Police on Thursday arrested a 30-year-old woman for abandoning her newborn baby in the toilet of an Internet cafe in Yokohama, after she gave birth there. The baby was taken to hospital and is in a stable condition, according to police.
Kaoru Osaki, who is unemployed, was arrested for allegedly abandoning her male baby inside a plastic bag, leaving it in the toilet of the cafe, around 8:45 p.m. on Tuesday night. According to police, cafe staff found the baby and spotted Osaki leaving the cafe.
Osaki told police she left the infant because she didn't have money to raise him, adding she didn't know who the father was. Police said her family reported her missing a few years ago.
© Japan Today
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how can you leave a baby in such a dirty place and in a plastic bag? Even if you cant keep it, there are better options then a toilet. *sigh
romulus3- great post bro!!
The least she could do was hand the kid over to an adoption agency. What a selfish act. What is wrong with society?
Or at least abandon it in a hospital's bathroom.
Saw this one on the news this morning. Made me choke on my cereal, knew it would turn up on JT sooner or later. Actually, when it was reported on NHK this morning, some of the language used was a bit unusual.
What a wonderful habitat these Internet cafe/video rooms, etc., are.
can you imagine going in to use the toilet but having a plastic wrapped fetus staring up at you.
So, need I say it again? - Baby hatches need to be introduced nationally!
Well it certainly is an effect from 'Global Warming.' She was capable to go to bed but is unable to look after the newborn baby. She is a mature woman and she should be thinking ahead of her what are the consequences’ having a good time in bed. What can you do with mother like that? This issue should be an example to other women's and especially to young generation. It is true that children are costing money, and only wise woman and man will consider such issue.
She slept with so many men she doesn't know who the father is, and she also didn't use protection. A real genius here.
Her family says she has been missing. I suspect the woman is not all there.
Yes, and the cops should investigate but not file charges. If women are punished for using the thing, obviously the "baby left in restroom" scenarios will continue.
I am shocked that I will be first to say it, but thank goodness the baby is going to be ok. --Cirroc
She should have asked her sex partner to wear a condom. McDonald's is always hiring, she could have worked there. This is just another excuse of not handling responsiblity. The police should ask her to use birth control or become sterile.
God, isn't there any halfway good news around these days? What a tragedy and for the mother as well. Obviously a very, very troubled person. RIP
erratum: Not RIP (thank goodness...)
Idiot! At least use a darned baby hatch bakemono.
Dennis Bauer
at least the baby is ok
I wonder what is going to happen to the baby? Will her parents raise it? Will it be handed over to the prefecture? Poor baby....I just don't understand how you could do that to your own baby, regardless of whether or not you know who his dad is....Sheeze!
Maybe she did. Maybe she always does. Its hard for a woman to know if a man took it off, lost it, or broke it during sex. It is the man's responsibility to use it properly. Only he has the means and viewpoint to do so. Maybe one of her partners did not do his duty and is so stupid he did not even know it or so selfish he did not tell her, and that is why she does not know who the dad is. --Cirroc
Can you tell me how many there are in or near Yokohama? Thanks. --Cirroc
I could answer that one, but let's just give a hint. It's less than one!
No, unless somebody put one there as a sick joke bought from a sick joke shop. Real ones simply aint wrapped, nor are they wrapped in plastic. In reference to the article, its a new born baby and not a fetus, in which thank the spirits its ok. Shocking story indeed. But not the first i've came across and not the last.
she was reported missing a few years ago?
sad :( Imagine being that baby and hearing the tale of your coming to the world when you grow up - apart from no idea of who your father might be.
How she could give birth without any help?
"woman for abandoning her newborn baby in the toilet of an Internet cafe in Yokohama, after she gave birth there."
hum... gave birth there? where? internet cafe's toilet?
Yes, that's not unusual women giving birth at toilets. Sadly. I hope the baby gets well.
What a start in life for the little munchkin... being abandoned in a manga kissa toilet. And here I am, slaving away to create a nice childhood for my kids. Makes you wonder about karma.
Oh my God! You must live deep, deep in a large city. How removed from nature you are! How do you think people were born before there were hospitals and mid-wives? People stood around and watched and that was it. No difference to being alone. --Cirroc
Note to self: Next time I get together with a 30 y/o runaway, make sure to wear a condom...
Or give it to my wife and I. Damn we've been trying to have a kid for 6 years.
Samantha Ueno
Oh my god. 30 years old? I thought it was a typical prom night birth but 30? Definitely old enough to know better but, this is Japan. She probably wiped up the placenta with a Hello Kitty towel. And yes, the man might not have used the condom correctly or it broke but birth control is always the man's responsibility, and the pill is unsafe and women who use it are just permiscuous. Or so the rumor goes around here.
I am taking this as a shot at my post. In my defense, I said condoms, not BC in general.
For some, the pill is unsafe. That aside, the pill can have unpleasant side effects. (I would not even ask a woman to take the pill for my sake, as it is a drug, and all drugs should be taken seriously.) And the pill must be taken regularly, a task that requires responsibility, something I suspect is lacking in this one. They also cost money, and I suspect she lacks that too. And those reasons are why I did not mention the pill myself. Or even sterilization, because it also costs.
Samantha Ueno
The side effects and cost of the pill are not that bad compared to pregnancy, labor, and cost of raising a child. I'm surprised she didn't just get an abortion, but she doesn't seem likely to be in tip-top shape mentally.
Not even my grandparents would think like that.. Pills aren't only for the promiscuous, but it help the body regulate hormones, help the skin and a lot of other stuff. I've been taking pills way before I had any sexual activity. And when you find the right one for your body, it isn't dangerous or have unpleasant side effects.
omg! giving birth is so painful and messy. to do it in a net cafe toilet, then leave him there, she must've been so desparate. i hope the baby finds a loving home. sex education sucks in jp.
...this story broke my heart. Let me first criticize this 30 year old female as a stupid *** of a for abandoning the baby in such a despicable and heinous sense...she could have dropped it off at a hospital as a few others had stated...it frustrates me as a person who cannot bare children myself due to internal problems caused by no fault of my own. I always end up crying whenever I see tragedies like this happen. To wrap a baby up in a damn plastic???? She could have at leas used a tshirt or pants...or...something more proper than a freaking plastic bag.
...Now to judge her as a person...who knows, she might have been forced and pushed into the sex-trafficking hence why she went missing...and these poor things that get forced into sex-trafficking always end up getting pregnant and/or HIV/AIDS in very little time. Nobody mentioned the situation of this 30 year old female. And when females are victimized in such ways, their sanity breaks and they turn into someone who has the same mentality as those that used heroine/cocaine for like 10 long years...they're state of being is stripped away along with everything else. These women can never get their life back and physical pain just turns into numbness and they come to a point where they give up on defending themselves because they become literally unattached to reality.
BUT IF SHE WAS JUST A Promiscuous run-away-whore, then she deserves far worse than hell. But then again, nobody knows her real state of mind and how her life was lead up until that point...so it's best to just pray that the baby is uninjured, safe and has a warm place with someone nourishing the poor thing...he doesn't need a mother like that either way.
That cost about 30 man yen. Think she had that cash?