A 21-year-old U.S. serviceman working at the U.S. Air Force base in Misawa, Aomori Prefecture, was arrested Saturday for allegedly breaking into a love hotel though the roof, police said. Misawa police said that Lawrence A. Bopp Jr admitted to the allegation.
According to police, Bopp entered the one-story hotel through a small window leading to its attic. He then allegedly either tried to look through or enlarge a hole in the ceiling to peep at the guests before the ceiling gave way and dropped him into the middle of the room, where a 38-year-old man was sleeping with his companion,
The man called hotel staff who summoned the police. Bopp told police that he had been drinking, and did not know the couple.
© Wire reports
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Should we laugh or cry at this. Must have been a shocker for the couple. I wonder if they were sleeping or 'sleeping' when this happened.
you're kidding me right?
Wouldn't it be a lot easier to just watch some porn?
Hilarious. Another ridiculous crime by a serviceman.
If we go by J mentality, the love hotel is partly to be blamed. If it had not been there, the accident would have not ocurred. Also, need to sue the hotel for not building strong ceilings, leading to this accident causing mental anguish and stress.
Companion? Of the OL or compensated variety?
He probably got sick of the pixels and wanted to actually see some action.
You gotta laugh.....To funny, what a total and complete moron. Talk about dropping in un-invited.
Flyboy Bopp just got his fifteen minutes of fame. Go for it folks this fool deserves everything he's gonna have thrown at him and no mercy from any quarter.
Ah leave him alone. I think he's really the "fall guy" in this story. His crime, "falling in love"....
Well he was Air Force and those guys like to do everything FROM ABOVE you know. Either that or he just finished watching a Pink Panther movie and wanted to play Inspector Cluso.
falling in love.
classic mate!
This guy needs re-educating. my hunch is he isn`t a regular church goer. The guy need some guidance to rid him of his perversions.
He should compenstae the couple out of his future earnings, if he is still employed.
He followed the wrong path, the moral path would have ensured he would not have considered such perversions.
More like falling ONTO love instead of falling INTO love I would say MEANMUTHA.
Agreed, my hunch is he's got a major vanity problem. I think he was all full of his bad self and started to believe the hype that the Air Force was selling him. I think he thought he was 'Da Bomb' after all.
If it was me he dropped in on I would have Bopped him!
Perhaps he was trying to put his Ninja theory into practice?
But come to think of it, if he had been on an assignment in enemy territory, the whole mission would had been a disaster!
My bet is he was suspicious his woman was there. With her companion.
Yet another misdemenour of the US Military in Japan...makes you wonder, where do they recruit these guys from?
I wonder if he painted "death from above" on himself before he plunged into madness.
Disagree, he was in right place as far as trying for a little lookin at love action goes, it's just that his plans fell through thats all.
No doubt after one of those notorious Japanese police interrogations that Bopp finally broke down and admitted to it.
BurakuminDes, are you trying to say that you've never heard of a perverted Japanese man trying to peep on people in a love hotel?
Of course since we police our own, we're gonna throw the book at him. I'd like to see what punishment a Japanese man gets for the same crime. They'd probably say that he suffered enough from the humiliation of getting caught and let him go free.
Lock him up! The fool deserves it!
That is just embarrassing.
BurakuminDes at 02:44 PM JST - 21st September
Yet another misdemenour of the US Military in Japan...makes you wonder, where do they recruit these guys from? I would guess he thought his squeeze was in the hotel, why sneak into spy when if you slip the desk 5000 yen they will let you use the holes they have to watch....
"I would have Bopped him"
Romulus, you beat me to it.
"Bopp told police he had been drinking..."
I'll bet the police didn't need Bopp to tell them that.
"... and did not know the couple."
Hey, he was just trying to get to know them!
Priceless! Nippon5 is right, I've heard about this place and they've drilled as many holes in the walls as holes drilled in the rooms! If he was peeping I'm sure he would have had to move the video camera from the hole first.
Well folks.....Did a little research to try to find out a bit more about this Bopp guy. I couldn't find anything on him but as I was searching I did discover he has a cousin Bobby Bopp. I also discovered that maybe this falling through a ceiling thing while trying to commit a crime might be a pretty common genetic trait with the Bopp clan.
