Police in Fukuoka have arrested a 57-year-old woman for making 918 nuisance calls over a 14-hour period on June 30.
According to police, Mizue Ishimoto started calling 110 on her cell phone at around 3 a.m. and kept making calls until 5 p.m., NTV reported Thursday. Police said she either remained silent or muttered incomprehensible words.
Ishimoto was quoted as saying she made the calls to get back at the police who she claimed were rude to her when she called 110 once before.
© Japan Today
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The arrogance and ignorance of the young.
Mirai Hayashi
Mind boggling isn't it? That is an average of one call, every minute, for 14 hours straight. You either need to be really bored, really angry, or completely insane to that.
Wow! What tolerance of the system. 900 times? One lady in the USA called 911 when Burger King forgot her ketchup at the drive through. Just once and she got busted.
Making 65.57 (average) calls per hour sure is out of the norm.
ummm, were the cops so busy that they couldn't arrest her after 400 calls?
It is pretty amazing they let her call over 900 times before put a lid on it. A testimony to Japanese patience.
As a Japanese living in Fukuoka, I'd have to admit that we have a lot of strange obasan in town.
They are so strong we usually can't stand against them. We don't argue with obasans.
Some say women are socially weak in Japan, maybe true in general, but here in Fukuoka they are the social super power ruling the town and we men are suppressed second class.
Well that will certainly make them less rude to her!
Worlds largest island asylum....that's gold, can I use it? Like all good jokes it's true.
I would have thought that if someone called the line but didn't speak that someone would go to that location to check up on the person since it COULD be someone in dire need of assistance but can't speak or talk. I'm just wondering how this could have gone on for such a long time. Were they unable to trace the calls?
10 should be the max , with all the technology in Japan, should be easy to locate this Nut Lady!
Superb. How making these calls teaches to keysatsu who were rude to her a lesson defies comprehension.
900...? Well, that's a testament to tolerance, I guess.
So if I call 110 (2-3 times) and don't say a word (for some reason). Will not escalate anything? I am confused.
Thank goodness for the redial button ! Can you imagine having to do this on an old rotary phone ? Whew ! ! !
Isn't that also an issue with the operators/system? Shouldn't they at least send the cops to the scene at the first silent or incomprehensible call in case it is an emergency and the caller cannot speak? I dunno.
John Galt
That'll show 'em!
Mirai Hayashi
Another one? Didn't this happen a year or two ago? Is this the same person?
She was on her cell phone so maybe they couldn't find her? Or she was staying low and moving fast to avoid detection?
Jason Gomez
in Soviet Russia, 110 call YOU!
seriously, one time prank calling 911 is a crime in USA, plus they charge you hundreds of dollars for sending out police, fire, ambulance and throw a thousand dollar nuisance fine on top of it.
this is in addition to being placed in cuffs and taken to be booked into jail, which now always involves a prison style buttcheek search and more money for bail and a lawyer.
land of the free, home of the pile-on....
@ jj1067J As a Japanese living in Fukuoka, I'd have to admit that we have a lot of strange obasan in town. They are so strong we usually can't stand against them. We don't argue with obasans. Some say women are socially weak in Japan, maybe true in general, but here in Fukuoka they are the social super power ruling the town and we men are suppressed second class.
Shaun Johnson
Her phone should be permanently restricted from being able to call 119 again. Have a real emergency? Too bad, maybe there were real emergencies in the 900 times she called before but they couldnt get through because of her. Or if she has a real emergency, hang up on her 900 times then take her call.
Fox Sora Winters
I heard about something like this happening last year. There was someone (a woman again) who called the police something like 2,000 times over the course of six weeks. I just can't get my head around that. I've known people to get arrested after 5 prank calls to 101 (the non-emergency number in Britain). But this was more than 900. She should be fined, and have a ban on owning a cell phone. It's also such a childish thing to do, to waste police time just because you think they're rude. She needs to grow up, and get help.
I hope she actually did good for the police! In meaning they improve their archaic communications system. If she called my mobile phone I would see her number (if she is not using block feature for which she had to apply to mobile operator in advance).
So why the police can not see the caller number right away? They need major overhaul !
John Galt
Maybe she had it set on Auto-Speed-Redial. There must be an app for that, right?
Maybe she was sitting on her phone's redial button? Pretty hard to sit for 14 hours straight though.
hello ummm
Let's hope she is receiving therapy and not just a slap on the wrist and placed back into society on the world's largest island asylum.
Obviously someone with a problem of some sort
Obviously an idiot but did the police actually check on her? What if she was having a stoke or something?
holy crap thats more than one call per minute, she must be autistic or something
So glad my taxes pay for this women to sit around and abuse services like this. Get a job, get a life and get some real problems.
Aaron Loki Brummett
57 years old? "I can't remember if I called or not... I had better call again just to make sure"!
or "I don't remember if I took my meds or not! I'd better take them again to make sure"!