Japan Today

Woman arrested for abandoning 12 dogs in house


Police have arrested a 24-year-old woman in Matsubara, Osaka Prefecture, for abandoning 12 miniature dachshunds at her home. Nine of them died due to dehydration.

According to police, the woman, identified as Yui Dochi, left the dogs in a locked room at her house in mid-January, Fuji TV reported. She moved to another residence.

However, neighbors and a local welfare bureau official grew concerned after not hearing from Dochi who is unemployed, Fuji reported. They contacted police who entered the house in early February and found the dogs, nine of which had died.

Dochi was arrested on Feb 29. She denies mistreating the animals, and was quoted by police as saying that she did not lock the door and came back frequently to feed them.

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She denies mistreating the animals, and was quoted by police as saying that she did not lock the door and came back frequently to feed them.

Yeah, except fed dogs don't die from dehydration you liar! And even if you did feed the dogs "frequently", it so inhumane and cruel to leave the dogs alone in an apartment. And not locking the door implies that you did abandon them which is mistreatment

I hope she gets a couple years in jail, and few years of community service.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

@ebisen Check your definition of third world.

4 ( +5 / -2 )

Msn is reporting that the neighbours grew concerned at the stench from the dead bodies, not the whereabouts of the girl, and that the 9 dead dogs, some of whom were chained up, died of starvation. Can't find any word of what happened to the three survivors.

Most dog hoarders tend to collect strays and mongrels that they 'can't bear' to leave in the streets, not one particular breed. I wonder what the circumstances are here. Hard to imagine an unemployed 24-year-old (or even one in work) would have the cash to buy 12 pedigree dogs of a popular breed (nearly wrote 'brand'...) Probably a psychiatric case.

Poor dogs.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

ebisenMAR. 05, 2012 - 10:15AM JST

@genkigozo - check how Japan treats pest (hint - not like a civilised country would do, but more like objects for play and fun)... Ever been to a 'literal' 24-hours pet-shop here? It is quite barbaric...

1-2 month old dog puppies taken away from their mothers and forced in a 50X50cm cage, with strong top neon light kept always on, even as they try to sleep? Do you know the age a puppy should be separated from the mother?

Baby cats, with blue eyes (less than a month old) kept in the same conditions? In 2011 they recognised cats as "nocturnal" animals, so now they have to tone down the light a bit during the day - but can keep it on all night. Are they kidding us?

Well said. Disgusting behavior from a so-called civilized country. There are "some" people here that treat animals as mere objects. No decency or morals at all. Just brands, money, fashion, and more money!!!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

This story disgusts me on so many levels. Why even have that many dogs if you couldn't take care of them? And then to just leave them alone to die like that? So cruel. Perhaps this woman has issues with hoarding or something, but it's still no excuse. 9 dogs are dead now because of her ignorance and neglect. I also hope she does some time for this, or some kind of punishment at least.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@genkigozo - check how Japan treats pest (hint - not like a civilised country would do, but more like objects for play and fun)... Ever been to a 'literal' 24-hours pet-shop here? It is quite barbaric...

1-2 month old dog puppies taken away from their mothers and forced in a 50X50cm cage, with strong top neon light kept always on, even as they try to sleep? Do you know the age a puppy should be separated from the mother?

Baby cats, with blue eyes (less than a month old) kept in the same conditions? In 2011 they recognised cats as "nocturnal" animals, so now they have to tone down the light a bit during the day - but can keep it on all night. Are they kidding us?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I may be wrong, but I suspect that there are probably not very strong laws - if any - that may lead to jailing this terrible woman, which is what she deserves. I can't remember reading any stories here where a person has been jailed for animal abuse/neglect. She will likely cop a fine and that's it. Poor little doggies.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Three dogs safely rescued. Have been neutered and one has been adopted, other two have prospective owners. Many cases like this but at least the police decided to prosecute this irresponsible owner for animal abuse. That is a major step forward.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Our dog was given to us by an irresponsible hippie couple who said they liked to leave their house for a week at a time to go travelling and then keep the dog locked in the shed with foor and water for that entire week - obviously not 'all there' if they volunteered the information of their abuse voluntarily with no guilt or shame.

The dog was skin and bones when we brought her to our home, nervous and fearful, anxious and scared. Two years later and things have improved considerably, much more lively and now she has two young, even more genki pups of her own. :)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Or just totally irresponsible.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Like cleo, I wondered how someone who is unemployed came to be in possession of 12 expensive dogs.

