In Japan, public bathhouses, known as sento, are used by people of all ages, from very young children, accompanied by a parent, to the elderly. While some people simply like the ease and convenience of using a public bathhouse, which can save on water bills and cleaning at home, others like to visit the sento for the purported health benefits of their waters, which are sometimes sourced from natural hot springs, while others have no choice but to use the local bathhouse, given that some apartments in Japan don’t come with baths or showers.
Then there are others who appear to confuse the bathhouse as a place for sexual activity, which is not its intended purpose. That’s what’s been happening at one particular sento in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward, where two men were caught engaging in sexual acts last November. The two men, both in their thirties, were subsequently charged with public obscenity and admitted to the charges, saying they were aware that they would be causing trouble for the establishment, due to signage on the premises, but they “succumbed to temptation”.
The men say they had no previous acquaintance with each other, and met at the public bath on the day of the incident. The sexual activity was said to have taken course over about 20 minutes in the open-air bathing area, while the door to the area was unlocked and about 15 guests were using the inside baths.
▼ This TBS News report shows the facility where the incident took place.
The manager says he has reported around 40 such incidents of sexual activity between gay customers on the premises to police in the last four to five years. He also said the establishment has been a public bathhouse for the past 70 years and expressed his disappointment that the sento has now become labelled, through the internet, as a place for gay people to meet up for casual hookups, even though sexual activity is prohibited by the management.
Sex at the sento has become such a problem that the manager has posted a sign on the wall that reads: “LGBT customers without morals or standards are not permitted.”
The manager went on to defend the signage, saying he doesn’t believe all members of the LGBT community would take part in such activities, but the sign was put up to help prevent incidents from occurring, so that all customers would be able to bathe peacefully at the facility.
The sign, however, goes into quite a bit of detail, saying:
“Shibuya Ward has enacted its ordinance on same-sex partnerships but at this establishment LGBT customers without morals or standards are not permitted.”
A list of prohibited behaviors follows, covering things such as: “inviting acts“, “intense looks“, “following around“, “making out“, and “touching“.
People online had mixed reactions:
“The signs shouldn’t be addressed to gay people, they should be banning all public sexual acts without any mention of sexual preferences.”
“Don’t gay people who have sex at public baths realize they’re giving their community a bad name?”
“I used to have to patrol the bathing areas when I worked at a sento and whenever I found gay men having sex, I’d tell them to go to a love hotel.”
“I’m gay but I’ve quit going to public baths for sex. It’s not the place for it.”
“It’s inconsiderate to others who use the baths for bathing. There are plenty of other places where you can cruise for sex.”
Source: TBS News via Hachima Kiko
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wayan Ubud
this really is not on. gay or straight, these bath houses should not be used as brothels.
But men and women are separated at the door.
'Some apartments in Japan don't come with baths or showers..." WTF???
Why not exploit the mighty pink yen and open a gay bathhouse?
So you used to go to public baths for sex? And what made you think that was appropriate?
Do the hustle
So those old guys and gals finding excuses to come out and stare whenever I stepped out of the house were actually trying to proposition me?
Who the hell rents an apartment that doesn't have at least a shower? Must be one of those "only in Japan" things. Middle of a snowstorm, typhoon, pandemic, etc and you're going to run down to the sento? Wait maybe a day or two until it passes? That whole hot spring/sento scene is a turn-off for almost all the straight people I know. Nothing interesting in bathing with a bunch of naked strangers of the same sex.
Sven Asai
And caught after such cases and being published or commented they don’t apologize and become quiet, no they usually also loudly demonstrate for their rights and against discrimination. Both is really just only disgusting and disturbance...
A lot of bathhouses, excluding the hole-in-the-wall sento, have private (family) rooms that can be rented by the hour. I don't believe they discriminate what type of people enters, family or not.
Why didn't they just go to 24 kan in Shinjuku if they like that kind of thing .At least it's acceptable there .
Bet that charge sheet was an aquward one to fill out. Not your usual stolen bicycle.
I have a gay friend who was telling me that these kind of places are common knowledge in the gay community in Tokyo, he had a few favorite sauna places where people were mainly meeting for sex.
I guess straight customers without morals or standards are good to go.
I would think that installing cameras in the areas where these activities are more likely to take place will help reduce these disgusting activities.
Imagine sitting in a bath with brown little beans floating around you, DISGUSTING.
Comment, he wrote
You’d think the owner would be grateful of the business during such times.
I lived in an apartment in northern Tokyo with no shower or bath when I was a foreign student here for a year. My wife and I would gather our plastic sento bucket with our towels and head to the sento. I never noticed any funny business there but I wasn't looking for it, either. Just a bunch of old people and us. Glad I never have to go there again. I'm no longer a fan and the quaintness wore off quite quickly.
Get a room guys, keep your activities to a private space. This was a problem back in the day in SF but the gay folks grew up and became responsible adults.
So, I'm assuming a man and a woman are welcome to have sex with each other at that place.
Ken Holcomb
First, I believe having sex in public areas of any kind is disgusting, immoral and displays a mutual lack of disrespect shared by both participants.
But, there are several commenters here decrying the gay part of this. What if the same thing happened between a heterosexual couple at a co-ed bath house, (yes, they do exists).
