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© KYODOWoman stabbed in Fukuoka told police she had issues with ex-boyfriend
FUKUOKA©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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I called it!
That's exactly what it is, only your feeling based on your personal experience, as I said.
You have to back it up with data since you want to quantify it
Readers, please focus your comments on the story, and not statistics about crime in Japan.
In other words, when women say they are afraid, they are "just being emotional."
Now where have I heard that one before.
Your statements wildly exaggerates the extent of the crime situation from what you experience
StrangerlandToday 09:25 am JST
Exactly no one has said that Japan is a hellhole of crime. What was said is that comparisons are not only meaningless to the point of being nonsensical, but also insensitive. It was also said that comparisons are usually done a a knee-jerk reaction to defend Japan as a country, which again, is meaningless since patriotism has no place in this discussion.
I think keeping to the topic should include discussing these issues as they pertain to the people who experience them, instead of reaching outside the Japan context to include every other country.
If every discussion included these kinds of comparisons, no one who lives outside of war-torn, third-world, resource-poor, countries where starvation, murder, rape and suffering is a fact of every day life would ever be allowed to contribute to the discussion without being shouted down and told that where they live is actually better than other places.
It's a nonsense argument.
No matter how you feel about it Japan is number 3 in the safety and security index, your statements with no basis will not change that
I don't see myself living in Iceland or Norway so Japan is the safest place for me
Japan is #10 last year in the peace index, a general index for "peacefulness".
In the safety and security component of that index Japan is #3 behind Iceland and Norway
Really? I'm skeptical without references.
I brought you a number, bring me one that proves me wrong.
Prove that with references please.
What other country with any significant population is "safer"?
StrangerlandToday 05:59 am JST
I somehow don't think this dead woman and her family would really care that other countries have worse or better stats than Japan. I tend to think that they only care about the stalking and murder rate in Japan, since that is what effects them.
Why does everyone have this knee-jerk reaction to defend the country by comparing it with other countries? That's like telling people their experiences don't matter because what happens elsewhere to others is worse, which is not only insensitive to their pain, but stupid to boot since what happens elsewhere is of no relevance.
nondualismToday 05:48 am JST
Yes. And many foreign women have gone / still are going missing from bar districts and the police don't do a damn thing because most of them are sex workers. What is needed is an overhaul of the police, including more female officers and gender sensitivity training for the males. Women in Japan have to constantly worry they'll be groped or harassed in public or stalked with icing on the cake that the police do nothing.
In this case, she reported stalking and threats, and the police did nothing. They are worse than useless. They are pointless.
And how does this compare to other nations on a per-capita basis?
But if the number of deaths is significantly less in Japan to those nations being compared to, then the number in Japan would actually be significantly less.
Top ten:
Wow sad she reported it and ended up losing her life. Perhaps the police will find the ex but Police said they cannot contact him which means he probably killed himself!
This is extremely sad and extremely horrifying. Miki Kawano did not deserve this. In addition now her child is without a Mother. That parasite should receive the death penalty.
It makes absolutely no sense why a disagreement over marital issues such as divorce, custody, etc (I am assuming it is something like this as in many cases) has to lead to this kind of sick and disturbing act. Even if a relationship does not work out, why can’t someone just accept it and either move on or be friendly in some kind of fashion. There is no need for this kind of horrible and disturbing act just because a relationship did not work out. There is so much assistance out there (eg Family Therapists) regarding relationships and marital issues and as a result absolute no reason why someone has to resort to this kind of act.
Inaka Life
As I predicted this morning, it turns out that it was her ex stalking her and she had reported it to the police. This exact story plays out weekly here.
For those who keep spouting Japan is the safest country in the world? Not even close. In fact, it’s not even in the top 10 safest because of the amount of crime committed against women.
Another case where the suspect was reported, several times, and nothing was done. How many of these incidents have to happen before the laws are reformed and police stop being lackadaisical towards reported stalkers/abusers.
Sven Asai
While in rural, manufacturing or accommodation districts it is not so scary and maybe real fun?
Aly Rustom
I have to agree with this and pretty much everything else you said.
I felt safer in Vancouver than I ever felt in Japan. I have been trying to get my family to Canada with no luck so far. I personally feel that you and your family definitely made the right choice.
Yes, still the safest place statistically in the world. If I had to choose my wife to walk alone anywhere in the world, I would chose Japan.
The reason this is making news is that it isnt common.
I would agree.
So Police knew this information, and did nothing.
No surprise there.
Oh really? I would think guilty criminals would jump for joy when they get calls from unknown or police station numbers.............That's why you go on a manhunt fools! They don't ALL voluntarily show up in front of your local koban......
And all they still have is this p*$$ poor description to go with.............30's to 50's........................
well, if I had one yen for every story that started or ended like this, I'd be as rich as ABE..............was
so you condone murder?
recommend Hakata. Great people, great food, thriving red light district.
Agreed. Weaksauce. Can't make a point- reach for the ol Mental take.
6 mos of testin stilll came out sane for Duct tape musket to the back guy.. Once in a lifetime thing. That kinda screams way more criminally NOT sane. Stalker stabber rage and wife child beatings= absolutely nothing new.
Mentally not sane. Prove it.
" 50 People Witnessed the crime, but no one did anything about it".
Not really. To be found sane or not, requires an examination by doctors over multiple interactions, observing the pereson's behavior. Then they put together a justification in one direction or the other, based on the observations (aka facts) they saw during the observations.
Any person in the Japanese legal system has the right to put forward an argument of criminally sane, which will lead to an evaluation.
It's silly to call this an opinion.
Three goals
Wow! I used to live in Fukuoka. That type of incident is rare.
Anybody who would murder another human being could be considered to be mentally ill to some extent or another. The question is whether or not they are mentally competent to know what they did was wrong. In almost all cases, they do.
Except research indicates that the death penalty doesn't deter murder.
It does, however, punish the murderer in a manner befitting their crime, which many consider a good thing.
There is zero evidence the culprit here is mentally ill. Most murderers are found to be sane, and kill for all manner of reasons- jealousy, revenge, personal gain, etc. As an aside, most murder victims in Japan are women, which is quite rare in the world.
Hope they catch the killer ASAP.
Rest in Peace to the poor woman.
Lemmie guess......"She wanted to break up with me so I stabbed her, but I didn't intend to kill her!"
I forsee this playing out:
I wanted to date her but she said no, so I got angry.
Another man-baby who couldn't deal with rejection.
Got to reimpose the Death Penalty even for a first time or a single killing or we will continue to more killings / stabbings.
Not likely. More likely people are reading it more and then deciding it is increasing. This is how the brain reacts to information that it perceives as a potential future threat - pay more attention to/for it. It's also why the internet is damaging for most people, because no human's brain is equipped to deal with the fear created from hearing the news of the entire planet.
Seems like mental illness is growing around the world given all of these crazy attacks happening with more frequency
Inaka Life
Another day, another violent act of male aggression against a female victim in ‘safety’ Japan.
No doubt we’ll find out that this woman was being stalked by her ex, had contacted the police about it, and was left to be murdered without any action being taken.
Hakata is a great place and this is such an anomoly for the area. Given the amount of cameras in the area, hopefully they'll catch this coward quickly!
Michael Machida
Whoever did this had a reason but is a person who is mentally ill for sure. Terrible.
Catch him soon, send him to gallows !!..
No doubt they have street cameras and this loon will be caught quickly. Sadly, it is more likely to be another jilted lover murder than a random attack.