Police in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, arrested a 29-year-old woman Monday on suspicion of dumping the body of a newborn boy at the side of the road. The woman, identified as Kiyomi Inoue, has admitted to the charge and was quoted by police as saying: "His father was someone I hated."
Police said that Inoue dumped the infant's body, placenta and other waste at the side of the road at around 10 p.m. on Aug 27. According to police, the boy was about 47 centimeters long and weighed 2.2 kilograms, and had died before taking his first breath.
In the early-morning hours of Aug 28, Inoue was at a nearby convenience store when she was noticed by police on patrol because she had blood on her feet. Police said she has reportedly been sleeping in parks around the city since December of last year.
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sad news to wake up to. there's always someone who would want to adopt the poor baby, God rest his soul.
1) Baby boy dies in locked car while mother plays pachinko in Akita 2) Woman arrested for dumping unwanted newborn in Gunma 3) ?
Read between the line.
The baby was dead already, she had no help, being homeless, raped maybe?
She needs help, not slapping around on JT.
Poor course of action but the article clearly states that the baby had died even before taking his first breath. The woman was sleeping in parks and obviously not well, but she is no murderer. In terms of caring for the LIFE of the child, you can't even call her negligent based on the information we have been given.
Bottom line, if she knew she was pregnant (and how could she not?), she should have gone to a hospital to give birth. The baby would have had a better chance of survival, and at the very least it could have been spared the indignity of being dumped by the side of a road. The mother needs help, but it sounds like there's some culpability on her part.
if she sleeps in parks, she probably doesnt have any insurance, and no hospital would have taken her in ! already with insurance they refuse pregnant women, can you imagine a homeless pregnant woman ?
Unfortunately, with skyrocketing single motherhood here, many kids will grow up without the love and motherly kindness they need for that very reason. More so if the kid happens to be a boy, and reminds her the man she hates.
What happens to a woman like this?
Exactly. What is a homeless woman to do when you constantly hear reports of people with insurance, in need of immediate care, getting sent to 15 or 20 hospitals before they are admitted.
This is one aspect of the system here I have never been able to comprehend. How does a 1st world country deny people, even those WITH healtcare insurance, immediate help in case of an emergency?
Given the high costs involved with giving birth here in Japan, I don't think that is a valid comment.
How sad. Who are you all to judge like that?
How sad. Who are you all to judge like that?
100% agreed, this sounds a lot more complicated and tragic than simply a selfish woman not taking repsonsibility for her actions. But some people see everything in black and white, without knowing all the facts. I hope if I ever make a mistake/find myself in the soup, people are not so quick to judge me.
Sad case all around. Before the police delve further into this tragedy, the woman needs to be given all necessary medical care. Only after such has occurred should the police be given access to her.
No doubt this'll be treated as murder by the police, not as a deeper serious social/welfare/mental-related issue which it is.
Sad case all round. I hope the woman is given all the help she needs, and people face up to the fact that there is in fact a problem here.
If you work out the dates, it seems like she's been homeless since she found out she was pregnant. What are the chances that's why he booted her out? A terrible situation.
This poor woman. This is incredibly sad. The poor child that was unwanted, the poor woman that has severe problems in her life and probably unwanted as well. Just no good overall...
This is not some spoilt brat 19 year old who can`t keep her knees together. This is a woman who obviously has serious social and possibly mental problems too. Hardly surprising the pregnancy ended in tragedy if she has been living rough all through her pregnancy with no access to medical care. I think it will be a miscarriage of justice in this case if she ends up in prison - BUT it sounds like a life behind bars is going to be preferrable to the one she has been enduring to date.
Wow seriously sad that people knew she was sleeping in the park and no one helped her. There needs to be better systems in place.
So sad. The baby died before taking its first breath. RIP angel. The saying "you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family" sits poorly in this case. It was a shame she was chosen to be your mother in this world.
Doesn't this suggest a stillbirth, that he'd died in the womb, and therefore the mother shouldn't be blamed, without the hospital releasing more details? It would be extremely insensitive of posters here to suggest that the mother was at fault.
Being arrested solves half of this womans problems.
