Japan Today

Two 18-year-olds arrested over hammer attack


Police in Tokyo said Monday they have arrested two 18-year-old youths on suspicion of attacking a man and a woman with a hammer and robbing them in Iizuka, Fukuoka Prefecture, last October.

According to police, the two suspects attacked the 51-year-old man and a 45-year-old woman as they were walking home, NTV reported. They beat the couple about the head with a hammer and then stole about 24,000 yen in cash from the man and the woman's shoulder bag.

Police said both of the suspects are from Fukuoka Prefecture but they were arrested in Tokyo on Sunday after being identified through street surveillance camera footage.

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they were arrested in Tokyo on Sunday after being identified through street surveillance camera footage.

Big brother is always watching! It's estimated the average person is on canera up to 40 times a day. Glad the got this pair of thugs.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

What nasty pieces of work, and all for ¥24,000.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Until Japan finds a way to create more Youth Centers, this will be happening alot more. I feel for the youth when I see them hanging out at the covenient stores. A idle mind is the devil playground. Fortunately they were caught and the couple seems seems that physically they will be ok.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

These two youths need to be whacked upside the head with a hammer and then sent to the slammer.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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