Japan Today

U.S. Marine arrested in Okinawa for trespassing


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And this is news how?

No joke here, just last week Friday a guy was found sleeping in the bed of my neighbors truck parked in his driveway, inside the fence. Never made the news.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Might be a petty thing but its obvious the yanks don't know how to control their personal or how to enforce this curfew.

2 ( +14 / -14 )

Most Marines, including some in my family, are shining examples of duty, honor, and courage - "Semper Fi". Behavior like this is just shameful.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

US cant just control their marines!! How are they gonna win a war with such soldiers???? Awful

-8 ( +13 / -22 )

Finally, the only solution is for the US troops to leave.

However fine, upstanding, shining examples of duty, honour and courage many of them may be, there are enough who are not to make it dangerous for people trying to carry on their lives living near the bases.

It's obvious that the US cannot control its troops.

And that is potentially very dangerous.

So, I think it would be better for the US to be unable to control its troops on its OWN SOIL.

Not Okinawa.

Not Japan.

-8 ( +16 / -23 )

“We will fully cooperate with authorities in their investigation,”

Let me help you.... Stick thousands of young single troubled 18-30 yr old guys who don't want to be there (stationed), hated by most of the locals, in another culture on an island, treated like babies with curfews, miss home, depressed from war or droned out with rules, being owned in the military, talking care of another country next to China, missiles lobbed over your head by NK, ....with too many beers... and check your local crime stats-- then Google drunk Japanese man/men on YouTube.

6 ( +16 / -10 )

"Finally, the only solution is for the US troops to leave." Please let us know your credentials and past experience (other than what you've read in the news) so we may better understand what makes you such an authority on all subjects with military offenses in Japan.

"It's obvious that the US cannot control its troops." How many people have you ever led or managed? Have you ever had to dole out discipline/punishment? If have had many people under you then you should know that you cannot control every aspect of their lives. Obviously you have never been in this type of position before.

I'm not saying that idiots like these need to be punished hard. He knew he was he wasn't supposed to leave base intoxicated and the guards shouldn't have let him leave base. This does suck for the rest of us that are in our homes by curfew, have been in Japan for a while and have established family and friends and also have a great relationship with our communities.

I have been in the military for 18 years and have never been treated like this before. This just goes to show you that this curfew is NOT a measure to curb off-base incidents, but mass punishment for those 99% who love and respect Japan.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Yes, it is past the time to leave. It is a myth to say that the USA troops will protect Japan if Okinawa is invaded by China. China is not going to try to take Okinawa until it takes Taiwan. The USA, and not the UK, gave up Hong Kong because it wasn't worth the aid. It is a waste of USA taxpayers' money to put these troops in Okinawa or any other place in Japan. If Japan wants defense, it needs to fund it 100% and support its own economy with the tremendous amount of money spend for non-military support in Japan. As long as USA taxpayers and the Japanese people believe the USA is in Japan to prevent a modern "domino effect," the USA troops will continue to misbehave and cause problems. "Go east young man, go east."

1 ( +8 / -7 )

My2sense most locals do not hate Marines. We understand they do not want to be there but it is their actions that cause trouble. A lot of Marines see the young women as prostitutes. Then they are rude and disrespectful. No they do not understand you and are not deaf. Raising you voice is not helpful. Lastly you are in a foreign country and it is not like back home.

Now we have another trespassing Marine on Okinawa. They never seem to learn.

13 ( +19 / -6 )

Once again, one moron ruining it for everyone else. While everyone else in Japan blows it out of proportion and make it seem as if he killed someone. Just another day in Japan I guess.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

It will be so much better when it is drunken Japanese troops in Okinawa.

However no excuses for the Marine, more so at age 27. He should have learned better and grown up by then. Though it might be interesting to find out how many of or servicemen and women get into trouble drunk in the United States. I am sure the problem is even worse in the States.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

"And that is potentially very dangerous."

Hey Bertie, he was wandering around drunk. Didn't hurt anyone. Trespassing. That's it.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Another moron, uh, marine stuffing it up for the well-self-disciplined majority. Way to go PFC Dorkmeister!