I suppose it's possible she bought them all, but the easiest way to end up with a lot of any kind of dog is not to de-sex the ones you already have...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Maybe a just punishment would be to leave this sub-human locked in a room for a couple of months to wallow in her own excrement - which is what the dogs must have been forced to do...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The door wasn't locked....hahahahaa..like they were going to let themselves out? She should be locked up with the dogs.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Apsara Thanks, I neglected to think two dogs could be the parents and the ten their pups. I did a quick search just now on Google and found out that a miniature dachshund could have 4 to 6 in a litter. Guess Dochi didn't have a bond with her dogs. If she did, they wouldn't have been neglected. She could have given them away. I know there's an organization in the Kansai area where cats/dogs are rescued. I wish Dochi tried contacting them.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

why would anyone want 12 dogs in the first place? isn't one or two enough?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Those dogs easily sell for 10 man en. Where did she get the money?

And houses sell for 400 man and she has one... Money comes from husbands (etc), parents and in a smaller proportion work. The price of the dogs and the amount of her wealth don't seem to be the problem in this case. " Nine of them died due to dehydration." I doubt that she couldn't afford water. It's just the dogs can't open the tap themselves and she didn't bother to visit.

came back frequently to feed them.

Yes, like once a month. Probably just a shallow person. She had a house and bought many many kawaii doggies to keep her company. She met a new boyfriend in another city, or she went to the ski, or any funnier place where she couldn't take a dozen of barking toys. So she closed the house. And then going back to clean and feed her cattle was mendo-kusai.

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Dochi was arrested on Feb 29. She denies mistreating the animals, and was quoted by police as saying that she did not lock the door and came back frequently to feed them.

As far as those dogs were concerned, they were locked in the room just as if the door was 6 inches of solid steel secured with a 3 inch deadbolt.

I think the "failed breeding scenario" sounds very plausible. By the time you got something like a breeding farm up and running, you'll probably find the "hot" pet has already moved on to some other breed/species.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I read this article on a Japanese news site. Apparently, she left her apartment sometime between last December and January. The found her in front of some convenience store in the town where she lives.

I was almost going to bet that she was some hostess who was given the dogs by her sugar daddies, but from what I can see, I'm probably wrong.

We had a neighbor once who kept 10 Chihuahua's in her apartment. They barked CONSTANTLY all day and night and it was extremely annoying. Apparently, she was trying to make money by breeding the dogs in her apartment and selling them, but she wasn't too successful. I see a lot of similarities between this story and my neighbor. Unemployed, several neglected dogs in the apartment, always away, and dogs not looking too healthy. So maybe she had this get rich quick scheme to breed and sell dogs that backfired, and decided to abandon the entire project.

Either way its very cruel and disgusting, and really deserves some jail time or very long probation.

By the way here is a picture of the 24 year old (such a shame, she's kind of cute):


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Disgusting, this women needs to be taught some lessons about life, living creatures and the reasons why.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


The reason why I assumed that she was a hostess is because of the neglect factor and the amount of time away from her apartment. Also, I remember seeing the 24hr pet store in Roppongi, where bright florescent lights are beaming on the poor puppies all of the time, while drunken hostesses tap on the glass at 4am in the morning trying to wake the poor puppies up.

So cruel, when an advanced society treat living creatures as "things", and have no respect for life.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

One of the only things that can be done is for neighbors to quickly speak up if they suspect wrong doing. A dog barking excessively, in addition to it being an annoyance, could be a call for help and should be reported. You don't have to be a detective to figure out there may be a problem... common sense and a phone call can save these poor animals. What this woman's circumstances were and pointing the finger does little. Stepping up and being aware of your surroundings... while a bit nosey, may be the difference.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Ever been to a 'literal' 24-hours pet-shop here? It is quite barbaric...

New legislation will ban pet shops operating after 8pm, starting in June this year.

A dog barking excessively, in addition to it being an annoyance, could be a call for help and should be reported.

I understand what you're saying and normally I would agree....but in Japan I think there is a very high probability that the 'problem dog' (it's the owner that's the real problem) will simply be carted off to the dobutsu aigo centre and gassed. I think there are lots of other things that need to be tried first, depending on the situation, before reporting an annoyance.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Clearly she is lying. If had come back "frequently" to feed them, they wouldn´t die of dehydration. Sheesh.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@Mirai Hayashi I was going to take issue with your "bet she was some hostess...I'm probably wrong" by pointing out that some girls transform themselves with heavy makeup and hairdo/wigs/extensions. I took a look at the URL you provided and she seems like a nice girl. Guess I expected a mean looking girl, someone who would abandon 12 miniature dachshunds... Like cleo, I wondered how someone who is unemployed came to be in possession of 12 expensive dogs. I wonder what kind of work she did.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The door wasn't locked....hahahahaa..like they were going to let themselves out? She should be locked up with the dogs.

I think that by keeping the door unlocked, she assumed that someone would eventually go in and save the dogs, hence her intent to abandon the dogs.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Those dogs easily sell for 10 man en. Where did she get the money?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

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