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© 2015 AFPTeacher who paid for sex with 12,000 women in Philippines convicted over naked child photos
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Sentenced to 2 years + 4 years suspension was really a BS penalty. He should be there for life! Plus the fact that they believed that he will not do it again, full of BS!
I watched this show last night where they apprehend people taking stolen shots of girls panties and once apprehended they just confiscate the equipment and let the offender go by just letting him write a letter telling them that "he will not do it again". He will just take a break and once he feels its OK to do it again, he will just go to another spot where he could do it again without getting caught. Stalking and taking shots of girls underwear will soon turn into rape..
Don't worry, the UN Special Rapporteur is due to publish her report on Japan by the end of March 2016.
I hope she's still reading JT...
It would have been difficult to find a MALE JUDGE in Japan who did not himself possess photos of NAKED CHILDREN...
Before the law changed last summer!! ;-)
@Godfather. No pun intended. Your posts are spot on, every time. I just wanted to expose the fact (in every 7-11/Lawson/Family Mart) there are porn mags right there-out n' the open for everyone to see.
What a sad message that sends to women & young girls who must endure these conditions in their society. Everyday.
This "former" school principal is getting off lightly. He ought to banned from international travel. Burn his passport and digital camera.
@WilliB - He had sex with young girls. That is a crime and there are few things worse than having sex with a child.
@Strangerland - Yes, you are correct in saying that it should not have anything to do with what gender the judge is and that judges have to be impartial. But I hoped that since it was a woman judge that her sentencing would be a lot more severe. He got off way to easy and I deeply dislike her comments about children should be protected in the P.I. as well as Japan with a sentencing like that.
He did not murder, injure or rob anyoney. I really wonder where all this hate by some posters here comes from. There are much much, worse crimes which deserve this sort of outrage, but this here? What is this, some victiorian moralistic hangup?
Of course I meant "TWO YEARS IN PRISON for the crime of possessing photos of naked... CHILDREN"
LoL. Whenever I visit my local conbini, there are lots of girls who look underage and are wearing skimpy outfits featured on Magazine covers. Inside those magazines, there are many "photos of naked . . . . girls."
In fact, one can even get a glimpse of those images as they approach the conbini's window from outside. In a society so tolerant of this, no wonder this guy got off so lightly.
He is GUILTY and he has been sentenced to TWO YEARS in prison for is crimes.
If he re-offends anytime within the next four years he will go straight to prison. That is what a suspended sentence means.
The prison sentence is hanging over him, waiting for him to break his promise and to act as a warning to all the other perverts out there who don't take the new child-porn possession law seriously.
The fact is that he has been sentenced to TWO YEARS IN PRISON for the crime of possessing "photos of naked... girls"
Be warned!!
Too bad he doesn't have to serve any time at all.
Aaron Lloyd Brummett
Two years in a Japanese prison can be a very long time.
This predator needs to be chemically castrated.
A person UNDER the AGE of 18 is termed a minor and considered a CHILD under Japanese law...
The "naked child" was in the headline only, maybe you did not read further than that.
In the body of the article, it says "had sex with girls as young as 14". What part of "14" don´t you undestand?
14 years is wrong, but it does not fall under "pedophilia".
What part of "naked Child" is difficult to grasp ?
"escaped prison with a promise not to offend again" - so, a sex addict and paedophile is released on his own recognisance? Perpetrators of these types of crimes are the most likely to reoffend - what the hell was the judge thinking?
Well, probably there is not enough information in the article. If the suspended sentence is the judge's discretion then the judge should be impeached. If there is something else at play here we need to know what it is.
I don't see that the judge being female should have any bearing whatsoever. Judges are supposed to be impartial, not biased according to their sex.
This guy got let off easy, but it's a problem with the law, not with her gender.
“Either in Japan or in the Philippines, children should be protected. He should have known that as a teacher,” she said.
WOW. As a female and a judge she should have thrown the book at him. After sentencing him to a suspended sentence like that she has no right to make such a comment AT ALL! He should be going to jail just for having sex with kids in any country. I can not believe that she actually said that kids should be protected. She sure the did not do that at all.
Call him what he is: a criminal who deserves jail time as he would get in any other developed society. The soft spot this judge has for child pornography is a bit strange. Certainly this judge would be impeached in many other countries. Very bizarre. I wish there were more information on the reasoning behind being lenient on this individual who is a perfect candidate for hard time. I doubt two years is harsh enough either. This is just a very strange legal outcome indeed. Possession of child pornography is a serious offense that should not be tolerated.
Glad you did, yeah, they terms can be confusing but if would help if the media used them rather than a catch-all term.
Danny Bloom
hebephile. ephebephile. i gotta look these terms up. learn something new everyday.
