Police said Friday they have arrested a 29-year-old woman in Osaka for allegedly beating her 8-year-old son.
The woman, who has been named as Chisato Kuroki, was arrested by police at her home on Thursday after her husband reported that she had been abusing the couple's son, Fuji TV reported.
Officers arrived at the couple's Minato Ward apartment at around 5 p.m., 15 minutes after receiving the call, and found the boy had sustained an injury due to allegedly being punched by his mother moments earlier. Kuroki was arrested at the scene.
On Friday, members of staff at the boy's school said they had noticed bruises on his back and torso previously and that the school had notified a juvenile consultation center, Fuji reported.
Kuroki was quoted by police as saying she hit her son because he wouldn't listen to her.
© Japan Today
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Elbuda Mexicano
Wow! What a good husband! Good on him for doing the right, thing, this woman has problems, maybe not just stress, psychological problems?? My guess, her husband has just saved their son's life! BRAVO! Osaka??
Before we call the father a wimp or a coward, which man is the braver: one who beats his wife, (in response to her own violence), or one who turns the other cheek, seeking help when things get out of hand?
The dad might be as much a victim as the son of an abusive spouse and mother. However, as we don't know any of the family's history, all comments are conjecture.
On corporal punishment, 'oshiri penpen' within reason can be a responsible and loving method of reinforcing behavioral boundaries. Kids need to learn respect for themselves and others, if we are to avoid bullying, be it of peers, seniors or juniors.
What? And why didn't anyone take action after this???
I do not see the father as a "hero" as he was just doing his "job." But, I wonder how long it went on without him doing anything...
Would a wimp (coward) call the police in this situation?
@WilliB: I seriously doubt that any father would have called the police for a first-time, out-of-the-blue event such as this. Calling the police on your spouse is not an act that is conducive to a continuing, happy family life. So it is reasonable to guess that there is more here than meets the eye.
good jobs, daddy well done ...
Poor little guy, hope it wasn't going on too long.
A good father, a bad mother.
What is a society that cannot protect its' children from abuse and neglect? Isn't it a society's responsibility?
Mirai Hayashi
All I can do is sigh....
I don´t understand this story. If the father was right there, why did he need to call the police? Why couldn´t he stop her right there?
The husband, instead of taking some measures and talking to his wife, dealing the situation as a man, called the police. Woman is a weak, mindless person incapable of talking to her own son, weak to the extend of not being capable to control the situation but beating up - why?
I believe that there are few reasons: 1) she is full of complexes 2) she is not a mother 3) husband is worthy of nothing as a person incapable of managing his own home situations but calling the police
I am sorry if I abuse someone, but this situation is terrible and the problem lies within the family where people are simply deciding things by force.
Thank God the boy is still alive!
Elbuda Mexicano
So now a man is a wimp for calling the J cops?? What would you all rather read, real he man beats the hell out of wife?? Kills her like a real macho samurai?? To teach his son how to deal with hard headed inferior women who only serve us for sex and reproduction of the entire human race???
NO child 'deserves' to be hit. If a child is insulting to adults, hitting spitting and what not, then it's the parents who deserve a slap up the back of the head with a rolled-up newspaper for not teaching their child some manners.
There is nothing an 8-year-old could possibly do that would make him 'deserve' bruises inflicted by a parent. Nothing.
At least I got the other one right.
Charges could be trumped as part of a marital feud.
Either way, in my generation this was normal for boys.
Good, hard smacking from parents builds character and discipline.
A firm hand is necessary, and a bruise wouldn't be surprising. But a loving parent would never harm their kids.
'oshiri penpen'? I used to OPP the broads all the time. Having fun.
Wow! Her husband lagged her into the cops? Just goes to show how little help there is for these families. Hope the kid wasn't too badly hurt by her beatings, but the irony is, if the parents split because of this she gets custody of the kid.
It could be that humans have a bicameral mind.
THe root cause of this woman's anger towards her son stems from a deep-rooted anger and resentment built over the years in her life. What she needs is not telling off, but professional help, someone who understands where she's coming from!
Her husband is either a phlegmatic unable to confront problems himself, or he's using the law to threaten her further! Whatever his reasons for his actions, the means, in this case, will not help justiy the end!
Ultimately, it is the boy who suffers the most, physically, emotionally, mentally! His tender spirit is broken!
David Chang
people don't know the whole story and make one of their own...!! yeahh... how do you know the husband didn't first give the wife a hard time at home... maybe she might be bothered by something else... maybe she it be her fault ...maybe the kid needs to be beat...
What is a society that cannot protect its' children from abuse and neglect? Isn't it a society's responsibility?
Society's responsibility, yes. Unfortunately human psyche trumps responsibility.
Speechless.... so what now. it's not attempted murder and it would not hold up in court UNLESS her son decides to step up to her in court and files charges. Unfortunately, Japan needs to revise MANY laws and apply them harshly. However, she is arrested but not charged yet. That makes things very difficult for prosecution. Unfortunately, she'll go home after a course of days in holding. By law, the police can only hold her for 20 days if not charged. During that time if she shows remorse and if she apologizes to her son, IT ALL is forgotten. NOW, what did her son do to deserve this type of treatment? Some boys in this country deserve corporal punishment every once in a while. When they are little they insult their parents in public, hit them, spot at them and what not. I know because when I take my kids to Toys R Us or any other family oriented establishment, I see it all the time. It sickens me sometimes....
I wonder how "good" of a father he really is. If this has been happening previously and he knew nothing about it until only seeing his wife hit their son in front of him tells me at least that he isnt all that great or even good as a father.
A "good" father would be one that the son could go and talk to and let him know or at least ask him why Mom was hitting him AND then Dad could have gotten into it sooner.
Me thinks that this problem goes beyond just this case and there is a history of abuse in this family and Dad is a wimp.
When I say wimp, he wasn't "man" enough to stand up to his wife and get her the help she needed. Probably a mamma's boy himself.
Would a wimp (coward) call the police in this situation?
Personally speaking it should never have gotten to "this situation". And depending on the history. In this case yeah, he is not only a coward, but an ineffectual man who wasn't father enough to his son to be able to recognize or be aware of the situation that his wife was beating their son.
Even wimps call the cops sometimes, and cowards too!
Those two sentences contradict each other. Bruising IS harm.
'Good, hard smacking' builds nothing but thick skin and a readiness to do the same to someone else when you get bigger.