Police in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, have arrested a 33-year-old woman on suspicion of attempting to kill her one-year-old son by strangling him.
According to police, Mizuho Kamata started to strangle her son at around 11 a.m. on Tuesday at their apartment, Sankei Shimbun reported. However, she stopped and called 119, saying that she had strangled her child.
The baby was taken to hospital and his life is not in danger, police said.
Police quoted Kamata as saying she had suffered anxiety about raising her child and was ashamed of herself, so she wanted to kill the child and go to prison.
© Japan Today
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Michael Machida
Why arrested? She should be put in a mental institution.
@AetherCzar - it's not just "Japanese" people. It's across the board -regardless of who you are, or your background, or where you come from.
Living with a young Child is worst case, I'd assume, being like being locked up in a torture center - sleep deprived, tormented, subjected to criticism from all sides, isolated by friends & family - placed under incredibly stress - particularly so if you're a Single Mother. The first months, or even years can be really bad, and who supports the Parents - let alone the Mother should the Father just give up on any responsibility ?
Its enough to drive even the sanest of people ... completely mad (temporarily).
And another one that should not have had children!!!!
I got really surprised about all the reports of housewifes being stressed out during the 'Stay home' because they had their children at home full time. So a question popped into my head, why do you have children? If you don't like spending time with them, then don't reproduce. And here is my answer, social pressure. Everyone around you (including parent and grandparents) ask "when are you going to have a baby?" and then "another baby?"
People should know their own limitations.
Thank goodness that last minute conscious kicked in at the right time!
What, all of them? This one certainly does but to label them all as needing support is way OTT and is really just blatant Japan bashing.
Japanese people really need some emotional support and know how to deal with anxiety in a non murderish way.