Police said Friday they have charged a 51-year-old woman with murder after she allegedly strangled to death her 8-year-old daughter at their home in Kibichuo, Okayama Prefecture, on Jan 14.
According to police, the woman, identified as Chizuru Kojima, used a towel to strangle her daughter Miori after she had returned home from her special needs school that day, Fuji TV reported. Police said that after killing her daughter, Kojima then went into the kitchen and inflicted several life-threatening wounds on herself with a sharp knife.
The girl and her mother were found in their apartment at around 5:40 p.m. They were rushed to the hospital immediately, but the girl was pronounced dead upon arrival.
Following her recovery on Thursday, Kojima was quoted as telling police, "After killing my child, I could only think that I too had to die."
Kojima's husband was at work at the time.
© Japan Today
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First off, who in the world are you to tell a woman it's not her "right" to have a baby? I really wasn't aware that one had to apply for a license or anything of that sort before reproducing? Do men also fall under this category or is it reserved for the fairer sex alone? Before you answer that, do consider that the odds of a baby being born with certain defects such as autism, schizophrenia, neurofibromatosis, the connective tissues disorder Marfan syndrome, skull and facial abnormalities like Apert syndrome also increase if the father is over 35. Should men be sterilized after the age of 35 so that they don't increase their off-springs' risk of being born with such problems?
Seriously? No one dares breathe a word? AMA, meaning Advanced Maternal Age is stamped on your medical file. Plenty has been written about the risks of having a child after a certain age and most all women who make ob-gyn visits while pregnant will have doctors who discuss it and tests taken to detect abnormalities.
And who are all of these "ex-career" women of whom you speak? We're talking about Japan, which has a fair number of working women but probably a fair number less of whom are "career" women. It's also a place where it's fairly common to stop working, at least full-time, once married in order to start a family and take care of the home.
Then one has to wonder, what do you know about this woman that the rest of us don't? Do you know if she put her career above having children and even if she did, was that another thing she didn't have a right to do? Do you know if she struggled for years with infertility only to find herself pregnant at a later age than she'd planned? Do you know that her pregnancy was planned? Yes, even women over 40 can accidentally get pregnant. She would be far from the first to have assumed her child-bearing years were behind her and thus to have become lax about birth control only to find that she was going to have an "oops" baby. Do you know what her daughter's "special needs" were and whether or not they were related to maternal age or perhaps the result of an accident or simply the luck of the draw?
Where is your anger at the father in all of this? Assuming the woman didn't get pregnant by herself, surely he had some role in things. Why aren't you more indignant at the notion that this woman was perhaps exhausted and pushed to the edge because she got little to no support from her workaholic husband. Yes, two can play at the assumption game.
As for the ideal age for a woman to have a baby, physically it is earlier in life. Then again, a woman in her 20s, because she is less likely to eat healthfully and more likely to smoke and drink too much, also has a higher risk for having a baby with a low birth rate, which can set it up for all kinds of problems down the line. They are also less likely to be financially or emotionally stable and more likely to need public assistance. An older woman is more likely to be financially stable and able to provide for the child. A woman of any age can get any number of screenings for disabilities and decide whether or not she will continue with the pregnancy based on the results. In most all industrialized countries, women live well into their late 70s to early 80s and on average, 7 years longer than men - the fathers. Of course it's rare to see people get so worked up when a man becomes a father after a certain age.
Really? What does this even mean? So a woman who has a child no longer has any rights? Is that a legal thing? Does it extend to the fathers? And what exactly are those child's rights beyond having their best interests be a primary consideration. The notion of what those best interests are will certainly vary from culture to culture and indeed, from family to family.
A study of 96 cases of maternal filicide in Japan found that neonaticide cases were distinguished by, not maternal age but a significantly higher rate of unmarried mothers, financial difficulties, absence of mental illness, and admission of not wanting an illegitimate child. Studies done in other countries have found that overall, the average age of women who kill their children tends towards the younger side, again because they are more likely to be in unstable financial situations and unstable relationships.
The upshot of all this, yes an older mother has an increased risk of having a child with a disability but being an older mother also comes with benefits for the child and family. This woman wasn't the norm. The vast majority of mothers do not kill their children. There was a father in this family. Did he not notice that his wife was at the end of her tether? You have no idea why a woman has a child at the age she does. She may have wanted one earlier but been unable. She may not have gotten married until later in life for any number of reasons, none of which are really any of your business.
Women seem to be in a no-win situation as far as some seem to be concerned. Have that child too young and you're more likely to end up on public assistance and be accused of being a lazy, parasitic whore. Have that child too late and you're going to be accused of being a selfish "career woman". Have a child with a disability and it's your fault for one reason or the other.
Wouldn't it be nice if, instead of judging women who don't have babies when they are 25 years, 3 months and 65 days old, that they were offered more emotional support by others? Wouldn't it be nice if they were judged less for decisions that you really know nothing about and offered a smile or helping hand rather than a self-righteous scowl of indignation?