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Wonder how the "LEADERS" intend to deal with this "audacious" and "blatant" disobedience of their decree ?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yes, the rape was a bad thing, but now we r getting petty!!! one guy wandering drunk, didn't hurt a soul - trespassing... so what! one guy out of how many soldiers?

4 ( +9 / -5 )

most locals do not hate Marines. We understand they do not want to be there but it is their actions that cause trouble. A lot of Marines see the young women as prostitutes

Nice "protectors". How do you tolerate them at all so long? Okinawa is your soil!

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

For those making excuses for this jerk, usually the objective does not end at the veranda but to go forward and access the residence. Every law enforcement officer worth his salt will assume that potential action. This guy may have known someone who lived there, a possible scenario and something for authorities to consider rather than just assuming he was a wandering "harmless" drunk.

Many guys I knew in the military when drunk were not "harmless" and playful kitties, but potentially hostile and ready to fight. Not the type you want fumbling around your or my residence, or civilians in Japan. Why make excuses for someone who should know well by now both the reaction and penalties for violating the regs? I'm sure there are those who sneak out and drink, but they have learned to be discreet. Obviously this idiot didn't care how his actions affected the overwhelming majority of law-abiding Marines in Okinawa and elsewhere in Japan. He deserves to be reduced in rank and shipped out.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

This is way blown out of proportion too. Trespassing is hardly a national news worthy article. There will be protests and butt hurt and while this guy did break a pretty minor law, and yes he was wrong. This is getting boring and unless they lock everyone up in the base it won't stop. so either except the small percentage of incidents, restrict the military to base or leave Japan. Either way I am sick as hell of reading about these petty little problems that are only being reported because they are US Military.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

Reality is they are unemployed staff under payroll. It has been so long. After some combat training, they have plenty of time to spare. The only solution for killing boredom is drink and bully the locals. Modern warfare does not need much the air craft carrier or fighter jets! More likely warfare will be Cyber attacks with computer Virus.

When NK tested their Rocket over Okinawa, they are impotent to do anything. Totally wasteful for the money and space for accommodating that drunken Marines and Sailors. Authority is pretty useless for controlling their pampered boys. As Bertie Wooster said,it is a right moment for them for packing and leaving. Enough is enough.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

This guy (marine) should be made an example of.

Parade him around in shackles and let the Okinawan people spit on him and say "we hate you and go home" and give him the finger.

Oh! I forgot, that was done during the last protest.

Perhaps, it is time to scale back to just Foster and Kadena. It would save money and show good gesture. Not all Okinawans hate Americans...just saying.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Chubaka: "usually", "assume" and "possible" are not always possible things we can usually asume.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Spit on him? treat him like a terrible criminal for trespassing? Some of you people need to realize what you are typing sometimes.The guy is not a mass murderer. He is a guy who while drunk wandered around and hurt no one.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Trespassing, drinking,,, don't matter. The biggest problem for US is he did not obey the rule of curfew. He is one of them. He might not follow the order from high ranking officer during combat.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

It looks like a commander or general needs to be replaced. If there is no respect for the unit, then there is no respect all the way to the top. Why don't the fellow Marines take care of this matter with sincere, pointed discussion in the barracks? Maybe a consensus can be reached for appropriate behavior in the public.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

one moron, two morons, three morons.... there are too many morons now in the US military!

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Remarkable. Well i suppose discipline is another victim of the "modern" "reformed" American Military. Sadly the rabid liberals have weakened the military traditions in the US and that has apparently affected the Marines. Sad example for other nations. I hope that the US can clean house soon.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

This is getting boring and unless they lock everyone up in the base it won't stop. so either except the small percentage of incidents, restrict the military to base or leave Japan.

Indeed. Poor guy should sue police department for arresting him just like that Magic Eight from US carrier did already.....

