A 38-year-old woman was arrested on Wednesday after her 5-year-old daughter was found dead on a hotel bed in Machida on Tuesday.
Police said the suspect, identified as Akiko Itagaki, unemployed, is thought to have checked in to the business hotel after midday with her daughter, Satomi, before strangling her sometime that afternoon. Itagaki took an overdose of sleeping pills, but is in a stable condition, police said.
Police said a suicide note was found in the room, in which the mother explained that she had no confidence in her ability to raise a child, and that she wanted to kill herself, too.
© News reports
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Ummm Im guessing there is no father in the picture?
Another idiot who couldn't take a trip to City-Hall to get the help needed.
Rip lil' one sorry you had to die for your mom's faults and weaknesses.
if she wasn't confident to raise a child, why didn't she at least bring the girl to an appropriate facility? if she didn't have the confidence, that is HER OWN PROBLEM NOT THE LITTLE GIRL'S PROBLEM!!!! at the age of 5, most kids have a dream or they think of what they want to be when they grow up and etc.. they think of bright future.. whatever it is, like I want to be a beautiful princess, I want to work at a cookie store, want to work at a flower shop.. that kind of stuff.. this woman destroyed the little girl's future with her own selfish reason.
number of drunk driving decreased dramatically after the government imposed more severe punishment, so why don't the government impose more severe punishment for those who abuse and kill children?? that'd at least make people think??no???
if she really wanted to die, she would have successfully killed herself.. she was scared and she was a coward not being able to kill herself but murdered her little girl.
whatever situation this woman was in, there is no excuse. She could have thought of many other options --- one of them was to take the girl to a facility temporarily until the situation for this woman was better. I don't know where the father was or if the little girl even had a father figure, but even if there was no father, a mother could and should have thought of other options for the girl's future. Killing a child is never an answer.
and yes, i agree Zenny.. a trip to a local government office could have brought her more options.. she'd definitely have got some advice in terms of where she could take the girl to... I've seen posters at my local city office the poster was to let people know the option of foster family.. adoption is a long process in japan, but there are temporary foster families available in every city/ward if those facilities are full. there are all sorts of options, but sadly this woman chose the worst option which shouldn't even have been an option from the beginning.
Suicide is a very permanent solution to a temporary problem.
And the scenario repeats itself once again - parent/s kills child, tries to kill oneself and fails, then gives the same apathetic BS excuse, "It's too hard!" - It's too easy! You selfish, retarded, immature twit!
I wish somebody would finish the job on herself that she didn't complete. So sad the little girl had to die because of her mothers selfishness. The little soul would have been exciting checking into the hotel thinking she was going to have a nice time. Tragic.
that makes me so sad... little kids love and get excited to stay at a hotel.. the woman probably told the girl some fun stuff and told the girl that the mom and girl would have a fun time together.. sad.
If I ask for help, what will happen to my pride? So I'd be a martyr, kill the baby and commit suicide. What if city office uses the picture of this woman and her child and drive the message across to the others.
are you seriously thinking the government would do that? to use a picture of an actual person who come to the government office to seek help without her permission???????????
and even IF (one in billions chance or I should say never) that's the case, which would be better???? to kill your child??
I hope you're just being sarcastic..
Fishy, sorry for my convoluted and sarcastic comment. What I meant was that the city ofice should use this particular woman's photo and her child's photo in their future campaigns. Sometimes, the real life stories can have a greater impact.
Jkanda -- aw, i see... whew.. sorry i misunderstood.