First people if you read the story correctly it said " Chizuru Kojima, used a towel to strangle her daughter Miori after she had returned home from her special needs school that day after killing her daughter, Kojima then went into the kitchen and inflicted several life-threatening wounds on herself with a sharp knife". Now READ the words SPECIAL NEEDS do you or any of you know what it takes to take care a child with special needs? Miori was 51 years old which means you had her daughter at 43 years old conceived at 42. Well according to science that is a bit late but anyways a child with special needs can be over bearing especially depending on the childs abilities. It could mean she was taking care of a child who never matured past the age of 3 but at 8 years old the work and child care and the fits and mood swings can be over bearing an this could have led Miori to kill her daughter. It didn't mean that she didn't love her it could have simply meant that she was better off dead than living such a miserable unhappy life as a child. The mother felt probably as if it was best for her to join her, I'm sorry Japan has no sympathy for those with special needs I have seen it first hand there, many Japanese think people with special needs are are different or monsters or not people. I feel sorry for the mother because I don't think they took into account what she had to deal with day in and day out caring for a child with special needs. Its like taking care of a new born baby that never matures all throughout life. I have a friend who has a daughter with special needs and it is a full time job day and night never a break!!!
Great post, Ambrosia.
Of course it's a right. Are you saying women don't have rights where their fertility is concerned? Sounds familiar...
40 is nowhere near the norm. The average age for a first baby in Japan is 30.
I couldn't (and didn't manage to) say it better myself !
Did I ever say it was an excuse? No, nowhere did I say that. There is a big difference between reason and excuse. Being a teacher, I'd think you'd know that.
Thank you kindly, but the "obvious anti-male sentiment" was in response to a rather myisogynistic post suggesting that it is only the age of the mother that matters which is about as far from the truth as your suggestions. Thanks for letting me know how I feel about men though. I'll be sure and give my husband a heads up so he can get out of our loveless marriage. After all, how could I love him when I have "disgust for the male gender". By the way, I love how you came to the defense of all the women being bashed because of what this one woman did.
Yes, it's the salt of the posting world, isn't it?
Frugny: Awesome story! Surely none of us would have understood the responsibilities involved in raising children had you not shared that with us. Too bad you couldn't have imparted your unique wisdom on Mrs. Kozima before she did that awful act. But if your story stopped even one woman from having a baby that she wasn't prepared to give up all her rights for, then you've done your job.
Flash Harry
Very sad case, and until i have 'walked a mile in the Mother's shoes' i will not pass or speculate on judgement.
Rest-in-Peace child. You are now free of these earthly bonds.
we don't know the background, BUT NOTHING....NOTHING!!! In this world give you the right to murder somebody.
@Ambrosia !!!!
What I dont understand is how could most posters just jump to conclusion with out any hard facts. good post and Im sure the more intelligent readers here would also agree.
Why didn't you kill yourself first? Miserable twit!
"Special needs school" "8year old daughter" "51 year old mother"
If people choose to have children late then they should take special care of them and prize the child as a gift,even if the child has special needs. Why kill her daughter? What could an 8 year old do to an adult to make them feel that way? Stories like this make me sick.
There is no happy ending. The father loses both his "mentally ill" wife and daughter.
Back on topic please.
Why are peop-le so quick to say this or say that about this mother without knowing the FULL facts to this case?
It would be best to find out a lot more before commenting so untill I do find out more I will leave on the above note.
RIP and help the mother.
That was an excellent post, I must say.
I see what you're saying about parents accepting the tremendous responsibility that comes with having children, but the rest of it? No. Just . . . no.
She probably thought, when she conceived, that this child was a "gift" as she may have stopped her menses for some time. Then she was faced with the horror of having created a child facing life in a highly competitive society where the stresses are great on even the talented and highly intelligent. To save the child a life of unhappiness she decided to end both their lives. Until we have dealt with the horror of having lived 8 years under this terrible stress and sorrow of this situation, we cannot make quick judgments.
You hear so much today about rights, like the right to reproduce, the right to bear arms, the right to vote, etc. I'd like to hear more about responsibilities.
The chance of having a "special needs" baby after 40 is about 10 times higher. To put this in context, this is the highest risk factor other than drinking heavily. People have no trouble telling people to quit drinking coffee because it might affect their baby (a laughably small increase in risk), but no-one dares to breathe a word of criticism when some ex-career woman decides at 42 or 45 that after conquering the corporate world she's ready to move on to the next item on her bucket list, having a baby. Why? Because it is her right.
Wake up call, it isn't a right. Having children is all responsibility and no rights. Your rights end when you have a child and are replaced entirely by the child's rights. If you believe differently then go and get sterilized now.
Excellent post ! I don't care what other people say, Japan is the wrong country when you have a child with "special needs". I admire the mother for doing her best under probably extremely stressful circumstances. It's a shame she suddenly "caved in" but even with "normal" children, it takes a heck of a lot out of a parent - especially a "single parent" - to bring them up "correctly". It's time Japan woke up and smelled the coffee...
Someone who's mature enough to realise that responsibilities are more important than rights.
You're right, and it is a crying shame that this is the case. There should be a test before the license though.