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I don't think I have ever been drunk to the point that I enter some random person's house or apartment. Why has this been the trend these past few months in Okinawa?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

There is something that terrifies me, yet bothers me even more then the fact that most of these marines are often young men in their very late teens and early 20's. Yet foreign countries don't seem to be bothered by these young men with high testosterone that don't know any better?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Just wondering, but is it possible for some guy to wonder off base with his gun attached, get drunk, and go do a Newtown?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

gokai: An US serviceman can't "wander" off base with a weapon any more than a Japanese policeman can do so off duty.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

To Twinans and all you other posters who think this marine needs to be treated like a mass murderer. He got drunk, harmed no one, and now he's going to be dealt with by the military in a way that most of you can't fathom because you have never been in the military.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@mdepaiva Don't get upset, it is because we have never been in the military that these questions occur. @paulinuse, glad to hear this is not possible.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Bertie: "Finally, the only solution is for the US troops to leave."

Sorry, Bertie, they're not going anywhere. Guys like the one in question will be rotated out because of the witch-hunt people like yourselves have going on, but he'll be replaced by another. With Abe coming into power again and constantly talking about the need to strengthen ties with the US, and in the wake of diplomatic rows with pretty much every one of its neighbours, do you really think Japan is going to ask the US to leave?

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

people act as fools in their own country... people act as fools not in their own country... American military should be in Japan for security reasons? Do you think people who wake up in front of drunken military guys in their own apartment feel that save? Pointing the finger to such fools is just obvious! And there is not JUST ONE US SOLDIER who act as fool!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Finally, the only solution is for the US troops to leave.


Not Okinawa.

Not Japan.

Reducing or eliminating US Military presence in Okinawa has broad support among the residents of Okinawa and is something that the Okinawa, Japanese, and US Governments all agree needs to happen, at least in principle. Progress has been stalled because various parties are dragging their feet (and there's plenty of blame to go around on that).

Reducing/eliminating US Military presence in Japan in general, or otherwise making major changes to the Mutual Security Alliance, is not something that has broad support among the Japanese people. Major changes are something that no Japanese government in 50 years has supported and has not been a major issue in recent elections.

Not being able to make distinctions like this is one of the main reasons why solutions to problems related to US Military presence or Japan's national security policy tend to move at a glacial pace. When the proposed solution to any such problem is "let's scrap the alliance and get rid of the Americans; they've never done us any good anyway" then don't be shocked when meaningful change doesn't actually happen.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is way blown out of proportion too

Excuses, excuses. Is it so insanely difficult to just lay low?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Any crime by police, military, etc. is an abuse of the public trust needs to be punished more harshly than the average citizen, and US Military perhaps more so since they are guests of the Japanese government. But demonization of a whole class (whether police, military, or any other group) is both wrong and not really helpful.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Not all Okinawans hate Americans...just saying.

In fact, very few Okinawans hate Americans. "Hate" is not something you see much of here. On the whole, Okinawans are remarkably good-natured people.

The US and the Japanese government in Tokyo have taken advantage of this good naturedness for far too long. It really is time to leave. There is no earthly reason for them to be here. And, we need the land.


-5 ( +3 / -7 )


With Abe coming into power again and constantly talking about the need to strengthen ties with the US, and in the wake of diplomatic rows with pretty much every one of its neighbours, do you really think Japan is going to ask the US to leave?

Yes . . .

There is that.

However, given the amazing tenacity of Japanese Prime Ministers in office (sarcasm), how long do you think Abe is going to last?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

@bajhista wow really? You don't think it's a little trite to lump all of us in with the "Americans" Those marines were fored to come here. They don't give a flip about the local culture. Some of us choose to be here. This American is going to tell his Japanese wife, family, and neighborhood they he doesn't respect them according to some enlightened nobody on the Internet

1 ( +1 / -0 )


I don't think I have ever been drunk to the point that I enter some random person's house or apartment. Why has this been the trend these past few months in Okinawa?

Good question.

Probably a combination of acute boredom and lack of discipline.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )


Why don't the fellow Marines take care of this matter with sincere, pointed discussion in the barracks? Maybe a consensus can be reached for appropriate behavior in the public.

I couldn't decide whether you were joking or serious.

I don't think military troops run on democratic lines.

It would rather defeat the object, wouldn't it?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

I surprised that nobody has made the comment that in their opinion, voiced from somewhere in the USA, that technically speaking all US Military in Japan are trespassing and all should be detained for questioning.