You are wrong. Pedophiles get their kicks from much younger ages than 12, sometimes down to zero. Now that is truly disgusting.
12-year old girls are certainly too young for my taste, but biologically they are often pretty developed. Remember also that among European royalty, arranged marriages at that age were pretty common. E.g. Catherine the Great married Tsar Peter III at the age of 10.
So, a pervert? Yes. A pedophile? No. Words have meanings, try respect them.
Technically, he isn't. He's a hebephile, and maybe also a ephebophile.
Are you kidding me? Of course he is a pedophile. No healthy adult is interested in erotic pictures of 12 year-olds, which is elementary-school age in Japan. Many commentors seem to have very sick minds, calling this guy a "stud" and "amazing" for exploiting thousands of women and young girls, many of whom were probably sex trafficked.
Stewart Gale
The judge was a woman? That makes it even harder to comprehend. You would think a woman would would have viewed his behaviour more dimly.
It means it's a 'suspended sentence' for four years. This means that the sentence does not have to be served (ie - he doesn't have to go to jail), but if he gets into any big trouble in the next four years, they will make him serve the sentence, plus any further punishment he gets for the second crime committed.
What does it mean,"four years suspended"?
Vernie Jefferies
Thank you shonanbb. I'm glad someone else remembered this sick guy was screwing everything in Philippines, no matter the age. I think his oldest was 86 years old. I also remember that they took back his pension from his retirement as one his punishments.
He liked to collect things and had a lot of albums. Did he dedicate one of thse to the old ladies he had? Album of 60 tp 70 year olds?
Some posters need some perspective. Yes, the guy is a sex freak (although the 12,000 figure sounds a bit exaggerated), but labels like "rapist" and "pedophile" are misguided. He is in trouble over photos of a 12 and 14 year old. Yes, they under-age and that is wrong, but it is entirely different category. Girls that age are alas often found in the sex business in SE Asia, often brought in by relatives. It is wrong, but so are these hysterical labels.
Well, everything has been said here. But it bears repeating how unhealthy Japanese society is as expressed in its legal mentality here. No doubt child abuse goes on in many parts of the world. But the lack sanctioning or even a show of outrage is pretty astounding. No one moves to impeach Judge Naoko Omori? Omori is quite a disgrace to the judiciary. A real disgrace.
His life is done anyways and I believe he has to pay back his retirement pension as I read before.
. . . . good point. I also mentioned that "enojosai" and "soaplands" are rampant here in Japan.
And that judge in this case should "reconsider." But it wouldn't really matter? As long as oyajis are willing to pay for sex (even as young as 14 yrs olds) whether here or Philippines and if 14 yrs old are willing to pillow with them for cash, then the problem will continue.
I hope the young girls he engaged in sexual intercourse with trumph-up some charges against him & raise global attention. Maybe a statue of a "japanese" school principal outside the Japanese consulate in Manila.
FORTY-THREE comments so far and NOT ONE COMMENT has mentioned the fact that he was a "former school headteacher" and that is what I find most worrying...
Now that he has been outed in the papers as a sex monster, and all his neighbours, coworkers, wife and kids (if any - doubtful), parents, etc know about it, you would like to think his life will be less comfortable. But then again, for someone like that, he probably does not care about human beings.
Stewart Gale
What's wrong with the justice system in Japan? How can a sexual monster who has committed grave offenses over so many years escape a custodial sentence by a simple "sorry mate, it won't happen again"? It beggars belief and is an embarrassment to the country. I'm sure heavier sentences have been laid down for the possession of recreational drugs. Japan should sort its priorities out.
Something you could expect from your typical old dried oyaji judge...the fact that she's a woman makes the situation even worse for some reason. Ugh..
Yup, that should do it. LMAO!!
Well done to the person who reported it!!
Oh, he's pledged never to do it again. Well now my mind is at rest!
Why would traveling 3 times a year to the Philippines be illegal?
Japanese are free to travel, how about checking Europeans for travels to Africa or Thailand, Hong Kong, Korea, etc those are just as much sex tourist destinations for underage sex.
He's being doing this for 27 years (at least) and he gets away by saying "I'll never do it again". What a bunch of bull... And how did he get away with doing sex tours for so long? It's not like no one noticed that he was going to the Philippines 3 times a year. Is that not illegal in Japan?
Wiki the definition difference between under pedophile and pre-pubescent, different terms too.
Many get it wrong amd lump it all together as paedophiles wrongly.
Lolita the novel explains it well.
Dare to explain ?
He "pledged that he would never do it again". And SHE believed him? She is not fit to be a judge.
Technically that's not a pedophile.
