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1 woman, 2 policemen dead in stabbing, shooting in Nagano Prefecture
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Can I just say that the police appear to have shown incredible restraint?
Glad that no one else was hurt.
Hervé L'Eisa
Police say they've captured the man and say he's the son of the chairperson of the city council.
The woman who called the police and escaped from the house is his mother.
Yes, and if we wait long enough, he might choke on his New Year's mochi. But don’t you think "Killed by Police" and "Suicide" are the same thing? once you have shot and killed two officers?
Alleged male offender in custody.
Reports indicate he is the son of a local assembly member.
Thats because the police in Japan don’t draw their guns at the first sign of trouble. They are trained in that way. First they try to talk to the perpetrator to calm them down and use their gun only as a final resort. It also has to do a lot with most police in Japan probably not being straight shooters and they worry about firing in public area as the wayward bullet might hit a bystander. In this instance the perpetrator probably surprised them and shot before they could get their weapons out to defend themselves or react in any other way like taking shelter behind the car or something. Probably the whole police training system needs updating after crimes like these.
1/3 of them were non yak.
don’t worry, you are. Very wrong.
Wow, Twenty three you say? That’s almost one mass shooting in freedumb land. Just how many of them were non-yak?
I don’t doubt the data. It proves the point that gun crime is so rare here as to be virtually nonexistent. What gun violence that does occur is virtually all mob-related
As you are going on and on about the shooter not the gun, that must mean that Japanese are inherently less murderous/demented/what have you.
Or,…. It could be….. that almost no nutters have guns here.
The Abe assassin made a gun and that’s not only a unicorn event, it’s not deterrable.
And several others in other years including 23 in 2007.
so no, not none since 20 years ago.
ex PM Abe ring a bell?
Take shelter? Where? At the school? They're asking them to be sitting ducks! Did the local police set up a perimeter to guard the entrances and exits? Did they call in reinforcements? It's like they've learned nothing from Abe's assassination the the latest attempt with Kishida.
It seems to me every time I read a story about stabbing or an attack the victims almost always end up dead which makes me wonder if the emergency or Paramedics are capable of performing emergency care as required!???
The "paramedics" in Japan are an absolute joke. No sense of urgency and lax medical training if at all. And forget bedside manners. I once called the paramedics and they loitered outside my apartment building for well over an hour trying to find a hospital that would take me. All the while I was strapped to the gurney writhing in pain, shaking and shivering and going in and out of consciousness and they didn't nothing. No pain meds, no words of reassurance, not even a blanket. One guy just stood staring blankly at the other guy on the foreign trying to bargain with a hospital to take a foreigner. If I had the strength to walk out of the ambulance I would have. Shaking and shivering and writhing in pain in my bed was a better option than calling for help.
Mr Kipling
They know he is already dead. But nobody officially "dies" in Japan until a doctor has certified them.
It seems to me every time I read a story about stabbing or an attack the victims almost always end up dead which makes me wonder if the emergency or Paramedics are capable of preforming emergency care as required!???
Almost always dead upon on arrival at the hospital or soon after???
Nakano is a very small and usually quiet place.
@Kaowaiinekochanknaw Yes, I agree and it seems to be worldwide and is worse in many places.
Poor guy is going to bleed out if they don’t take control of the scene and get him out of there.
Rest in Peace to the poor, innocent victims of this madman. May the police eliminate him ASAP.
All of these things happen in a typical small city in the US - every night.
Yes - Japan is one of the safest places on earth and getting safer by the year. Cherry picking rare events means zero. If anyone can point to crime stats that suggest Japan is becoming more dangerous, put them up.
Had two train disruptions last week from jumpers, things happen here
El Salvador is safer than Japan right now - TKOLiving "Japan is so safe! lalala!"
A lot of pent up stress built up over the last few years.
We will now unfortunately see the side effects of those actions in many facets of life.
Three ways:
Killed by policeMichael Machida
The safe Japan thing seems to diminish after a story like this one coupled with all the rest of this and last week.
Well, the guy can not escape, so it only ends one of two ways.
Send a SWAT team in and light that guy up.
Get armed police outside those schools now
Not a "hunting rifle" -- a shotgun. Death toll is now at 3 victims...