Japan Today

Woman arrested for selling pornographic images of 4-year-old daughter


Police in Ogawaramachi, Miyagi Prefecture have arrested a 32-year-old woman for violating laws prohibiting underage prostitution and pornography after it came to light that she sold porn images of her daughter to a man in Hokkaido on Oct 3, 2009.

The woman is accused of attaching indecent images of her young daughter, who was four years old at the time of the incident, to a cell phone email in exchange for 5,700 yen in payment.

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Sad. I hope she comes to her senses while in jail - she certainly deserves it

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yuuuuuuuuuck!!! what a gross way to start the morning.

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This woman is very ill. Will these news stories ever go away?

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A 4 year old + the word porn images! These phrases do not sit well together. What is a porn image? Surely they mean naked/nude images?

Whatever, I am sure you know what I mean?

This woman should have her parental rights taken away immediately, then she should spend a few years behind bars.

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Although I condem the actions of the woman in question I think the man who made the purchase if known should be publicaly flogged.

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This woman should not go to prison for this but to a mental hospital for assesment and treatment, her daughter should be put into protective custoday and the man should be drop kicked off the rainbow bridge.

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This is becoming an increasing problem in Japan. Jail her for 5 years and take away any future visitation rights to the poor girl.

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Words fail me on this one.

As much as we may want to punish this woman, what would become of the child, who looks after her? What else was she involved with? Who intercepted the photos on the other end? What was the man charged with?

This sort of thing just doesn't seem to end.

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I can relate desperate times calls for desperate measures, but this is an insalibrious mental stability of a parent. The purchaser should be condemned as well.

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Sick... yes. However this problem of men or pedophiles does not seem to go away. The guvt has made some baby steps but 10% or them get their kicks somewhere off a mistress or I do not want to think about it. As Japan slides down the pole and more people are desperate for cash it will continue. Last I checked kawaii bands are taking over the country (young teens) and I would say a quarter of the J guys I meet have some sort of young girl fetish and sick mind for little girls but four is downright pedophile. I give f all for the phantom panty snatchers but make and example out someone...five years hard time for both.

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yes my last sentence is horrible grammar, sorry lads in a rush.

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SICKO !!!!!! Lock her up for 3 years. Permenent sterilize her so she won't produce anymore. her parental rights suspended for 60 years.

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These news articles are becoming so common that I am no longer shocked by it, kind of like hit-and-run articles, or groping on a train articles.

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the man is sick but what the woman did is much worse. betraying the trust of a little one who only knows to trust her mother from the world.

how can this mother look at herself in the mirror? what a crappy world we live in.

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Only in Japan. Another monster Japanese woman. Not surprised but totally sick. I do not want to hear such news again and again.

I do not know which is worse, killing one's own kid or selling pornographich pictures of the kid. Both actions need the death penalty though killing one's own kid points to a possible severe mental problem of the mother, while selling pornographic pictures is premeditated greedy and cruel act of a creature lacking humanity and moral.

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I am with KingSaint, sterilization should be explored with vigor in cases like this. Maybe some kind of optional thing, they get 1-2 years off their sentence if they agree to forego all further offspring for society's sake.

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@loveUSA , i would have to say the former is worse. The latter is gagging and grotesque, but pretty doubtful the girl has any idea or understanding what happened. That doesnt condone the offense AT ALL. Just saying in comparison, taking a life is the ultimate crime.

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-an "innocent" life that is.

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I have to wonder, what's the difference between a woman taking what I assume amounts to simply naked pictures of her own child to sell to a random stranger online, and a professional photographer taking photos of a 4-year-old in a bikini eating a banana to sell as a book to perverts in Akiba? I mean, really, which is worse? Is one somehow better because the child is barely clothed?

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@monkeyz- you raise a great point. Im going with they are equal abominations of society. Yet- bikini banana pictures are for some insane reason, deemed legally appropriate.

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"Only in Japan."

No, not only in Japan. Child porn is not a Japan-only problem. It's a worldwide problem. I could write a disertation on the topic, but that would bring the thread off-topic.

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Before condemning the woman I'd like to know what her financial situation was and why. Was she a whore with expensive habits or a single mother without a job at wit's end? Also, whether she could expect any social support before resorting to such deplorable measures. In Japan the state usually doesn't give a flying monkey about people in dire straits.

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@JennyTalwart- yes, good idea. Because if her financial situation was dire and she had no social support and at her wits end, that would TOTALLY explain it and make condemnations seem SO inappropriate.

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LoveUSA: " Both actions need the death penalty"

While your anger and disgust are understandable and shared by any sane individual, certainly the former (killing one's own) is FAR worse than selling pornographic images of them. BOTH are abhorrent, but at least with the latter the child has a chance to grow up and lead a normal life. If he/she's dead, they do not. And the death penalty is a bit too harsh, methinks. I most certainly think she should be locked away for a good stint to think about her actions, though.

This is becoming more and more rampant here.

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Welcome to Japan, where it is legal to posess child porn. Great morals.

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@monkeyz- I agree, there is a double-standard there.

