Japan Today

Woman arrested for leaving daughter naked out on balcony


Aichi prefectural police have arrested a 35-year-old unemployed woman for leaving her 6-year-old daughter naked out on a balcony.

According to police, the mother has admitted to the charge, but has claimed that she acted entirely in the name of discipline.

Sankei Shimbun reported that on Sunday, at around 2 p.m., the woman undressed her daughter, bound her hands with duct tape, and pushed her out onto the cold second-story balcony. She was left there for quite some time, unable to reenter the apartment on her own, as the doors and windows had been locked.

According to police, the woman was living alone with her two daughters in the apartment building. After placing her 6-year-old daughter on the balcony, the woman and her second child left the premises. About three hours later, neighbors spotted the young girl and notified the police, Sankei reported.

Police said the young girl has been taken into protective custody. According to police, the girl's left wrist was bleeding from the tight bindings, but there were no other visible injuries.

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What a trucking psycho! I know many Japanese people that told me their parents had locked them on balconies as punishment. No doubt this witch also beats the kids. Lock this trout on the balcony naked for a few hours and let her know how much of psycho she really is!

14 ( +19 / -5 )

That's not discipline, that's child abuse.

My upstairs neighbor did the same thing one time, though the girl wasn't bound, and wasn't naked. But it was in one of the cold months, and I came home and the girl (3-years old) was screaming and crying. I rang the doorbell and told her that wasn't appropriate punishment, and offered to watch the daughter for a while so the mother could have a break. The mother refused, but she let the girl in, and never locked her out on the balcony again that I saw.

25 ( +27 / -2 )

It was about 6 degrees yesterday. How this child didn't get sick or freeze is beyond me. Putting your child outside and locking the door is rather a common punishment here. Balcony, genkan, door... I certainly don't agree with it and I think it is child abuse.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

No doubt the mother will receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist and the daughter will be returned to her custody. Tragically, consequences in Japan on mothers who neglect and abuse their offspring are virtually non-existent.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Sadly, if history is any judge, the mother will get next to no punishment and probably even get the child back. She should be locked up, if nothing other than in the nut-house, and the children never allowed in her charge again.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

The problem is the concept of abuse as being suitable punishment is prevalent in all aspects of society in Japan. It's going to take god knows how long for that to change.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Although uncommon nowadays, Japanese teachers used to make unruly students stand outside in the hallway as punishment. I've seen a teenage girl having to do the same thing in front of her house (I'm guessing she came home too late), but unclothing or binding of the hands is not at all the norm and is definitely child abuse. This woman needs to be named and shamed.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Chances are high that that's what her caregivers (parents, g'parents etc) did to her when she was a child, and she's repeating the abuse, through frustration and impatience and ignorance. Very sad - the poor child.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

@Kickboard, they used to that when I was at school here in Scotland too, back in the 70s/80s.... but for a parent to do what this evil witch did is unforgivable. She needs to be charged with child abuse at least. The little girl could have died from exposure or hypothermia.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Despicable... She should do some time in a mental ward for this

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Put the woman on the balcony in the same state. Leave her there for the whole day with signage pointing to her. Maybe then she'll appreciate the embarrassment terror and shame this poor child felt.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I have been left outside my house by my mother a few times when I was a child, but she forgave me soon after I apologized.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

EVIL! Please take all her children away and send her to jail for 3 years!

in reality... Japan will do nothing... It is so so sad Japan wont do anything for in family children crime.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Putting the kid outside for a "time out" for a few minutes? No problem.

Putting them outside during the freezing cold of an Aichi winter? Umm... okay, for a bit if they're warmly dressed isn't a problem.

Putting them outside naked during the winter? Line between "discipline" and "abuse" firmly crossed.

Putting them outside naked during the winter for 3 hours?? More like attempted murder! Someone can die of exposure during that time!!

StrangerlandJan. 13, 2014 - 04:39PM JST My upstairs neighbor did the same thing one time, though the girl wasn't bound, and wasn't naked. But it was in one of the cold months, and I came home and the girl (3-years old) was screaming and crying. I rang the doorbell and told her that wasn't appropriate punishment, and offered to watch the daughter for a while so the mother could have a break. The mother refused, but she let the girl in, and never locked her out on the balcony again that I saw.

Not your place. Call the cops. Thanks to your (doubtless well-intentioned) interference the authorities now know nothing about a potential abuse situation. Next time call the cops and stop being an interfering busy-body.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

kickboard Japanese teachers used to make unruly students stand outside in the hallway as punishment.

