Three men broke into the house of a jewelry business owner in Hadano City, Kanagawa Prefecture, early Monday and stole jewelry worth more than 15 million yen, as well as 300,000 yen in cash.
According to police investigations, the three broke into the house of Tamiko Yamauchi, 68, and her daughter Yukiko, 45, around 1:30 a.m. The women told police they were roused out of bed, then bound and gagged with stockings. The two untied themselves about 45 minutes later and called police.
Police said the Yamauchis run their jewelry business from their home.
© Japan Today
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Insurance job, for sure!
The umbrella gang perhaps?
Don't these people with tons of assets in their homes believe in alarms?
Were they bound and gagged with stockings or tights? It was only a small haul, really - the price of a luxury car - some might say they got off lightly, though I'm sure that won't ameliorate any post traumatic stress they might be suffering from.
Insurance fraud? Wouldent be the first time. Or as thepro says, the umbrella gang is cruising again...
Why on earth people are keeping such values with cash at home? It looks that someone new their movements or is familiar what is in the house. Jewelry and diamond are best human friends.
Or a safe..