Look the dudes an idiot, coming down from Hansen, meaning more than likely he is a line animal ground-pounder grunt, and with some off time after Christmas decided to have some fun downtown in Naha. He really got turned around if he thought he was on somebody's porch.

Just out of curiosity I wonder what floor this veranda was on, and how far up did he have to climb to get there.

My neighbor had a guy sleeping it off in the bed of his truck and it didnt make the news, go figure huh?!?!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Okinawa beaches are beautiful. Sadly they have been closed for shooting training. It is more likely for hunting birds. Not useful for defense. NK has already demonstrated they do not need to come to Japan for military conflict. Their rocket has already flied over Okinawa. Marines may try to shoot down however it was fruitless. Bad Guys may not come during their life time. They may get old before they come.

If Honshu or Hokkaido want to accommodate them, it is OK. Okinawa has been burdening for so long for such a small land with limited resources. It is right time for marines to say Sayonara!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It is right time for marines to say Sayonara!

Right, Nathaw-san.

Certainly not, "Ja mata!"

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

****they are watching us and taking notes,let's not be stupid and talk in riddles?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

In the bigger picture this latest incident is nothing really, another drop of water in the ocean, nothing more nothing less. It's a slap on the hand incident for a civilian, if that. It all depends upon whether or not the owner/renter of the veranda that he passed out on wants to press charges or not.

Dude is lucky though it wasnt in the states, odds are he very well could have been shot for what he did. Thankfully Japanese typically don't own guns.

And, we need the land.

So you turned Japanese? Interesting......but NO they don't NEED the land, they want the land, HUGE difference.

Land is not at a premium here in Okinawa, there is more than enough if anyone wants some to build their house.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The marines need to release the pressure of training and living in a foreign country. US military should open up a whore house on bases to keep these marines, airmen and sailors occupied.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

"There are too many morons now in the US military"

Heck, one moron is too many, but hey, the U.S. military has done a good job keeping Japan out of trouble since 1945. This is a fact.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

It's not just this one guy, my friends tell me all the time how the young military guys have no respect for the Japanese girls or any girl around there and mistreat them etc, makes guys like me look bad, sickening.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

This guy was on the found on the fourth floor balcony/porch of a someones apartment, a relatively small area maybe 4 or 5 meters long and 2 to 2.5 meters wide. He had to have climbed to the spot he was found from a neighboring building.

This dude is LUCKY he didn't become a statistic. In his drunken state it would have been VERY easy to fall from that height too. (Tonights local news showed the apartment where he was found and gave an idea of how he got there as well.)

The guy is admitting everything openly, according to the news, and his excuse was that the place he was at look very familiar to him as being similar to where he had once lived.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You know, I think these Marines, doing these things, need counseling. There is just too much of this going on. PTSD, mental problems, causing this beligerent behavior or what not. I hope the higher ups try and deal on every level, wih this. Hang in there Marines, and get your fellow leathernecks squared way.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This may be just a monkey that got loose and wanted to climb things. Are they sure it is a Marine? Either way 27yrs is a little old for this type of behavior even for monkeys.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Most Marines, including some in my family, are shining examples of duty, honor, and courage

Not buying it... A lot of the guys down okinawa are REALLY immature...I've seen it first hand...they need some SERIOUS discipline down there

3 ( +5 / -2 )

This is a fact.

But it has nothing to do with the many morons actually in the US military!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

A very simple solution to this repetitive is to ban the usage of alcohol by any personnel that's living on base. They do this for reserves back home and it significantly reduces the number of instances. Mind you that even while having this implemented there will be cases still occurring throughout Japan.

Dismissal ! Fire their a¥&s ...I mean really if they can't follow a simple order of don't drink and break rules or laws do you really want these individuals sporting weapons or have access to them ??

Start making the punishment more open and public. Dismissal ! Saying turn them over to the Japanese police ...sounds like good punishment but now this would be adding financial burden that the army or navy should be responsible for. They earn advancement in rank and salary ....make them earn their off bases privileges

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Chris Lowery,

You know, I think these Marines, doing these things, need counseling.