Wow, when I went to school the teachers used to beat us with leather belts and cane sticks, would hate to think what damage a child might suffer having to stand out the corridor in this day and age.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Having children is a blessing,

This woman obviously doesnt know this, She will when her children are taken away from her.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Child abuse is not limited to the psychopath who tortures or murders his or her young child. It is an indiscriminate disease that afflicts the best of families. The rich as well as the poor. The educated as well as the ignorant There are many forms of abuse and neglect and all are severe. All forms can destroy a child

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Locking a child outside for a while is basically not such bad punishment. I would have preferred that to some of the whippings I got. However, naked and hands bound with duct tape in winter for 3 hours? Sorry. Its game over at that point. Can't even pin that on having a "bad day". The kids should be in foster care until mommy dearest gets enough therapy to be considered safe. And if she is never considered safe, well, I think that is a possibility.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Not your place. Call the cops. Thanks to your (doubtless well-intentioned) interference the authorities now know nothing about a potential abuse situation. Next time call the cops and stop being an interfering busy-body.

Well that's your opinion. My opinion is that this attitude is the problem with the world today - "let's make it someone else's problem" (in this case, the police). Traditionally Japan believed in the idea of children being raised by the neighborhood. People would step in and say something, rather than going straight to the authorities, and people would help with each other's children. It both breeds responsibility, in knowing your neighbors are watching, and familiarity, in knowing your neighbors are willing to help. I'd rather she know that she can take a break from raising her child when it gets overwhelming, then to be living in fear of the police, and still with no means of which to get assistance.

You can feel free to push problems onto someone else. I'd rather be a little more balanced and offer to help. To each their own.

10 ( +13 / -3 )


0 ( +2 / -2 )

She is a sadist and almost certainly would rank high on a psycopathic test.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

StrangerlandJan. 13, 2014 - 06:52PM JST Well that's your opinion. My opinion is that this attitude is the problem with the world today - "let's make it someone else's problem" (in this case, the police).

No, that's not what's happening here at all. It is still my problem, I'm just referring it to the people with the authority and resources to do something about it. All you did was stop her from leaving the child outside. The abuse may be continuing in the home... but now the police don't know about it, social services don't know about it... nobody knows but you and the abuser. You've become part of the problem, part of the circle of secrecy. And if the child turns up dead tomorrow what will you say? You'll say, "Oh, I knew about the abuse... but I didn't tell the police.". Or maybe those most famous words, "I thought I was helping....".

It isn't a matter of opinion. This is what irritates me about non-professionals, they don't understand the system so they think they know better than everyone else, and take it on themselves to interfere when there's a system in place. By not reporting it to police you cut out the whole system. Believe it or not, but the police would have come by, talked to the mother, then a few days later a social worker would have come by and talked to the mother, then talked to the child, then spoken to the teachers at school, then checked in again on the mother and child later, and provided PROFESSIONAL advice and resources. You cut the mother out of that system, and you cut the child out of that system. This isn't "opinion", and it irritates me beyond belief when I hear this trite excuse rolled out at every opportunity. Your recourse to "opinion" is an attempt to move this debate into the subjective realm where that most famous illogic applies that "everyone is entitled to their opinion". Sure, you're entitled to your opinion. What you're not entitled to do is bypass the laws and regulations of Japan because you find they don't fit with your ill-informed personal philosophies. You're not entitled to put your "opinion" above the well-being of that child. Oh, and while you're entitled to your opinion you can also be dead wrong in that opinion.

-2 ( +2 / -3 )

@ Maria I agree the mother probably believed that this kind of treatment was the most appropriate thing to do for punishment because she probably received the same kind of treatment from those who looked after her, its sad because she probably never thought about the consequences. In America if one report of is made by a neighbor or school its automatically investigated, if the abuse is true all kids in the house is taken away and the parents have to go to court to get them back.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

mom is a single mother, probably on welfare too as she is watching 2 small children. Under stress or what, she made a bad decision that could turn ugly. Sometimes children will challenge their parents, like maybe the mother said if you won't behave, I will let you out in the veranda naked and the child replied, yattemiro.

The mom will not get a jail time, just a reprimand. AICHI police are known for their lack of intervention and will just sweep the issue under the rug.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Sending children outside used to be a common form of punishment here, I remember being annoyed a few times by neighborhood children pounding on their front doors and screaming to be let inside. A few years ago there was a case in Hokkaido (I think) where a wee boy was sent outside by his angry mother. He was too scared to go back and face her, so he stayed out in sub-zero temps all night long, and froze to death as a result.

