Police in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, have arrested a boy in his late teens on suspicion of attempting to kill his mother, who is in her 50s, by stabbing her in the back.
A police officer on patrol found the victim collapsed in the parking lot of a shopping center at around 2 p.m. Thursday, Sankei Shimbun reported. She was taken to hospital and police said her wound was not life-threatening.
She told police that her son had stabbed her. Police found the boy at home.
According to police, the woman lived separately from her son and had come from outside the prefecture to visit him.
© Japan Today
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Michael Corleone
will she visit him in prison?
Michael Corleone
Because of his age, one would assume he won't be going to prison.
Another article that doesn't suggest the motive. Was this an unprovoked attack? Did the mother come to clean out his bank book? Who knows.