Two men connected with a cabaret club were arrested Wednesday for violation of child welfare laws on suspicion that they allegedly made middle school-aged girls work as hostesses at their business in Takatsuki city.
According to police, manager Satoru Miyamoto, 29, and another employee had four 14-year-old girls work at their cabaret club from May 1 until May 22 of this year. Miyamoto told police the girls were introduced to him by women who used to work at the club, and they worked from around six to nine days at the establishment for 1,500 yen per hour.
The girls worked for six hours a night beginning late at night. Miyamoto was quoted by police as saying that the club "needed help over Golden Week."
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disgusting!! shame on these j-scumbags hiring minors to work in this sort of place.
Maybe I just don't understand this as well as most, but how can a 14 year old be out late at night working in a place like this and the parents not be aware of it? Never mind, I forgot where I am...
Andrew Decena
Quite a way to spend a vacation.
I love the excuses people come up with, here.
In the title it says the men "let" the girls work. In the first paragraph it says they "made" them work. And in the second paragraph it says they "had" the girls work. These are all likely to be translations of the Japanese word "saseta," but in English they have quite different meanings. Although a crime has obviously been committed in any case, there is a significant difference between forcing 14yo girls to work against their will and letting them work of their own free will.
parenting FAIL.
I know this is morally hideous and terrible, but from the perspective of the girls, talking to customers for six hours a night to make one man per night probably doesn't seem that bad. It's not like they weren't getting any extra attention in these bars that they weren't getting on the subways or at schools from their pervert teachers, or the random cop shooting upskirt photos.
Parenting fail??? It goes a lot deeper than that.
so, how many teenage girls were hired?
Im sorry but I think the parents should be arrested for neglect! Except sad to say but they probably knew exactly where they were and what they were doing - but theyre bringing in the cash so who cares, right?! There`s the million dollar question in these girls lives: "Who cares?"
Parenting failure..... more like a society failure....
I also think this rubs right up against pimpin kids and human trafficking, a total death warrant in the US. Everybody from the loser customer to the club owner, the parents, to the chinpira pimps should fry for this.
Since Japan has begun cracking down on the international human trafficking (revolving 3moth visas for Eastern Euros, etc.), sleaze has turned to its next victims --young runaways who have been in some ways forsaken by society and have nowhere and no-one to turn to.
Sounds like an early 90s music video- but I have heard, only heard, that young runaways here shack up with a single oji-geezers for free rent and hustle the mobile dating sites.... Runaway Train never coming back.... m5c32- good point.
Oh geez! 14 year old girls talking with men over 20. What a tragedy! You know the thing about talking might lead to dancing ... and we CAN'T have that!
So are 14 year olds not allowed to work or is the problem the type of work?
And I have a question: Would being exposed to 14 year old girls naturally turn men off to them in general, or would it turn them on? Cause I was thinking most of puritans here would say its unnatural lto be attracted to them, therefore, seeing them in the flesh would cure most peoplet thinking about it. But that would be asking a puritan to be rational...and rational is almost as bad as dancing!
Last thing: I hope these girls are closely watched from now on, because if so much as one makes it big, or if not even one lives a life of ruin, it will be a lesson. I think it is entirely possible their experiences were as positive as their paychecks.
Like the article says:
The main problem with minors in the Cabarets (as I understand them to be operated) is that the "hostesses" are expected to be urging the customers to buy drinks for themselves and the hostesses. Essentially you have 14-year-olds peddling alcohol. Even if there's NO groping (yeah, sure. A drunk oji-san in a cabaret isn't going to try and cop a feel), the child is still selling alcohol while underage.
Agreed ... the article was unclear, inconsistent ... making it hard to come to any conclusion.
"Made" implies coersion or force ... kidnapping, slavery or extortion - all serious crimes. "Let" or "had" on the other hand ... those sound like some girls out to earn some extra shopping money and a soft-hearted manager who didn't ask questions.
As for those complaining about young girls selling booze or staying out late ... all I hear there is bible-thumping puritanism from people who can't comprehend that not everybody in the world thinks just like they do. Kansas is not Japan (and Japan should be grateful for that).
There are probably a lot of under age women working at bars in Japan that are not report at all.
I've seen my junior high school students hanging out at the jr station around an old " homeless looking male " !!
Alot of pimpin going on all the time in japan. Alot of these men pray upon broken home, troublesome,wild girl, coolgirl, and naive girls.
Bad people. !!!!
Then you need to get your hearing checked. I don't even OWN a bible so I haven't a clue what you're really hearing go "thump" in your head. The rest of this quote implies it's legal for 14-year-olds to sell and drink alcohol in Japan. This would be news to me.
A tragedy for the guy in question if it was my daughter and my husband got hold of him. But then my daughter would not be working as a hostess at 14 anyway.
You obviously know jack about the hostess industry
LOL! Yeah, right, theyre all heart, these guys. Took pity on a couple of young girls and thought hed cut them a break so they can get a bit of pocket money to go buy candy and stickers. Wake up!
The guy should just use the tried and tested defence - "But this is Japan!" It can usually justify anything that goes on here!
kirakira: Amen to that! Thump, thump! This has nothing to do with puritanism and everything to do with protecting children from others who could hurt them mentally and/or emotionally and possibly physically. Anyone who would put a young girl in a position where she is likely to be groped but drunken older men and treated like a brainless toy...not to mention in an atmosphere of alcohol and a total and complete creep!
That's ' groped by...'
Were they hurt mentally, emotionally or physically? That is the acid test. And no, I am not at all interested in your knee-jerk presumptions. Do you know, or don't you? No, you don't.
You are obviously someone who thinks they know it all! One thing I do know about the hostess industry is that there is a lot of variety. It is possible more than talking was going on. It could have been a little more, or a lot more. I can't say without the facts, and neither can you, and we don't have them.
Elbuda Mexicano
I guess working at the kyabakura beats working part time flipping burgers for Mc Donalds??
Well, I guess we'll just have to start dressing the women in burkas and never let them out of the house then .......
or maybe not.