The Tokyo Metropolitan Police this week launched a campaign to eradicate molesting and lewd behavior on trains and at stations.
Helping police kick off the campaign at Shibuya Station on Monday were Ultra-man and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police mascot Pipo-kun.
Police urged young people to be alert to train molesters and not be afraid to speak up or call for help if they see someone being molested. Police also advised women to carry crime-prevention buzzers with them.
Other events are being held at stations such as Shinjuku, and Toyocho in Koto Ward. The campaign will continue until Friday.
According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, there were more than 2,300 reported cases of molesting and lewd conduct on trains or at stations in Tokyo last year.
© Japan Today
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That will be about right. Roll out the cartoon characters to solve the problem.
Oh, Finally they are Directing their efforts at themselves! Admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery...!
Yeah, it's called "In House Training".
2300 in one year? I feel that this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Dennis Bauer
I hope non of the organizers will get caught during an "event" :P
And what about the guys that are fondled by the girls?
Oh, yeah! I'm sure Ultraman will help stamp out groping, NOT! How about some pro-active policing instead of this childish rubbish? Get the cops out of their Kobans and onto the late night trains and on the station platforms and then, create some 'real' penalties for these perverted opportunists.
Amen, Disillusioned! Ridiculous - always with the damn mascots - I've never understood why they don't look at actual policing the way it goes on in other developed countries and adopt some sane, professional practices here - a friend actually grabbed one of these gropers and the station-master stood there as he ran away from them - actually watched him go. Great work.
Elbuda Mexicano
How many J cops are dirty perveted chikans themselves??? I really can not wait to see how many of their OWN police get arrested for molesting young,supple, sweet innocent fresh college girls on the J trains!!
Cortes Elijah
You know I was on a train to work last week...JR Yokohama Line. Between Nakayama to Higashikanagawa, I witnessed a salaryman pushing his crouch up against a 15 something year old student. She obviously looked uncomfortable. The man had room to move back but still he kept up against her. What blew his cover is when he lent in closer and smelt her hair and closed his eyes. He then looked up at me with a really sick look. I had a person between him and I, if there wasn't I would have started smelling his hair and pushing up against his ass and see how he liked it. HAHA.
I was pretty pissed, I wanted to say something, or grab him or something...but being a gaijin in Japan my rights are about the same as a I probably would have been the one arrested right?
Why didn't the lady do something more effective than "look uncomfortable"? Teaching women to fight back effectively would do the most to prevent chinkanism...not some stupid mascot trotting about.
Michael Craig
Women who take trains should take self-defence classes, not learn for cartoon characters!!
Jeff Ogrisseg
Well, thank goodness they were available... Sigh! In what way, pray tell, did they help? And how much was spent for this "awareness" spectacle? The writer does understand that Ultraman is a fictional character, right?
Eh? Seems like you have a bit of experience there.
Oh thank GOD finally they called ultraman!
Thomas Anderson
I'd say put more cameras on trains, and let the women report anonymously. If they're caught on camera then they'd be arrested or forced to pay a hefty fine.
should allow women to carry tazers.
Surprised the events were not held in some of the "densha de go go" establishments that cater for train gropers - a much more authentic experience than Ultraman and Pipo-kun.
There are AV movies about train molestation, these should be banned first.
The usual "let's make light of a serious problem by using childish characters to put out a message" Japanese approach.
There should be more women only trains (coaches) and male only coaches will help you from being wrongfully accused of chikan (molestation). If there were 2300 reported cases of molstation, I can just imagine the number of cases that go unreported.
Why don't you invite the Avengers next time! .....Grow up and Think....
It's okay. I'm used to it.
How does an event "stamp out" anything?
Knox Harrington
Count on Japan to dealing with serious problems in an immature, pathetic way by bringing in fictitious cartoon characters. Can these people really come up with nothing new when it comes to dealing with social problems. No responsibility demanded, no asking adults to act as adults, just more disney, cartoon and fantasyland...
More cameras on trains. I don't want to be tossed in jail because someone accused me of something I didn't do.
At least it's something, but this is a deeply ingrained social issue. when women aren't seen as being submissive and sexual objects, when no more AV movies or clubs devoted to this and when cops are also seen as being clean and not often caught doing weird sex stuff we might see some improvement.
Mirai Hayashi
How ironic, given that a lot of the molesting are done by off duty police...why not hold the event internally before branching out to the public.
It's good that they're trying to raise awareness, of course, but again with the mascots?? What adult would EVER take a message from Ultra-man or Piko-chan seriously? Well, okay, some Japanese adults would, but treat people with respect!! Have a serious campaign that lasts more than the mandatory week, and besides asking people to be aware, suggest they clock the groper square in the jaw or the family jewels, or use pepper spray on them.
And I agree with others, police need to be subject to the same kind of campaign internally.
Bwahahahahaha! Funny story! The comic strips come alive to save the day! Seriously, much more stiffer penalties for such crimes, please!
i trusted the guys on the train than to the womans ... i am a woman i know in my daily riding on the train i find the womans really careless ...
Years ago, I was teaching at a college in Tokyo. There were several foreign teachers working there. One of them was a short black girl from New York. Because she was short, she was attractive to Japanese men.
Well, one day, she was taking the short cut to the station. That road was very narrow and very dimly lit. A Japanese guy came up behind her.
She ignored him.
He spoke to her.
Again she ignored him.
He walked faster. She walked faster.
Then. He made the BIG MISTAKE.
He put a hand on her shoulder.
Of course, being street wise and from New York, she swung at him and laid him out.
That's what they should be training Japanese girls to do.
Someone who touches up a girl on a train is hardly going to be macho!
Ultra Man!??! Many's the time I wished if only Ultra Man would come to my train and save me from the molestations bad men and noisy children and the air conditioner. Ultra Man's my HERo!!!
I hope the guy wasn't trying to return something she had dropped!
Cortes Elijah-
I would never get physical especially if you don't know the guy and you don't know the girl. But you can always say something, make noise. Even if you don't know much Japanese, you can say, "Stop!" or "Mite, minna mite!" (Look everyone), or something... But don't touch anyone- you can be arrested and put in jail for 20 days without a lawyer.
Cartoon characters? The only worse choice would have been to have the AKB 48s kick off the campaign.
A convenient excuse for joining all the others who witness a crime and look the other way. It's people like you that allow chikans to proliferate. I guess your voice was gone and your keitai battery was dead, huh?
Cameras or cops on trains... a great idea but virtually useless during rush hour when they literally pack the trains "nut to butt". Any groping going on would be invisible to cameras or cops unless the camera was directly overhead. Gropers would be sure to avoid those parts of the train where the cameras have an unobstructed view.
... and within the next few weeks or so, there will be another report of a police officer groping/harassing a woman..
most of the attractive women usually ride on the regular cars while most of the beauty-challenged women ride the 'women only' car. Has anyone noticed this? If they make it mandatory for women and men to be segregated into cars, this problem will surely go away.
Dan Joseph
Why should I be separated from my wife when catching the train? People just need to be more assertive and empathetic.
Kimokekahuna Hawaii
need to be more female only trains. School girls should wear slacks...
Its quite simple really. Know there is a good chance of having your fingers broken and your nose smashed in, and the incidence of chikaning will go right down. Dont stand there bleating "sumiamasen" or "yamete kudasai". Kick the F***** in the balls.
chiba chick,
sounds nice, but in japan once physical contact happens (in US too), you are the aggressor, and potentially in for a world of hurt with criminal charges, hospital bills, damages, lawsuits, etc.
...don't forget incarceration without representation or rights
"The campaign will continue until Friday" and eve-teasing will stop from Saturday Night.