Police said Monday they have arrested a 61-year-old woman for allegedly beating her 94-year-old father to death with an iron at his home in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, on Sunday.
According to Ehime prefectural police, Yasuko Arimitsu -- who lived in Sayama City, Saitama Prefecture -- had been staying at her father's home since May, leaving her child and husband in Saitama.
TV news reports said Arimitsu's father was in good mental and physical health. Arimitsu's older brother, who lives nearby, rushed to the scene after receiving a cryptic message from his sister, who reportedly told him what she had done.
Police said that Arimitsu has so far given no motive for the crime.
© Japan Today
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RIP Old Man.
Sounds like her husband and child are the lucky ones here.
Sounds like a lifetime of built up anger. An iron? That must have been painful. Got to be horrible for the rest of the family.
Saitama on the news again?? What's wrong with those people?
He must have told to go home and she went off.
Agree , the husband and child are the lucky ones.
If she could not handle being with her Dad, I'm think her brother would have preferred to take Dad in instead of seeing him dead and his sister imprisoned for murder. She must have been insane
Christina O'Neill
Beaten with an iron suggests more than one blow. How can anyone be so cruel? Is she mentaly incompetant
Wonder if the iron suggests some kind of oppression she experienced being a woman? She left her husband and baby, maybe the incredible tasks of being a modern caregiver got to her.
Thanks for raising me up to be a fine person, dad. And here's payback...WHOMP!!!
Note to parents - they're just so cute when they're little, but when they reach 61, watch out!
Lazy reporting or translating here. She's 61, so her son or daughter is unlikely to be a child, more likely in his/her 30s. What a way to go, bludgeoned with an iron at 94 in your own home by your own daughter. Too sad all round.
Asagao, the woman is 61. She didnt leave a baby behind but presumably an adult child. Child was a poor choice of word on the part of the author.
My understanding is that Saitama is a working class city compared to, say Tokyo, where most are employed by banks and insurance companies etc. In Saitama, they are blue-collar, and they like a drink, a smoke and the rest. Not saying they are bad people, just a different socio-economic background.
"Saitama on the news again?? What's wrong with those people?"
Glad to see someone noticed. We are overly represented in crime figures. We need more spending on education, and the building of sports and community facilities. And Tokyo people need to be educated about their discrimination against us.
I imagine the translator chose the word "child" because the original Japanese used a gender neutral word, so "son" or "daughter" was out of the question without more information.
How old is her "child" if she is 61? Perhaps if the child continues to live at home he/she will also snap and kill a parent.
It's the same in English. Your son or daughter is still your "child" regardless of age.
Anyway, there definitely must be much broader issues going on here. Maybe her kid - I assume it's a son - is a "Hikkikomori"
She had also been living with her father for two months. Seems she was escaping from something at home...
bad woman
True, but when people hear the word "child" they automatically associate it with young "children". I think "fruit of her loins" is a much better alternative.
A hot summer, and strange news from Saitama. What else is new?
According to the Japanese language news, she was there to take care of her father, because despite him being healthy, he was already too old to take care of himself. As a reason for the murder was that she was tired of caring for him, and she had troubles in her own family (with her husband ) because of her father. I guess the husband wanted her to stay with him and support him, instead of caring for her father, especially since her brother lived nearby and could provide some care for the old man.
The worst part is that she'll get off... in family murders always do.
She won't "get off", but they'll probably go light on her for being a woman and a family member, as you suggest.
She should have poisoned hm then denied the police the right to do an autopsy... that is a get out of jail free card here.
Nessie: Search JT, there are several cases:
Puller Lanigan
Hmmm...she left the 'child' home with her husband? Gah, if I had a child at 61, i'd want to kill someone too. I think this woman was feeling overwhelmed. She probably was summoned to come take care of dad...while I don't condone her actions.....she sounds like she had a more than full plate.
I guess Japan is not a country I used to know. Something I do not know has been going on in Japan. I am very concerned.
Elbuda Mexicano
What ever the reasons, motives, so horrible, to kill your own father and with an IRON?? RIP old man and this nut case daughter burn in hell for all of eternity.
Offspring would be goood. The actual number would be ambiguous in that case, but I suppose the Japanese may have been too. "Fruit of her loins" is certainly the best substitute suggested so far.
Seems like such a lonely way to conclude your life of 94 years...being bludgeoned by your own flesh and blood.
An IRON...crap....I hope the old guy was knocked out at least with the first blow. I can't imagine being awake and hit over and over again with something as blunt as an iron. That woman is psycho. That is some serious rage issues there.
another day, another japanese kills his/her parent(s)
wow, I take it that the mother has passed already. Maybe she was fed up with doing things for him. Why was she there is the question. was it just a visit or was it an Order from her father.
Ranka Sacrates
heck i dont blame her... 98 year old men are demanding.. proubley got fed up with him, along with her own family and just went crazy.. taking out all her stress on him and killed him.. but to be killed with a blunt object like an iron.. you know damn well that wasent an easy death...