If military personnel need counselling to be able to function, they wouldn't be a lot of use in an actual combat situation, would they?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Counseling? Jeez a drunk guy wandered into someones yard. The same thing happens many times every night. The only reason you are reading about it is because of who it was. I have the old folks from the retirement home next door in my yard all the time. You don't see me calling the cops and making a scene. Yep he is are curfew violator. Yep he was caught can we drop this crap? He will be punished, people will whine and pout and I couldn't give a crap. You make this guy out like he is a stone cold killer or rapist when that is not the case. I swear sometimes that these articles are only published to and fuel to someones desire for prejudice and agenda.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Mirai Hayashi, just what do you really know about discipline? Have you ever seen the marines perform their duties? Or are you basing your comments upon seeing someone on the street having a little fun and not liking how they were acting or speaking so you just know that they lack discipline, right? Discipline on the street and on the battlefeld are two entirely different things and most civilians have no clue about the latter. The truth is you and the vast majority of posters probably know very little about the U.S. military and only use this forum to parrot what all the anti-U.S. military people say. If China or North Korea were to attack you'd all be begging those guys who need 'some SERIOUS discipline' to come and save your people. Any relatively minor incident will always be headline news in Okinawa. It's a shame that this happened and the marine will undoubtedly be punished severely for it, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to control everyone at all times. Why do you want to hold one group (the U.S. military) to a standard that is UNATTAINABLE by any group? As I've said before, I'm DYING for the U.S to leave.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

He broke the rules that are in place now and marines aren't supposed to break the rules. It's as simple as that. No point trying to stick up for him. He failed and he should be punished. The US propaganda machine keeps up with its mission of convincing people that the US military in Japan is necessary and important but in actual fact, if they were gone, the region would become more stable. Get them out of Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Turkey and wherever else they are.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Get them out of Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Turkey and wherever else they are.

And watch the world go up in flames too! Remember this, if you did not know, SK and NK have never made peace between the two countries, technically speaking they are still at war. Having the US there KEEPS the peace.

I highly doubt anyone truly wants to see what would happen if the US pulled out of Asia AT THIS TIME. It's rather ludicrous to think otherwise.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


If China or North Korea were to attack

Ain't going to happen.

China - no way. They'd lose far more than they would gain. What would they want from Okinawa? Corner the market in goya and awamori?

North Korea - if they were going to attack, how would they get here? By train, bus and ferry?

You see, we hear this line about the dangers of the "yellow peril" and NK missles (sic) repeated by the pro US military types and a chorus of "well, Japanese policemen fondle girls on subways" once in a while.

Yet, there are a lot more SDF than US military in Japan. 239,430 in 2005, according to Wikipedia. I can't think of even one rape, or drunk and disorderly incident involving any of them.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Yet, there are a lot more SDF than US military in Japan. 239,430 in 2005, according to Wikipedia. I can't think of even one rape, or drunk and disorderly incident involving any of them.

That might be because you dont read Japanese newspapers or watch Japanese news. The incidents occur, more often that you realize. Just because YOU dont hear about it doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yubaru, he was on the fourth floor... and was trying to get in. This artlcle is very vague with details.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yubaru, It is extremely extremely rare that a local Okinawan commits a crime against an American.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

All readers stay on topic please. The story is not about who might or might not attack Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It says in the Okinawa times he was just promoted to corporal that day. It is Captains Mast for you, Private!

Think he had plans like to rape and kill her. Being on the forth floor balcony means he was doing more than walking around. Oh he is one of a very small minority of Okinawa Marines. If Japan does not punish him the Marines will! He might even get the Big Chicken Dinner.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

If military personnel need counselling to be able to function, they wouldn't be a lot of use in an actual combat situation, would they?

Again, what makes you an expert on how a person in the military is upposed to function? You show your ignorance! We are human just like everyone else. We have marital, financial, and yes, substance abuse problems. Please try to remember that before you light up your torch and form a lynch mob.

I'm not excusing his behavior, but like everyone else has been saying either the police will press charges or the Marine Corps will dish out punishment.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Yubaru, It is extremely extremely rare that a local Okinawan commits a crime against an American.

