A U.S. serviceman from the Naval Air Facility at Atsugi was arrested Monday on suspicion of breaking into the apartment of a 23 year-old Filipino woman. The 21-year-old suspect is suspected of entering the woman's apartment in Ayase City through a window at around 9.30 Monday morning.
According to police, the two became acquainted when the woman was working at a bar. The man has admitted to the charge and said he wanted to return a toy bear the woman gave him. After entering her apartment, the man reportedly told the woman he loved her and made unwanted advances. Police are continuing their investigation.
© Japan Today
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Why didn't he just tie the bear to a rock and throw it through her window like any normal person would?
The things we do for love...
Love can be dangerous to your health, pocket, safety, livelyhood, common sense, and own security.
Foreign on foreign crime being reported because???
Ahhh... it's a US military person who's the suspect in this case.
John Many Johns
*Foreign on foreign crime being reported because???
Ahhh... it's a US military person who's the suspect in this case.*
Are you saying that this sort of thing is just so common with US service personnel, that it's not news worthy?
Or are you intimating that because it's "Foreign on foreign" that it's not really a crime?
My god what a headline!! JAPANTODAY has nothing else to report? The whole world is in a crisis but a stupid soldier gets the headline.
JAPANTODAY whats wrong with you?
What's wrong with reporting about this along with other hard-hitting scandals like "Woman hit by bicycle"?
Still, if he hadn't tried to return it, then he would be considered a thief! And nothing says love like breaking into a girls apartment, thereby, scaring the living heck out of her! ...followed up by saying "I love you"!
As a purely neutral observer, I have to say that you lot are far too sensitive about this. Was a crime NOT committed? Should JT have NOT reported it? If they reported it, should it have been printed in much smaller font than the rest of the articles to de-emphasize?
I SUGGEST that this man RETIRE and become an English teacher, NPA patrolman or a Diet member.
Once again I find some of the responses so typical and amusing for these types of news. For one thing, this IS a Japan related website. And any crime a US serviceman does is open to scrutiny, right or wrong. It would be the same if a US serviceman committed a crime anywhere else in a foreign country.
So sorry, the usual cries of xenophobism and racism are as usual baseless and without merit (as always).
this is absolutely ridiculous. There is no reason this should be on the front page of the site. It kills me how far the Japanese media will go to exploit our service members for the smallest things. Shame on you JT
Why shouldn't JAPANTODAY not report this when it is on the National TVs news?
What's wrong with you? You clearly don't have so much to do but reading stuff you don't want to read and comment on things you don't care about. Go on, leave your computer. Go out, interact with people... Do. The. Right. Thing.
This is not Airman Bopp again, is it_
And any crime a US serviceman does is open to scrutiny, right or wrong
So whats a right crime?
Ahh the famous defender of the Japanese, if only they really wanted you to defend them?
Running this story shows poor editorial judgment on the part of Japan Today. It is not a newsworthy story and appears to be run simply for a sensationalistic agenda.
Have a look at the other stories of minor crimes involving Japanese people - this article is hardly out of place.
this crimes doesn't involve Japanese people, if you pay closer attention to detail.
"Once again I find some of the responses so typical and amusing for these types of news. For one thing, this IS a Japan related website. And any crime a US serviceman does is open to scrutiny, right or wrong. It would be the same if a US serviceman committed a crime anywhere else in a foreign country.
So sorry, the usual cries of xenophobism and racism are as usual baseless and without merit (as always)."
rjd_jr is Right, this would have easily made the news in the U.S., and it's a lot worse than if he would've, say gone shopping in the buff.
No harm, no foul. I would assume this happens quite often, but never reported. Did not, stab, strangle, shoot or bludgeon like most recent crimes. Hopefully JT got the facts right. Once before there was Paul Harvey “rest of the story” and the victim was not as honest as it was initially reported to the police. I nominate him for the Best Stupidestist award for getting involved with a bar girl who’s job is to suck every dollar possible out your pocket and have you believe you are the only one in her life. Let the military handle this, and believe me they will do so. He will be back states side directly after some R&R in military lock up.
toguro...I agree with you -- half-way. I agree that rjd_jr is right. Many of the reactions here are too defensive. But, I honestly feel it is in the exact same vein as the ASDF major shopping in the buff. This guy is only 21. The major was 30-something. And both showed a terrible lack of judgement.
I think you are all missing the point. If he was drunk, it was ok.
What in the world are these people thinking? It's about time they start cracking down on the curfew, and i can't wait!! It will be piece and QUIET after 1:00 AM, other than the usual racket of drunken salary men, and underage kids hanging outside of Family Mart, but anyway this is rediculous there's no acountability on behalf of the military, what are they doing to thier people in order to make them act the way they do? What a shame!
