Japan Today

Two American men arrested over death of Irish woman in Shinjuku hotel


Police arrested two American men on Saturday as part of an investigation into the death of a female Irish exchange student, reports said.

One of the men was with Nicola Furlong, 21, when she was found dead early Thursday in a room at the Keio Plaza Hotel in Shinjuku, national broadcaster NHK and Kyodo News said. An autopsy showed she was strangled, Kyodo reported.

The men, a musician and a dancer aged 19 and 23, were detained on suspicion of giving alcoholic drinks to Furlong's friend, also a 21-year-old Irish woman, and then groping her inside a taxi, Kyodo said.

Furlong was spending a year studying at Takasaki City University of Economics in Gunma Prefecture.

The two women were visiting Tokyo Wednesday night to see a concert in Shibuya, and were approached by the men, Kyodo said.

At about 1 a.m., the four of them went to the Keio Plaza where the men were staying. Furlong went into the room of the 19-year-old, while the other woman went with the other man, Kyodo said.

Around 4 a.m. Thursday, a hotel guest complained about a loud noise from one of the rooms.

A hotel employee went to the room and found Furlong on the floor lying near the bed and the 19-year-old standing nearby, Kyodo said. Furlong was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead.

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The two men have actually been arrested for allegedly molesting Furlong's friend (also Irish, 21 and studying at the same university) in the back of a taxi as it went from Shibuya (where the men are said to have approached the women) to the hotel in Shinjuku. Both men deny the allegation but there is footage recorded by the camera in the taxi. Both women were so drunk they could barely walk apparently. I have read that a guest called reception complaining about the noise in the next room, after which staff discovered Furlong on the floor.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Sex games gone wrong? If so, I have to ask why anyone would be so stupid as to initiate such dangerous sex games on the first night of meeting?

If one or both go down for murder when their crime was actually stupidity, you won't find me complaining.

I just hope the Japanese authorities have the sense to treat the 19 year old as an adult.

-38 ( +2 / -39 )

great story, thanks for all of the details.

-14 ( +2 / -15 )

So the girls went to see a concert, got hit on by two Americans, plied with drink and then one of them was found dead... strangled. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to rape her and she resisted.

1 ( +8 / -8 )

Her parents must be decimated.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

We know, at least, that one of women was an exchange student. Who are these two men and what were they doing in Japan?

-7 ( +4 / -10 )

I hope they weren't military people.

-8 ( +4 / -11 )

It says the guys were staying at Keio Plaza... is that a hotel? If that's so then they could be tourists or servicemen on leave?

-12 ( +2 / -12 )


If that's so then they could be tourists or servicemen on leave?

If they were US military personnel don't you think that fact would be in the headline? If that was the case it would BE the headline and the posts in this thread would be in triple digits not single.

12 ( +14 / -3 )

According to updates in the Japanese press, one of the Americans is described as a musician and the other as a dancer.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

So what was the 23 year old arrested for? Being next door to someone who died??? Molestation in a taxi??? but she went to the guy;s room on her own, right????

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

what were they doing in Japan?

Dancing, musicking and strangling allegedly.

2 ( +8 / -5 )

According to this article http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2150552/Tokyo-death-Irish-girl-Two-arrests-American-men-questioned-amid-claims-Nicola-strangled.html?ito=feeds-newsxml she was drunk after a attending a rap concert. Which is very a ironic really. Ashamed... she was a pretty girl too.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Sounds like they were a professional musician and dancer on tour with a big pop act, therefore staying at the Keio Plaza. What a couple of total losers, I hope they are both locked up for a long time, Japanese style.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

@Yabits: What are YOU doing in Japan? Do people need your permission to visit Japan?


I hope they are both locked up for a long time,

What crime did the 23 year old man commit? He is a legal adult, she is a legal adult, she went to his room voluntarily, nothing here says he assaulted her.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

From reading the reports in the Irish press, it seems like the investigation is continuing; the pm has not been done yet, and toxicology analysis is being undertaken. What actually happened is pure, unfounded speculation until further details of cause of death etc. emerge. It could be a horrible, tragic accident, or it could be something much worse. The holding for questioning of the two men involved seems quite sensible, particularly in view of the possibility of flight.

4 ( +5 / -2 )

well said..

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

What crime did the 23 year old man commit?

Well its never quite a guarantee, but probably the charge he was arrested on? I would guess that 90 percent of time, even the not-so-bright Japanese police are actually correct when they make an arrest. mrtestsworth might have jumped the gun a tad, but we have a strangled girl and two men arrested. Not brought in for questioning, but arrested.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Reports around the net seem to suggest that the girls may have been spiked with drugs. I don't know what type of drugs are available over there but most of the typical "date rape" drugs work the same way. Other reports also show the girls were seen being pushed into the taxi. Now being pushed into a taxi does not say a lot but lets add the word forced because if the girls were spiked then they were hardly getting into the taxi under their own reasoning.

