An 18-year-old Saitama youth went on trial this week for the attempted murder of two schoolgirls in 2011.
The court heard Wednesday that the defendant, who cannot be named because he is a minor, stabbed a 15-year-old girl in Misato, Saitama Prefecture, on Nov 18, 2011, and then an 8-year-old girl in Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture, on Dec 1. In all, 13 separate charges were brought against the accused. The trial is being held under the lay judge system.
The youth told the court, "I'd seen a movie in which cats and girls were killed and it made me sexually excited. I thought if I killed a girl myself, it would be even more satisfying," Fuji TV reported.
The defense told the court that a psychiatric examination revealed the boy had developmental disorders.
The boy's father is also facing charges of corrupting a minor after police determined he kept restricted weapons in his home.
After the boy was arrested, police found over 60 survival knives in his home where he lived with his father, and that 10 of the knives were illegal to possess in a household with minors.
The boy told police his father had purchased several of the weapons on the Internet for him, and that his father encouraged him to carry three of them with him.
When the boy was detained on the street, police found a switchblade knife and a cleaver in his bag.
© Japan Today
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he will get one year...that will teach him a lesson to be more careful next time
Ewan Huzarmy
Time to get him and his warped father off of the streets.
The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the rotten apple tree.
Another "minor" with deeply dangerous issues...he'll get, what, 2 years maybe?
If the Kyoto car murder of 4 is any indication, this kid will get 6 months for trying to KILL 2 girls if he's found guilty.
Of course the father will get 20 years for having illegal knives.
Good. Glad to see the father getting taken down for this too. Plenty of kids have developmental disorders but with the right parenting they dont go out and do thigns like this. The father is clearly a factor in what happened.
Actually it will probably be probabtion seeing as how no one was killed this time.
Sick sarcasm aside here, since this is going before a jury and not just the judges it is hard to tell what the "common folk" are going to do in this case I will bet. If they take the sob story of having a developmental disorder, he might get a slap on the wrists. (How much do you want to bet his lawyers are telling him to act out in court to reinforce the image of a troubled person)
If he comes across as cool and collected, hopefully he'll get hammered.
It sounds like the father is just as mentally disturbed as this freak. He bought knifes for him and encouraged him to carry them?? Wth?
Sorry is this father still running free? Can the cops please pick him up and put him behind bars just in case. wtf
sexually excited?
Name and shame the movie! And, his father encouraged him to carry three knives? Obviously the nuts don't fall far from the tree. They wanna lock them both up!
Kimokekahuna Hawaii
If found guilty by a fair trial.. and yes he is an adult if you kill someone you are not a child or protected by age.. 18 yr olds went to war in WWII... and he should be executed by the families of the wronged children.. by stabbing.. and it should be a TV show.. and the money goes to the victims
ok what movie was it? cats and girls being killed...
This person is very sick. This isn't his father's fault. Tho bad parenting can exacerbate these problems, this is this kid's mind and chemical imbalance.
That said, he should not be on the streets.
Hmmm...films where cats and girls being killed? There's ju on where the mom, the boy and the cat were killed by the psycho dad. Or suicide club, where there's a crazy group of guys kidnapping girls and animals to kill in their lair.
Steve Christian
Its interesting to see people deny that there could a be a sexual kick out of killing when so many movies out there seem to be based on that very theme. Go to a video store, horror section, and open your eyes.
I and many of my friends grew up with restricted weapons that make these things mentioned look like child's toys. I don't remember any of them being "corrupted" or going on a random attack spree on teen girls or 8 year olds.
So I would sooner presume the problem is that he was born with some sort of defect or it was neglect or mistreatment or something like that. The reasons for his behavior being presented here are what I would expect from your average uneducated Bible belt reject.
Huge red flag there. He needs to be offed right away or have serious psychiatric treatment...wait does that exist in Japan? He could be a Japanese Jeffrey Dahmer...
It is time to change the law. An 18 year old needs to be considered an adult in any court of law. The mental state of the defendant can be reviewed as would any other adult defendant.
Steve Christian
Nice mafia language you use when suggesting a government sponsored execution.
Holy crap. Omg... what's wrong with some people in Japan...
More like they watched too much movies/manga -w/e you call it.
It's obvious the father has turned the son into a walking weapon and may justice be served to the father and the son