Japan Today

Trial ends for woman who killed son by putting him in garbage bin


The trial of a woman accused of murdering her only son in 2008 by confining him in a garbage bin ended on Thursday, with the prosecution pushing for a 10-year sentence for the crime.

According to prosecutors, in December of 2008, Rika Kanno and her husband Yoshihiro forced their 2 1/2 year-old son, Yui, to get into a garbage bin, then put a lid and plastic bag over it, and bound it with an elastic cord.

When questioned by a jury member how she, as the mother of the child, could do such a thing, Kanno just replied, "Nothing I say can explain or make up for what I have done."

Kanno will be sentenced later Friday. Her husband will be tried separately.

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10 years is STILL not enough, but I have absolutely no doubt that, as is often the case, the Japanese judge will find a way to be lenient to the mother, and crucify the father. They both deserve at least 20 years.

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WHAT!?!?!?!? 10 years? That's all?

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A 10 year sentence is a joke! I'm not usually a proponent of suicide, but I hope the parents off themselves in prison.

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Ugh. Just, ugh.

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Hang him, and place her in a sealed garbage bin for 10 years.

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the prosecution pushing for a 10-year sentence for the crime

They gotta be kidding ONLY 10 yrs for murder?

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WOW !!!!! After 10 years she needs to be sterilized, and sent to a 24 hour we don't close seven days a week mental rehabiliation center. Sign a contract that she will never touch a child ever again.

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I totally agree with everyone's comments, that 10 years in prison for murdering a defenseless child is crazy!!!! What's the expression, "An eye for an eye". If you take a life you should be prepared to lose your own.

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i also heard that the dad put the child in the oven and the mom just laughed.. these people are evils.

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10 years....

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This is one of the most sickening stories I have read. The terror and pain that child went through during his final moments on this Earth......

May God bless that child's soul!... Ten years is absolutely NOT enough justice!

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How could such evil people have a kid in the first place?!

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“Nothing I say can explain or make up for what I have done.”

Uh, oh! This is showing remorse. She'll be lucky to get five years. This is just sickening child abuse and this pair of animals should be made an example of in an attempt to educate all parents on what is acceptable punishment. Some of the things I see done to kids in Japan in the guise of discipline are just sickening. Locking kids on the balcony, public smack downs, starving, cigarette burns, cold showers, the list just goes on. Too many Japanese parents are just pathetic bullies with no idea how to control their own emotions without even considering how to develop the emotions of their offspring. Yet, in saying this, I guess I can't really blame the only parents because there is bugger all governmental support for them.

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Yup. Embezzlement carries a more serious punishment. Money > Kids. Lunacy.

30 years at least...

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They both deserve the death penalty. Hang 'em high!

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only 10 years and they will get out earlier for good behavior...what a deal for taking a life!

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may she forever be tortured into pure insanity by the memory of his crying voice while he begged for his mother not to kill him.

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Not 10 years. The prosecution wants 10 years. The Judge will probably drop it to a lot less because "she has shown remorse." When will judges realize the tears are not for the dead but for getting caught?

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People are missing the point: it's NOT ten years at all! That's what the prosecution are PUSHING for! I HIGHLY doubt they'll get it. I predict three years for the mother, with the judge saying something like, "She has been punished enough and has shown remorse," and the father getting the max. Still, even if both get the max that the prosecution is pushing for, as I said I think it's not enough.

Big IF, of course, and we'll see.

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Only 10 years what the frack is wrong with our system! She should have been put to death or life in jail!

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Yet, in saying this, I guess I can't really blame the only parents because there is bugger all governmental support for them.

@disillisoned - you have to be kidding right? Are you suggesting a lack of governmental support pushed them into killing the child in cold blood?

The ONLY conclusion I can draw from this is that the mother was too terrified of the father to raise her hand. Too terrified to suffer the bullying as well, and too terrified of the alternative (raising the kid alone). How can you watch kids be treated like this?

I can't imagine the suffering that the kid went through in his short life, it is just too sad.

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The trial just ended -- but it looks like Japan Today editors have already found the woman guilty. Your headline needs to be changed, guys. Innocent till proven guilty, remember?

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JenniferKim - can you tell us what the result was? I know that the dad got 11 years, so I can't imagine this woman getting any more than that which is crazy, but I'm interested to know how long this woman will be in jail.

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And my glorified pet theory proves once again with the lack of empathy, compassion, narcissism theory too... Bad mix. My guess is they were a product of this abuse too. Putting your child in a trash can for death or anything for that matter would make most of the world population puke. Actually I was expecting at least 20 however the scum dad may get that....

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10? 11 years? Nah, they'll get out on good behavior in probably 3 or 4 years..just cry enough to pocket the "judge" and win some sympathy. Write a gomen-letter and get even more leniency. When it comes to sentence in-family child-torture/murderers , JAPAN is one of the WORST countries in the world. period!

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these "parents" weren't just putting the boy in the garbage bin but they also tied him to his bed almost every night and video taped it when he cried and screamed.. and now they are blaming each other.. shame on them.

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I saw something about this on the TV. Correct me if I am wrong but: The mother and father had two very different stories in how they characterized everything. However, it seemed they both agreed it was the father who actually did the dirtywork. The mother either did nothing out of fear (her story) or encouraged and supported it (his story). But knowing that it was the man doing the actual abusing, whose story are you going to believe?

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HeyLars- it doesn't matter who actually did the dirty work, if the mother did nothing to help the boy, she is as guilty as the guy. She said she was afraid that the guy might hit her if she stopped him, but then I thought, as a mother, to help my own child, I wouldn't mind being hit, and most definitely, I would not be living in the same house with the guy who hurts my angel.