If the US want to continue staying in Japan - and pretty much any other country they are stationed in - their service people should start obeying the laws of the country. Im not sure about the states, but in Japan it is illegal to break and enter someones apartment/house/love hotel etc. Obviously their service people need more Military Police to keep these buffoons in check.
BurakuminDes, you obviously have no idea about the military organization you are commenting on. Military Police have no jurisdiction off base in Japan. They can not control the military members unless something is reported to them. How exactly do you think "more military police" could handle this knucklehead going inside someones house?
It has been a while, but if I recall correctly – I stopped entering girls homes through the window when they started to open their doors for me instead – somewhere around age 14 or 15. At 21 he could have knocked.
Wow BurakuminDES, “keep these buffoons in check.” Sounds like a great idea, since very little crimes are committed in Japan by US military members (less than 2 percent) compared to domestic crimes, it will allow the MPs ( who by the way, can not apprehend beyond the boundaries of the bases, that’s the Japanese responsibility by law) to collar the other non US military “buffoons” who cause crimes.
Playing Romeo in the 21st century is outrageous...this guy should have been born in medieval times.
Honestly, these guys are 21. Can't you remember when you were that age and did some pretty stupid stuff. 21 year olds get drunk and look for girls in any country. except those guys that never had a chance. these are the guys i am assuming to be on this site.
Stupid stuff is at 11, 12 or 13, by 21 think self sufficient, holding down full time jobs or graduating from college, respectable members of society.
Lucky the girl wasn't Japanese.
I will not doubt be accused of supporting the US military but here goes. Could the following be true?
They have been going out for some time, and he has been to her place many times - invited. She says its over, so he goes back trying to salvage the relationship. The door is locked so he goes through the window - not smashing it - maybe it wasn't so hard. He says he loves her, tries to kiss her, she protests, and after a while he leaves. So, its a lover's quarrel. Sorry for him that she called the cops.
Haven't any of you had someone come into your house uninvited who just can't accept that its over? Given that there was nothing more than "unwanted advances", he was probably not a monster. Sad if the military gets bashed anymore than they need to over this.
Wow, talk about an idiot. Ship him off to Iraq or Afghanistan. Or better yet, some remote base in Alaska where he won't see a girl for a year. Keep him there til his enlistments up.
Dennis Bauer
Molenir Alaska to Palin? that is kinda harsh isn't?
I am living in Okinawa where huge US bases are located. For me, this is not others concern. We have lots of crims related US soldiers. Not only me, also many people are always terrified of these crimes. Whatever people say, I definitely DON'T want that sort of crimes. US serviceman have to rethink how they behave themselves and realise they are outsiders who cause Japanese people a lot of trouble.
It would be very interesting to know how much is the US military members population in Japan. It must be well over 2% I guess...
tatsumi says I am living in Okinawa where huge US bases are located. For me, this is not others concern. We have lots of crims related US soldiers.
LOTS of crimes??? can you put in DETAILS what LOTS of crime are committed that have you okinawans "terrified" aren't you terrified that the yakuza have the locals on "lockdown" and run their illicit business(btw using gaijins as fronts) in the open public. Let alone their inter-rival fights.
Just watch a see how this is all blown out of water AGAIN. Its time the SDF to defend japan and let the US forces vacate this place, where they are unappreciated and unwanted(or should i say UNDERappreciated).
I can never relax in a hotel these days for fear one of Uncle Sam's finest will come Boppin' through the roof.
They must've run out of hundred-gram weed busts.
This is not nice what this serviceman did. Now he made US flag more dirty than it was untill now. Will he get promotion for that?
Santa Claus practise for the U.S soldiers!!! "Hohoho...toy bear present for the Filipino woman!!!"
here we go again!
So I read a few of these, I am long since out of the military, strangely enough living in the U.S. with a Japanese wife (nope never stationed in Japan) and I had to 'chime in here.'
First of all this is a Filipino woman in Japan thus there is about a, what - better than 50% certainty she is a Hostess Bar employee. Secondly, I don't care what people say, I have to agree that in my early twenties I was doing some crazy stuff for love. Sorry, after age 11, 12, 13, I was not considered independent. Not sure where TJRandom grew up, but it is my experience that in Japan as well as most of Asia that the male (and female) children stay at home well into their 20's so lets please put this in perspective.