During the taxi to the hotel the taxi driver says the 23yr old tried to molest one of the girls. If the girls were not drugged then reasoning would have it that they would not have gotten out of the taxi at the hotel especially if just molested on the journey to the hotel. Depending on how much drugs they had been spiked with and how long it had taken effect then the girls were probably by now too far gone and powerless.

News reports that they went to separate rooms with these men, were they assisted or did they walk of their own free will? Nothing to suggest either at this point but if they were under the influence of a drug at this point then it would be easy to suggest they were probably assisted or too far gone to be able to have clear reasoning to care.

Until the full story comes out I dread to think what may have happened in the room until the time they were found. But lets assume that the girl either came round or the man realised what would happen if the woman reported what had happened. Now whatever this man was thinking led to the strangulation of a woman either by 1 or both the men after all she was hardly going to strangle herself.

I hope whatever the outcome that justice prevails, and if these men are guilty that they serve many years in jail.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

If they are found to be guilty lock them up and do as you would for any other person in Japan. No special treatment should be given. I hope that they can get a fair trial but I don't see why that should not be an issue and I'm sure Japanese system has the appeal process and some sort of oversight to ensure that they do get their day in court.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It is always a risk going somewhere with a stranger and fuelled with alcohol. An unfortunate ending in this case. We should always remind ourselves of the risks.

3 ( +5 / -1 )

No means No guys.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Did I miss something? I don't see anywhere in the article that says the woman was strangled. If they were too drunk to walk, it could just as easily be alcohol poisoning that killed her.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

just search rapper nicki manaj and james "king tight" blackstone.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Probably erotic asphyxiation gone wrong. RIP poor girl.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Did I miss something? I don't see anywhere in the article that says the woman was strangled. If they were too drunk to walk, it could just as easily be alcohol poisoning that killed her.

Other reports are saying that early autopsy results say cause of death was strangulation.

I just keep thinking about this poor girls family, and her friend who survived. What I also don`t understand is that if the taxi driver witnessed the molestation taking place (other reports say she was raped) in the back of the taxi, why he didnt drive straight to the nearest police station and hand them over.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

If the girl was too drunk to walk unassisted, I doubt she was in any condition to participate in erotic asphyxiation play.

I agree with Larry, where does it say she was strangled?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

In the second paragraph.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Four people cannot fit in the back seat of a cab in Tokyo.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

What I also don`t understand is that if the taxi driver witnessed the molestation taking place (other reports say she was raped) in the back of the taxi, why he didnt drive straight to the nearest police station and hand them over.

Dear Lord but I wish people would get educated on these matters. I hate to say this, but I am no longer surprised at the abject ignorance this question displays. It is hard as hell to determine who is being molested and who is engaging in everyday foreplay with their boyfriend. All it takes is several times of sticking your neck out when you "think" you see molestation and getting told by both to buzz off, even if its just a dirty look from the woman, that 9 times out of ten you can't tell what is happening exactly between two people. We have heard a million times that even when women are molested on the train, they usually just meekly accept it out of fear of embarrassment or just totally freeze up.

Knowledge is half the battle. If you realize the above you can develop strategies for asking what is going on quickly and painlessly and being prepared for being wrong. Or to simply command them to stop as the woman seems drunk or unresponsive and make the man feel like a jerk if he is a jerk, etc. Sadly most people lack these skills and that includes taxi drivers.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

If the girl was too drunk to walk unassisted, I doubt she was in any condition to participate in erotic asphyxiation play.

No woman is too drunk to be the unwilling or unwitting participant and any stupid, selfish man's sexual fantasies.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

No means No guys.

No it doesn't. Body language is the true response, and when a woman is passed out and she gives none, its time to back off. She may or may not care in the morning, but if she does care, that man deserves his rape sentence.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Glad the 19 year old is american, now he'll get punished as an adult. Can japanese press not say his name because he is a minor in JP?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I hope these 2 bastards get the DEATH PENALTY, poor Irish girl!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In the Japanese news this morning, it also said they cut off her feet or something horrible like that, not just choked her to death after raping her but some other really bizarre and mind boggling sh!t!!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If so, that's not normal alcohol-induced behavior Elbuda, more like out-of-control Datura or loco weed...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Elbuda, I have spent some time reading various Japanese news sites and can find no reference to any "bizarre" mutilation or other stuff. Perhaps the news was referring to a different incident.

The police said there were no obvious marks on her body, apart from signs that she had been strangled.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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