Following a number of high-profile cases this year in which stalkers killed their former girlfriends, the Tokyo metropolitan police department has formed its first ever specialized stalker investigative squad.
The squad will have 80 specialists, Fuji TV reported.
In cases where an individual contacts police to report a stalker-related crime, the newly formed team will handle everything from danger assessment, warning the stalkers and arresting them if they do not comply, as well as helping victims relocate, if they so request, and taking protective measures.
© Japan Today
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A much needed and brilliant move. Really hope this works.
Very good initiative and about time. I bet they we will be very busy.
Too little much too late... Police in Japan only do something when they feel like it, they certainly don't prevent any crimes.
I can hardly wait for the headline that reads, "Drunken member of stalker investigative unit arrested while attempting to photograph up schoolgirl's skirt.
So, they are making "squad" to do work that regular police should be doing anyway, but have just been too incompetent to do?
what's with all the negativity? i swear, for some of you the j-police can do no right. do you really hate japan that much? jeeze, give it a rest sometimes. being positive won't kill you, especially during this time of the year.
hope it works but have a feeling one of them will be caught stalking or engaging in other typicaL J-cop bad behaviour
The Chronic
The first line of defense against stalking is not the police. It is the person themselves who is being stalked. That person, after reporting the stalker to police must take defensive measures to protect themselves, the first being purchase some kind of effective defensive weapon such as a can of Mace (which is legal in Japan). Buy a few as a matter of fact, practice using it so when the time comes you won't be fumbling figuring out how to use it and at least may stand a chance. Almost as important as the first is to never walk alone, anywhere. Change your walking route and times daily so you aren't being predictable. Also, run through scenarios in your mind where the stalker attacks you and what you would do in that situation. Take a self defense course. Have your father or another trusted Male friend take you places by car instead of get the point. Home intruder alarms etc ..... All these actions will give the stalkee a fighting chance while the cops gather info needed to lock the stalker up.
Every family member of mine carries and knows how to use. It's sad that innocent people who just want to live a happy life must resort to such measures to defend themselves, but there it is.
Girl gets killed by stalker. The netizens cry: "Something must be done, this needs to stop. The police suck"
Police create new unit to handle stalking cases. The netizens cry: "They are too late, and they will screw it up"
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Mirai Hayashi
Its about time...but it also begs the question: You never had one?
about 1 zillion years and dozens (or thousands?) of murder too late. but better late than never I suppose.
The Original Wing
I'd be interested to hear what kind of special skills these "specialists" have. (That's not a snarky comment, although I realize it sounds like one. I'm genuinely curious)
Knox Harrington
I would love to know what kind of background these 80 "specialists" have. I mean, just because they say they are doesn't necessarily make it so. Furthermore, I believe that in a country where police give out a crime victims details to the perp, they have profound problems. No squad is gonna stop that.
I think that is an unfair statement, there are many police departments in the US that have groups within them dedicated to certain crimes such as the narcotics unit, gang unit, bomb squad, organized crime, missing persons.
The Missouri state highway patrol has a crime unit dedicated solely to agriculture crimes.
Mariam Tebourbi
So they will wait until it's a crime?? I've read a lot of stalker-related stories about girls receiving hundreds of mails from their stalkers, and police tells them "sorry, we can't do anything about it, sending mails is not a crime etc...", and eventually these girls get assaulted. good initiative though.
Specialist stalkers probably
This is hilarious!! In cases where an individual contacts police to report a stalker-related crime, the newly formed team will handle everything from danger assessment, warning the stalkers and arresting them if they do not comply, as well as helping victims relocate, if they so request, and taking protective measures.
I thought that it was against the law so you arrest the bum anyways why warn him? It seems the police is afraid of the stalker. The article said if the stalker doesn't comply they will help the victim relocate, how about relocating the bum to the nearest strink?
@Mariam Tebourbi
If the police here are so hopeless, don't bother calling them if you are stalked.
Mikune Hara
Seriously all i see is a bunch of foreign people complain about police here. You dont like it no-one is asking you to call them. I needed police help on several different occasions including stalker related one and everything ends up being fine... Just because you read bad endings on this website doesnt mean every single one of them end bad around Japan. Look at the number of stalker cases that end well and are dealt with just fine. All i know is that comment section in this website is dumb because 70% of people who comment here probably havent even been in Japan at all. And it is always like they know things better and could run the country better. This squad is needed and everyone who lives here knows it. how it will go time will only show... And for those of you who say its too late seriously... just...w/e. Better late than never.