personally i think ads or tv commercials in this country are too soft, at home in NZ and Australia, they have rather graphic ads showing the effects of cigarette smoke as it goes into the lungs etc, effects of drinking and driving, effects of physical abuse, and also always ads on tv to advise kids to ring an advice line if being bullied, and this line is free from payphones, and also of course ads for people who are in hopeless situation where to go for help and also volunteer helplines (free from payphones), considering that NZ has heaps more tax than Japan, maybe this is why we have so many good ads and helplines,,,,,Japan stop paying dead peoples pensions and fund free phonelines for people in trouble also they should do an ad where the neighbouring obaachan or ojichan hears the parents screaming abuse at kids and hitting them and then said obaachan closes curtain and turns up tv, this would be a good shame game, and make them realise that turning a blind eye is not appropriate
I am in NO WAY condoning or sympathizing with this woman and what she did, but Japan needs a better system of adoption, and needs to PROMOTE that system. As it is, you have a heap of old codgers saying that baby hatches are bad, and a child should always remain with their birth parents, but they seem to ignore the corpses that turn up in dumpsters, coin lockers, and the increasing number of incidents like that above. The woman was sick, and needed help, and it's a shame she couldn't have given up the child first before trying to off herself. At least then the poor little one would be alive. RIP.
More and more sick incidents of parents abusing/killing their children/infants in this nation are cropping up. It's disgusting.
Problem Solution I lost my job... kill myself I was teased... kill myself I got a bad grade... kill myself My boss gave me a bad look... kill myself Whatever... kill myself Where is the common sense in this and why does a child need to suffer the same fate as the stupid parent.
smith - i agree, yet adoption is not common in japan (and there is a super long process), foster families are available in every city/ward. and yes, i agree, it needs to be promoted more.. i've seen posters at a local city office, but they should use tv, magazine and etc to promote foster families as an option.
Have these stupid people never heard of adoption?!?!
There are already such a ton of those phone-lines in existence. The info is NOT hidden and readily available to anyone visiting any goverment office.
too bad these "people" don't kill themselves first and then try and kill the child.
if they had the brain to think of adotion/foster family, they wouldn't have killed their children in the first place. these who kill their kids as a "solution" don't even bother taking a simple step to visit the government office.
Overdose on sleeping pills? - Sigh, yes back in the day barbiturate sleeping pills were a sure thing to overdose on, it's all but impossible nowadays as sleeping meds lack barbiturates and will make you very sick but wont kill you if you try to OD on them. Tragic Fail lady - you killed your daughter. What hope is there for her now? Sad sad sad.
Judges, don't let this person go unpunished. Don't forget the poor victim.
Breaks my heart.
This was premeditated murder. She took the poor little darling to the hotel knowing exactly what she was going to do. No confidence in raising the child? Well, the child made it to five, didn't she? If she had really felt that committing suicide was the answer, she would have just killed herself and left the child alone. I really hope that the judge does not take pity on this woman. Enough is enough.
If the situation is bad that one thinks of suicide( very common here) why does she take the life of a child who has the whole future left? Actually, the social system is such a crap that adoption culture is virtually non-exit and the mother might have thought the complexity of the process but killing own child really unimaginable.
I don't say that this is a Japan only problem, but the recent chain incidents makes it more severe problem than other countries.
Unbelievable. It`s so sad...
I wonder what happened to the father.
very sad !!!! I'm sorry or the little girl.
Damn! She failed at both. What loser....
Very sad, why they have to kill their children is unknown to me. Shows to me a self centered immature women.
Very bad. Dying people likes to live and this mother killed a healthy child. Just wondering what will happen to Japan if this killing of children continues.
Well, what do you expect? That sort of thing is seen as desirable by the majority of men here. If that weren't the case, there would probably be fewer parents raising their daughters like that and more women realizing they need to grow up if they want a decent man.
Another tragic senseless murder committed by a useless parent. Some people should never have children and should be sterilized! Often in Asian societies women get pressured when they get to a certain why they don't marry or have kids. Its a social stigma if you don't have boy or if you can't produce a child at all, what will your family or your parents think? Or my friends have kids, but I don't. I have to hurry, what will they think if don't have a child of my own. Often with these kinds of pressure in order to compete, it seems that fitting in with society is more important than being a GOOD PARENT! Who suffers from this, the children-always! My heart goes out to the girl, it is so sad that in her early life, that she had an idiot and a coward of a mother to do this to her. No child should have to go through this tragedy. Unfortunately, this scene is played out way too often in Japan with mothers killing their kids for some lame reason and I don't see it letting up, especially with this economy in shambles and divorces being on the raise, expect to hear more of these barbaric stories.