Police in Osaka have arrested a 24-year-old junior high school teacher on suspicion of violating public nuisance laws after he used his smartphone to film up a girl’s skirt while on an escalator at a train station.
Police said the suspect, Shoki Taji, who lives in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, has admitted to the charge, Kyodo News reported. He was quoted as saying he had filmed up girls’ skirts on at least 150 occasions because it made him feel horny.
According to police, Taji was arrested over an incident that occurred on Feb 18 at JR Ebie Station in Osaka’s Fukushima Ward. Taji is accused of standing behind the girl on an escalator and with his smartphone concealed in a briefcase, filmed up her skirt.
A woman commuter spotted Taji and reported his suspicious behavior to station staff who called police. Taji was identified after an analysis of station surveillance camera footage.
Police said that after confiscating Taji’s smartphone, they found videos taken up two other girls’ skirts on the same day (Feb 18) at Ebie Station.
© Japan Today
wayan Ubud
This up skirt habit seems to be quite a popular pastime here in Japan. Cant these guys find something better to do?
That ''better job" comes afterward hahahhaha.
Console yourself with the fact that it doesn't only happen in Japan.
One man riding the same escalators up and down all day behind school girls at the same station might have been the first clue for police present in the station. Weren’t we promised more police after last years numerous knife and arson attacks in stations and on trains?
Great to see "horny" become an official translation lol
Jonathan Prin
Hundreds if not thousands men or more surely use tricks in Japan routinely and I cannot foresee this abating due to local hentai culture.
Any suspect behaviour may lead you to your smartphone's review. How nice for the policeMEN.
Article does not mention if girls are in fact (too young) teenagers or women.
I wonder what is in progress about it in Japan.
Women's opinion more than welcome about such copy and paste text.
He may be a pervert, but he's an honest pervert.
Aly Rustom
chicken vs egg kind of thing..
which came first, the horniness or the up skirt filming...
Well, I'd rather have an up-skirt photo type of crime, rather than violent crime.
El Rata
What's with the yamato and their obsession with panties? I don't see why they find them so interesting that they are willing to gamble with their freedom for a picture of some dirty underwear.
Not “I was drunk” but “It made me feel horny” ?
even the police can’t be trusted, wasn’t there a police officer caught hiding below the stairway taking pics of ladies…
this country needs some sort of sex education and a course on how to respect woman
Public nuisance? The charges should be indecent assault.
Japan needs to stop calling it a "public nuisance law" and call it what it actually is: sexual assault.
This PoS better be fired from his job and never be able to teach again.
Jonathan Prin
Indecent or sexual assault for taking a photo ?
And the perp should aslo face dealth penaly too ? (Ironic question of course)
Feminintalists on the go and on the loose.
Ken Holcomb
I have 4 granddaughters ranging from junior high to college.
These kind of perverts make my blood boil!!
I'd hate to think what my reaction would be if I caught one of these "men" doing something like that to one of my grandkids.
It would likely make the news here on JT.
Jonathan PrinToday 06:35 pm JST
I'd rather be a "femininatalsis" whatever that means, than someone who defends sexual predators.
Funny thing. Today I took the train to the office for the first time this year. And guess what? Some guy groped me. Again.
I'm full of rage over how women are treated. And I don't doubt the girls whose pictures were taken feel the same way.
But go ahead, dismiss their feeling and advocate for lesser punishment. At least we know where you stand.
Hope the courts teach this clown a real lesson.
Thomas Twatt
Being ‘groped’ in public, as you say you were, is certainly an instance of ‘sexual assault’ and should be recognised and dealt with accordingly.
Being ‘upskirt’ photographed, as the females in the article were, is clearly a sexual offence, but I would classify it as a form of serious harassment rather than an assault? It is a serious offence as the potential trauma and psychological damage inflicted on victims could understandably be long term and considerable.
wayan UbudToday 03:28 pm JST
This up skirt habit seems to be quite a popular pastime here in Japan. Cant these guys find something better to do?
what could be better?
these guys have nothing but this.
there's nothing "better".
Police said that after confiscating Taji’s smartphone, they found videos taken up two other girls’ skirts on the same day (Feb 18) at Ebie Station.
No password protection?
No, that didn't happen.
It's the society we live in.
Alan Harrison
The fact that this man has admitted that he has done this on 150 occasions would suggest that he is asking for help. Maybe rather than punish the offender, the offender should be given an alternative choice of psychiatric therapy.
Jonathan Prin
@girl in tokyo
Sorry to hear that.
Interesting point is : what did you do against it ? If no one stands against it, it is bound to be rampant.
Be reassured : the women from which pictures were taken from surely do not know. No one needs to make it so big, whereas groping is a serious sexual offense.
For information, I asked some Japanese women : none ever were groped. So I really wonder if there is a profile. Maybe a specific visible behaviour is the first reason that attract such pervs. My advice : yell as hell as soon it happens. It told so to my daughters, and one is going to school to Nagoya, by train.
