) Maybe she did provoke him, or maybe he's just another pedofile.
This Teacher is wrong dead in all areas. The Principle and the rest of the facility of this school are just as bad as in they new or they had enough info to surmise what might be happening and turned a blind eye to it they need to be severely reprimanded so this will never happen again (and telling me I am sorry means nothing so they need to stop and start doing something about the situation before it becomes worse). as for the little girl I know this will draw some anger but it has to be said she does not have a clear grasp on right and wrong (her parents and family has not taught it to her for whatever reason). she got in a car with and older man and went somewhere you are not a child at 11 you are a pre-teen there are things that you should have learned that I don't think a lot of younger children are bean taught because families are a lot more chaotic than they use to be the strong nucleus is no longer there so a lot is been left open. She is the victim as a lot of other children but not just by this predator. which is often time where it ends, but it begins at home and precipitated at school and the community. so we are letting are children down by not given them the tools to live healthy mental lives. They must learn right from wrong and be equipped with the ability to make choices.
If this trend continues our society will only get worse and we will turn a whole generation of reprobated individuals
These are the kinds of crimes that are unforgivable in civilized society. Regardless of how you spin it, the girl is not to blame. As someone else said, she's 11, she can't seduce anyone. A man can take it that way, but he would be wrong, and be proving himself a pedophile.
I sincerely hope he gets a long sentence for committing this rape.
I don't know that I would go as far as to say "there are a lot of pedophiles in Japan, but I will say that men in Japan typically have a thing for school girl uniforms. It doesn't mean that they all like little girls. They may just like women dressed up in school girl uniforms like some like women calling them daddy in other cultures.
This is a sad case because I'm sure the girl had no real idea of what sex implies for a mature adult. Sounds like she was telling her friend like girls like telling each othe about their first time sexual encounter. It looks like the friend took it upon herself to report it having better sense and knowing the gravity of what happened to friend. I give a thumbs up to the friend for good judgement and caring about her friend.
Do you live in Japan? If yes, how long? Flip through some comics when you have a free moment. Flip through a girlie mag. Check out the adult section of a video store. Go into a sex shop and see how many high school uniforms you see that are available for sale. Ride the trains late at night and watch drunk 50 year old men staring for what seems like an eternity at young girls.
Yes there are pedophiles all around the world....but in Japan, it seems to be a heck of a lot more. Almost seems acceptable here. Sick.
This teacher has to be very careful in jail.
At 11 you are just starting to understand the world. He was a teacher and hence, a person that a child tend to trust, so he abused of his power. True, kids nowadays tend to mature faster than, say 15 years ago, but still, the mind is not prepared, even if physically you look older and you've had so much info through internet to understand better some things.
It also could be the other way around, I've read that in my country and other countries there is child prostitution, and this girl might be involved on that since the circumstances they've met each other, and the fact that it took 16 months to denounce the attack, but even though she were one, she is underage, it is wrong and illegal, and since the guy admitted the fact, why it says, "arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting..." it is a crime in any way you look at it.
I don't give a damn how kid's bodies mature, or how they feel responsibility or not. They are CHILDREN! And since we are the adults, who SHOULD feel responsibility, and feel disgusted just by hearing about any such thing. That man just needed a slight chance, and he already took advantage of it. He is working with children!! I work with children too, I teach them how to swim. And I would rip off the arms of any bastard who dares to take advantage of them.
People who try to reason about the responsibility of the little girl: 38 years - 11 years. Do you really think, the 11years old one should be more responsible? Those who think like this, are not less sick-minded than the guy who did this.
Children's bodies may be maturing faster than ever due to plentiful food (and possibly hormones in the environment) but their minds certainly aren't. Girls who emulate the behaviour and clothing of females they see in the media often lack the emotional maturity to deal with the kind of attention they receive.
A 20-year-old who dresses or acts 'slutty' knows exactly what she's doing. A very young girl who dresses or acts this way does it because it's fashionable. She doesn't understand the image she projects.
As for people who suggest the girl 'agreed' to go on a drive, she didn't have the emotional maturity to agree to whatever happened next. She was a child, he was an adult trying to fulfill a sick fantasy.
Yes, you'd say that. And you'd be wrong.
An 11 year old cannot seduce anyone. They are 11.
Its the type of excuse paedophiles give. They love to blame their victims
Children maturing faster is absolutely true. It is due to the growth hormones in milk and food. This 11 year-old may not be the typical kid we would have found 30 years ago doing it with her teacher.
It seems that young women are growing up much faster these days. Isn't the onset of first menses about 1-2 years sooner than, say, 30-40 years ago? It's still a shocking crime, but not as shocking as it used to be, I'd say.
11 year olds who find themselves in child prostitution, and this is UNLIKELY in this case, are absolutely victims. Most likely the previous victims of child abuse.
Stop putting any kind of blame on this little girl, The effects of this will last her a lifetime, it will be so hard for her to recover.
I wish her every success in recovering and rebuilding her life after this freak abused her.
" They said that the school principal had heard rumors about the incident at the time and had asked the teacher about it. But Kojima denied the allegations.".....what are crappy principle......didn't even investigate the incident further......who in there right mind would admit to it! And people wonder why people laugh at the Japanese education system.
It seems that the 11 year-old victim was a prostitite of some sort? That is crazy talking. I think she seduced him OK, but it is very different than being a prostitute in this day and age I must insisting.
