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© Thomson Reuters 2022.Gun used to kill Abe was simple to make, analysts say
By Ju-min Park and Daniel Leussink TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Nothing can completely eliminate risks, and that includes gun violence, but the purpose is to make it the exception and not something that commonly happens.
In this case it worked, but in the middle of the tragedy the fatal victim was only one, and it could even have been prevented with proper security measures that are not even that difficult to put in order. A proper gun could have caused much worse things and would have been much more difficult to prevent.
I am no firearm expert. But the weapon used looks more like a musket than a gun to me.
You can order gunpowder on the internet? The only legal item I can think of containing gunpowder is fireworks.
Virus,that gun was a small cannon,it could brought an elephant down
Please don't say "simple to make". That will give other mental cases ideas.
Mr Kipling
I expect we will see a lot of copycat "homemade" gun enthusiasts in the near future. And maybe a restriction on certain type of firework. The pipework, electrical switch and batteries in this weapon are almost everyday items.
Can it be concealed easily, handled quickly and fire repeated shots in a short time? the danger from people armed with guns do not come only from what they can shoot but how they can be used to kill efficiently.
Any proper security detail could have made an attempt to protect the victim between the first and second shot (or even notice the danger long before the first shot), with an automatic gun that is not as easy, and a shot to the neck or chest is still as deadly.
as if things weren't stressful enough, now we have to consider people bringing these things on trains
A musket is a gun. Just not very advanced.
Many of these people they just made it for DIY fun, sometimes without knowing that law can be really strict.
Hope there ain’t any copycats!
Not really. It takes more than size, otherwise all you get is a big noise. This obviously did the trick, but that was only because his security team was so slow to react. As Mr. Vaccine said above, there was plenty of time to react after the first shot, but they just looked around like, "Huh? What was that?" A trained security team would probably have spotted him even before the first shot. It looks to me like their training is very lax - that is, if those guys actually are paid security.
could have made the weapon in a day or two after obtaining readily available materials such as wood and metal pipes
Wood, metal pipes, electrical wires should be banned. These are dangerous items which can be used to make guns. To keep a country free of guns and gun crimes, it is essential to ban these items.
Also ban the internet where anyone can learn to make guns.
This will lead to a murder free utopia just like it was in the old days before Samuel Colt came along.
John Coffey
I wonder if reporting on how this gun was made is such a brilliant idea considering their might be other unhinged individuals who will copycat what this lunatic did.
I get they didn’t go into details, but just talking about period seems like their just asking for trouble.
Granted I’ve only been living here now for about a week so for those who have lived her far longer maybe you have better understanding of the this.
Then maybe they shouldn’t make 3D printers readily available to the average idiotic public. They have no use to the average person unless your in architecture or engineering.
If someone want's to make a gun, they will make it and nobody nor any law can stop that!
The experts clearly said that with internet , it is easy to find recipes if we look for, nearly everybody can make a gun.
The security was lax. Two officers were a the back of Abe, quite far away, standing on the pavement. Nobody was just standing behind me looking at the back. The officers close to Abe were just looking at the crowd. The guy went to previous Abe meetings and certainly noticed that.
Not only they’re saying it’s simple, they’re also explaining how to do it. Like we didn’t have enough nutters in Japan already.
Yeah, I didn’t think about that but…… Thank you for putting us at ease.
Those gun are known to cut the hand that use them. This is what should be remembered : the amputation numbers around them. This is a dangerous choice. Plastic can be use once and not much more. You have the time to test and then you loose your hand.
How clever of the media to make more people aware on how you can have your own gun.
Mr Kipling
This guy didn't use a 3D printer. The photos show it was just some metal pipe (towel rail?) , pipe end caps, drill, wood, glue, soldering iron, electrical tape, wire, two switches, a battery, Propellant (probably sourced from a firework) and something to use as a projectile (ball bearings?) All available at my local hardware store. Its almost a given that some local crazies are already planning their copycat efforts.
Mr Kipling
Good point. Homemade guns can kill at both ends. The authorities should also stress this as it may put a few would be gunsmiths off.
Alan Bogglesworth
no we don’t, let’s all calm down, no need to start “that”.
He built a version of what has traditionally been known as a zip gun in the US - a handmade gun that fires one load per barrel.
The reason one doesn't generally hear about zip guns anymore, is that it has become so easy to acquire real, far more deadly guns, in the US. No need to make one, when you can buy one easier than buying a box of over-the-counter decongestant.
Guns can found and purchased in aJapan.
The yakuza have access to guns and where do they get them?
Well, it is not that difficult if one takes the time to investigate.
One was used in the 1992 film 'The BodyGuard' with Kevin Costner and John Malkovich, with many details on its construction and parts. Almost pre-Internet.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
SI VOLUNTAS SIT VIA SIT - Where there's a will, there's a way
Evil Buddha -
Absurd overreaction. I guess you don't like electrical lights, water from a tap or any modern comforts.
Knee jerk reactions like this are NOT what is needed. These attacks are and will remain incredibly rare in Japan as the law stands.
Out of curiosity I wondered how easy it would be to get a "recipe" and it is actually very easy all you need is a VPN for the US as gun control laws there are special. Even getting 3D printer designs which can be 100% home manufactured are easy to get. Surprised this guy went this route but I guess unemployed he couldn't afford the 50 000 yen or there about to get a 3D printer and accessories for it. Watched a video took a guy less than 20 hours to print and put a gun together.