Maria - no, it doesn't suggest a still birth at all. when a baby is born it often takes a while to get the baby to breathe. i'm sure you have seen film of a nurse clearing the gunk out of its mouth or otherwise working on it. this is why she should have been in a hospital.
what a waste on babies! i think japan is in dire need of them.
These articles deliver the most important bits of information in the last sentence.
So sad. The baby died before taking its first breath. RIP angel. The saying "you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family" sits poorly in this case. It was a shame she was chosen to be your mother in this world.
What a sickening comment. You have no idea that this woman did anything wrong which caused the baby to be born still. I'm a male and you comment disgusts me. Where is the father's shame in all this? Where is your anger towards the father who is just as likely to bear blame as the mother? I will tell you one thing. If any woman was carrying my child in her womb she sure as hell wouldn't be living in a park.
A 9-month pregnant woman living in a park? How on Earth can this happen in a supposed 1st world country? Yes, Hatoyama has a hard task in front of him. I stopped long ago thinking that Japan deserves to be called a 1st world country. Technology? yes. Human rights for the people in need? NO > this is what makes a country developed.
I don't see how a 10,000 yen Japanese welfare check a month can sustain a homeless mother and her baby. Again, I blame it on the Japanese government, its not supporting its people, and yet it wants them to produce babies. I don't believe the baby died in her womb. She had the baby when it was alive, and prabably choked it to death. Its just common sense, how in the world is a homeless woman going to raise a baby in Japan? You got a 31 year old woman not homeless, leaving her baby in a car to bake because she dosen't want the responsibility, what little chance this homeless baby had. RIP baby......
The Japanese system, the families of both father and mother should all hang their heads in shame for letting this innocent baby meet it's end so tragically and so prematurely. Unfortunately such cases will continue to occur until the Japanese system of social care and welfare and also Japanese people's attitudes alter. The mother will sadly be held most responsible for this death (and perhaps she was). If/when the real truth emerges then we'll know for sure. It could all have turned out so different if only the father and mother sought some help or if they did was there anyone listening?
What's all the fuss about? There were around 500,000 abortions in Japan last year. What's a few minutes more or less? "The Japanese system, the families of both father and mother should all hang their heads in shame for letting this innocent baby meet it's end so tragically and so prematurely." It happens all the time. If a baby can be killed legally at nine months ..."
BobbieWickham - you make a good point. many japanese use the marilyn monroe form of contraception - namely abortion. however in most societies, birth signifies the start of life. you won't find too many abortions that late term.
The only way I'll not damn this woman is if she was raped and the child was from that, then my heart goes out to her. Otherwise learn what a condom is!! Teach in school that birth control is an important thing.
buggerlugs - if she was raped it was 9 months ago - plenty of time to do something. i think she deserves some sympathy but i don't follow your logic.
There should be no excuse whatsoever for "Dumping" babies on the side of the road like trash.
She needs serious mental help.
Bobcatfish, this woman is clearly mentally ill.
Spanishwoman, you've summed it up. Shiny cars and smart suits by themsleves don't quite cut it. There is a lot of work to be done here with understanding the concept of social justice. Simple forebearance in deferance to a stronger person's will may give the appearance of harmony, but once you remove the veneer, you are left with a whole forgotten class of poor / underpriviledged / mentally ill Japanese that have no safety net, and no institutions in place to support them. Those that are not in need are more often than not far to busy shopping / playing golf / drinking to give a damn. A lot of work to be done.
Bobcatfish. My comment means if she allowed this child to die or murdered him by not seeking medical or family or friends help this is the only way I'll not say "may she rot in hell"!!! I wouldve thought my comment was pretty straight forward. Please present an arguement that allows a child to be murdered!! Until then... In this society if she was raped she would have few to turn too for help. So my comment stands, that is the only scenario I'll not damn her!! I forgot before. RIP little angel, wish I couldve taken you in.
If she was raped and had no one to turn too I can almost understand what she did. But not accept it as right.
What a sick cow. Whether she hted the father or not, she had no right to destroy her innocent child. I hope she never becomes a mother again. She should be locked up for a long time, and given psychiatric treatment.
Where is the man who was responsible for this? Both the man and woman are idiots no doubt. I don't know if this woman was raped, I don't care if this woman hated that man, the baby did not deserve a life like this. I wish someone would educate these young people, and some one would stop these murders. What a world?
