Japan Today

Teacher arrested over videos of elementary school girls in toilet


Police on Thursday arrested an elementary school teacher in Asaka, Saitama Prefecture, after he allegedly hid a camera in a girls' toilet of his school in an attempt to video his students.

According to coworkers, the teacher -- identified as Satoshi Nagahama, 29 -- regularly came into work early. It is alleged that on Sept 10, he arrived before his coworkers, entered a fourth floor girls' toilet and affixed a miniature camera to a pipe using tape. Schoolgirls noticed the camera and reported it to the school, who in turn informed police.

According to police, when they checked the camera, they found pictures of the accused stored in it. During questioning Nagahama told police, "I like girls and I wanted to take a peep video of them."

At a press conference, school principal Yoshinobu Tanii said, "I would like to offer my deepest apologies to parents, guardians and students."

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Jesus H. Christ.

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What a loser. So glad that idiot got caught! Please Japan dont give him a slap on the hand!

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...I'm speechless.

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Please people, you've got to stop acting on your urges (hidious ones or the likes of cheating!)

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my goodness... sigh..

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So, what is the average of teachers caught doing this in Japanese schools? 3 or 4 a year? How many go uncaught? Funny how just the other day there was a report stating they wanted to increase the thickness and content of elementary school textbooks to increase the education level. Is it really the students who are to blame for the drop in scholastic achievement. Somehow I think they are looking at the wrong and of the problem.

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lovejapan21-- Stop acting on them? Better yet, if you even HAVE urges like this to begin with, DON'T GET A JOB WORKING WITH CHILDREN IN THE FIRST PLACE.

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Just plain wrong!! And to add to his total stupidity he uses a camera with pictures of himself on it! A runner up for a Darwin.

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Fortunately he got caught. But what worries me is the ones who continue to get away with it... Please don't tell me that was a rare incident..

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Please don't tell me that was a rare incident..

How do you know it's not a rare incident?

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And the Teacher of the Year Award goes to...........

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I don't get it, I don't get it, I just do not get it ... What is the damn attraction in kids! A beautiful consenting woman I understand but for f***'s sake, these are just kids!

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nutsagain - Have you forgotten Japan is the kiddy porn capital of the world? Just go to the combini and have a flick through some of the manga to refresh your memory.

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Hahahahaha. He left his own pictures on there. What a baby.

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Okay, this guy is a teacher (supposed to be smart people), he tapes a camera to a pipe and it is so obvious that elementary school kids have no problem spotting it, and, when the cops check out the camera, his pictures are stored on it. What was he teaching, stupidity?

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One word, SICK!

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Just another day in Saitama.

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Perhaps 5 years in an isolation cell will rid this scum of his depraved hobby!

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porter...hilarious!!! how's this to fry your noodles: and the Teacher of the Year Award for Best Toilet Peeping Stupidity film goes to.....durun-durun-durun-durun.....OMG!!...Mr. Sicko Nagahama for "I like girls and I wanted to take a peep video of them." I say castration serves him just.

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I just don't get it. Why risk your job and your freedom? There's an infinite supply of internet porn that you look at without getting arrested.

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No excuse for looking at children though.

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I think the teacher must have been greatly influenced by those Japanese Hentai manga.

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H-Manga and Anime doesn't necessarily make you a pervert!! You want the Japanese counter-criticising US!?

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Let me guess...he was a biology teacher just doing some research.

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Love his reasoning to the police "I like girls", so do i, but I usually prefer them after they have gone through puberty.

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To all the Japanese pervs out there, repeat after me: "You have the right to remain silent."

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"Perhaps 5 years in an isolation cell will rid this scum of his depraved hobby!"

He likely won't be prosecuted. My guess is he'll be fired, stripped of his teacher's license, and that'll be all.

There are a LOT of sick 'teachers' here, and it's quite a bit unsettling to think there are probably more (perhaps many) who don't get caught.

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According to police, when they checked the camera, they found pictures of the accused stored in it.

Not only is he sick - he is unbelievably unintelligent. How does someone with this low IQ and creepy personality so easily become a teacher in Japan?

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This makes me sick...but as many people have posted, you can't get rid of or monitor all the sickos out there.

Possible solution: Toilets should be swept daily by teachers on a rotating buddy system. This may not catch all the cameras, but will certainly be a step in the right direction.

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This criminal is a perfect example of a psycho-sexual addiction. A teacher, an educated, adult man, involved in his community as a teacher, a good job with fair pay, but his disorder was stronger than his sense, he risked his job and his freedom just to peep at little girls using the potty. As someone else pointed out he could have just looked at internet porn for free, but his addiction apparently was not fulfilled by just online images, apparently he wanted his own, he wanted to know the children in the pictures, children he would see every day while he worked as their teacher at the school. This pervert needs help for his mental illness, but society needs to be protected FROM him while he receives that treatment. He needs to be in prison and he needs to be treated for his addiction.

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As an intelligent teacher, he could have recognized his own problem ahead of time and realized he wasn't brave enough to seek counseling on his own, so planted the device with the intent of being discovered. His confession could actually be a cover story to hide the fact that he may have been trying to peep on a specific girl, and out of respect for the particular girl he claimed it was generally "girls" instead.

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The guy is a moron.

What I want to know is how he was planning on turning on the camera. The article doesn't mention that there were any videos of girls on it.

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BurakuminDes: "How does someone with this low IQ and creepy personality so easily become a teacher in Japan?"