Great, I'm all for that too. But then women should be sterilized at 35 too if you're setting the bar that low (http://pediatricbioscience.com/publications/pdf/Pub17.pdf) . I set the bar at 40 because after that point there's a geometric rise in risk after that point.
Parents rights are subordinate to their children's. A simple story to illustrate. When I was a child I had a dog. I wasn't allowed to have breakfast until I had fed the dog. Likewise my parents didn't eat until I ate. It was a simple hierarchy, the most dependent people were cared for first. The dog couldn't make his own breakfast, he was reliant on me to make it for him, so he got fed first. Next my parents served my breakfast, and then themselves, because I was dependent on them.
So many parents that I see seem to think that being a parent means their rights are first and foremost. Wake up call, the CHILD'S rights are most important. If you're not prepared to sacrifice everything for your children then you shouldn't have them. That means sleep, food, and if necessary your life.
Who cares? She murdered her child! There is no valid excuse!
frungy, I dont know why your getting so many bads, what you say is completely correct. Truth hurts though,...
I don't think it is because of the age of the mother, many older women in many countries have given birth to children, and they don't go and kill them off. Yes some risks of birth defects resulting in special needs may occur, but I have seen many cases of young mothers giving birth to children with the same issues.
I think the larger issue would lay with the mental health of the person in this story. I wish we were given a little more background on the mother. I am just guessin, but I have seen that if the mother did have the child late in life, it was probably because she was either working for a career, or just being one of those so called Japanese women that we have seen repported on JT that may work, but spend their money of themselves with expensive clothes and travel, and after they have that "moment of truth" of wanting a baby and getting one, they find out that it is a lot harder than they thought, and are probably not ready mentally to deal with raising a child.
Indeed alpha, but not ONLY children. Having a baby at 45 and that baby being the youngest of 6 is completely different to this woman, who had her only child late in life, and is now forced to deal with the concequences of her own personal selfish choice.
An only child, an inexperienced, old and exhausted mother, grandparents probably either deceased or in ill health themselves, and no older siblings around to help? It sounds exhausting, and she was probably overwhelmed and lonely. There is a reason why nature intended us to have our family in our twenties and thirties. Of course birth defects exist in young women, but they are very rare. Also the abortion rate for younger women with a baby with downs syndrome is considerably lower than old mothers.
As you said though, Japanese women do treat babies like they do LV bags. Im also with you on the womens motive for having a baby so late.
Why is murder so often the choice? If its that bad, just walk away.
Perhaps, but is this an EXCUSE to murder your child. That was a fair rant, But your obvious anti male sentiment was strong throughout it.
This line indicates disgust for men and your feeling disgust towards gender roles.
Again disgust at the male gender. Mixed with Irony.
Suggesting that some how he is responsible for his wife's actions. "Perhaps" but more likely disgust for the male gender.
I really don't understand why these people always kill a family member whenever they experience a hard time. They should still be thankful that they can still live comfortably unlike in a third world country. Still, people from this third world country who suffered more than them never thought of killing their loved ones. I hope they will realize how lucky they are.
Stories like these are becoming more and more common. I think its a side effect of women having their first baby so late.
A 40+ year old having her first baby is more likely to experience depression and will find child rearing ( in terms of sleep deprivation, etc) much more difficult than a 25 year old. That combined with the real possibility of a disabled child, is often too much to cope with.
I really think Japan needs more children, but not children born to 40+ year old mothers - the risk of something going wrong (like this lady) is just too high. Lets make it easier for women to have their kids in their 20s, take a career break, and then go back to work. Lets make more nursery spaces, and give more financial help to young families. Lets encourage women to have their babies in their 20s, and change the norm of starting to try when you are 40.
I don't see what people are saying that mothers over 40 are the issue, in many countries this is happening, the problem is in other countries is that there is no time or you can't find the right person to have a child when younger. that is no reason to ban a mother from having children when japan has a declining birth rate in the first place.
as for this story, this is very sad, it looks like she couldn't take the stress and the mother had mental issues, 51 is still young, i have issue when i start seeing 65-75 year olds having children, what life do you give that child if you have them at 75, and you die 4 years later and they end up in adoption or worse.
I do not hope she gets the death sentence. As death was her goal that would make it easy on her. She should live out the rest of her life in prison knowing what she has done. This is a far more severe sentence. The death sentance should be reserved for criminals who have committed murder but want to continue to live. Murder+(failed)suicide should not get the death sentance.
Yes, because this is just one woman killing her child... oh, wait, there's been two this week, and another couple the week before that... Men have been thoroughly demonized and no-one said a word in their defense, while women are held up as ideals of caring and compassion. I was just setting the record straight. What's your excuse apart from behaving like a sheep?
Elbuda Mexicano
Very, very sad! I do hope and pray this 51 year old animal is given the death penalty!!
Marilita Fabie-Fujisawa
Because they have very low family ties and values, that's all I can say..it's like electricity..it's how your were brought up, it's how her parents were brought up, beside that, the disease of today..mental illness without being assesed or diagnosed.it wasn't like this in the old times, Japan has changed a lot including the closeness of family which shldnt be the case. I come from a third world country wherein children still show respect to elders inspite of poverty around them.