You know, and it might just be me, but I have a sneaking feeling that this young woman said a lot more to the police than 'his father was someone I hated'. And perhaps these six words are being used to sensationalise what was almost certainly a traumatic experience.
Maybe the father kicked her out of his place in December last year when she found out she was pregnant. Or maybe she was raped by another person living in the park. So many maybes makes it hard to pass judgement on her yet as many like to do. It would be hard to get a lot of help if you're living in a park and have no friends or family willing to help out.
SHE should be dumped on the side of the road like the trash she is. I volunteer!
The self-righteous and uncompassionate attitude of some of the posters on this site is almost as shocking as the "crimes" they are so quick to condemn.
Disgusting. The same thing just happened a few weeks ago in a Shibuya internet cafe. What's going on with these people?
I'm sorry i care that a BABY died!!! Why should we not show our horror and speculation on this!! She couldve gotten help or at least put the little guy, cause that's what he is, put him where he'd be found!! She said she hated the father so sounds like she didn't care bout the little angel either. Ill codemn any who try to tell me it's ok to let a baby die!! Even myself a little for my previous post saying in one situation I can, on some level, understand why it's posssible to allow a BABY to die. I posted before that I, mrs buggerlugs and our 3 kids would welcome a new addition if these scum parents don't want their kids, send them to us!! We would welcome them!! Even on my pathetic teachers salary.
knews I think that there should be some way to stop this kind of murder. Either the people in the park should be provided some form of help. So are all the babies born to people living in the parks going to die this way? They should not be concieved in the first place, and if they do then they should not be killed. The woman had some sense when she concieved, then she should use that sense to leave that baby in a place where it will be found.
I understand that many posters are saying that the woman should be punished in a cruel way.How does that help? If rich people with so many opportunities go scot free after committing a crime (the actor involved in the death of a poor woman who was released on bail), why should only the poor be penalized?
HalcyonDaze at 10:18 PM JST - 1st September "The self-righteous and uncompassionate attitude of some of the posters on this site is almost as shocking as the "crimes" they are so quick to condemn."
I've tons of compassion - for the baby. That, obviously, is the difference betwixt my sort and yours - I have compassion for the innocent victims, you have compassion (empathy?) for the murderous scum. That simple.
Show me a society where dumping a baby and leaving it to die ISN'T a crime, and I'll show you a vile puddle of vomit that, obviously, is your dreamworld.
The woman was homeless? The father was someone she hated. The baby died before taking it's first breath. Obviously she had problems....
I'd have to know the reason why this woman "hated" the child's father before I'd make any judgments about her mental state. If she was raped, I can absolutely understand her reasons for not wanting to keep the baby, though I can never, EVER condone her methods. Even if the child was stillborn, a human body should be treated with respect and dignity, not thrown out like garbage. And if the child was NOT stillborn, and might in fact have lived had it been delivered and cared for properly, then there is no excuse -- none -- for her actions. Find a hospital, a police station, a temple, a church -- somewhere. There ARE people who are willing to help, and if you want to get rid of the baby and never see it again, that can be done, too. Anything less is murder.
Of course, if her reasons for hating the father aren't criminal in nature (in other words, she wasn't raped, abused, or otherwise mistreated in a cruel and criminal manner), and instead her hatred is borne out of something selfish and self-serving (like he didn't buy her shoes she wanted, or he dumped her for another girl), then I have no sympathy for her at all. Given that she's been sleeping in parks since December, though, I'm more inclined to believe she was the victim of a crime than a philandering boyfriend or husband.
mnemosyne23 : " If she was raped, I can absolutely understand her reasons for not wanting to keep the baby, though I can never, EVER condone her methods. Even if the child was stillborn, a human body should be treated with respect and dignity, not thrown out like garbage. And if the child was NOT stillborn, and might in fact have lived had it been delivered and cared for properly, then there is no excuse -- none -- for her actions. Find a hospital, a police station, a temple, a church -- somewhere. There ARE people who are willing to help, and if you want to get rid of the baby and never see it again, that can be done, too. Anything less is murder."