She was most definitely the injured party and he is without a doubt guilty of a sick crime. I hope he gets the maximum penalty they have for pedophiles.
But let's look at the details as we know them
He was introduced to her by a mutual friend. Why on earth would this happen? What 11yr old has friends that just wants to introduce a man to her that is probably as old as her father? She went for a drive with him. Again, why would she do this? She wasn't forced. She seemingly didn't kick and scream and he didn't abduct her. It was all voluntary, at least up until the hotel. After that we do not know. She didn't call the police. She told a friend. Did she ask the friend to go to the police or did the friend go of their own accord? We do not know the answer to this either.Yes, she is only 11 and yes, she was taken advantage of. But this still seems to me like a little girl having a go at enjo kosai. You'd be surprised what some kids do for money. Yes, even 11yr olds. Sad, I know, but true.
However, one cannot expect an 11yr old to be mature enough to make responsible decisions, so in that regard she cannot be found responsible for leading him on, but that still doesn't count out the possibility that she was extremely stupid, placing herself in dangerous circumstances.
That in no way deters from the seriousness of his crime though.
This guy has no moral fiber what-so-ever and should never be let of prison, better less into a classroom. If it was my daughter, this guy would not be able to find a hole deep enough to hide and I'm damn sure by the time my friends and I have finished with him he would not be capable of molesting himself! I am against the death penalty until it comes to crimes against children. I'm sure that hanging a few of these sickos would effect the amount of child molestation dramatically.
If I were the 11 yr. old's father the police would have to put me away.
smartacus: yeah possibly the police
while these guys are all bent over they should all be kicked in the teeth
Why didn't he just go to Akihabara and buy one of those 'Junior Idol' DVDs?
There is no allegedly about it. He admitted the sexual assault.
I cant believe some of you that are trying to either suggest she was not the injured party or was culpable in some way. She was 11 years old. A child who was the victim of a clearly dangerous and predatory paedophile.
I predicted yesterday on JT that a j cop would be caught having had sex with the 16/17 yo from yesterday. So it turns todays story concerns a 11yo and a teacher. There is yet hope for the j cops getting back into the mainstream. Gambare nippon!!
Keep the shock sex stories coming JT....
The best would be if he is teaching Obaasans. Then both side can be happy with their additional curriculum.
And lets remember
There is no evidence that the girl resisted. She may have been bragging to one of her friends, who decided to report the incident.
How did they manage to get as far as a hotel room? If the girl was protesting against being obviously taken to a hotel, wouldn't the hotel staff at the front desk have done something about it or raised alarms? It would seem that she had been quite willingly accompanying the teacher...
Yes very strange. Was this a botched enjo kosai? He took her for a drive, which we can presume she agreed to, but for what purpose did she go with him? And who was this mutual friend? Why did he/she introduce them? Do people usually introduce grown men to young children to become friends?
've met hundreds of teachers in Japan, all people with good hearts. This is the case of a sick individual who abused his position.
So far its alleged and he denies it. 11 year old girls can make up lies. happens all the time. however,
so what kind of girl was she? an easy target? a prostitute? handicapped? normal?
more details please.
Respectfully, I would argue that many men all around the world are interested in young women, even those that are teenagers. However, 11 years old is clearly not a teenager. In addition, this 'man' was charged with the responsibility of educating young people, not abusing them. Underage is underage for a reason and that reason should be respected no matter what your personal urges might be and no matter how disgusting they may be.
Just an apology? What happened to the arrests?
And the principal of the school knew about it 16 months ago and did nothing.Presumably all the other teachers at the school knew as well.Does that make them worse than the 38 yr old teacher?He is mentally ill.The rest are presumably not but tried to cover it up presumably to protect their school's name.Interesting society .My girlfriend tells me even 8 yr olds are online and meeting up with men and getting money for performing for them and letting them touch them.
Why are J men so infatuated with teenage girls?
Obviously, it would be better if he were not teaching anywhere. There needs to be screening and background checks that are a regular part of the hiring and performance evaluation process. Of course, this happens in other countries, but who cares? We need to fix our house here and not worry about the other houses.
It seems that this teacher enjoys sex with very young girls. So I think he should not be a teacher in a girls-school because teachers in girls-schools are surrounded by girls and in a position of influence. It is not an ideal situation for a pedophile. Would it be better if he was teaching in a boys-school? Obviously a co-ed school would still offer the similar temptations.
And, what country of the world does it happen often?
My kids have to take a class called 'Moral Education.' Is this an example or did this teacher skip class when he was 12 years old?
Plus, the principal heard rumors about it in February 2007 but Kojima denied the allegations so what did the principal do? Nothing? The police show up in June of 2008 and suddenly the principal is doing the "show the top of my bald head" dance? 16 months later? Did it take the police 16 months to investigate or what?
What part of the world does this not happen?
If only the moral structure and implimentation of self control and discipline were stronger in the Japanese family and social structure. Then Japan will become truely a "Land of Lotus."
With apologies to decent and hard-working teachers, I wonder if there is any profession in Japan, with a higher percentage of deviants, than teaching.
Sheesh... And there we have it folks. With the unhealthy state of some folks in Japans lack of mental stability and on top of that offereing up lolicon materials to fuel some of the imbalanced freaks lusts until they can't figure out the difference between right and wrong. If only the moral structure and implimentation of self control and discipline were stronger in the Japanese family and social structure.
What a scumbag. What's his father go to do with it anyway?