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JenniferKim: "The trial just ended -- but it looks like Japan Today editors have already found the woman guilty. Your headline needs to be changed, guys. Innocent till proven guilty, remember?"

Ummm... do you think she said, "Nothing I can do or say can make up for what I have done" in relation to being innocent? Perhaps she felt she should have played a larger part than in what she seems to have admitted? Or in some other world does 'sentence' -- as in the reading of the punishment you will serve for being found guilty -- refer in fact to reading out the 'verdict'?

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fishy, the laws and the courts do not recognize the idea that an accomplice or unacting witness is as guilty as a killer, and neither do I. Your insistence that, as a mother, you would risk all to help your own child is noble and touching, but until you are actually faced with such a situation we have no idea how you would react and neither do you, and no one is going to make it a matter of law that a mother act a certain way or be equally guilty as a killer because we are not always in complete control. So yes, it does matter who did the dirty work and I bet the sentencing of both parties will reflect that.

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smithinjapan wrote: Ummm... do you think she said, "Nothing I can do or say can make up for what I have done" in relation to being innocent?

Innocent of killing her child? Yes. She may have meant to say that nothing can make up for what she didn't do. Its a common enough thing to say though technically incorrect.

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The couple took video of the incident. The mother's voice on video is enough to bury her for more then 10 years... Sad that she'll get anything less than life.

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FrEcKIEfAcE - I agree!! and this wasn't jut a one time thing, it was a daily thing for them to abuse the boy .. I understand what HeyLars says about the laws do not recognize the idea that an accomplice "witness" is as guilty, but it is obvious that she wasn't just a witness.. she was there when the boy was put in the oven and the husband pushed the start button, it is more than a witness and there were months and many chances for her to seek help if she was so afraid of the guy.. he wasn't with her 24/7. From the videos that the couple took, it is more than obvious that the mother actually played a role, and whatever she is saying is just to protect herself. And I wasn't trying to tell you a "touching" story, it is just natural for a mother to protect her child, and these "mothers" who don't try to help or even hurt their children should not be called a MOTHER.

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They should both get life in jail! Prosecutors aren't asking for much, but they demand more for innocent people!!!

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Speechless. Pushing for 10 years? Only?

This was a cold-blooded murder which deserves nothing less than life in prison. I can't understand how there is even any room for mercy since it wasn't a case of discipline gone wrong or an impulsive act. They repeatedly abused a child and finally suffocated him to death. These people are way up at the top on the scale of evil.

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10 years for murdering her own child!? This is not justice >_<

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USA laws is PRESUMED innocent until PROVEN guilty. In Japan - once the police complete their investigation and make an arrest - one is PRESUMED guilty. In theory, this means the police in Japan are more careful before they make an arrest as opposed to the USA philosophy which implies an element of carelessness.

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seaforte03....so you are implying that the j-cops are honorary and just when they bring someone in? HA HA HA I've never seen such thing in this country. Corruption and abuse of power everywhere. They started using DNA as evidence "yesterday", literally. There is ZERO sense of justice in here, a child's life is cheap and not worth sending a man or woman to prison with a long sentence, when they can only serve maybe 3-4 years and then get back to work and pay taxes to support the aging population, that's HOW they think here. Everything is MONEY. Prosecutors in here are paid to do as they are told. Sentences are already calculated according to the crime. Killing your own blood(child)is not a big deal here. Period. This "robot" is asking for 10 years just to show off but at the end, these monsters will get a slap in the wrist and that's it. Less the 5 years and they'll get out on good behavior. But hey, japan needs all the working hands they can get, remember?

This country is absolutely disgusting when it comes to sentencing and doing true justice to murdered children by their own family. Me coming from a japanese family know this very well. Disgusting and SHAMELESS!!

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from JT

A court sentenced a man who masterminded a massive remittance fraud to 20 years in prison Wednesday on charges of violating the anti-organized crime law.

Comparing the above sentence I just don't get it. It seems like life or many more years would be appropriate. This is not the first time I have heard (on JT) of a sentence that seemed low to me for murdering a child. I just wish someone would explain why this happens or why they think it happens.

Moderator: Comparing sentences for different crimes is not relevant to this discussion. Please stay on topic.

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GoodDonkey, My point of view is pretty much based on what I've seen and experienced in all my years living here, it may seem harsh at times but as a mother of 3 adorable children..my heart goes numb over these ridiculous sentences given to child-murderers, especially to the so called parents. Smithinjapan and limboinjapan can give you a really good insight as well as kira and dolphingirl...they've been here longer than I and they have family as well so...yeah. this is totally messed up and insane.

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i just can't even imagine a developed country in which murder for a child only recieves 10 years. disgusting.

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The Husband and wife should be put in the garbage bin and sealed till they die....this is the best way they'll experience what their poor little boy went through...poor fellow must have suffered, suffocation, hunger and thirst and the horrific frightening experience of being sealed in a garbage bin....unbelievable, a mother doing this to her son....she will suffer in hell...

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what kyokosmile said.

Nice to see some people here have zero tolerance for child-killers. And this wasn`t just any old murder either was it? Essentially the child was entombed alive.

According to this and other news reports this was systematic abuse that continued over a period and was obviouslt to satisfy some sadistic thrill of the father/mother/both.

It makes my blood run cold that these two will be free by their 40`s to live their lives, move among us, and - yes - reproduce again.

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Kyokosmile: I really do admire you. It´s like you took those words from my mouth...that´s exactly what I think too! There should be a way to fix the japanese system which is the guilty for the increase of barbarian murders like those. If one bad parent is unpunished and everyone else does like: ¨who cares¨? others won`t feel afraid of doing the same because they know there´s no punishiment for parents who commit horrendous things like those to innocent children. I just feel bad for them and wish someone could have done something for them, saved them somehow. RIP sweet little angels...

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