Poor little girl. I wish her well.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

That woman is totally insane. How can she think 6 years old child has understand such as punishment? Stupid cow.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I believe in discipline and even was subjected to corporal punishment and beatings as a young child but this is wayyy over the line. I feel so sorry for that poor girl! Throw the book at her cold, heartless mom.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I have a feeling the mother wouldn't have cared if her child had died. There's lots of stories where extreme discipline has lead to death. Sometimes it looks intentional.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yes Frungy I understand you have an opinion. As I do. I don't feel the need to be an extremist, there are more than one solution to a problem, and I took one that involves balance. If I had seen her do it again, I likely would have called the police. But she didn't do it again. And seeing as I can hear most everything they do up there, I'm pretty sure there is no abuse going on. If there was, I'd do something about it, because that's the type of person I am, which is why I said something to her when I saw it. Now I respect that you feel it's better to go the most extreme route possible right away, and I think that is better than sitting around and doing nothing, as so many people here do. But that's your opinion, and while you think your extreme method, pushing the problem onto someoe else, is the best one, I prefer a more balanced approach, offering support over antagonism.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Where is the dad?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Strangerland and Frungy, please do not address each other anymore on this thread.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

pointofview: does it matter? it states that " the woman was living alone with her two daughters in the apartment building. "

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The article incorrectly refers to this witch as a mother.... it should say monster. This woman needs to have her tubes tied.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

"After placing her 6-year-old daughter (wrists bound with duct tape) on the balcony, the woman and her second child left the premises. About three hours later, neighbors spotted the young girl and notified the police"

What if the child had leapt to her death? Died of exposure? What then? Usually these events are not 'one off' isolated incidents. Some have reported here these are common discipline techniques. Japan has a bullying problems among school children? One may wonder why.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It wasn't stated when or how the mother was contacted after she left the apt.. This is a case of attempted murder. She left because she didn't care and didn't want to see the results of her actions. Clearly the other child has to be removed from her care and she needs to be prosecuted.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What if the child had leapt to her death?

Exactly, in addition to the abuse of having the child naked and bound, the idea that a parent would leave a small child on a balcony is mind boggling. A fall from that height could easily kill them. With all the reports of children falling from balconies one would think it would sink in that leaving a child on the balcony alone in any state is dangerous and negligent. There are countless ways the child could have died if not for the people calling the police for help.

In this horrible story, I am glad to see that at least there are people who are still willing to call the police when they see something wrong.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Aichi prefectural police have arrested a 35-year-old unemployed woman for leaving her 6-year-old daughter naked out on a balcony.

One wonders how she can afford to "raise" these children whilst unemployed anyway, unless she's living with someone? It seems to me that 8 out of every 10 news articles on crime are about an unemployed person. What exactly is it keeping her from getting a job? If she cannot do that with children, she could ask her mother to take care of them for her, surely?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

is this some sort of "time out" ? this is crazy.. the girl could have died being naked outside for 3 hours.. it's COLD being out wearing a heavy jacket but being naked I can't even imagine how cold and scared this girl was..

like someone said earlier, yes, Japanese teachers used to make unruly students stand outside in the hallway as punishment long time ago but I'd call it a "time out".. being put outside with NO clothes on with your hands tied is not the same at all..

I am not sure what this little girl did to deserve this (probably nothing) but even if she wanted to say sorry, the mother closed the door and was gone... what kind of discipline is this.. this mother needs to be disciplined SERIOUSLY.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Punish a child with push ups or sit ups... I think the mother should be charged with assault on a child. It's obvious the mother's mother did a poor job of raising and so the cycle of abuse continues. Hopefully it ends here.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What an evil whore this so called mother!! Who in the hell would ever even imagine leaving their naked 6 year old child out in the freezing cold!!!??? If I ever go down to Aichi and find this dirty whore!!! Poor little girl born to such an evil and stupid whore!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Here we have clear proof of abandonment or desertion of a child by such parent, or the omission by such parent to furnish necessary food, clothing, shelter or medical attendance or other remedial care for her child is prime evidence that such abandonment or desertion or omission to furnish necessary food, clothing, shelter or medical attendance or other remedial care is willful and without lawful excuse.

In my hood we have an old saying when it comes to discipline... She couldn't skin her daughter in 20 different ways than endangering the child's welfare !!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@dissillusioned, I mean no offence. but to claim this mother has beater her child... really take a step back and think. How many of our parents left us in a shopping mall when we stayed put in one thing and made us cry only to reappear and let uus know it was discipline. While i find the punishment strange and certainly a tactic to teach humiliation and reinforce her position as the mother and in control. I dont particularly believe the woman beats her child. and you can cry blue about not slapping or scolding a child but its a fact that without some physical discipline our new crop of kids and young are entirely worthless little D-bags with a sense of entitlement. Remember that this is japan, That means people do things here the Japanese way. If you bring your morals or out of country beliefs or sociology here you will find them rebuked. I feel for the little girl and yes the punishment to me seems harsh ubt i not flipping off the handle saysing things that are not in evidence.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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