I use onsen on a regular basis when travelling for work, (not so much recently. Thank you COVID.) I've never had a problem with bathing in a room with other men. Seems those that do may have an issue with sex being too close to the top of their minds. Got to wonder how those that are put off by nakedness get through a gym workout or a day at the public pool, since its usal to use a common shower in both cases.
Michael Machida
Words escape me. ; ^ (
John Brown
you write this knowing that nen and women have separate baths.
Isn’t that impossible since only one sexual organ was involved?
leave it to japan to be stuck in the 80s.
I feel your pain and have no desire to go to any again. I love the look of shock on the faces of people here when I tell them onsen and sento do not appeal to a lot of expats.
"Shibuya Ward has enacted its ordinance on same-sex partnerships"
calling all wheels take note.
" some apartments in Japan don’t come with baths or showers."
Think it aint...
Comment, he wrote
How do you know they’re even gay anyway? There’s a lot of closeted, miserable married men out there doing this kind of thing. Let’s not forget that.
Toasted Heretic
On holiday (some years back, when you could still visit other sunkissed places) and there were two couples having sex in the pool.
Not a prude, but it was a bit intimidating and I wish they could have maybe have taken it elsewhere. It was broad daylight...
And yes, of course, there's the thrill of a quickie in the great outdoors, but maybe not so blatant and in yer face.
Toasted Heretic
Not heard of the prostrate, eh?
Hint: One doesn't need to be gay to enjoy a bit of exploration in that region.
“I Really Don’t Mind What People Do, So Long As They Don’t Do It In the Street and Frighten the Horses”
Wise words.
Toasted Heretic
The term is lesbian.
Being raped isn't enjoyable for anyone. That's what you're advocating , right?
I remember when Diane Feinstein was near San Francisco and she close down all the gay bathhouse is, I can’t remember if that was in the late 70s or in the early 80s but in doing so she cut down on a lot of the promiscuity and the AIDS epidemic as it was starting to Flourish during that time.
I agree.
I guess the people complaining weren't around in bath houses in the pre-aids 70's-80's?
Not exactly. The sexes are in separate bathing areas.
So it is appropriate, especially since the gay community is the one treating this as their personal love hotel.
Well, why else do they exist?
What about joggers on the public sidewalks who jog without masks? They may not be LGBT, but they definitely are without morals or standards. Will they get the boot from society as well?
Sex in a public place, whether gay or straight is criminal.
Punish for their offense not for their orientation!!!
Toasted Heretic
What, the entire gay community?
All of us?
Well, I didn't get the memo :-)
Toasted Heretic
Do you install cameras, or do you monitor security footage for a living?
It is pretty inconsiderate to get it off together in a public bathhouse.
If it were a mixed bathhouse, that would be equally inappropriate.
Come on.
Fun story though...
No “solo artists” either, I should add
This is curious.
A couple of posters who a few weeks back were openly supporting a hetero couple using a public disabled toilet for sex (they were caught and cautioned I recall) are now up in arms about gay guys doing the same thing!
In all cases, straight or gay, get a love hotel...theyre cheap and everywhere!
Toasted Heretic
Sure, and wouldn't be in favor of it.
But I do believe that there's a double standard going on here, with some of the comments. I reckon the vitriol and cries of "disgusting", "abomination" and so on, would be reduced had it been 2 women caught at it.
For some, the fragile male ego is offended by the very idea of gay men.
But seem to have no problem with gay women. In fact, some will lustily "joke" and fantasize about such things.
But the thought of appendages being inserted in the anus is terrifying to contemplate.
Conveniently forgetting, natch, that plenty of straight couples also engage in anal sex.
Aye, maybe, but the comments (not yours) tell a different, depressingly familiar story.
These guys are in their thirties, they don't know each other and they do this???
This is unbelievably stupid. Two people having sex at first sight, totally ridiculous.
And I don't care if the couple are gay or straight, if you're going to 'do it' then do it elsewhere like a hotel or home.
Quoting Bon Jovi, aren't we?
Prudish Anglo-Saxon values conversely sexualising everything.
The sento were largely mixed before McArthur.
It is possible that a rainbow sign is hidden somewhere at the entrance... :)
Toasted Heretic
People have sex all the time, over the ages, sometime blatant, sometimes furtive, sometimes within minutes of meeting each other.
Oh, please. Everybody has done it outdoors/somewhere in public/in an office/up a mountain/on a plane/train/in a car etc, etc.
Sure, it's a bit blatant in the bath house & I personally wouldn't be into it, but it's not the end of civilisation as we know it.
Yes, doesn’t mean it’s right. Not everyone wants to watch people get it on especially if there are kids around.
Get a friggin’ room and do whatever you like.
I knew this one would get plenty of clicks and comments. All I can say is that I would not want to frequent such a place if there were blokes doing things to each other there, so I cannot blame the management for taking the stance they have.
Toasted Heretic
Notice you said "blokes".
Presumably you would frequent it if the gay couple were women?
@Toasted Heretic
I said blokes because these places are segregated by gender. Think about it before assuming anything else.
Brian Wheway
@coment he wrote. "You’d think the owner would be grateful of the business during such times" the problem I see is that it will put more customer off in the long run, as this bath house will, or has got a bad or poor reputation, it might come across as "that gay place" or worse, so ordinary people who dont want to see this sort of activity going on, so I think the owner is right is saying I dont want this in my bath house, as it not good for trade. If some one meets up with another person, and they want to have sex with each other thats fine with me, but be more discreat about it, like go back to your place or a love hotel.