Bravo! Unfortunately, your words fall silent on the deaf ears of those who have no soul, no compassion for anyone who infringes upon their self-proclaimed rights to do as they please - damn the victims in their wake.
Compassion and empathy for the criminal is psychopathic, at best.
How do you know "...the woman had some sense when she conceived"? That is pure speculation. Well, I speculate that she couldn't afford to have an abortion so she delivered the baby when he was ready to be born. Babies don't all start breathing by themselves when born and, as the article says, died before breathing on his own. Yes it is terrible, but again, if we all sentence people based on three little paragraphs in the media, that doesn't really help at all.
Knews you are right. It is speculations by all of us from different angles. And the woman is just another human being like us. Some mistakes cannot be reversed.
That's right! All it takes is one mess up to ruin the rest of your life with no take backs.
The woman has been living, basically, on the streets since last December. Who knows how this would affect any of us. I find the social stresses in Japan affect people here more. Whatever the real reasons for this crime, it is still a sad thing what she did. To have that much "hatred" as she put it to kill an innocent. No justification can make this a reasonable action no matter religious or non-religious affilations anyone has.
Keep in mind that she is not charge for killing the baby. SHe is only charged for dumping an already dead baby. All the article says is that the baby dies before taking its first breath. We don't know what happened - did she want the baby, but found it dead - then go crazy cuz her baby is now dead, then dump it? She's been homeless since December. She hated the father, why? we don't know.
So, at least based on this article alone, many are jumping the gun and making a lot of assumptions, and in fact, possible wrong assumptions.
Does she have some mental disability to begin with? Why was she homeless? Who is the father? Was this rape? was this an ex-BF? Why did the baby die? Did she kill it? did it die during child birth?
Fact is - we don't know enough to be able to judge this woman's character and whether or not she is guilty of any crime nor could be judge her moral standings either.
Fact is - we don't know enough to be able to judge this woman's character and whether or not she is guilty of any crime nor could be judge her moral standings either.
Correct, but this won't stop the hate-filled from being her judge and jury.
We all feel for this poor child, but some of us don't immediately condemn fellow human beings based upon a poorly written Internet news article.
It seems a few people have misread the article. Just to confirm: The boy had died before taking his first breath.
Which doesn't mean she killed him.
Also, the weight of the baby is 2.2 kg which seems pretty small to me. Obviously this could be because she'd been living rough during her pregnancy but also could be because the baby was born premature.
We're so quick to criticise on this board, yet at times we need to take a step back and look at the possible explanations.
It is a shame baby died, but long term the child would have had a realy missed up life if parents are as detailed in the Report. Also i note adoption in Japan is not a big thing so if mother did not want the child whats would happen to the poor Child?
i don't understand the people calling her a murderer when the one fact clearly stated in the article is that the baby died before taking it's first breath
and she obviously did not get any help while she slept in the streets all those months, and obviously is uninsured- where could she have gone? and sleeping on the streets worrying about where your next meal is coming from, trying to keep warm, and trying not to be raped/murdered, how was she supposed to track down any helpful resources?
there is always more to a story than what is immediately apparent. jumping to conclusions and condemning a woman without the facts doesn't help the situation.
in any case, this is a pitiable tragedy on all sides.
I agree with corinna. Whatever the situation is here, I feel for the woman and also for the child, who never had a chance to live. No matter who is at fault here, the whole thing is just terrible for everyone involved.
What's with all the people calling this person a murderer? The baby was probably born dead. It's birthweight was very low, so it quite likely was born prematurely. 2.5 kgs is something like the 10th percentile for birthweight, and this baby weighed less. Things may have been different if the baby was born in a hospital with a NICU unit, but how is a homeless woman going to have access to such a hospital? Her comment that the father was someone she didn't like is being taken rather unfortunately out of context, since that makes it sound like a reason for killing a baby that she probably had no chance of saving in the first place. Also, to the nutter who would have taken the baby in, what would you have done with a stillborn baby?
I can't really agree with you that there's always someone willing to help or that this woman had access to such help, because that someone had 9 months, while she was wandering around homeless and pregnant, to help her, but no one did. Yes, the mentally ill often lack the ability to seek such help for themselves, or to realize what kind of help they need. That is why so many are homeless.