Takashima, who reportedly had sex with girls as young as 14
So that "or" means you do either have Jail time or leave free depending if if you can drop bucks on the table ?
While it may be true that there is at least one company in Japan selling sex tours to the Philippines, that cannot be conclusively determined from this article.
" to two years in prison with the term suspended for four years"
Good old Japan. Sex tours, statutory rape, kiddie porn, and suspended sentence.
"He later went on three sex tours a year to the country, making a total of 65 visits."
So, which company is it in Japan that offers 'sex tours' to third-world nations? I bet it's one that denies Japan engages in activities that go against human rights like sex trafficking or sex slaves. And yet, here is a company -- AT LEAST one -- selling tours for just that purpose.
As for the guy's promise to never do it again... haha. Right. 12,000 in a short period of time, and he'll never do it again.
I wonder if he may have embellished his record but it is disappointing how leniently he has been treated.
I don't agree with prostitution, as it is against what God intended, but I accept that consenting adults may feel otherwise.
However if this man has been taking advantage of minors, then I think he should spend serious time behind bars.
Gaijin Desi
12000 in 27 years !!! 444 in a year !!! 8 in a week !!!!! Its a New Guinness World Record !!!!! WoW !!!!!!!
That's over halfway to Wilt Chamberlain's record!
12,000 since 1988 is 450/year. That at least one girl every day (plus two per day on weekends), everyday for 27 years!
Tomoko Wetkandymaro Townsend
I wish we could put him in jail in California. I'm sure you can imagine what happens to child petafiles in Los Angeles! ;-P
Hasan Az-Zaki Rahim
Such an amazing record man!
12,000 women ... Wow, quite the stud so to speak. Wonder how many had their own child with him. Amazing! Record indeed ......
The 12,000 women were not all minors.
Conspiracy Theories
For? It should be punishable for having it for anything. What else would somebody have child porn? Science project?
Question to Japan's justice system, how many children must a Japanese pay to rape to get jail time, seriously, we know 12,000 isn't enough................
I shutter at the answer to the above. Its clear there are two types of people according Japan, Japanese & the rest(we are all MUCH lower on that totem pole!)
Seriously messed up & a disgrace!
With his new criminal record, it's unlikely he'll be traveling anywhere outside Japan.
Christopher Blackwell
Busy guy. Now I wonder how many of us have had sex with 12,000 of anything, or would need to, or want to? The problem is what is to stop this guy from continuing his hobby? Guys going in for underage sex do not change their ways. How can anyone allow this person to ever roam the streets of anywhere in our world?
You mean the zero years in prison.
after the two years in prison, he should be locked up in mental institution.
Black Sabbath
"Hasn't he suffered enough?"
No. He hasn't.
Shameless legal system.
I was once posted, Subic Bay Pilippines, back n mid 80's for 18 months. Not even once did I "pay" for sex. This oyaji is a Loser!
Essentially, Japanese system of justice Discriminates Systematically between Japanese and non-Japanese individuals. In this system, a Japanese individual should not be jailed for offenses made against non-Japanese. This case is a good example. But there are thousands. For example they do not care at all for wrong translation offered to non-Japanese people in their court system. They hire anyone to do the bad translations. But they are extra careful to explain the technical meanings of Japanese legal words to Japanese persons in the court! This country is no different now from its Dejima roots.
"Gotta love Japan!"
Extradite his ass to the PI and let them throw him in prison there. Japanese prisons would be Hotel Med by comparison and sex offenders there, like just about everywhere else on the planet, particularly crimes against children, would be met with him being the "object" of everyone's affections.
Yes, he "loves" them so much he raped little 14 year-old girls. What a bizarre definition of "love." And of course child rape is perfectly fine as long as money makes its way into the hands of a pimp...
Just to clarify, paying for sex with underage girls in the Philippines is a crime in Japan, whether you take pictures or not.
Many countries, including Japan, now claim universal jurisdiction when it comes to overseas child sexual exploitation and sex tourism. But it seems like he was only prosecuted for the photos here (maybe the photos pre-dated the new law?)
12,000 has got to be some kind of record! The guy is the living definition of "yarichin"!
And I'll never again have a drink.
Péter Szilágyi
Well, at least he is not a pedophile, just loves women in general whether they are young or old. Since he paid for the services he didn't even commit a crime either. If Japan is so concerned about under age sexuality, how about stop portraiting 12 year old girls as idols or ban those under age mangas in stores.
Nelson Wong
WTF? I'm so disappointed in the justice system here. Why don't all those crazy bastards that "just want know what it's like to kill someone" find this guy! Win-win!
Two years suspended for four for a teacher who committed these heinous crimes?!??!?! He should get two years for each time. SICK SICK SICK