Two youths have been arrested by Aichi Prefecture police after they placed a plastic bag full of dog feces and lit fireworks inside a police box, showering the small room with the bag’s contents.
The young men, aged 17 and 16, respectively, were arrested June 11 on the grounds of obstructing police business and unauthorized entry.
According to the police statement released to the public, the youths committed the crime on May 6 at just after 8 p.m. in the town of Kanagi.
It is believed that the young men placed a plastic bag containing dog feces on a table inside the koban police box, then inserted four fireworks. They then lit the fireworks, which when they exploded sent the excrement flying. As a result, seven police officers were forced to put their duties on hold while they cleaned up the mess.
When interrogated as to why they would do such a thing, the young men replied, “It looked like it could be quite a bit of fun.”
According to the same Aichi City Police Department, the youths knew each other from junior high school. Footage of the pair committing the crime was captured on the surveillance camera that was operating inside the police box. Fortunately, no police officers were inside at the time as they were out on patrol in the local area.
Source: Itai News
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"....forced to put their duties on hold...."! Like what?!
what a bunch of kuso-gakis!
two teenager boys put J-police koban on fire? school dropouts,me guess.
ohhh Japanese criminals... So delightfully honest when they get caught!
Did you read the article? It didn't say anything about putting the koban on fire, just that the fireworks sent the poop flying.
I would beware of calling others dropouts.
These guys are in the guano now!
They should have made the 2 punks clean it up themselves.
@ Yubaru : Did you read the article? It didn't say anything about putting the koban on fire, just that the fireworks sent the poop flying.
perhaps you didn't notice the para i copied from the article and attached with my comment.
Ha ha! Classic! I wanna see the video! These kids should get a medal for getting cops out of their cots!
Why is that fortunately? If someone was there it would not have happened, god help anyone that had an emergency and needed the police.
Oh no! You mean there was nobody to stand with a big stick outside while they cleaned up?!?!?!?! Oh, the humanity!
I didn't think Japanese youth is able to commit such a "crime". Do I have to correct my prejudices? Hope they upload the video on Youtube :-)
When the sh&@ hits the fan! They should have made the two morons clean up the mess with their bare hands! Real stupidity. And then after that, they should have been charged with a serious crime - explosives handling. Jail time!
7 cops had to clean this up? Surprised they didn't send home for their wives to do it for them.....
Actually, it was such a funny story. Too bad no one was there to enjoy the explosion of dog feces.
they should have made those boys clean it up with their bare hands.
Perhaps I did, but it still says nothing in the article about the Koban being set on fire.
As a reminder to you here it is;
and here is your response.
I hear reading comprehension is difficult for dropouts.
Graham DeShazo
Punks? Jail time? You guys need to take it down a notch or three. Yes, they should not have done it. Yes, there should be repricussions. But this was honestly quite funny, and lots of us law-and-order adults did this type of thing when we were youn and dumb too.
Yeah graham, we did do many similar things. Letterboxes were our usual target. Gotta admire the brazenness of these lads to go into a cop shop and do it. They'd be teenage heroes where I come from.
just get them to clean it up, repaint the koban, stand outside for a few days and apologize to the people passing by and do some community work like clean the street, plant flowers, clean windows and drains.
"It looked like it could could be quite a bit of fun"
The cops who work in that koban should spray dog poop all over those kids' rooms - what fun, ha ha!
The police had to put their "doodies" on hold...heh heh heh.
Ahh, the old dog pooh is a bag prank, classic. Nice twist with the fireworks.
Yes, a poopshoot.
Why do I get the feeling that was no great loss to the community.
All 7 of them??! And if someone had come IN to the koban with an emergency........?!
Geoff Gillespie
What can I say? These two idiots have proved that there is hope for the Japanese as a race after all.. Great stuff!!
They should have made the two kids clean-up the mess.
How did these young men get the precious content of their poop bag? Aren't dog owners in the town of Kanagi required to collect the droppings of their pets?
Premeditated...carrying around a bag of poop...admitted to thinking it would be fun. They should stand them against a wall and take turns kicking them in the nuts...then tell them how fun it was.
Kobuta Chan
“It looked like it could be quite a bit of fun.”