Well take a look.
another of the US military finest at work. If you cant get a girlfriend here in japan, you are hopeless. This guy apparently could not and wanted to watch instead. What a perve!
"where a 38-year-old man was sleeping with his companion"
Obviously, doing the horizonal bop.
"Companion," is it?
This just sounds a bit like that scene from Jackass I
He should've just said he was the Bopp half of the Hale-Bopp comet and he was just doing some late night, er, star-gazing, looking for another comet. And drunk. That'll do the trick.
He should file a law suit against the hotel for reckless endangerment by not keeping up with the building codes.
LOL I'm trying to think how I would react if someone just came falling through the ceiling, just like the movies! Though usually they fall through the ceiling landing on the bed.
I was thinking the same thing. Isn't this something out of an American Pie movie?
dang, he's so stupid it's so funny.
You're so right on cplyut!
this is almost too funny to be true.
another of the US military finest at work said by zurcronium at 07:52 PM JST - 21st September
BurakuminDes at 02:44 PM JST - 21st September
Yet another misdemenour of the US Military in Japan. So when its an Ozy, Brit, Japanese, or any thing other then an American Military why dont you post anopther stupid------ or British citizen finest at work...
Being racist,sexist,or just prejudice is wrong. Saying this is no different then saying woman cant work, blacks cause all the crime, or All British are snobby idiots... Its not right and shouldnt be said.. But the JT Mod team doesnt care if its a slam against an American Military person because it gets the clicks and clicks get them money...
This idiot is one bad apple in a barrel of good guys. there will always be an imoral idiot in any section of society. This is a no news story, lay off the US, we are here to protect you Japan, and contribute to your ailing economy.
Not in Japan, too?! Unbelievable.
Wow...the first time a US Service member has been in JT in a long time. This is a really stupid guy. Give him his punishment and let’s get on. It doesn't matter where they found him or what he does he committed a crime. Let’s look at that instead of him being military. I mean this crime is petty compared to I don't know... business men sniffing cocaine or getting arrested for drugs in another country. These are just stupid crimes being getting committed by stupid people. Can't we just chalk it up to being stupid instead of where they are getting these service members and blaming the military.
What an idiot. But pretty damn funny. No one else is responsible.
Great story! He was drinking though, which would have advocated anything he had done, had he been Japanese.
Like cmeandu said this is petty compared to a lot of crimes that go on around here perse like I dont know...monthly stabbings. But it is foolish nontheless that a grown man is still trying to sneek-a-peek at other people getting their groove on. I think JT should have a foolish or strange crimes section, this would go along with the story where a guy was stealing childrens panties and another one had 5,000 (something aorund that fiqure) pair of stolen draws.
Has nothing to do with him being a serviceman. It has to do with him being an idiot! Leave the military out of your comments and comment on the individual.
Investigating intelligence reports of under-cover operations in the area SIR!
The couple must have been shocked and awed to have one of Uncle Sam's finest drop into the compound with a loaded weapon.
Do you think he was in uniform?? Or do you think they have ESP??
Would it matter if he had been a russian or a korean??
Shock and awe, hahahahaha I´ll definitely check the love hotel ceilings for any suspicious bulges from now on.
Nothing beats a good "dumb criminal" story in the morning.
That would have constituted a hostile bedroom manouver.
Luckily for them, the Big Bopper just wanted to let off some friendly fire.
Probably if it was a Russian, they would say "It was unclear whether he had been smoking marijuana before the incident."
Heheh... ooh. "Companion!" I like that. That sounds so scandalous! And I love how the man is the important one, and the girl or woman he was sleeping with was just something of his... or maybe they were both dudes. The whole story is in the details they left out!
Stephane Dauzat
How to ruin a date: "Have a US serviceman drop through the ceiling", although it could be a nice starting line for an adult movie.
in a related side story, why does a 38 year old man use a love hotel? does he live with mommy and daddy? i will never understand this. my married coworker takes his mistress to one every friday. he gets home at about 5 am on saturday. yet his wife believes his "working late" story and his mistress thinks he is single. if it were me the girl would want to come over to my house.
damn those weak drop ceilings. I guess when he fell through the ceiling it must have been one hell of a shock for everyone involved.
Such people who infringe people's privacy are crying for prosecution and need to be put in prison for long.
What a great story. Imagine the stories he can tell his grandkids about his service in Japan.
bushlover; this aint no good story. the guy has let down the good name of the service.
