Police in Nagoya have arrested a 39-year-old man on suspicion of theft after he walked off with a shoulder bag belonging to a 21-year-old man at a convenience store on Monday. The bag contained approximately 1 million yen in cash.
The incident occurred at around 5:50 p.m. in Naka Ward, Sankei Shimbun reported. Police said the suspect, Shingo Ito, who is a junior high school teacher, took the bag from the store’s eat-in space when the owner went to the toilet.
The man returned, noticed his bag gone and went outside where he saw Ito with it a short distance away. He then asked a convenience store employee to call 110.
Police arrested Ito who was still in the area when they arrived. He was quoted by police as saying he had found the bag lying outside the store.
© Japan Today
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A 21 YO, carrying a shoulder bag with 1 million yen. Smells like drugs to me.
Two not very very smart guys: one leaves his bag containing 1 million yen unattended and goes to the toilet, the other one tries to steal it in a convenience store, a place where there are lots of security cameras.
JJ Jetplane
Roughly $10,000 is not an obscene amount to be carrying. Especially in Japan. There are many reason he could be carrying that amount. Pay his bill, apartment rental fees, going to Apple, buying a car, and more. Japan is a heavy cash society and many services could amount to $10,000.
Wow why do you need 1 million yen in cash for? Is this a honeytrap operation?
Oh dear me, that was foolish of him, especially since they have name'n'shamed him.
This is not an unusual amount to have in Japan, especially if he was preparing to pay a bill. What strikes me as odd is that he would leave it laying in the open while he uses the toilet. Most people would bring that amount with them when they relieve themselves. Also odd that an employed teacher would just randomly take the chance of stealing a bag without knowing what was inside.
Ken Wyatt
Hope the owner learnt from his stupidity.
I've heard of people carrying maybe 300 000 in cash, but 1 000 000?
Sounds very dodgy...
Sven Asai
I was wrong. It’s already better for the kids to make their studies with tablet computers and stupid YouTube dance videos...lol
Bjorn Tomention
Another teacher leacher they commit just about as much crime here as the cops don't they, disproportionate amount really.
"Roughly $10,000..."
No; only USD$9520.31 With the election looming, the market taking a beating this week, and the commander-in-chief becoming more erratic by the day, American dollar can only weaken...
For a school teacher though to be caught stealing some random guys bag containing $10,000?
Teacher must have known there was a good amount of cash in there.
Something isn't right but I doubt we'll ever hear the truth as these stories tend to not be followed up on.
What other result was he expecting?
Finders Keepers Losers Weepers You Snooze You lose
Yeah, you steal a bag, you run. Don't stick around to see the results.
So which is it? The bag was found outside? Or left alone on the eat in space?
Is there some video footage we can see? I'm sure they should clear everything up, right?
Otherwise it just sounds like a day in the life of two morons who can't function properly in society.