Let them more fun with asked them clean their mass.
Mirai Hayashi
As long as no one got hurt, I think its pretty funny
I would punish these two "clowns" by making them clean up dog poop in the area for one full year! Then let's see how funny they think that is.
I think everyone who thinks it was funny or "clever" has never had to clean up someone else's disgusting mess. The boys should have been made to clean it all up, but maybe they weren't found soon enough and the place would have unusable until it was clean. Instead, put the boys on poop patrol for a month or so. Actions have consequences is a good lesson to learn.
And poor policemen! They get slammed on JT if they're "just" sitting in the koban and slammed if they're out on patrol.
Ok, let them clean it up... but thx guys, i had a good laugh :)
Wow, the what a mess, can't even imagine what the stench must have been like. On the other hand kinda funny especially to whom it was done. But yes, at least NO one was hurt.
Good work kids. This should keep the cops busy and off the streets up to no good.
They took the old light up feces in a paper bag to a whole new level.
How were they obstructing Police business. The police needed something to do besides sit and drink coffee anyways. This is a kids prank. You are arresting them for that? More of us need to prank that same Police box.
comme****nts are more interesting than the news!
Ironically for the officers, there day was no different than unusual: working on nothing but crap.
Dear police officers.
Lesson One:
Remember to lock the door when you go out.. (on patrol, to the local "Snacks"). Duh.
These kids are heroes in my books.
A mail box or front doorstep in one thing, the inside of a koban is different. This is where the police officers work, eat, and spend most of their waking lives. This is crossing the line of 'fun' in my books.
I can't believe how many posters are commending these idiots. You probably think that the punks who did it are otherwise decent students, and were just having a little 'fun'. Well, what if they're bosozoku kids who hang around public areas throwing garbage around picking fights and making lots of noise and riding through the streets with no regard to any rules or public safety, and end up being 'chinpira' who work for shady businesses and don't contribute to society? Would that change your outlook of this being 'fun'?
Apply cold water to BURNed area.
They should have waited until Halloween ... then they would have had a better excuse for what they did. When I was a kid I heard about older kids putting dog poop in a bag, then setting it afire on someone's porch. Then they would knock on the door and yell "fire." The resident would then come out and stamp out the fire ... and ... well ... you know the rest of the story ...
Make them do community service, clean up public toilets during their summer vacation. See how much fun that is.
Yeah, I wish I had thought of that. I thought the jack-o-lanterns on top of the bubble gum machine flashing lights was funny. This one tops that. I guess they should have to clean up the mess though, with a toothbursh. You gotta learn where to draw the line somehow.
So if it's a kid committing the crime "as a prank", the police should ignore it? I'm sure more of you WOULD prank that police box if they couldn't prosecute. I'll bet kids would LOVE that. "Why did you break into and vandalize that police koban by splattering feces all over the place?" "I thought it would be a fun prank." "Oh, well then in that case you're free to go because pranks - even when they break the law - are not punishable according to moneyyen."
Samantha Ueno
of course the punks should be punished.....but omg this was funny.
Those of you that said the police should have made the culprits clean up the mess should look at the time line. Incident occurred on May 6th. They weren't arrested until June 11. There punishment should be having to clean up the Koban everyday for the next six months.
Fortunately for.... who ?
Anyway what an accomplishment for the great justice for all ! so please remember
Never ever try to do this in Japan : . bag of poop => Arrested .stealing water melon => Arrested
Those are acceptable per Japanese law standard : .misuse of billion tax money => Impunity .responsible of a L7 man made nuclear disaster => Impunity, golden parachute, public funding and life pension.
Felling really the sense of "law & justice" , please continue to send the right signal to the youths.
The youths were obviously doing nothing wrong and the misunderstanding will be forgotten without so much as a reprimand of the uniformed attackers that blatantly kidnapped and tortured the innocent young men in a blasphemous act of abuse of the law.
More so disturbing that the young men had tried to help clean the area by removing dog poop from the sidewalk and they were not thanked. They should be commended.
That is so disrespectful. It would have never of happened in Japan society 30 years ago.
I know that I really shouldn't laugh but I can't stop myself.
The youths would never fear anyone, Boys be ambitious! lol