Police in Kumamoto city said they have arrested three people for forcing a woman to drink excessive amounts of water in order to exorcise demons from her. The 51-year-old woman subsequently died.
According to police, the incident occurred on June 21. Fuji TV reported that police arrested Eiko Noda, 81, a self-styled exorcist, her sister Keiko Kitayama, 77, and the victim's husband, Kosai Fukuda, 52, who is an associate professor at Sojo University.
Police said that Noda led a ceremony to perform an exorcism on Fukuda's wife, Rie. During the ceremony, Rie was forcibly held down while large amounts of water were poured down her throat. The victim was denied a break and choked to death.
According to police, Noda has been performing exorcisms for the last 30 years, and reportedly visited the Fukuda residence several years ago to ward out evil spirits that had been lingering in the home.
© Japan Today
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now evil spirit is locked-up in police custody, what about professor husband...still lecturing Sojo University students?
Numb skulls drowned her
weird cults/groups/individuals still alive and well in Japan
"Police in Kumamoto city said they have arrested three people for forcing a woman to drink excessive amounts of water in order to exorcise demons from her."
"the victim’s husband, Kousa Fukuda, 52, who is an associate professor at Sojo University"
hmmm highly educated.
"According to police, Noda has been performing exorcisms for the last 30 years, and reportedly visited the Fukuda residence several years ago to ward out evil spirits that had been lingering in the home."
"@RealityTV I have no idea if ghosts exist or not as the students believe, but until we have solid proof for it I would suggest a healthy dose of skepticism"
"What you're describing sounds a lot like the symptoms associated with sleep apnea. You might want to look into getting tested at a sleep laboratory."
Perhaps they should have taken the above advice...
Imagine them as your neighbours....
Would be interested to see videos of the woman to see how possessed she was.
Waterboarding came to mind as I read this.
you'd think that a professor would have more common sense than to believe in evil spirtis.
WTF! Is it 2014 or 1814?
Rickyvee et al. there are plenty of professors and the like who believe in all sorts of mumbo-jumbo (born again anyone??). although this does seem a pretty dumb thing to have happened. i wonder what signs she showed of being possessed?
Daniel Neagari
weird cults/groups/individuals still alive and well, every where in the world not only in Japan.
Mirai Hayashi
Waterboarding evil spirits..that'll show em!
NUTS ! !! ! ...
I have a neighbor who is mentally ill. We often hear her screaming at those evil spirits. She's constantly putting salt piles around her house. I was freaky at first, but she's harmless and we've gotten used to it.
Something tells me that's probably the case here. Disgusting.
The devil gains his first foothold when we cease to believe he exists.
Wtf is going on in Fukuoka these days with possessions and evil spirits. Guess it's not only in Tohoku, it's nationwide apparently.
Except that those that were water-boarded are still alive. This lady was drowned.
Such a painful way to go.
This was in Kumamoto, not Fukuoka.
Kyushu's not just one big prefecture... ; )
I can see a gap of heart in this tragedy.
I'm surprised there aren't more incidents like this, with so many Japanese women believing in ghosts and what not.
in whose name was he trying to cast out demons?
Not the first death by water during exorcism in Kumamoto, and probably not the last either. (Big case a few years back.) Why are these people allowed such a free hand?
So pouring water down her throat will drown the spirit? I didn't know spirits lacked swimming skills.
Paul Richards
What really is interesting is one person has mentioned the woman possibly had a mental illness. Self evident surely. Why is mental health difficult to discuss in an open forum in Japan?
exorcism huh, wheres the salt at?
This is sad on so many levels... 2014 people. Mental illness is treatable with science.
Mirai Hayashi
If I were his student, I would want my tuition back
WT.............. show us some evidence the devil exists, enough of these fairy tales already this is ridiculous! Amazing how blind people can be! Couple hundred years ago, fine but in 2014...............use your noodles people1
Michael Grant
The price of ignorance and superstition: it can get you killed!
Dennis Bauer
So self-styled exorcist means charlatan?