Finally as for the woman in Okinawa who said they live in fear. Honey, please, do we want to discuss that Russian submarine that was parked in your backyard just the other day and it had a little "problem" that killed 20 people. Do you want the U.S. to stop paying attention to said Russians? Do you want us to leave and put Japan at the Mercy of China, Korea and our old pals the Russians? If you want to talk about living in fear lets talk about a little island the size of California with no significant natural resources having to do as it's stronger (in terms of natural resources / military) neighbors chime in?
Sure.... Kick us out; your crime rate will most CERTAINLY go down. Unless of course you are reading the Japanese news which anyone will tell you surely puts some kid trying to return a stuffed animal to shame... cough cough 19 year old kid mows down someone in broad day light. 'Man arrested for filiming up high school girls skirt, 'Police on Sunday arrested two 17-year-old youths for allegedly assaulting and robbing two people in Sakai City and Osaka in October. T', 'A 37-year-old woman was arrested on Sunday for fatally stabbing her 40-year-old husband after arguing with him' shall I continue?
Love is a many splendord thing.
Maybe the hostess slipped him a small blue pill before the bar closed.
I was about 35 before I realized that horniness is often mistaken for love.
Transfers and ships' movements saved me from several mistakes.
Scoday, why is it relevant that this woman is Filipino, and that she may be a hostess? Is she therefore not entitled to the same protection against her house being broken into as a Japanese person? What would you say to someone breaking into your house when your Japanese wife is at home "Oh, don't worry, she's just a foreigner anyway, go ahead and break in and do what you want." ?? And if a man is not mature enough to know right from wrong when he is 23 , what on earth is he doing in the US Military, as a guest in a foreign country? (Actually, I may have just answered my own question.....)
Burakumin... My wife is not a hostess, if she were a hostess, or a prostitute, or a strip club dancer I would certainly expect immature, ill mannered 'boys' to show up out front, through windows, in doors, etc.. Furthermore, my point was to highlight the fact that the article says "bar" worker, it is pretty common knowledge that Filipina women in Japan predominantly work in the sex trade. If that makes you uncomfortable I am sorry. Just to spell out my comment, the Japanese news is decidedly anti-military no matter how you swing it.
If the article had said "Filipina hostess bar worker had house broken into" most would have scanned the article and probably just rolled their eyes. My comment had to do with a particular culture being employed in a particular industry and pointing out that this woman was not simply mixing drinks and some crazy man broke into her house. I do sincerely apologize if my point escaped your grasp and you took it the wrong way.
Related to the article if you don't understand being passionately in love and trying to rekindle something that isn't there I feel bad for you. I don't know about you but I have pulled my fair share of idiotic, immature stunts in the name of "love."
(Incidentally I do agree with your last line. The standards for U.S. Service Members has certainly dropped way below what I would consider acceptable.)
Fair call Scoday. On the one hand I agree with you that U.S. Servicepeople in Japan receive a dispropportionate amount of negative press (and most of them are good men and women). However, I maybe mis-read your opinion toward the Filipino woman who was a victim of this crime, as not being deserving of protection because she may have been a sex worker, hostess, etc. I live in a semi-rural area of Japan, and there are quite a number of women from other Asian countries - wives of farmers, hostesses, mums, nurses, factory workers etc etc. Japan would most likely fall apart at the seams in the near future without them www.japantoday.com/category/kuchikomi/view/caregivers-slave-away-for-low-pay and they should be encouraged and protected the same as Japanese.
Yep, pulled my share of cunning stunts too, havent yet broken into any apartments though... I guess this kid deserves a chance, but he should spend some time in Roppongi bars and he wont need to mess around breaking into apartments next time!
"dispropportionate"? Those are true facts, not personal opinions. There is nothing "dispropportionate" in letting people know. Of course most of U.S. Servicepeople are good men and women but the problem is that the number of crimes is TOO HIGH for beeing committed by ORDER PROTECTORS who are such a FEW people.
I`ll tell you one secret that nobody can image: maybe, but maybe, Japanese people can survive without "US protecion". Maybe there is very very little chance they could survive with their own forces, looking for collaboration in the way they want at the condition they want, not under the forced US presence.
I thought Ayase was on the Joban/Chiyoda line near Chiba?
Philippinos get treated like _hit in the U.S. my Philippino roomate once noted that all the girls stateside wouldn't even look at an oriental.
more the reason to throw them out for good.
Asians will get along just fine. it's called the Asian Union (A.U.). and the African Union (A.U.)? the identical abbreviation is intentional.
Filipino birds are hot but can be very aggressive,hes lucky he didnt get his arse kicked.Anyway, at least now he won`t have to send all his dosh to the Philippines.