He was being ironic. He was trying to conflate a nonsensical kneejerk reaction to ban everyday items with the reasonable requests for common sense gun laws in the US.
The gun nuts pull the same specious argument out of their rear ends whenever a murderer uses some everyday item, like a car, knife, baseball bat, etc. to kill someone.
What's the point of this article?
Is it insinuating that since even strict gun control laws couldn't stop the gun violence, we can as well have guns around?
Or does it indicate how 'simple' it is to make a gun?
Or is it meant to stimulate interest in gun making through an introduction to the 'basics' of gun making and materials/trigger systems to be used?
Consumption of this kind of related information in the aftermath of the shooting incident is possibly very high.
Why would news sites publish articles like these? Is it responsible reporting? Will it not encourage more copy cat crimes?
Japan is a relatively safe country, despite lots of "変な人". Hope everyone does their bit to keep it peaceful and safe.
The media won't mention the name of the religious group, but they will tell you how to make the weapon. Bravo.
It may have been "simple," but what it was not is spontaneous. Using this as an argument against gun control is simply facile.
The principle behind a gun is pretty simple. Anyone can find how to make it, without media reporting on anything.
I'm pretty sure any mechanical or electrical engineer can make weapons more deadly and efficient than that. They just don't because they are not crazy.
Seth M
"Anyone with a basic understanding of how guns work"
Except most people without military training don't. The guy was a naval officer.
The real loophole here is that he got propellent from online shopping
Jonathan Prin
It must be noted that the shooter was lucky to deadly shot Abe-san, especially as only its second attempt was apparently successful.
Don´t think it is easy to instantlly kill someone.
Everyone´s reaction should have been to duck but the sound of a musket like gun is not the same as a standard ammo gun.
Abe died from blood loss. The ammunition didn't even pierce any vital organ, just his neck and upper arm.
He died because if inadequate and slow aid response, because police and rescuers are more concerned in covering him blue tarp than helping.
Mr Kipling
Seth M...
He spent 3 years in the navy, doing exactly what hasn't been released. I have never served but after seeing the weapon photo could put one together in a few hours. I have no engineering skills, electronics skills, or desire to make a weapon but maybe they shouldn't have shown the photo in such detail.
That hasn't been confirmed yet, most likely he sourced it from fireworks but again, hopefully they won't be reporting that either.
Metal pipes, pieces of wood, and tape should all be banned
Find a good company that gives you the choice of WFH and invest in a bicycle for all other outings. Not taken a train in two years in Tokyo.
Yes I thought the same. If even you are in an emergency situation where fast actions are crucial, you are a goner in Japan. Ambulance driving slowly across every shingo whilst you lie in the back bleeding out.
Seth M
@Mr Kipling
firework powders are made in a way that they can not generate lethal velocity, I.e. can't be used to propel bullets, otherwise you can imagine the craziness out there.
Bullet propellant shouldn't be readily obtained by civilians (outside good old USA ofc), people with expertise in explosive may craft it but it's another story
I remember people saying exactly the same about computers. "Who needs them?" The lack of foresight never seems to change.
I guess you guys didn't see the woman giving him CPR on the ground. Or, did you think she was kneading dough or something?
B. Jay
This crime has shocked the nation but the police need to be on the High Alert because copycat crimes are very common in Japan.
B. Jay
It was a crude gun. How he managed to fire it "safely" without having his hands shredded into pieces remain a mystery. But it also tells you that the guy have knowledge about weapons after serving in the Maritime Self Defense Force. The sound of the gun when he fired it sounded more like an explosive device (explosion) rather than a conventional gushot sound.
Actually gun laws should be relaxed and everyone allowed to carry guns so they can protect themselves.
Students should be taught how to make guns in arts and crafts so they can have their own cheaply.
Then everyone will feel safe again
Mr Kipling
Seth M....
Fireworks that shoot in the air contain small amounts of gunpowder. Not the super explosive variety as you pointed out, but with the force channeled down a barrel, strong enough to do serious damage at close range. A brief search online also comes up with mixes to make your own. I somehow doubt they will be announcing exactly how he made his weapon.
Makoto Shimizu
Quite surprised to know that it's possible to buy gunpowder in the internet and received this type of material by delivery as it is flammable,explosive . There should be a smart system to detect such type of purchase by a civilian, like artificial intelligence warning of suspicious activity. In 2013 a woman received the police after searching for a cooking pressure pan that could be used as a bomb
Well, you can purchase a couple of household products and make your own bomb without drawing a lot of attention...
For the determined, there are many ways to kill as we have seen over the years - ranging from Sarin Gas attacks, Fertilizer bombings of Government buildings, through to driving a truck into a heavily crowded walk-way, there's just simply no way of stopping all of these. The last line of defense if Public vigilance - if you see something that looks out of place, raise it to the local Police, or Security of the establishment... there's no shame in being wrong - in-fact, that's what they're there for - make them happy, give them something to do, save lives!
Inmates in high security prisons have shown that even with limited access to materials and under restricted conditions, it is possible to create zip guns and other weapons.
Only when human beings are restricted to Matrix style isolation tanks will our capacity for violence be significantly reduced.