It's also (statistically) rare that an American commit a crime against a Japanese citizen, but the debate doesn't seem to be about statistics. It's more about whatever incident makes it into the paper, all counted against some dubiously achievable zero incident rate. I don't think anyone doubts that if this were a local turned up on a veranda at 4am that we'd even be talking about it.

That said, if the allegations are true (intoxicated, out after curfew, no good explanation for why he was there) then he should be punished severely, up to and including discharge. This isn't simply a crime (trespassing) or a violation of orders (curfew), it's an international incident with potential to affect relations between the US and Japan. If he didn't know that before going out to party, then he's not someone I would think they would want around.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It doesn't matter if he is part of a small minority of Okinawa marines or a big majority of Okinawa marines. The fact is, it is not an isolated incident where Okinawans have been victims to uninvited and unwanted foreign military occupying their land.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Seriously, are we all thinking that americans are committing all the crimes in Japan again. Tsk Tsk people. Although these patterns of crime are unacceptable and should handled with accordingly, I can't sit idle while some of you bash the military like you do. When the title reads "U.S. Marine, U.S. Navy ServiceMan"... does this simple media trickery brainwash you into being an ignorant @$$? Grow up, please. Change what you have control of and make this world a better place to enjoy for our children.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Change what you have control of and make this world a better place to enjoy for our children.

Are you saying we should get drunk, wander around in other apartments, punch some kid or rape some young girl, assault some taxi-driver? I'm pretty sure thei are not enjoying at all the art of live imposed by the US military...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Yuri, FYI, Captains Mast is a Navy invention. Its called NJP or Office Hours for every other branch of service.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

C'mon Rob... Are you serious? Read those comments and tell me how YOU feel. "Yanks dont know how to control their people", "U.S. cant control their Marines", "Only solution is for U.S. to leave"... There was no subtext to my comment earlier. Simply learn from those mistakes like this (the Marine) and teach those you care about the right way to live.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Counseling? Jeez a drunk guy wandered into someones yard. and Yubaru, he was on the fourth floor... and was trying to get in.

Do you people even read what others post here before making comments? I am the one who wrote it was on the 4th floor. It isnt somebodys yard he had to do some climbing to get where he was found.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wait for it.....another Marine was arrested last night for drunk driving, (going the the wrong way on a one way street in Naha and hit a person on a scooter. Since it happened near a TV station the dude was caught on film looking like he was laughing and not recognizing the seriousness of the accident/incident he caused, and even to me he looked like he was having fun and not drunk)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yubaru yes I read the article, He was arrested on a rooftop but he entered a veranda which I assume was on the ground floor.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Yeah I just read about the DUI as well. Seems the only answer is to totally ban alcohol. It seems the wisest choice at the moment. Considering all of these incidents would probably not have happened had alcohol not been available. It also seems that the military leadership from top to bottom is totally failing to get the point across. More harsh action is required.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"Semper Fail". Proposed 2013 new logo.

1 ( +3 / -1 )

Yubaru yes I read the article, He was arrested on a rooftop but he entered a veranda which I assume was on the ground floor.

No he wasnt arrested on a roof top, he was arrested on the 4th floor porch, which from what the news showed was accessible from a building next door. He had to have climbed over from one building to another from the roof.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yeah I just read about the DUI as well. Seems the only answer is to totally ban alcohol. It seems the wisest choice at the moment.

Banning alcohol is NOT the problem. The problem is education.....plain and simple.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

He was arrested in a drunken state early Friday on a nearby rooftop Directly from the article above.

This is not an education issue. If those that by know certainly know the rules and choose not to follow them then there is a utter failure in leadership. How many incidents need to occur in one week before people stop thinking selfishly and do the right thing. Who saw him get into a car after drinking and did nothing? These are all leadership issues. The only recourse the higher command now is to ban drinking outright until people can wake up and behave like adults and their leaders small unit and above can start instilling some sense into their troops. I always support the military being as that I am a a former member but now as a private citizen and Japan Resident I have to ask why this problem is not getting fixed, trespassing is one thing but multiple DUIS in a short time frame leads me to believe not only is the education and leadership not working many people just don't give a damn. So what choice do they have? To say they are sorry again? Eventually those sorrys don't mean anything anymore.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The problem service people will still get their alcohol. They will just buy from Japanese stores. My guy said the troops got alcohol even in Iraq. They had no access to Iraqi package stores. They are breaking the rules now, why would breaking one more rule change things? The will only punish the good troops and change nothing.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Anyone else notice that the most popular articles on Japan Today involve either US military or other US issues?