At least in Japan it stops to groping...no country is perfect. Learn self-defense.
Jonathan PrinToday 05:06 am JST
My argument here is, why would you ask me this question, when you just got done scolding someone who suggested laws against sex crimes aren't strong enough? Seriously - you are against making laws stronger, and want to put the onus on stopping crime onto the victim. REALLY?
What about the women who do notice when a man takes a picture up their skirt? And what about the women who see the men doing this to another woman, and know the man is getting away without any punishment? And how will these men be deterred from committing these crimes if all they get is a slap on the wrist?
Every woman I know has been groped. Every. Single One. But you ought to know that a lot of women just don't want to talk about it, and most particularly would not want to talk about it with a man they cannot trust to be empathetic - and that's you, my friend. Your attitude clearly is "this doesn't happen, and when it does it is women's fault", so why would any women feel they could open up to you about this? In addition, exactly how big is the pool of women you surveyed? If you asked, say, five women, and all of them said "no", is that really a representative sample size large enough for you to come to any conclusions? Have you even looked at the white paper on crime, and do you know the statistics on sex crimes? If you haven't bothered to check your information, then why are you so confident that you are correct, and that women telling you that you are wrong, are the ones who are wrong?
So here we are, back at blaming the victim for looking a certain way, or acting a certain way that attracts perverts. And if we just avoided this look or behavior we would not be targeted. Is that your logic?
Women of all ages, all nationalities, all shapes, all sizes, and all types are targeted. It's a crime of opportunity - when the train is particularly crowded, and a woman is nearby, they see their chance. That's it. There is no "profile." And the police know this as well - why don't you do some actual research, instead of coming to message boards spouting your "wisdom" at women who know you're wrong?
With the utmost respect, I did not ask for, nor do I need your advice. You don't even believe it happens that often. So who are you to be handing out advice?
It does not stop men from groping. It only makes them stop groping you AFTER they have already groped you. It is not prevention.
Stop telling women to learn self-defense. It is BAD advice. You can't bust out Aikido moves on a crowded commuter train. You also cannot bust out Aikido moves on a 65 year old man, and you can't win in a fight against a young man who is twice your size and strength.
And if a woman did bust out Aikido moves on a pervert, she would be arrested for assault - are you at all aware that when someone has martial arts training, they become liable if get into a physical fight? And are you aware that in Japan, if you get into a physical altercation, especially as a foreigner, you are going to be arrested for assault? The law in Japan does not make allowances for this - woman hitting a pervert will be charged with assault.
I don't know why you men cannot get it though your heads that telling women to learn a martial art is not only going to get them arrested for assault, but is also not going to prevent groping in the first place. What might prevent upskirt photos, groping, and the like is stronger laws, better policing, and a change in society that doesn't blame women or put the onus on them for somehow preventing themselves from being assaulted.
Japan has high rates of rape, dude. LOOK IT UP.
Thomas Twatt
I did. (You clearly did not.) And it’s completely untrue. Japan has one of the lowest recorded rates of rape in the world.
No interest among the local populace to tackle these "public nuisances". Japanese men love this kind of thing. It can't be helped.
Jonathan Prin
@girl in Tokyo
Sorry you don't want to understand.
I give practical advice. Yelling is part of self-defense and not necessarily martial arts.
And stop telling untruths like every woman has been groped or Japan has high rates of rape.
About photos taken of you, you need to forget. Photos taken of you in all situations have occured for sure. Applicable to everyone. Webcams everywhere. Don't get a trauma for a photo. It is rampant in Japan and will not stop in the short mid term. Adapt and make change happen.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
@ girl in tokyo
Obviously this article is an opportunity to make everything always about you and to receive alot of scandalous attention of playing as always "the victim".
The article has absolutely nothing to do with your personal life and i suggest you dont make it part of the discussion.
Filming and being groped are not the same thing.
Somehow this doesn't surprise me !
All your friends are victims that went back for more .
And what did you do to stop it from happening again ?
And what did you do when it happened ?
Why is it the self righteous feminists are always claiming to be abused ?
And why on earth do you live in Tokyo ?
Thomas TwattToday 07:29 am JST
And of course, you point at a site in English, instead of looking up Japanese crime stats kept by the police and prosecutors in Japan. You didn't look further, because you were lazy and didn't really care if you were wrong. And you are wrong - the police and prosecutors recognize that only 4% of rapes in Japan are even reported. So take the number given on the site you have, and do the math yourself.
Back on topic please.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo neToday 02:04 pm JST
Both are sex crimes, so they are related.
It shouldn't, because groping is extremely common.
Oh, I see - so women "go back for more groping" by riding on trains. HOW DARE WE.
You think that I can somehow stop men from ever groping me? That I someone can control what men do? What's wrong with me that I don't have powers like Dr. Xavier, and use my mind control powers to stop men from groping me. Shame on me, huh?
You don't care, so why should I tell you?
Claim? Oh I see, I'm making it up. I'm lying. Riiiiight ... women always lie - I totally forgot.
Why do you even ask that question?