How can he humiliate his fellow servicemen this way? Lock him up NOW!!!!
OooooH Weeee!!! You know he's going to get the axe Kicked Out by his command plus pay for a new ceiling, and issue a formal apology to include his commander and his commanders commander bowing on one knee, in apology. Man glad i'm not in the US military, those fellas get tagged for all kinds of stupid things, and because they are foreigners they can't do the same retarded things the Japanese do on a daily basis and get away with it. People like him are the reason why Japan will be like South Korea in the aspect of 1 oclock curfew for ALL Military in the country. I figured that one out by going to Seoul on business and realized how 'peaceful' the night clubs were after 12, I.E no fighting, plenty of nice young ladies, and polite club staff.
ExPrinceska at 12:20 AM JST - 23rd September
Such people who infringe people's privacy are crying for prosecution and need to be put in prison for long.
Ohh kay... I think we should worry about a guy who sneaks into a love hotel, more then we should worry about Russians selling drugs in Roppongi, or Men raping and killing kids...
He was stupid and can be charged with breaking and entering, which is not even going to put him jail for a week. He will be in more trouble in the military then the civilian system...
I generally don't trust the 'U.S. servicemen did nani nani perverted thing according to some unreliable witness account' stories, but you have to admit that this one is different. It's a shame that his actions will cast such a negative light on the rest of the military posted here.
keshii at 04:07 PM JST - 24th September
I generally don't trust the 'U.S. servicemen did nani nani perverted thing according to some unreliable witness account' stories, but you have to admit that this one is different. It's a shame that his actions will cast such a negative light on the rest of the military posted here.
With that type of logic we would have to say the same for foriegners in general, men in general, and drunks in general...
Damn foriegn drunk men they all are worthless peeping toms:)--
Damn it! I started that hole & he had to go & make it bigger! Still, I guess it's not the size of the snake cam...
Well fellas lets get ready to party when the military finally desides to give a 1 oclock curfew to it's members, Just like thier Korea bound neighbors. Then FINALLY we can have peace of mind knowing that, we can sit at a bar and listen to the music, and not listening to a bunch of LOUD DRUNKS bickering and arguing about the stupidest things. I don't have ANY sympathy for them when this happens, they are military anyway they should be treated as such.
Oh well, at least he didn't killed anyone.. well almost. I hate to think what would have happened if he would have fallen on the couple while in action. There are known cases in which if the girl (lady, etc) gets badly scared/shocked, they cannot be separated for hours - not that's not funny but quite dangerous.
This is funny. It is right out of Chaucer's "Miller's Tale." A man named Bopp is watching a couple make love and falls through the room on them. Yes, I know there that this could have resulted in serious injuries or even death. But since no one was hurt I think it is quite all right to bust a gut over this.
One question that this raises is what should you do if an unexpected visitor drops in on you, or, more appropriately, bops in while you are in the act.
Anyone been to university should be no stranger to this state of affairs.
There are various school of thought as to the proper approach.
Keep at it and pretend nothing has happened.
Ask the visitor to join in.
Say, "Hi," and continue.
Say, "The bathroom is down the hall" (which wouldn't work in a love hotel).Poor Bopp! I hope the authorities won't be too hard on him.
dano2002--why does a 38 yr old man need a love hotel? Prolly cos his wife is at home...
Ontopically, this is quite possibly the funniest story I have seen in a while... I know ole Bopp is gonna get some serious crap from his comrades and commanders. As far as the severity of the crime...I think he should definitely pay the hotel for a new ceiling, as well as shell out some cash for the disturbed couple. Maybe--pay about 1man for the view, and another 2man for them to have an undisturbed night at another hotel sometime...that sounds reasonable to me. Jail time? At most, 30 days in the brig should be sufficient. I think he will probably have more than enough punishment from his peers before even dealing with the authorities.
Next time this soldier goes for a drink better keep someone with him.
He should get a job from the CIA!
If he got hurt, he can sue the love hotel owners for millions. Ooops...this happened in Japan, not in the US.
Bopp ought act in a Mr. Bean movie as Mr. Bean's long lost younger brother.
Ought to-- Pushed Submit a little to early.
Jean - Excellent idea! Will Hollywood and Bopp strike a deal?! Let's hope so!