Just saying

The problem service people will still get their alcohol. They will just buy from Japanese stores. My guy said the troops got alcohol even in Iraq. They had no access to Iraqi package stores. They are breaking the rules now, why would breaking one more rule change things? The will only punish the good troops and change nothing.

More than likely, they received that alcohol in care packages. I've seen moonshine hidden in Listerine bottles in care packages. But I agree with you, a ban on alcohol in Okinawa/Japan is not the answer. If anything it will have people sneaking around and taking more risks.

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The need is to find the trouble makers and not punish all of the troops. It is easier to do mass punishment instead of really addressing the problem. The problem service members are so few in number. Can you think how big the Okinawa Times would be if they reported all crime in Okinawa instead of the troops? The reason is because it is not news. A drunk old Okinawa man going into someone else's house is not news. They will just take him home. An American does it and they are disappointing from the Ambassador down to the Base Commanders.

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Matthew you are spitting hairs, if he was attached to a ship it is Captains Mast and if he is stationed ashore it is office hours. Both of them are punishment under article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It is just that a service member can not refuse punishment while on board a ship. I red them and they are interesting and available on the internet.

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if he was attached to a ship it is Captains Mast and if he is stationed ashore it is office hours

Yuri, it does not matter wether you are attached to a ship or on shore duty it is Captain's Mast in the Navy.

I do agree that leadership finds it easier to do a mass punishment instead of punishing individuals.

I do not agree with a total ban of alcohol, stricter curfews, or whatever insane idea some people think of. Let me ask you all this: Would you work at a job that you were told what time you had to go home or what time you had to stop drinking or a myriad of other small thing that people take for granted? Would you also work at a job that you had to pass a breatalyzer test of .01 or else you were fired or had half of your salary taken away for two months?

This marine (because of the current climate here) will most likely lose rank and half his pay for two months and be put on restriction. Would this happen to a local? Would this happen to any of you? Like YuriOtani said, "A drunk old Okinawa man going into someone else's house is not news. They will just take him home."

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This is not an education issue.

Anything with regards to responsible use of a substance, including and like alcohol is definitely an education issue. You teach people about how to be responsible, you teach people about the causes and effects of their actions, you teach people about the penalties.

Now whether someone chooses to follow the education is another story, but leadership only sets down the rules, they are NOT out on the street when some guy is out drinking, leadership isnt there to stop him or her from doing something they shouldnt be doing.

Leadership just tells these guys they CANT do something, or they have to be somewhere by such and such a time. That is just like a parent scolding their child. Teach and educate them WHY and WHAT for their actions and typically speaking people respond better and do the right thing.

There are exceptions and neither education nor leadership, or anything else will prevent incidents from occurring anywhere in the world.

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I agree Yubaru, it's eduacation. For these guys, it's probably too late. But as I said earlier, we as Leaders, Role Models, Parents, Teachers ... we need to learn from these mistakes and educate those we can make an impact on. Sounds generic, but it's the truth!

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And want can they educate them about that they haven't been taught already? Their NCOs and officers are failing them Yubaru. By failing to keep an appropriate amount of eye on their charges during a highly volatile time. These guys have all been told a million times not to drink and drive or drink to excess this "education" has always been there. They choose to ignore it. What you are suggesting is already being taught and sometimes only the burnt hand teaches.

Also Yuri there is a difference between Office hours and Captains mast. Captains mast can leverage more punishment than most Company Level NJP.

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Education....it's all in the delivery. The Military is not good at delivering the message. You yell and scream and tell someone they CANT have or do something and believe me there are those that will do the exact opposite.

You dont use a baseball bat to break an egg. But that is how the military is approaching this matter. They cant help themselves because they really dont know any better way.