Thanks Mikune for a bit of reality.
So true.
Mikune Hara
PS. If Police here did nothing like people here claim Japan wouldn't be one of the safest countries in the world.
The Chronic
Japan is surely safe, but as they say: It's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it!
Why the reference to guns?
It kind of amazes and simultaneously worries me that so many people think of guns as normal, even cool. Sincerely hope Japan never develops a gun culture. Hunting game or shooting vermin? Fine if you obey the law and do it responsibly. Walking down the street with a gun to be a tough guy? No way. In this sense, guns are the crutch of cowards and bullies.
Aaron Loki Brummett
Just don't jump the gun and destroy an innocent person with misdirected accusations of stalking.
I agree. Please see my comments earlier in the thread for my opinion of the statements of posters on this site.
What are they going to investigate? Investigate investigations of stalkers being investigated more likely
I'll add my voice to rickyvee's and Mikune Hara's. I've photographed Japan's police in action and in community-building, and I've no reason to dis them. This type of 'squad', or 'unit' as we say in Canada, is perhaps long overdue, but at least it's focused on what seems to be a growing and disturbing trend. I hope they get a little over-zealous in their approaches to stalkers, too. Nothing like a good, unseen, slap upside the head. But that's probably only my technique.
Mikune Hara
@Strangerland, exactly! i read your comment above (sorry for not doing it earlier i started reading comments hoping that people here finaly say something nice but nooooooooooooo they were still unsatisfied so i sort of just skipped everything and wrote my thoughts.) and i agree with what you said 100%. People dont seem satisfied with anything anymore. Instead they just focus on the worst possible outcomes and ignore all the good. I am happy that this squad is formed and i am sure that they will be lookingi nto these stalker cases more than police did. And they said that they will be providing relocation and protection if the victim chooses so.
The Chronic
@Reformedbasher: The phrase doesn't necessarily mean guns. It's an idiom meaning it's better to be prepared than not. But ya, if I could get hold of a Glock in Japan legally, I'd be packing! Lots of Kooks coming out of the woodwork recently!LOL!
They are going to create a task force of 80 who will be experts. If there are no experts now, how are this 80 going to become experts? And this only applies to Tokyo, what about the rest of the cities in Japan? No staking in Tokyo but go ahead in Osaka?
Mikune Hara
ka chan.... do they seriously need to spell it all out for you? Everyone learns things and go through training there are your experts. I dont know how it will go but lets use some brain for a second ok? Probably make this in Tokyo see how it will work and than if it works well it will be funded and expand. You dont see companies opening up and going global right away do you? Everything needs time.
After I complained from a Japanese stalker, I was told that police could not protect me, I must consider changing my home, and then my job, and returning to my homeland, because it was impossible for them to call (by phone) the stalker because my proof was not enough. Well, I had called police for a break and entry and they had talked to the stalker about it, but that was not enough proof. In short, guys, be careful; this nation only cares about Japanese citizens and the non-Japanese are not protected from stalkers...
@the chronic
Okay, it was just a figure of speech.
While I agree there are a few loonies, I still don't think you need a gun in Japan.
I can't think of many ways to make Japan worse than by introducing guns into play. We most definitely don't need another bout of stupidity in Japan in line with America's biggest screw-up to date - the second amendment .
Mikune Hara I like your sense of judgement,,,, I have female friends here in Los Angeles. who carry guns, fire frist, ask questions later.. A stalker is dead meat ..... It is customary here, that a female's family member or friend's handle a stalker. We don't ever use the Police. because we solve the problem and issue the stalker the penalty for violation !! Mikune a man that stalks is not a man, and I enjoy doing Nasty things to them LOL** "And that's just the way it is !"**
How many people live in Tokyo? Only 80 specialists for that kind of population?
This move appears to aim at cracking down a problem that could reflect during the Olympics 2020. I hope it never happens. Japan is infamous to react instead of anticipate.
So, in other words, 'Japan' is anticipating' something happening and working to prevent it. Isn't that the opposite of what you are claiming Japan is infamous for?
From what Ive seen of Japans police, they are of little use beyond giving directions at the koban, checking bike registration, and hassling visitors at the airport for ID checks. I have my doubts about the effectiveness of the stalking squad