His IQ is probably not that low; it's just that he's incredibly dumb. In the Japanese teacher training, though, they don't look at the chikan stares or the furtive touches, they only look for a good store on the rote memory exams. If you pass that, you must be a 'good teacher'. The 'quality' of education in Japan, be it student or teacher, is judged solely on a point-based system, and the points are given in the form of tests only. Nothing to do with actual ability, behaviour, or opinion.

How could a guy like this get through the system? easy -- he got a good exam score.

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This guy will be living under a blue tarp very soon.

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I'd love to see a follow-up on charges and punishment. We see too many crime stories without any reporting of what happens afterwards...

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glad he was dumb and was caught.

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They should castrate this teacher and send him to jail for 2 to 3 years.

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Alarmingly, the perverted incident is increasing day by day. Surprisingly, a major portion of sexual harassment happened in Saitama prefecture. Male teachers should sit for morality test and filtered out before teaching girls, who knows there maybe one pervy like this loser out of 100.

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2020hindsight said: The guy is a moron.

It might just be that the girls were observant?

What I want to know is how he was planning on turning on the camera.

Well, it seems pretty obvious that the camera was on as he put it up, which is why he himself was filmed. So, I recommend being careful with throwing the word moron around.

Too bad another teacher had not caught him and the girls were none the wiser.

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The worst thing to be born like and the wrost crime is to be pedophile. His mother should strangle him with her own hands.

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what makes men paedos and rapists (see father raped daughter article in PH)

obviously mental cases but the worst is they all have d@@@s so they cant control their sick urges and cant keep it in their pants. So castration isn't out of the question as a solution to stop those men from doing physical, moral, psychological, emotional damage.

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XXXXX at 09:58 PM JST - 24th September what makes men paedos and rapists (see father raped daughter article in PH)

Cut the man bashing XXXXX, if you look in the news you'll also see cases of women sexually involved with children (2 female teachers recently in the US) and lots of cases here in Japan of mothers murdering their children.

This teacher is a sicko, and he might welcome chemical castration (I know I would if I was him, it would be a mercy to be rid of those sort of urges), but it's not just men, so cut that sexist b/s out and stop propogating the myth that all child abuse is by men. It's not, and if Japan's going to make any progress in dealing with its child abuse problem it needs to accept that it's not just one gender.

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First of all, kudos to the elementary school girls for recognizing something that should NOT be in the bathroom. SOMEONE has properly taught them in regards to these things.

As for how someone like this can get into the schools, it happens all the time. There's a guy here who preyed on teenage boys for 20 years as a teacher by getting them drunk and passed out, then removing their clothes and taking pictures. Whenever questions started to be raised, he moved on to a new school system before anyone could get real evidence that something illegal was happening. He even spent time in Japan as an English teacher and one of his victims is a Japanese national who had no idea he had been victimized until authorities showed him the pictures. It took 20 years of abuse before he was finally caught.

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Interesting. I just moved out of Asaka last month to Tokyo.

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glad this sicko failed, and got caught. the girls are safe at least.

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"According to police, when they checked the camera, they found pictures of the accused stored in it"

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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"And to add to his total stupidity he uses a camera with pictures of himself on it! A runner up for a Darwin."

Yeah, because the Darwin is awarded to stupid people because Darwin was stupid!

Uh no. A person has to die to get a Darwin because Charles Darwin wrote about natural selection and the elimination of idiots from the gene pool. If we are going to participate in this internet thingy, let's keep our memes straight.

Anyway, this guy is not really part of the gene pool anyway, apparently, because he only likes prepubescent girls, so he is out of the running on that count too.

Which really goes to show you, there is not very much normal about taking pictures of little girls on the toilet. And Darwin was all about normal.

"His IQ is probably not that low; it's just that he's incredibly dumb"

Does anyone ever think about it? Why do all of these criminals do stupid things? A psychologist might say that they secretly want to be caught, or that they don't care. That might be true. But the "glaring stupidity" argument does not seem to hold water. I think that they seriously don't think anyone will catch them. They understand cause and effect, but they just forget about it when they get into a reptilian mindset. You see this in the stock market, with road rage, etc. It is like panic, but it is the opposite of panic. It is kind of a frenzy maybe. This guy only wanted one thing and he tuned out the risks and consequences.

It is a dangerous mind that falls into that mode at the sight of a fourth grade girl, but how is it too much different from LiLohan throwing away her career, or China going to the mat for a fishing boat captain? Is anybody thinking about tomorrow? Not so much, it seems.

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LoveUSA said: The worst thing to be born like and the wrost crime is to be pedophile. His mother should strangle him with her own hands.

People who post stuff like this are scarier than the teacher in question. He put a camera in the girl's WC. I totally support that being a crime, but to say his crime is just being a pedophile?? To say he should be killed?? Some people live very sheltered lives and maybe watch too much CSI? Some people need to get out in the real world and get some priorities.

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Sarge. Laugh it up. I tell you, people take pictures of themselves? I mean, a cell phone snapshot, ok, I get it. But a mini camera? What, was he spying on himself?

My camera has no pictures of me. Is that weird? Seems normal to me.

So what was this guy doing? No part of that makes any sense at all.

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I think to say his mother should have strangled him with her bare hands is a little OTT (!), but as a mother of an elementary school girl, this makes my blood run cold.

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Very, very sick!! Send this idiot to an American prison and let some nice homeboys play with him in a small jail cell!

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@ Frungy: I'm not bashing men, only the sick ones like this teacher here.

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think to say his mother should have strangled him with her bare hands is a little OTT (!),

his mother is surely disgusted with him...this is a terrible blow for the parents. Yes pedophiles commit terrible crimes, so sad and tragic.

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I agree with Elbudamexicano: Stick this nice young man in general population in San Quentin and lets see how long he lives. Fit punishment.

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