Zero tolerance is an impossible goal, nice to talk about, but since it's human beings we are talking about there will ALWAYS be incidents.

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Well guess the curfew wont be lifted anytime soon,just found out another marine got arrested for a DUI and hitting a motorcycle in Okinawa of all places. SIGH

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Can you think how big the Okinawa Times would be if they reported all crime in Okinawa instead of the troops? The reason is because it is not news. A drunk old Okinawa man going into someone else's house is not news.

See this is the point, it's totally hypocritical, but predictable, for the Okinawan press. So what if the paper got bigger, or the news got harder. People would FINALLY wake up and see that they are no better or worse than the folks that they host with the bases.

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Yubaru my husband gave me the skinny and my friend in the JP confirmed it. If anything as a group they are better. Old men use to urinate on the door to my house in Okinawa. They were not Americans but locals. The old lady on the street told me I needed to use bleach. I was wrong for not taking away the smell.

Typically speaking Japanese folks will urinate in public more than American's anyway, we were potty trained differently.

Am I talking to Jekyll or Hyde here? You flip flop so often on this issue that it's impossible to know what you stand for.

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Arrest him and send him back where he's comming from, i don't want to pay taxes for such stupid american dumbass

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You ever hear of JSDF personnel gang raping? Hit and run accidents? Drunk and disorderly? Punching out 13 yr old kids?

There are roughly four times the number of JSDF people in Japan and you don't hear of them doing the stupid or anti-social things that the US military do.

Either they are covering their tracks really well, or they actually have discipline in the ranks.

This, I am sure is one of the reasons why these things get so much press.

Another being their unpopularity in Okinawa.

The solutions to the problem get more and more severe as they fail to hit the mark.

Officers probably fed up with their men who seem to be incapable of self-discipline.

US military not wanting to be here, bored out of their minds, many of them kids in age as well as behaviour and the Okinawans who just want them off of these islands.

If the US military went home, think how many people would be happy!

Have a good new year!

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Arrest him and send him back where he's comming from, i don't want to pay taxes for such stupid american dumbass

I understand the sentiment, but I don't like my taxes going to pay for ANY drunk who does stupid crap, no matter where they come from.

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I'm having trouble picturing what exactly happened. As described, the man "entered the veranda of an apartment in Naha", but was arrested "on a nearby rooftop".

Unless the veranda was on the first floor, how did he get to the veranda? Because this was an apartment, isn't it more likely a balcony rather than a veranda? If so, it sounds like he did quite a bit more than "entering a veranda" prior to climbing up on the roof.

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Yes, and there will be more...no doubt.....This is wrong and he know's it...I hope the dope get's Capt. Mast and sent back to the State's...after some brig time first.....

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I'm having trouble picturing what exactly happened. As described, the man "entered the veranda of an apartment in Naha", but was arrested "on a nearby rooftop". Unless the veranda was on the first floor, how did he get to the veranda? Because this was an apartment, isn't it more likely a balcony rather than a veranda? If so, it sounds like he did quite a bit more than "entering a veranda" prior to climbing up on the roof.

As I noted in an earlier post it was on the 4th floor. Yes it was a balcony, but some people will call them a veranda, it's one and the same to some people.

Next, as I noted earlier as well climbed over from a neighboring building. The neighboring building was rather close, and it as well is an apartment building, so he walked up the stairs of one building and either climbed up the the veranda/balcony, or down from the roof of the same building. They are very close, BUT, depending upon how drunk he was he could have very easily fallen and we would be talking about someone dead here. He was LUCKY.

I saw the buildings myself.

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Yes, Fadamor... details. I think it would be valuable information that the next intended victim might thwart malicious intent of the next clown.

??? and there was malicious intent in his actions as well?! The article just made it sound to me like he was on a drunken parkour run. So what did he do: Destroy private property? Assault someone?

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Doubt if anyone sees this, but the verdict was, the guy got fined 100,000 yen, and that's it.

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That is not it! I promise that what he gets from the Marine Corps is WAY more than what you can imagine! 100,000 is merely the start of a very rough patch in his life, rest assured!

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