What we can only speculate on though is what exactly "indecent images" means. According to Japanese law, this is what constitutes child porn: (sorry Japanese only)

一  児童を相手方とする又は児童による性交又は性交類似行為に係る児童の姿態

二  他人が児童の性器等を触る行為又は児童が他人の性器等を触る行為に係る児童の姿態であって性欲を興奮させ又は刺激するもの

三  衣服の全部又は一部を着けない児童の姿態であって性欲を興奮させ又は刺激するもの

Article 1 and 2 state that it becomes porn when the image is of the child having sex (real or simulated), having their their privates touched, or touching those of another person. Article 3 is pretty vague, saying an image of the child naked or partly naked in a position for the purpose of sexual arousal also counts as child porn. I suppose those baby-in-bikini-eating-a-banana photos are treading a fine legal line. Show a nipple and it becomes porn. Cover it up with a skimpy bikini and it's perfectly legal...

This being the law, we must presume that the mum wasn't simply selling naked photos of her kid in the bath or something... it's very sad that the mother sold her dignity, respect and trust for a mere 5,700 yen (not that any amount would make it acceptable).

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pretty doubtful the girl has any idea or understanding what happened.

I think that depends a lot on what kind of pictures were taken, and the manner in which they were taken, but I have a 6 year old and a 4 year old now, and based on papasmurfs definition above, both of them at age 4 I am certain would have been aware that something inappropriate was taking place, that would have had a mental and/or emotional impact on them, even if they were not able to understand or vocalise it properly.

Its difficult because it is the mother, the one person who should be in a position of trust. The only time I have ever touched my children even as their mother is to clean them when they were babies, and occasionally for medical reasons (to administer cream for example, or check for abnormalities as my son has a minor problem with his genitalia that is going to require a small procedure in the future, that I wasnt even aware of until I had my second son and was able to "compare").

Anything beyond that I feel would be a massive breach of trust. They are my children, but that doesn`t make them "mine" to do with as I wish. This seems to be the mentality that is missing here.

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pretty doubtful the girl has any idea or understanding what happened

really??? 4-year-olds remember lots of things!! my 9-year-old remembers and talks about when he was younger.. what he did in daycare and grandparents. I myself remember lots of things about when I was that age, too. Not everything, but lots. Assuming 4-year-olds won't remember isn't cool and it certainly won't make this OK to do what the mother did.

and this girl might hear about what her mother did when she grows up -- imagine how she'd feel???

completely agree, mimamum.

mothers do NOT sell their (our) little one's pictures to strangers no matter how poor we get. I'd rather be on the street and beg for money/food.

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@JennyTalwart - Good points. One thing is for sure. She is 'internet savvy' enough to broker the deal. Quite impressive. I challenge any of you to do the same. How did the guy pay her? How did she promote the fact that she was selling the pictures? Couldn't the guy have found similar pictures on the net for free? Hello legislation.

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@fishy-"assuming 4-year-olds won't remember isn't cool and it certainly won't make this OK to do what the mother did."- WHO said it would make it OK? The context was comparing it to murder. 4 year olds remember lots of things, but I doubt her mom taking her picture will really stand out. If a 4 year old has a hang up about their body or being naked, it has been projected onto them by an adult. Otherwise children are innocent and are happy to run around the pool or neighborhood park fountain in their birthday suits. So I dont think a Mom taking pictures of her is going to be a huge traumatic memory. AND I AM NOT SAYING THAT IT MAKES IT OKAY! The context was set by loveusa. If you read my other posts, you would certainly see my anger and disgust.

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I don't know what disgusts me more. The fact this so-called 'mother' sold pornographic photos of her 4y/o daughter or the fact someone actually bought them. However, under Japanese law, the guy that bought them did nothing ilegal. What great country!

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roger that, killdamessenger.

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This is just plain sick. As a father of a daughter, I cannot phathom the activities of either the man purchasing the pics nor the mother selling them. They both need severe mental treatment to say the least.

This is something I just do not understand. How does a mother who carried this child within her for 9 - 10 months even consider this type of activity? I truly believe this lady is missing a lot in the mental department. The guy needs to just be put away in some padded room someplace - forever. How in the world does one get aroused by a 4-year old??? I just don't understand.

At a loss for words.

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Who knows what this stupid woman did to get herself into this mess, but we can only speculate that she go pregnant from some dude, then the dude rejects her, now she hates the baby spawn with this dude, in her warped messed up little mind she thinks she can get revenge against this dude, the sperm donor, by doing bad things to the child of this dude she hates etc..etc..it happens all over the world every day, very, very sad!

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Not only the mother, but also the one who bought too should be arrested. There are many sick jijis in japan who pay for these kind of mothers.

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Really sick and reprehensible! The child should be removed from her 'care' and hopefully paced with a relative. The person who bought the image should be arrested. Fifty-seven hundred yen. Unfathomable.

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They will not touch the guy as it is legal. But he is really stupid because this kind of junk is free and it is horrible.

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Ugh, this is so messed up. I hope the girl gets a chance to grow up in a safe and happy environment.

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